except those dragon skins which just got reduced to 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG!!!!!!!!! I spent 4 hours grinding for them, and I got 7, and I had to buy the rest, and now they only need three?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? I think blizzard should refund the money to all locks who paid for 35.
Anyway, OP - your 60 mount is cheaper (especially with only needing three... /glare at blizzard), but it also takes alot longer. Not to mention finding people to help you in DM West, which no one wants to do anymore. It comes down to time vs. money. If you have the time, go do your quest line as it's cheaper. If you don't have the time, or you're just lazy, buy your mount. Personally I did the quest line so that I can lol at all the other locks who bought a mount :)