Ok this is the scoop. Had a rogue ninja an axe from our tank in BRD. So everyone left. So I report the ninja to his guild and a lvl 70 warrior said, "I can tank that for you guys cause we cant do anything to him." I said, "fair enough." Happy that we were actually gonna get completely through the run for the first time. i get a group together. had me lvl 54 BM hunter, a lvl 70 warrior, 55 priest, a 53 rogue and a 51 hunter from the 70's guild, he asked to bring him. No prob right? well... you all know the tunnel that leads to the giant? If you remember its full of groups. 5 mobs per group, and at least 9 down the hall. well we killed the first crew. but then mr leroy says, " lets hurry this up a bit. (BTW he is tanking DW) He pulls the group 2nd nearest the boss, without killing the other groups on the other side of the hall, and then when it gets hot i tell him pull them back so i have time to kill the adds... what does he do... oh crap im gonna die. casts AoE fear... OMG! then All i see is like 40 mobs running my way... i say priest Im sorry but we are all gonna die... Feign Death. watch the warrior get mowed over then the priest, then the rogue and the lvl 51 hunter. I said... now can we plz try it my way? again... same thing I pull it half way down the hall he does the same thing. Charge. AoE fear everyone but me dies. the party died 7 times at that part(I died 2 times). all due to this warrior who blamed it on our 55 priest. saying she wasnt healing him good enough. I said how do u expect her to heal you shes lvl 55. your lvl 70 with 9k HP. Can anyone say Leroy Jenkins brother maybe?