im not entirely certain what the point of this post is.
this isnt the oboards. those are
youll notice the FAQ up on top of all this. its a work in progress. i have taken it upon myself to write the pvp part, and the esteemed RPZip is doing what he can in his free time to fill out the rest. but theres a LOT to do, and the key term here is "free time". something neither of us have much of, between college, life, work, and various other non-forum related things.
but im nothing else if not a storyteller. you want a story? heres a good one for ya:
AB weekend ended yesterday (monday) so my guild and i got together, 10 of us or so, and Qed up. we had a very unbalanced group. 4 wars, a rogue, a lock, 2 mages, a hunter, and one priest. the five pgus we ended up getting were 2 wars, 2 mages, and another rogue. thats right; 15 people, 1 healer.
we've done this AB thing before. so i tell our rogue and one of my war guildies that we're gonna charge the farm. we get there to find three horde defending it, a hunter, a mage, and a paladin. the hunter marks the rogue, and i know this will make doing stuff a lot harder for my rogue buddy, so i decide to take it upon myself to "distract" the hunter. and when i say distract, i mean smash him in the face with a large blunt object. so i dismount and start running towards him, and the hunter notices me and starts running towards me.
hunters gonna shoot me and stop the charge right? nuh uh. im a nelf. shadowmeld is all about the mind f*ck man. so as soon as the hunter targets me, i shadowmeld. the hunter runs forward, de-targets me, stands there for a second, befuddled, and then gets charged in the face by a very angry night elf. a quick hamstring and a switch into zerker stance and i tab target the mage standing about a dozen yards behind the hunter. the hunter has by now completely forgot about my rogue buddy, thanks to the tiny bundle of rage that is my gnome war buddy who came to farm with us. the mage begins winding up a polymorph, so i intercept.
"gg" the mage thingk. a war who intercepts before the mage blinks = dead, right? thats what the mage he blinked....right into the loving arms of my rogue friend who was positioned just perfectly for a cheap shot -> cold blood mutilate. the mage responds by dropping his internal organs all over the now well-fertilized fields of the farm, taking two steps, and gasping the last few breaths life before the darkness sets in.
while this is happening, im hobbling my wing-clipped self (stupid trinket nerf) back to the hunter to aid my midget friend in the face-smashing. with the mage down, our rogue restealths and begins making his way to the paladin. much to our surprise, the paladin was long gone, as she had run from the farm house all the way to the gate at the defilers den.
and ultimately thats what i like about group pvp. a hunter, paladin, and mage vs three very kiteable classes should have won easily. but a little planning and some keen maneuvering brought us the win. we 5-capped that game, and much to our surprise we found out we won vs another partial premade of nine horde from another server in our battle group. they brought six healers with them; three paladins, two priests, and a shaman. this wasnt enough to overcome our leet one healer setup, despite the fact that almost 1/2 of our total BG members were warriors, while they had at least two hunters (both noobmastery spececd!) as well as a trio of mages, two of them frost. lots of kiting and healing vs lots of kite-susceptible classes, both sides "pre-made" and we pulled it off.
Edited, May 29th 2007 5:38am by Quor