Well , to begin with , I wouldn't put 2/2 Imp. SS AND 1/1 Hemo.Make your choice ^^
Now this build doesn't look creepy to me , but I wouldn't go for it.I understand that you want to both PvE and PvP , so I'd probably go for 30/0/31 (Hemo or daggers depending of your gear).I couldn't play without my 16 "cookie and butter" Assass points (Malice , Evisc , Ruth , Lethality and Relentless strikes).
Or you might try a Mutilate build which works decent in both PvP and PvE.
You seem to have a Fist weap as a MH (5/5 FW spec) , so maybe I'd go 30/0/31 Hemo.I did that when I got my Vindicator's Brand (well it's a Sword but it's the same spirit) , and it was OK.Not the best , but OK.