Hello my fellow hunters,
i have a lvl 69 troll hunter atm: Shazzle on Bronzebeard(EU)
but that's irrelevant =)
the reason i made this topic is about the amount of people who whine about my/our class.
i recently visited Youtube and video.google and watched a pretty neat video of a lvl 70 troll hunter who did quite some dmg in EoTS.
these were the kind of responses he got:
You really suck and this video sucks. You just stand about and multishot the zerg. Yawn.
well not a good hunter when he got melee dps he do few sec nothing then he runs but he will got owned if his mate weren't there only auto shot and aimed shot is not a god skill .....
anyone can sit back and multi shot into a crowd... wasn't even any good 1v1s
responds like these really **** me off,what else should a hunter do besides take distance and DPS? run into a crowd and AoE or Ambush a person? /end sarcasm.
When i get into a situation where I have to melee i place a trap too and get the hell outa there,take distance and shoot some heads.
Also the massive amount of people saying that hunters need a nerf...Why? i just need 1 good reason why we should be nerfed and i'll shut up...our dps is moderate against casters and rogues ,i think the main reason people want a nerf is that they can't beat a hunter in PvP.
well that's it..i cleared my head a bit.
Hope I made some points that you people agree on.