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How to fight in the BGs to your fullest potentail as a lockFollow

#1 May 13 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Default
Ok ok so everyone is complaining about fear and its many nerfs, I was one of them until I decided to change BG strategies.

So now im using a succy (Im affliction) and using seduce on all my enemies before I use DoTs because they will interupt it, so then I cast curse of elements and soulfire and re seduce then curse of shadows and shadowbolt then just corruption then fear to get them away apply the rest of my DoTs then they will die unless they can heal if they can just curse of tonges and DONT waste a fear until they start to heal, if its a pally then well its going to be a long fight if they bubble lol.

ok now hunters are hell unless you are REALLY smart dot them up DO NOT attack pet at all if you get to low hp then use deathcoil but after you put on your DoTs just drain life like mad if you do that you will lose minimal health and the hunter will get lower and lower on hp, now if there pets owning you just howl of terror to take care of that and finish of the hunter, not easy but doable.

ok now theres another strategy for people with curse of exhastion, on the melee clases use curse of exhastion and then coruption and siphon life then run and get about 30 yards distance from them then immolate, keep the curse of exhastion up and it should be cake, yes it takes long but it will own them.

Ok so i hope that helps for all you people complaining about fear, use fear but just dont overuse it. We can easily win without fear though, use it to interupt or to get the person off your back, also 1 more thing if you get cheap shotted by a rogue start clicking like mad on the howl of terror hopefully if u are speced for it it will be instant if not you are screwed, so when the cheap shot wears off then the insta howl will go off then just curse of exhastion and DoT yay easy as pie.

Edited, May 14th 2007 12:58pm by Mylockpwnz

Edited, May 14th 2007 3:43pm by Mylockpwnz
#2 May 13 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
#3 May 13 2007 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
ummmmmmmm yeah if u r destro unless u r 70 and pvping then i sugest u respec, also demo sucks for pvp compared to affliction, the felgaurd is kick **** but still it lacks in pvp. So most people lvling to 70 are affliction. ******

also affliction is actually the best pvp build and 70% of locks use it b4 lvl 45 then half of them go demo, so this advice is for the bests pvp tree affliction, destro isnt actually that great for pvp, its more raid oriented. So i recomend you shut your mouth and stop acting like a noob typinglikethis.

And heres a link to the best pvp AND raid build endless mana and high damage

Now if you dont have at least 15% crit without talents then skip ruin and get unstable, BUT if you do then go for ruin with talents it will be 20%crit i sugest u get a lot of crit gems, with that you can compleatly destroy anyone. With 10% damage to shadowbolts through talents high crit chance huge crits and fast casting times, its to good to be true, plus DoTs and other great stuff, mana eficiency and 3 more spells, take that full destro.

Edited, May 13th 2007 3:24pm by Mylockpwnz
#4 May 13 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
#5 May 13 2007 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
So i recomend you shut your mouth and stop acting like a noob typinglikethis.

Tbh i wanted to write that whole post as 1 single row.. but the spam filter did not lett me... it's late at night here .. and im tired.. adn when i see a block of text the size of my screen without any clear delimitations between paragraphs.. i tend to become "crancky" ^_^ that is some tiresome thing to read.. and he had edited the post too.. so O_o..... i just said a "enter" here adn tehre wouldn't hurt
Sice u know nothing about me i dont see the reason to call me a noob.. since noob-hood(??) has nothing to do with what i did here...
unless u r 70 and pvping then i sugest u respec

FYI i am 70.. and i am destro. and i like to pvp.. but i do everything with my build(instance, pvp, arenas, farming) cose i learned to play it to some extent... i'm by no means the best lock... but i manage. But i have exp with all spec.. i lvl-ed as affliction til 44ish then respect Demonology 'til 56. Then until 65 i leveled as destruction.. full destruction and i loved it... at 65-70 i was aff once again... at 70 changed specs until i settled for the one i have now...

With 10% damage to shadowbolts

look up Emberstorm + Shadow and Flame
high crit chance huge crits and fast casting times

i have the same crit chance.. we have the same talents 'till ruin u know...

if we're talking pvp.. you are dead before your dots do they stuff... (dont forget shadow ward) and oh yeah.. everybody loves NP..

if we're talinkg raiding.. tbh i dont have time to raid... (shame on me so no raid exp.. but i hear its good)
but in instance it rules(again for me).. and i get enough from Soul Leach to kepp me satisfied and able to tap .. im doing pritty fine.. i have been all specs.. this is the one that suits me best it has limitatiosn.. but boy do i love it

3 more spells

are u reffering to 3 more spells than a destro lock?.. actually there are 4 from the affl tree.. take a closer look... oh yeah.. Destros get confl and shadowfury.. but who's counting.. right?.........
take that full destro

its all a matter of taste..

oh yeah.. and i was tefering to the fact that the OP said in teh title "the way to beat xyz without fear".. but only from the afflition pov.. i just pointed out that demon adn destro locks don't have iHoT or CoEx......

And heres a link to the best pvp AND raid build

I don't doubt you that thsi is the OMFGWTF<place whatever words u want here>..... build ever.. but there are others too... and no, destro is not THE BEST build out there... the best build is the one that u know how to play and the one that makes u happy to log on your lock..

(nice mature nick tbh....) stop being so frustrated.. take off your horse glasses and be more open minded

P.S. i did not say anything about demon locks.. i dont findthem so attractive.. so illet a tru demon lover to tell u what's teh ups and downs of that build too.
#6 May 13 2007 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
Only problem I see with the OP is that he is assuming that the fight is 1 vs 1. How often does that happen in BG? Not that often. In world PvP and duels perhaps, but other than that it doesn't work.
#7 May 13 2007 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
HEy, what's funny is that I've got almost that exact spec (no amp curse, 5/5 contagion, and Imp HS instead of Embrace), and while it is the sh*t for raiding, undoubtedly, in BG and arena PvP it's severely lacking in burst damage. A x/x/41 lock is going to do much better in those settings because he will be able to put up much bigger numbers, he's just unable to sustain them. However, when you're talking about 3 minute battles, where you can blow it all, who cares?

Also, I love how the guy posting guides is a lowbie with no actual EXPERIENCE to back up his ideas.

Edited, May 13th 2007 11:53pm by Loki
#8 May 13 2007 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
sorry i posted 4 times on accedent pc bugged out

Edited, May 13th 2007 9:48pm by Mylockpwnz
#9 May 13 2007 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default

Edited, May 13th 2007 9:49pm by Mylockpwnz
#10 May 13 2007 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default

Edited, May 13th 2007 9:50pm by Mylockpwnz
#11 May 13 2007 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default
Yeah while it does less damage in raids you can go a LOT longer without rest so thus more damage. And pvp wise i really think the build i linked is better than full destro, the reason being that with curse of exhastion and siphon life you can kite all melee clases with ease and destroy them,

so while you do more damage as destro you go oom a lot faster so if that happpens when u r fighting a lifetap means your screwed dark pact is MUCH safer, and being destro limits fear because almost any DD spell will break it. All in all pvp fights will usually take a lot longer than pve so the dots are much more valuable than burst damage, if you are outnumbered with that spec u can go down with honor by doting everyone and doing massive damage to them,

with the affliction tree the damage on the dots is a lot more with sm contagion and empowered corruption.So heres how i break it down, mages have about the same hp as us when we are in all + damage gear, so the reason mages fail and die so fast in pvp (not that mages suck there damage is amazing) is becuase they have to stay in place for all there spells, yes they have spells to get them at range but still,with a lock u can seduce and nuke casteres down without taking damage, or just dot fear and get off a nuke,

destro would have to spend more time getting off the dots, so pretty much its curse of agony or elements immolate conflag immo incenerate or SB rince repeat BUT you have to stay still while doing it which makes it a lot harder especially when fighting melee clases.

plus in order to do good next fight you have to eat or drink, destro is amazing damage but its very mana inefective, as affliction i can go into a pvp fight with half hp/mana and still destroy them, casters are a joke against locks, and melee is cake for affliction.

so pretty much its down to this between destro and affliction if you want to destroy casters faster go destro, if you want to destroy melee and casters affliction is the way mostly because of instant dots and our fear has a 20% longer range as do are dots.

Hope this helped anyone. Also technomage u r acting like an *** and you probably dont have a lock (i can tell by your name you fool TeachnoMAGE) your making an argument out of nothing you quoted my with 10% damage to shadowbolts which by the way i was showing what u get out of the spec, u said look up shadow and flame and emberstorm wtf? u have to compleatly spec different for that and change your play style,

im guessing u r a mage whos eye caught the how do destroy anyone in pvp thread mostly because mages cant do that (no offence to mages, i have a mage myself they are awsome) so u decided to make this post seem like a joke with your pointless comments, dont say you are a warlock you arent, stop posting here please, just because locks destroy mages most of the time dosent meen you have to trash my pvp advice thread. so please stop. also

Lern2spellzoktyverymuchanddontquotemynamelookatyours /laugh

Edited, May 14th 2007 1:05pm by Mylockpwnz
#12 May 13 2007 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
you moron.. u said that u have more + shadow to your SB from you affliction talents, right?.. and i just pointed out that destro locks have the same thing for fire.. what's your problem?
have to compleatly spec different for that

not different.. u need to spec destruction.. which was the disscussion all about..

i like being a fire lock. Oh and my SB pwn too...

And just so u know i have all classes.. my lock being may main and i have a priest rogue shamy hunter in the 40-49 bracker and a mage and a war in the 20-29..

p.s. Technomages are a race of people very advanced (technologicaly) that like to play arround with their skills so that to the untrained eye it seems magical.. hence techno(technology)-mage. Babylon 5 was the best ^_^

Edited, May 14th 2007 7:56am by Tehnomage
#13 May 13 2007 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
Mylockpwnz wrote:
Ok ok so everyone is complaining about fear and its many nerfs, I was one of them until I decided to change BG strategies.


What I want to know is why, if you are "destroying everyone", you are asking which talent is better for PvP? Obviously, it's whatever you're running.

Edited, May 14th 2007 12:12am by ohmikeghod
#14 May 14 2007 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
172 posts
What I want to know is why, if you are "destroying everyone", you are asking which talent is better for PvP? Obviously, it's whatever you're running.

all i have to say is: OMG.. Ty ty ty ty ty for pointing this post out. now i have an ideea about who i am talking to.. a lvl 48 O_o... so..
(i just love this name) u need to shut up and crawl back underr your rock.. 'cose u have 0 exp as a lvl 70 lock ... so goodbye and i dont wanna see you arround here giving advice on a uber lvl 70 omfgpwn.......(bla bla bla) build 'till u are 70(hopefully not even then)
case closed from my pov

ohmikeghod ty so very much...

Edited, May 14th 2007 1:03pm by Tehnomage
#15REDACTED, Posted: May 14 2007 at 4:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The OP is smart, way to go mate.
#16 May 14 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
OP, I want to thank you for going from no caps and no punctuation to at least using those. Honestely, that's a great first step.

I also noticed that you dropped the habit of starting posts with "ok ok" ("yo," "ok like hears the deal, (sic)" and "so" are other crutch openers - which you might think makes you sound cool (I think M&M - er, Eminem? - opens every one of his raps with something like this), but it doesn't).

Your next step is to break up text by using paragraphs and drops lines.


When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read. When you jam a lot of sentences together using tiny internet fonts, it's very hard to read.

It's no fun to read something that looks like that. Break your posts up into chunks. It's less stressful for others to read, and it looks better. Trust me, there are good reasons for "teh basik rools uv ritin'." Thanks.

Edited, May 14th 2007 3:05pm by IponemaGirl
#17 May 14 2007 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
Ok yeah im lvl 48 omfg no one listen to me. Only listen to the lvl 70s who are asking for talent spec help AND posting there thoughts on threads "Gasp".

My strategy does not work at all, please dont use it unless you like to win against anyone in BGs plz,and if destro is so great for pvp i look forward to seeing your destro pvp strategy thread.

And ty bronx for being the only one who actually took note of how well this strategy works, and i promise you two other fools complaining about my thread that a lot of new locks and well experienced locks got something out of my thread.

Affliction is the best for pvp i have killed many destro locks around my lvl with ease just shut it and try this on a test server to see how good it works.

And lol ty impona for pointing out the spacing,this is my first long post (and first post on this site) so yeah that helped :)

Edited, May 14th 2007 1:10pm by Mylockpwnz
#18 May 14 2007 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Mylockpwnz wrote:
So now im using a succy (Im affliction) and using seduce on all my enemies before I use DoTs because they will interupt it, so then I cast curse of elements and soulfire and re seduce then curse of shadows and shadowbolt then just corruption then fear to get them away apply the rest of my DoTs then they will die unless they can heal if they can just curse of tonges and DONT waste a fear until they start to heal, if its a pally then well its going to be a long fight if they bubble lol.

The only problem with this strategy is, after you apply your dots and seduce again, the first tick will interupt seduce. Curse of Elements, then soulfire... instant cast, 1.5 global cd, then 4 sec for soulfire (With talents). Guess what, seduce has diminishing returns, and every tick of your dots will break it, so that means seduce wont work as you think it will. By the time you get your soulfire off (and that is, IF you get soulfire off), the player will be on you, and thats it. Maybe you should try fear, then Curse of elements, then soulfire. Once Fear breaks DOT him up, fear him again, Move on.

As a full afflic lock myself, I find that I am backing up my team, fearing as needed, DOTing up everyone, making sure the healer stays alive, making sure key players dont get the beating of thier life, and so on. While posting, please consider that this is NOT the only option while PVPing, and people like to use different builds. Punctuation and complete sentances are key for posting also, while grammer and spelling should be natural after, what, 2nd or 3rd grade?

One more thing, please do not waste space on the board where people actually ask for help and do not start rambling on about one or two experiences in BG's, because it seems that is all the experience that you possess.

Thank you..
#19 May 14 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
Ask any long term or major PvP Lock. That has PvPed for a long time. Most of them will tell you destro is the way to go. why you may ask? Well simply because there is a lot of extra burst DMG and high crits. Think about the Immolate, CoA, and Spamming Searing pain two or three times until you can Conflag, then Shadowburn them down. If they even live through that..... you can wand them twice before they finally fall. But being in BG's affliction doesn't really help. the mana support that affliction gived doesn't really help when your dyinbg and coming back with full mana/health anyways. In BG's your not to last forever or even be able to take 5 people at once. Which in reality people everyday try to accomplish. So if you can't be the ultimate badass and best. then just become a very good player with good skills that almost all the time out DMG people. I've seen Locks at the top Killing blows and the Top DMG charts all the time. Not because they were affliction that's for damn sure. But because they had so much Burst DMG it was almost sickening. My Lock is full destro, has been the whole time lvling. I only PvP with my Lock. I only lvl to get to the next bracket up. Anyways the only other class that beats me oin killing blows and DMG sometimes are the hunters. Affliction may be a good drain tanking spec or even a good raiding spec. But you have to see the very great ups and burst DMG to destro for PvP. Again I am only talking about PvP here. remember Conflag and then shadowburn are two instant cast that do huge amounts of DMG.
#20 May 14 2007 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
OK, I need to tip my hat to you Mylockpwnz, then eat it. usualy fokls to not reply in a reasonable manor, and i commend you on not flying off the handle, it speaks volumes about you as a person(in the good way).

But, keep in mind that WoW is two games(for most of us)it is leveling to the cap, then the game starts(this is less so with twinks and TBC and the like). For example i have a lock that spent almost 2 years at level 60 waiting for the X pac, but it only took me 2-3 mo to get to that level. So, to those who are not new to the game we are very aware that one stragaty or an other works at diffrent points in the game due to a diffrences in class maturity(how fast they get their skills). That dose not make them Solid stragaties across the board.

For exaple you stated how to destroy ANYONE in PvP, even went the 9 yards of capping every letter to realy show us that it is ANYONE that you can beat in PvP. but your tatic will not work on every player, unfortunaly we all jumped on the bandwagon and started barking(the thred headder is kind of aggro) and rather than explaining folks got snippy.

So now im using a succy (Im affliction) and using seduce on all my enemies before I use DoTs because they will interupt it, so then I cast curse of elements and soulfire and re seduce

So right here, any shaman with a tremmor totem can break your charm(and there is more than one way to break charm), so how is that everybody?


ok now theres another strategy for people with curse of exhastion, on the melee clases use curse of exhastion and then coruption and siphon life then run and get about 30 yards distance from them then immolate, keep the curse of exhastion up and it should be cake, yes it takes long but it will own them.

A warrior can intercept/hamstring a rogue/Druid can dash/sprint,a pally can use BoF to shake it, or even a Free action Potion.

Guss what i am getting at is that sure theese tatics work some times, VS some targets,but thats not what the thred is called.

The reason you do not get the "Respect" due to your level is well, narrow focus. would you take a look at a post from a level 5 lock who claims to have the game figured out and not question him? I mean at level 70 a player has seen a lot more than at your level, speicaly with the new 60-70 skills, for example CloS, the new rogue skill that shakes all DoT's and makes them "Vritualy Immune" to spell casting for 4 seconds, now folks sometimes scoff at a tatic because they are aware of a way arround it, a way that is common knowlage for those at the level cap.

No that dose not make the poseter any "Better" by any means that they are level 70, but at the same time keep in mind they maybe, just maybe have some insight on what happes past your level.

I got ya that it dose not take fear to win a PvP fight, otherwise locks would not still be one of the most powerfull classes in the game(PvP wise), but when you tell folks you can beat ANYONE you may get some foks who think you not terribly smart, because they can come up with a person you CANNOT beat(NP Lock for example, would be a horrible fight for you, using this tatic.)

Edited, May 14th 2007 4:55pm by Capitolg
#21 May 14 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Vehem wrote:
But being in BG's affliction doesn't really help.

Have you ever tried affliction? If not, you do not know.

Vehem wrote:
I've seen Locks at the top Killing blows and the Top DMG charts all the time. Not because they were affliction that's for damn sure.

Really? So when you die, your dmg stops. But as affliction, when I die, my dmg continues on. Why you may ask, because I DOT up everyone I see, Dark Pact to get mana back, then continue. So when I do die, my dmg continues to rack up, Where-as desto locks, while they do have awesome dmg, thier dmg stops when they die.

Now dont get me wrong, I have tried desto with PVP, and the dmg output was awesome, but I still top dmg charts as an affliction lock. Maybe its just knowing how to play your build. But please do not compare if you have never tried out another tree, and as you said, you lvl'ed up as desto. Take some time out, try the different builds, then you may come back and talk about the differences.
#22 May 14 2007 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Side note, if you farm Killing Blows, or use Killing Blows in BG as a status of your "Skill" then you loose ; specialy if you think that all KB are done by non peiridoc damage(non DoTs).

Firstly very few BG kills are a one man job, counting your "success" by KB means you do not understand how a KB works, or even what it is.

Note:SM/Ruin is nieither a Distruco or affliction build, yet it rocked BG for 1½ years, put that in a pipe and smoke it.(my point is that folks need to wake up and understand that their is very litte "One Way" to much of anything in this game)
#23 May 14 2007 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Capitolg wrote:
Firstly very few BG kills are a one man job, counting your "success" by KB means you do not understand how a KB works, or even what it is.

I absolutly agree, if you try to one-man it in BG's you will not last long, team work is key, and if I can make it easier for others to kill the enemy, then my job is done. DOTing everyone up makes it easier for others, since the periodic dmg of my DOT's will be killing them slowly, less hp, means less time to live. But I do not look at kb's, just if our side wins, and the total dmg.
#24 May 14 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
Oh no. I wasn'tsaying Affliction wasn't the right way to spec in. I was just stating that destro had a lot of ups for crits. if you took 10 locks and put them in PvP Bg's and 5 were affliction and 5 were destuction, the destruction players get more KB, and DMG faster and efficent. Affliction racks up points while dead I know. believe me I've dotted everyone and just let myself die knowing that the DMG would keep going. i'm not putting down affliction at all. I've tried it for a little while when I was around 35. But I didn't really enjoy it as much as Destro. It really depends on his playing preference. My personnal preference is that Destruction is more enjoyable and doable in PvP. Only becuase I liked the higher crits and the DMG output from nukes. Your completely right about affliction having it's ups with dark pact and siphon life. However, to top charts on and on and on with the Hunter's and rogues Destruction allows this to be done with the high nukes and crits. Gives a few more instant casts that have high dmg output.
#25 May 14 2007 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
On another side note. you guys don't care about killing blows or DMG huh? Doesn't mean anything now huh? Ok, then the advice from you idiots should be dont spec at all, join a BG, and if you win then your a winner and you got zero kills and zero DMG. lmao....

The whole point of Battleground's ladies is to see how much kills you can get and how much DMG you can do WHILE you wrokg hard to beat the other opponent. Don't be silly and act like the BG's is not for seeing who can get the highest crits, and dmg, and kills. If that was not the case then Blizzard woulnd't have even implemented a couter to record and keep track of that information. It would simple just keep track of the initial objective.

I'm not trying to sound like a jerk but come on and be honest. BG's is for people who like to do a lot of DMG and kill others. Of course you want to be high in kills and DMG. Or course you want to win. The best way to winning is to keep your opponent in the GY for as long as pobbile, and to put him back as fast as possible. The Nukes from Destro give you a faster advantage of doing this. Sure you can last a bit longer as an affliction lock but your still going to die. As the OP stated you can not win as a one man show. If you have some good people back you up. Nuke the **** outta people and if the healing classes actually heal then great guess what your still in it for more. So before you start blasting my opinion remember it was just an opinion. I did not say it was the end all be all solution here ladies. Get with it and get some knowledge.
#26 May 14 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
On another side note. you guys don't care about killing blows or DMG huh? Doesn't mean anything now huh?

Nope i care about winning.

Im not trying to sound like a jerk

But you are doing such a good job of it.

The whole point of Battleground's ladies is to see how much kills you can get and how much DMG you can do

So Priest are totaly useless in BG?
Hey i though the point was to WIN, but appernetly Bliz fired the developers who told us the point was to win then truned arround and hired a forum poster to change the objective.

post some more, it is kind of funny.

Edited, May 14th 2007 5:44pm by Capitolg
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