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Rolled a War and am now stuck, help please!Follow

#1 May 13 2007 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
Heya all,

Before you flame me, please understand that I have read the FAQ that is stickied. Problem is, I'm not too sure if it's current (with patches and what not). I've also played many on MMO but am still getting the "advanced" WoW tactics, strategies, and what not down. I like to think I'm not an idiot, but I do like to make informed decision on how I play my characters. On to the important part of this post.

So, I've rolled a Warrior (tauren to be specific), leveled to 16, and got stuck. I really wanted to try something new (have a lvl 59 hunter) and was going to tank instances and PvP. So, with that in mind, could I maybe get some advice? Here's what I need help with, or links to posts that give good and current info.

What spec should I look into? I'm assuming that I will probably want to spec Prot for instance tanking, but will that work for PvP?

I pretty much am gearing for as much armor with +Str, +Sta, +Agi I can since I really can't do +AP or +Crit or anything like that. Right or wrong?

I have a Duo buddy who rolled a Druid for the healing plus versatility of being able to switch forms and lay the smack down when necessary. We pretty much will always been in the same instance run so I have a reliable healer, and as such can get some tactics in. Anything you guys would recommend?

I've prof'ed into Smithing/Blacksmithing. Good choice? I like to do Prof's that will help me and my guild. I love making Leather gear for my guild with my hunter.

Well, thank you for the help if you do choose to input some advice.
#2 May 13 2007 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 26 warrior right now and gotta say arms tree is doing best for me.
If you keep your gear up to date you shouldn't have a problem tanking instances.
The only time i would spec to prot is lvl 70 instances, up until then 2h tanking or if your healer asks you to sword and board will help alot I do have to add i took 5 in cruelty just because i like to pvp and 5% crit is invaluable to me.

Try it out for yourself, your playstyle is what determines your talents.
I have a priest that i always duo with so i get heals/shields and some pretty good damage done to the mob on top of 2h crits usually things go down very quickly before they do any real dmg.

If your having issues holding aggro try using heroic strike, i know its not advised to use because then you don't generate rage but it does create some very high threat and will usually get mobs off your healer pretty quick.

If you have questions about gear i'd say check wow loot, i bought a searing blade just because the 70 dmg proc will go off rend, hamstring, execute, it procs off of basically every skill i use.
#3 May 13 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
Allright, the poster above touched on certain important parts of being a Warrior, but gave some... controvercial advice.

The Protection tree is NOT useful for leveling. Not at all. You simply won't have any damage output compared to either of the other two trees. It is created for damage mitigation while applying massive amounts of threat onto one or several targets. The ultimate tank build. The downside? You can't kill anything yourself.

This does not mean you can't tank as Arms or Fury. You just won't be ultimate. You will be more than adequate. Arms is mainly for those huge crits, and for PvP. It is good for leveling, but some find it lacking in the leveling department. This is because Arms rely too much on hitting your enemy almost every time, and on crits. Don't underestimate the tree, but not everyone finds it easy to level with.

Fury on the other hand, is the easy way to level. Get yourself two nice onehanders, and start smacking things around. You will have high rage generation while keeping yourself alive. When you reach higher talents, you will find yourself having little or no downtime. You will have some decent self healing, and you will be doing massive damage. But you won't be seeing those huge massive numbers you will see when playing Arms.

Both Arms and Fury will tank more than well enough. But here is where the poster above made a mistake:

Don't tank while dualwielding or using a two-hander. It might work, but it simply isn't effective. You will be using twice as much of your healers mana to keep yourself alive. Remember, when you are tanking, your job is NOT to do damage, it is to soak up damage. Use a onehander with a shield for tanking, and the instance will go so much smoother and with less downtime.

After you are comfortable with the threat mechanics, and group mechanics, you might be able to start experimenting with twohanders and dualwielding. But until then, use a shield and one hander.

Hope this helps, and don't hesitate to ask if you are curious about something.
#4 May 13 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
354 posts
The information on the FAQ is up to date for everything you would need to level. RPZip did a great job with it and the only changes recently have really affected end-game stuff. DO NOT level up trying to tank. Level up efficiently and learn to tank in a DPS spec, it will make you a better end-game tank.
#5 May 13 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Everybody seems to say that Prot spec warriors have trouble leveling, but I haven't had much problem. (I'm a 28 Tauren, specced Prot, except 5 in Cruelty.) I agree that the Prot tree doesn't offer as much usability in a solo situation - other than some higher survivability - but I don't think it made a big enough difference in kill speed that it was a problem. I still had fun and moved quickly through the levels.

I did find that things moved a little slower in the upper teens, (where the OP is), but at that level talents aren't really a huge factor, are they? Six points here or there isn't going to be a character defining difference, especially on first tier talents.

Once I hit the twenties, things started moving much faster. I may be a bit slower on grinding - although I can still dual-wield and do totally decent damage. However, my better survivability lets me quest with total confidence on harder quests, which IMO makes up for the lesser grinding capacity. Less downtime, fewer corpse runs.

In fact, I've been clocking through quests quickly enough that I've never felt a need to grind for XP. My bigger problem is getting to quests while they're still worth doing.

Of course, my warrior is only 28and things may (probably will) change drastically in the coming levels, but for now, I don't think speccing Prot has slowed me down much.

Stick with it, OP, things will start moving faster soon and you'll start loving your tough-as-nails warrior.

Edited, May 13th 2007 3:26pm by Mystopher
#6 May 13 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Poster above, you have CLEARLY not gone above 35-40 with your warrior, as you said it is 28, when you do so (if you are still pro) you will see how worthless your dps is and u will take years to kill ONE mob, sure you are tough as hell, but man, my warrior gets just 30 dmg a hit, im arms specced, and if I kill mobsi n15 secs I get about 200 dmg, and it just recovers while I walk to next mob.

I would say arms is the best leveling spec untill about 40-50, preferably high levels, because you need a lot of +hit stuff, or you will be missing tons.

Now specially in pvp, untill high level AV; prot will be just useless, and u will get VERY frustrated when you see that rogue care about the -20 damage you are getting just about as much as he cares from the 50 damage you are doing to him.
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