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26/0/35 HemoFollow

#1 May 10 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Just curious if the five additional points in Assassination outweighs the five points into Sinister calling. this is obviously for a purely PvP build. I'd really appreciate some input. Theoretically I believe the DPS output of this build would easily outweigh the missing Sinister Calling. I'm going to be using Drakefist mainhand, and Terok's fist or whatever, the one that adds 15 mace skill, if that info is needed.
#2 May 10 2007 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
It works, its what I used for a period of time. You can pretty much play it the same way.
#3 May 11 2007 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
You should have Imp Gouge in a Hemo build, flat-out. It's a stunlock build, and Imp Gouge is vital in stunlocks.

Plus, after Premed, you don't really gain anything for PvP in Sub. Maybe Cheat Death, but I have no experience with it.
#4 May 11 2007 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
The exception to having imp gouge as hemo is for prep and 5/5 seal fate. I'd take seal fate over imp gouge for sure.
#5 May 11 2007 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent

For Hemo thats the build i use.
gives you close to 1600 AP with decent gear.

plenty enough cp generation to drop anything that crosses you.
with a heavy 1hander fist or sword or mace 2.50 speed or slower your getting 1k hemo crits, with snd active white dmg is avg between 600-900.

Hemo is my favorite build. it does good dmg in raid, 5 man, and easy mode in pvp.
however reflex blades keep eluding me. 23 arc runs 15 mech no sword or chest:(

hence the mutilate.
#6 May 11 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
XPuggX wrote:

For Hemo thats the build i use.
gives you close to 1600 AP with decent gear.

plenty enough cp generation to drop anything that crosses you.
with a heavy 1hander fist or sword or mace 2.50 speed or slower your getting 1k hemo crits, with snd active white dmg is avg between 600-900.

Hemo is my favorite build. it does good dmg in raid, 5 man, and easy mode in pvp.
however reflex blades keep eluding me. 23 arc runs 15 mech no sword or chest:(

hence the mutilate.

1k Hemo crits? You hit like a girl. I get 700-800 Hemo crits on plate at 60.

Get a slower weapon.

Also, Hemo is not a PvE spec.

Let me repeat that, because it bears repeating.

Hemo is not a PvE spec.

If you're topping the charts with Hemo, you're playing with people who have no idea how to play their class. Good news, though, is that it's not hard for your tank to keep hate. Smiley: tongue

Edited, May 11th 2007 11:32pm by Theophany
#7 May 11 2007 at 10:58 PM Rating: Good
1k Hemo crits? You hit like a girl. I get 700-800 Hemo crits on plate at 60.

Get a slower weapon.

Also, Hemo is not a PvE spec.

Let me repeat that, because it bears repeating.

Hemo is not a PvE spec.

If you're topping the charts with Hemo, you're playing with people who have no idea how to play their class. Good news, though, is that it's not hard for your tank to keep hate.

ok lets compare

not my hemo but close enough

then lets go to combat btw you said "you're playing with people who have no idea how to play their class"

i guess he needs to learn to respec and get new gear eh ?
look at the speed for gladitors gear there is no 2.80 speed weapons any more and 60-70 is a huge difference for rogues speially gear wise 13-14k warriors with a sh*t ton of defense. yes 1k on them is good see how much you hit a clothy for. please stick to your hunter. you have zero knowledge on rogue 70.

Also you missed out on " Master Of Subtley" once filled is 10% additnoal dmg thats nice for premed_ cheap shot Herrrrrro mr 5 point CB eviserate :)
You should have Imp Gouge in a Hemo build, flat-out. It's a stunlock build, and Imp Gouge is vital in stunlocks.

Plus, after Premed, you don't really gain anything for PvP in Sub. Maybe Cheat Death, but I have no experience with it.

you also forgot + 15% more agilty with sinister calling. your right agi is worthless to rogues eh?

oh btw pleaselrn2read ktxbai
i never said i top the charts i do good dmg:) i assist my raid with the spec please read the hemo tooltip in talent build

Edited, May 12th 2007 2:00am by XPuggX

Edited, May 12th 2007 2:03am by XPuggX
#8 May 11 2007 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Not gonna be as crass as previous post but hemo can most definitely be a pve spec. Been raiding with it just fine for 3 months now. However, I agree that the 30/0/31 or the hybrid hemo spec is not a pve spec, this is a PvP only spec. You must have Sinister Calling/full sub to be able to do any real damage in pve.

In raid gear I have over 1800 ap unbuffed, 25.5 crit, hemo crits unbuffed for around 1.3k, that's as much or more than your SS and dpe is more efficient than SS while helping the raid's dps at the same time.

Not gonna argue that combat isn't better dps, because it is, but I find that I do 3-4% more dam than the raid as is and I don't have to respec before every raid to do it. I do just slightly less than the combat daggers rogue in my guild as he just picked up Malchazen, was owning him as well before that.

My point is this, you are completely underestimating the effect of Sinister Calling and Deadliness as they stack and continue to stack when raid buffs are applied. Depending on how many pallys/shammys in the raid, I normally have over 3k ap without a flask. That means hemo is criting for around 1800. Not bad for a 'non pve spec'.

*My armory profile is currently in raid gear if you'd like to see what gear i'm using atm.

Edited, May 12th 2007 2:34am by mahlerite
#9 May 11 2007 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
it's really nice going as hemo to the raid and not having to pay the 50g respec to go back to a pvp build.

for me when i have the points i would like to get gladiators fist Since hemo work on high end base wise for larger crit. just debating a faster offhand to possiably boost Attack speed and white dmg in SND.

i seen your build. i dont use ambush, on non bleedable bosses. i garrote them. curator etc etc get the ambush, and if they are immune they get the kidneyshot so i can get my haste rating for faster attack speed. since i have 2 assanation peices and the trick for haste rating still works.

please look outside of the box:)
#10 May 11 2007 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
And xPuggx stop wasting time running for the fist wpn and just bust out the aldor rep for the sword, it'll save you a ton of headache and make future runs that much easier. You're only 18-19k away, should be able to bust that out in 6-8 hrs or so. Get within 3-4k and buy a bunch of fel armaments(3 arms=1125 rep) as you'll need em for the exalted shoulder enchant anyway.
#11 May 11 2007 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Sorry Pugg, but no, he doesn't know how to spec for PvE.

I mean, it's cool that you want to delude yourself into thinking that not having Imp SnD, AR, and BF makes you a good Rogue, but I'm sorry, speccing combat swords and not taking Weapon Expertise?

/rofl at that.
#12 May 11 2007 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
been farmin shadowmoon for them. but such a pain in the ***.
any recomendations? i am the patient type bro took me 43 total runs in slabs before i ever seen my legs drop. right about now fel arments are about 23g a pop on my server. i'd really like some tips info if you could toss them my way.

also what did you use to skill up 360+ on goblin eng? i cant find **** besides khorium scopes and those are so expensive to make.
#13 May 11 2007 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
I'm sorry fel arms are that expensive on your server, they're down to 13g on mine(lower population prolly). I did most of my rep farming in Shadowmoon valley at legion hold, but the forge camps in Netherstorm are good too.
As to skilling up engineering I used the felsteel boomstick. Took me about 4 hrs to get the schematic to drop but it's the cheapest way for a miner/eng to skill up to 375.

Edited, May 12th 2007 2:57am by mahlerite
#14 May 11 2007 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
i'm sorry for you actually. i seen your rogue profile you have great gear even a good spec. but until you you take the jump and go from 60-70 you can keep your paper theroies to your self. imp sap is must for heroics,

and whats up with your glass cannon? you have true shot aura on and only 14+ ap?
if you spent as much time on the game as you do on the forums you'd have a little bit better gear. this is comin from a casual raider and casual player btw :)
#15 May 11 2007 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
ty for the tip mahlerite.
#16 May 12 2007 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
Theophany: 70 Hunter; Korz: 60 Rogue;
Löcke: 61 Shaman; Erasmus: 27 Hunter

so which one of them is kara attuned ? which one is attuned for heroics?
please tell me.

your going to comment on another players build when it's Actually above your head.(literally)and say he's wrong? when you have ZERO knowledge on anything 61+
for this class, and judging by your hunter mr math geek, you have zero expirence even in heroics or kara?

hell i can admit i am fairly new to kara but heroics? nah i know what works you sir do not. your the desk jockey. i'm the field guy.
#17 May 12 2007 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
1400 ap isn't that bad for 70 hunter, but marks hunter should definetly have more crit. Crit is huge for hunter, esp marks, so many talents are crit proc dependent. But i digress, referring to your(theophony's) comment earlier about not taking wpn expertise. This skill currently does next to nothing. +10 wpn expertise gives you +.08%-.12% chance your attack will not be parried/blocked/dodged and if you are behind the mob this will only give you .08%-.12% better chance your attack won't be dodged. So the max this skill can help is a .24%-.36%% chance to land a hit. Big freakin deal... I think every rogue can do just fine without that.

Edited, May 12th 2007 3:26am by mahlerite
#18 May 12 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
  • Your chance to miss decreases by 0.4%
  • Your chance to score a critical hit increases by 0.4%
  • Your opponent's chance to block your attack decreases by 0.4%
  • Your opponent's chance to parry your attack decreases by 0.4%
  • Your opponent's chance to dodge your attack decreases by 0.4%

Not exactly the best talent in Combat, but better than Riposte/Deflection, which that Rogue has.

As for my Hunter, I just PvP on him. You may not have noticed, but I have 108 resilience and 10.2k HP. Combined with 1400 RAP and 21% crit (which is high for a non-SV, non-raiding Hunter), I'm pretty well geared for PvP.

I don't have the patience to try and DPS with a Hunter's mediocre itemization in a PvE setting outside of farming. That a Rogue can easily outDPS me on a single target when I'm getting a perfect shot rotation while spamming SS/BS/Mut is rediculous, which is why I play my Rogue for PvE.
#19 May 12 2007 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
For each point that your weapon skill exceeds your opponent's defense, you gain the following:

* Your chance to miss decreases by 0.04%.
* Your chance to score a critical hit increases by 0.04%.
* Your opponent's chance to block your attack decreases by 0.04%.
* Your opponent's chance to parry your attack decreases by 0.04%.
* Your opponent's chance to dodge your attack decreases by 0.04%.

Effectively, you can consider weapon skill to be the inverse of the defense skill.

Additionally the 2.0.1 patch notes say

* The player will gain 0.1% to their critical strike rating per weapon skill against monsters above their level.

Presumably this is only for Weapon Skill over your level's natural cap (Level * 5). It is not known if you also get the additional 0.04% crit chance per additional +skill.

Weapon skills are maxed in pvp combat. While this means leveling a weapon for pvp is unimportant, racial attribrutes, talents, and weapons with +skill still affect pvp hit/crit rating. Most players, however, see the +skill in pvp as useless; you will still see many orcs with the high warlord sword.

Furthermore you only get 1 pt of wpn skill per 3.4(3.2 have seen differeing #s on this) pts of specialization. So the +10 talent translates into 3 more wpn skill pts or .12% for all the above mentioned.
#20 May 12 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
At 60+ basically "The Outland Phase" of leveling you will begin to notice lots of the gear for every class gives hit rating. Expecially gear for rogues, I being a 70 rogue have over 100 hit rating. If you read some other forums on hit rating you only need around 70 hit rating to have 100% hit rate or so. Any hit rating past a certain point will do nothing. So weapon expertise is really not usefull. I am not a big fan of combat specc in the first place. The only weapon talent worth getting in that tree would be fists for the +crit. I'm mutilate specced myself and I find it great for every raiding and PvP.
#21 May 12 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Ballmung wrote:
If you read some other forums on hit rating you only need around 70 hit rating to have 100% hit rate or so.

You are completely 100% wrong. It's widely accepted that ~308 hit rating is the optimal for Rogues at 70.
#22 May 12 2007 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Theo is 100% right. Hit rating cap on raid bosses is 308. For all your specials to hit a raid boss you need ~ 8.6% or 130 hit rating or some combination of precision(+5% hit from combat tree) and hit rating to = that %. To allways hit a mob your lvl the hit rating cap is obviously much lower, but you should be shooting for mid 200's if you are serious about raiding.
#23 May 13 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
After you hit 200 hit rating, you can start cheating some +hit for more AP and crit, but I wouldn't recommend it until you wipe the majority of glancing blows and misses from your Combat Logs (yes read over them).
#24 May 13 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
In response to how to level goblin engineering:

Make Goblin Mortar: Reloaded. I know its grey but trust me. Every 2-3 times you make one you get a skill up. It does have a chance to blow up causing about 6k damage so set yourself up in a spot like TB (horde) or Gadgetzan where running from the graveyard to the smith doesn't take so long. Cost for Goblin Mortar: Reloaded: 1 mithril bar and 3 solid blasting powders. So 1 skill up = 3 mithril 9 blasting powders. About 1-2g on my server.
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