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#1 May 10 2007 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
I've been looking around at different forums trying to find which raids/bosses druids can and cannot tank but can never find a clear answer.. My guild is currently a social one which I've been in since I was about lvl30, but we've been having a problem lately.. people hitting lvl70 and then leaving for raiding guilds ><, Every time we get close to having enough to start Kara someoen leaves because they hear a guild has an opening.

The main weakness of my guild is lack of tanks, we have a 69 warrior whos been missing for a month and a 70 that vanished 2 weeks ago. I've read through boss and raid strategies but can never see exactly which bosses are capable of Crushing Blows and what the chances of those are on me. Unfortunately I'm still very inexperienced with raids >< only offtanking moroes in kara (Guild I run with has a lot of warriors so am usually offtanking, DPSing or healing during bosses)

From any other tanking druids I would also like some suggestions on equip, I have 19.5k armor, 13.5k health unbuffed, over 415 defence but only 26% dodge (working on that now).

*waits for someone to call noob or get bashed by a warrior*
#2 May 10 2007 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
That guild thing scenario is familiar and, really, that's how it has always been and always will be for at least 95% of guilds. A guild is either casual or end-game, but cannot be both. I once was in a guild that attempted to be both, but it never worked.

You get enough people to raid, but since it's a casual guild everyone is too relaxed and no one checked strategies for bosses and too often people play like they're mentally challenged and whatnot so you wipe on bosses considered "easy" a few times and people start leaving the raid cause they're tired and basically you end up achieving nothing at all.

So any and all of those players who really wanted to raid seriously leave and go find a real raiding guild. Same thing is currently happening in my Pally's guild. We're a few getting in the 65ish and we have 3 70's. 2 of them are somewhat casual and started Alts instead of wanting to raid. The other 70 is getting bored and most of the 65ish are anticipating how painful the next levels will be. PUG'ing Heroics and whatnot because we have too few in the guild to organize full runs.

But I digress. I just meant to say that your situation is quite common and you're not the only one suffering from that.

As far as I know, all bosses are capable of crushing blows. All it takes for them to do that is to be 3 levels higher than you. The only bosses who could possibly never perform CB's would be bosses who are pure spellcasters and thus never hit with physical attacks. (If those even exist)

I'm not an end-game tank myself. Not yet at least. But from what I've heard of the other experienced Druids I'd try buffing your armor a little and dodge rate a whole lot. :P Friend of mine who plays on a different server than me told me he has around 40% of dodge rate. (I think he said 44% but not sure) Since you cannot block or parry, you have to rely on a very high dodge rate to survive.

This is unfortunately all I can say and I'll leave it up to the real tanks to give the real advices that you seek.

Nevertheless, good luck. :P
#3 May 10 2007 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
Ahh ok ;p No wonder I couldn't find anything saying which bosses can do Crushing Blows ;p

It's as I feared then, I too am getting bored with running around doing simple instances, heroics for me are few and far between and I want more of a challenge.

I wouldn't try doing this before the next patch, the big armor and slight stamina boost will make everything that little bit easier, but I know I need to work on my dodge, the highest I've ever had it full buffed was about 32% >< Looks like I'm going to be running shattered halls over and over til I can get those wastewalker gloves to finally drop and I'll be reworking my gems heh..

Thanks for the response, cleared a lot up for me.
#4 May 10 2007 at 11:05 PM Rating: Good
Your gear is certainly fine for Karazhan. Just remember that a crushing blow CANNOT BE DODGED. The best way we can deal with crushing blows is stacking armor & stamina. Dodge is definitely worthwhile, it just doesn't change the size or number of crushing blows you will take.

Oh, and all raid bosses are counted as Lvl 73 and will do 15% crushing blows.

You are crit immune with decent armor & health, more than capable of tanking the 1st couple of bosses in Kara. If you have the heals & DPS, you only need one tank for the Maiden of Virtue. She doesn't even hit that hard. The difficult bit is the healers dealing with the repentance, and getting the holy fire dispelled very quickly (I think that's the name of the debuff).

If you can start having a bit of success in Kara, you are more likely to keep other members.

Good luck :)
#5 May 11 2007 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
Figured instead of making a new topic for this I thought I'd also ask here, how does Resilliency rate with defence, the ignoring crits is 156 def rating or soemthing, but how exactly does Resillience fit in? would 140 def rating and 16 resillience give me the same thing (minus the slight dodge ofcourse)
#6 May 11 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
It's not exactly the same, no.

For starters, there are 2 ways to increase Defense. One is with pure +Defense and the other is with +Defense Rating. Not sure if items still give +Defense anymore, but some talents for Pallies and Warrs do.

<<At level 70, it takes approximately 2.37 (rounded) Defense Rating to gain 1 point of Defense.>>

Mobs your level or above have a 5% base crit chance against you.
For each additional level above you, they gain another 0.2% chance. (For a total of 5.6%)

Being blessed with SotF, Druids need only 65 additional Defense.
Or an approximative value of 154 Defense Rating.

Now, Resilience is calculated differently.
To gain the same 1% crit chance reduction that 25 Defense, or 59 Def Rating, would grant you, you need 39.42 (rounded) Resilience.

So, if you stopped at 130 Def Rating, you would need approximately 16 Resilience to achieve crit-immunity.

Even though it would seem like Resilience would be a better choice for immunity to crits (since you need a lesser value), one must consider a few things:

-Once you are crit-immune, Resilience loses half its value. (Reducing the damage caused by crits, since you won't be crit'd anymore)

-Defense, contrarily to Resilience, grants you additional Dodge in addition to crit-immunity. Even after reaching the +65 Def/+154 Def Rating required, stacking more +Def will still help you in a way. However, getting +Dodge will be more directly beneficial. (1% dodge for every 25 Def/59 Def Rating, 1% for every 18.9 Dodge Rating)

Edited, May 11th 2007 8:41am by Selverein
#7 May 11 2007 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
Defense also increases your chance to be missed as well as increasing your chance to dodge. So it is not too bad to stack. If you have the necessary Def Rating to be immune (not too hard to do), then resilience on your gear does absolutely nothing. Can't reduce your chance to be crit below zero and no point reducing damage from crits you are not taking.

So really, resilience is a PvP stat thru & thru. With the various faction enchants to head/shoulders & armor kits & normal enchants & gems, the crit cap is quite easy to achieve, so there is no real point in getting gear with resilience unless the items are good enough without it factored in.
#8 May 13 2007 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
Selverein wrote:
That guild thing scenario is familiar and, really, that's how it has always been and always will be for at least 95% of guilds. A guild is either casual or end-game, but cannot be both. I once was in a guild that attempted to be both, but it never worked.

You get enough people to raid, but since it's a casual guild everyone is too relaxed and no one checked strategies for bosses and too often people play like they're mentally challenged and whatnot so you wipe on bosses considered "easy" a few times and people start leaving the raid cause they're tired and basically you end up achieving nothing at all.

So any and all of those players who really wanted to raid seriously leave and go find a real raiding guild. Same thing is currently happening in my Pally's guild. We're a few getting in the 65ish and we have 3 70's. 2 of them are somewhat casual and started Alts instead of wanting to raid. The other 70 is getting bored and most of the 65ish are anticipating how painful the next levels will be. PUG'ing Heroics and whatnot because we have too few in the guild to organize full runs.

But I digress. I just meant to say that your situation is quite common and you're not the only one suffering from that.

As far as I know, all bosses are capable of crushing blows. All it takes for them to do that is to be 3 levels higher than you. The only bosses who could possibly never perform CB's would be bosses who are pure spellcasters and thus never hit with physical attacks. (If those even exist)

I'm not an end-game tank myself. Not yet at least. But from what I've heard of the other experienced Druids I'd try buffing your armor a little and dodge rate a whole lot. :P Friend of mine who plays on a different server than me told me he has around 40% of dodge rate. (I think he said 44% but not sure) Since you cannot block or parry, you have to rely on a very high dodge rate to survive.

This is unfortunately all I can say and I'll leave it up to the real tanks to give the real advices that you seek.

Nevertheless, good luck. :P

yea a guild that focuses on raiding has to end up giving up the social casual feel to the guild or they wont get anything done, and like you said social guilds wont be able to raid either because its almost impossible to scedule a time where you have the right people on to make it happen, let alone the fact that it takes many tries to get the raid down pat.

My guild was pretty raid oriented but the harsh raid schedule and some favratism from the GM on sertain people made a good portion of the guild split off and form a more social/5-man/heroic guild, that will raid eventually but its not a high priority (though allot of us are kara keyed).

As far as tanking goes, i think druids are very valuable in raids though i think most guilds would rather go with a pally or warrior tank and have a druid for healing or dps since while druids can tank...i think pallies and warriors do it least in a raid sense.
#9 May 17 2007 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
As above, wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or not.

Anywho, my guild is getting ready to raid and I was given a choice: respec resto or possibly tank, if I can get the gear. I was hoping someone could give a list of non-raid tank gear I should aim for. Earthwarden is likely an obvious choice for a weapon.

To make things easier, it'd be cool if someone who's tanked at least some of Kara to post their armory link.

On a related note, is it possible for a druid to MT Kara? I'd prefer actual experience to speculation, if possible :P.
#10 May 17 2007 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
I'd post mine but I think I was in DPS gear when I logged out last >.> So far I've had very little responsibility in Kara, DPS on trash mobs and Attumen, I was able to tank a couple of Stewards, and I was on tanking one of the 4 guys that come with Moroes, was even told to have an agro comp with the main tank and managed to steal agro off him and hold onto Moroes for a while XD Maiden of Virtue I was stuck on healing duty, mainly piling on HoTs for the 10sec stun.

I'm hoping some time in the next week or 2 they'll let my do a little more ^^ hopefully tanking Midnight.

As for your other question It is possible for a druid to main tank kara, I saw a video a little while ago of a druid tanking all bosses (including midnight and attumen simultanesouly)
#11 May 17 2007 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have tanked the 1st 3 bosses in Kara quite easily. The 1st boss it is good to have a warrior or 2 to disarm him as this makes healing a lot easier. There is however, no reason they couldn't be DPS warriors (and you can do it without - it just makes it easier)

Head - Stylin' Purple Hat (Crafted)
Kneck - Strength of the Untamed (Cenarion rep)
Shoulders - Shoulderpads of Assassination (Sethekk Halls)
Back - Thoriumweave Cloak (Mechanar)
Chest - Heavy Clefthoof Vest (Crafted)
Wrists - Umberhowls Collar (Quest) or buy some BOE .... of the Monkey
Hands - Verdant Gloves (Quest) or Wastewalker Gloves (Shattered Halls)
Waist - Manimal's Cinch (Quest) or buy some BOE .... of the Monkey
Legs - Heavy Clefthoof Leggings (Crafted)
Feet - Heavy Clefthoof Boots (Crafted)
Rings - Iron Band of the Unbreakabler (Old Hillsbrad) & Elementium Band of the Sentry (Arcatraz)
Trinkets - Mark of Tyranny (if you hav it) or Living Ruby Serpent & Dawnstone Crab Figurines (Crafted)
Weapon - Earthwarden (Cenarion Rep) or Braxxis' Staff of Slumber (Auction House)

All nice easy items to get - but still very good. Make sure you get all your enchants - including head (Keepers of Time) & shoulder (Aldor/Scryer). Very quickly you will get the Violet Eye (Kara rep) ring which is excellent too.

PS..I am tanking Kara with most of this gear (still don't have my Assassination Shoulders or Wastewalker Gloves)
#12 May 18 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
496 posts
What Rarebeast posted is almost the same as what I started with, except for shoulders. I never did get the Assassination shoulders, was stuck with Sun-Gilded for a while until I got my T4. All of them will last you quite a while, until you start getting some T4 pieces. Don't worry about trying to get 2 tanking rings. Even the lowest level Violet Signet ring from Karazhan rep is already better than almost anything else, so that's 1 guaranteed tank ring.

I've done mostly OT duties, but there's another druid in my guild that has MT'd Kara. He logged out in his pvp gear though, so that's not much help.

As for bosses, Nightbane fears, so you either need a warrior tanking him, or you need fear ward. I don't have much experience with totems, so I don't know how effective they are. All other bosses in there can be tanked by a druid.

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