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rate my build plzFollow

#1 May 09 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
I updated the talent section of the druid 101 to include sample builds again.

I'm not sure how cookie cutter they are so I'm asking for any and all opinions on the step by step sections and asking what revisions you might make to the sample builds, and why.
#2 May 09 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
229 posts
I'ld love to rate your builds but I can't veiw them form my work PC, and my personal PC's internet suX_Xorz if you did it With Wowhead then I would be able to rate. Sorry :(
#3 May 09 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts

Balance - sustain damage over long periods of time
Feral - boost cat and bear form
Resto - tree of life style

Versatile - not sure what to specialize in?

Boomkin pewpewpew
Rawr Mangle

Survivalist - 0/30/31 build to make you frustratingly difficult to kill
All manner of spell - 24/0/37 build for spell dps and healing
Master of forms - no deep specialization but capable at every role

Edited, May 10th 2007 12:33pm by highRfrequenC
#4 May 09 2007 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Disclaimer: I've never played all roles in all situations but I'll give my thoughts regardless. Do as you see fit with them. :P

PvE Raid Balance - Sounds pretty good. What was skipped it pretty useless for raids and what was taken is precisely for that goal. The only small thing I'd change is perhaps drop OoC for that second point of Nature's Reach, but then again, I have no experience Balance raiding so maybe you get more chances to melee than I may think.

PvE Versatility - Never been a fan of those, and never will. I'd change a few things like drop the 2 points in Feral Agg and take Brutal Impact instead. It's hard to get a feel of what this build is for, I dunno. =/

PvE Rawr - I take it this is bear tank, right? If so, I'd drop Savage Fury since it now only benefits kitties. With those, either max out Primal Tenacity or move them in Intensity along with that one point from PT. I dunno which is more beneficial in the long run, rage-on-demand or Fear resistance.

PvE Raid Healer - My only experience in this role was with an hybrid build that only got as far as Nature's Swiftness so I'm probably not the best reference. Still, sounds like a solid build. I can see the versatility in healing with Emp Healing Touch + Nature's Swiftness if things go dire. Imp Regrowth might have been nice but I don't see where to take the points from. Maybe I'd drop some stuff in Balance and focus more on healing since it's such a crucial role. But then again, if there's no Balance Druid in the raid, it's nice to have the "Imp Thorns" thing along with Insect Swarm debuff.

PvP Balance - I thought the point of this build was to kill quickly with no regards to mana regen. However, you did take Intensity in the Resto tree so I'd drop that and take Dreamstate instead. You'll have way more Int than Spi so I think it'll be more effective. Otherwise pretty solid.

PvP Hybrid Shifter - Dunno what to say about this. I think if you go as far as Moonkin you probably wanna cast a lot so might as well go Balance. Otherwise maybe drop some from Balance and boost Feral a bit. Again, not a fan of those. :P

PvP Feral - Pretty solid. Some goodies that I like are missing but it's kind of a tough choice. Nature's Grasp and Natural Shapeshifter, namely. I dunno what I'd sacrifice for those. Probably Pred Instinct but the loss of DPS might be too hard for a few goodies. This looks pretty good.

PvP Spellcaster Hybrid - I actually like this build. Allows to heal pretty well and still do respectable damage. The only thing I'd really change is drop 1 point from Nature's Reach to max Control of Nature.

PvP Survivalist - I like the idea. I'd love to get Nat Shapeshifter in that build but it's hard to take points out of something. Looks pretty good as it is.

That's my two cents. I hope I didn't get lost in rants too much and gave good criticism for you to use or discard as you see fit.

Nice work overall. :D

#5 May 09 2007 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
Damn you Scholar Selverein! your alway beating me to the posts!! lol but a good job none the less. Any way a dido on the disclamer.

PvE Balance raiding: Not being as much as a caster I see this as a very good build. Honsetly I don't know what you could trade out to make it better.

PvE Versatility extreme: I'ld only switch it out for this. The movment boost and +4% to dodge is worth more than Feral Aggresion IMO.

PvE RAWR: I'm thinking more of this

PvE Heal plz: I don't really know what would be better, but I'm not sure if brambles is worth the 3pts invested into it.

PvP Live and die by your mana:
Not being as much as a caster I see this as a very good build. Honsetly I don't know what you could trade out to make it better.

PvP Master of forms:... and wowhead is down for maintinence -_-;
#6 May 09 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
PvE Rawr - I take it this is bear tank, right? If so, I'd drop Savage Fury since it now only benefits kitties. With those, either max out Primal Tenacity or move them in Intensity along with that one point from PT. I dunno which is more beneficial in the long run, rage-on-demand or Fear resistance.
My thought here is that a pve feral build shouldn't focus on one form or the other. In raids you use kitty for trash and bear for bosses. In 5mans you want the option to do one or the other depending on prot warrior availability.

Intensity I consider less valuable because in BC instance tanking it seems you need the armor more than the rage. I only consider using enrage in trash fights or just before a pull. Never during.

PvE Versatility extreme: I'ld only switch it out for this. The movment boost and +4% to dodge is worth more than Feral Aggresion IMO.

PvE RAWR: I'm thinking more of this
There aren't many outdoor dungeons to make use of NG but one point isn't much to give up for farming purposes I guess. I can see the dodge from Feral Swiftness being more valuable than the FB damage from Feral Aggression, but I'm not sure about how often stun and fear resistance comes into play in L70 pve content.

PvE Raid Healer - ... Imp Regrowth might have been nice but I don't see where to take the points from. Maybe I'd drop some stuff in Balance and focus more on healing since it's such a crucial role.

PvE Heal plz: I don't really know what would be better, but I'm not sure if brambles is worth the 3pts invested into it.

Brambles does make a good bit of difference in longer raid encounters.

We have had many discussions on the value of Imp Regrowth. I lean towards the idea that three crit regrowths is just as bad for us as three crit frostbolts is for a Mage (in a raid setting).

Imp Tranquility is another hot topic talent. I typically only use it in emergency situations but thinking more about it... I suppose if you end up in the main tank group for ToL benefits it might be used more often to keep the rest of the tank support group going.

the only other talents skipped are Furor and Nat Shapeshifter, both feral, and Nature's Focus, which I consider entirely a pvp talents since you are doing something very wrong if you are getting wailed on in pve healer role.

PvP Balance - I thought the point of this build was to kill quickly with no regards to mana regen. However, you did take Intensity in the Resto tree so I'd drop that and take Dreamstate instead. You'll have way more Int than Spi so I think it'll be more effective. Otherwise pretty solid.

Good point.

Well I was going to update the links but wowhead went back down. I will update them tomorrow.
#7 May 09 2007 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
As far as the PVE RAWR build, as a tank, I love feral swiftness. The 4% dodge is a very good bonus for tanking. I see primal tenacity as more of a PvP talent than PvE. I also like intensity - if I am a little slow hitting enrage before a pull, it can mean a wipe, especially if by the time I do get enough rage for a mangle, it misses!. Getting some of the rage immediately is a real help in this situation.

Most talents in this build are pretty standard, then the last half a dozen or so allow you to customise to your own preferences a bit.
#8 May 09 2007 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
balance raiding looks good.

versatility looks good, altho id drop 2/5 FA and get 2/2 swiftness instead, but thats me.

rawr looks good, but i dislike FA as a talent. not much in the way of gain, and if youre doing kitty DPS, then maim (for the interrupt effect) and rip (for better overall damage) tend to work out better than FB in most cases. id much prefer swiftness and even nurturing instinct over FA, as thatll provide more survivability and utility.

heal plz is weird. rather, deep resto is weird. its anti-HT, yet lots of druid healing power revolves around HT. personally, if youre going to be tree, i cant see NOT getting imp regrowth. i could easily seeing dropped 2/2 empowered touch and brambles and maxing imp regrowth. crits or no, its an awesome spell to use as a tree, and druid healing threat isnt exactly monstrous when in tree due to the nature of HoT's. the mana efficiency of a crit regrowth in tree form IS monstrous however, especially for its cast time. drop tranquil spirit for imp regrowth if youd rather keep some of the balance stuff.

balance pvp is good, but as noted, drop intensity for dreamstate.

master of forms is an interesting one. cant say anything bad about it. maybe add an addendum that this build is for the ultra-versatile druid player, someone who wants to have a form for pretty much any occasion but NOT specialize. it seems like a more advanced build in the sense that its at once very open-ended and extremely limiting at the same time.

all manner of spells looks like a small variation of the post-innervate addition max efficiency HT build. its a good build for what it is, but id personally like emp HT and moonglow added on with 3/5 tranquil spirit. maybe make another version entirely called "max HT efficiency + spell dmg" or something.

survive anything looks good. id like to pick up more in resto, but dammit, theres not enough points. i could probably live w/o hotw, but thats just me.
#9 May 10 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
Balance - sustain damage over long periods of time
Feral - boost cat and bear form
Resto - tree of life style

Versatile - not sure what to specialize in?

Boomkin pewpewpew
Rawr Mangle

Survivalist - 0/30/31 build to make you frustratingly difficult to kill
All manner of spell - 24/0/37 build for spell dps and healing
Master of forms - no deep specialization but capable at every role

For the pve resto build (the one I am least familiar with) I moved points out of tranquil spirit figuring if you aren't using HT often TS is less valuable than empowered touch. Now it includes imp regrowth and dumped brambles

#10 May 10 2007 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
I think the PvE Feral is perfect.

Perhaps a HT resto spec & a ToL resto spec. Although, having seen some fantastic tree druids, I wonder if the HT types are just resisting change and are sticking with what they did pre-BC :)
#11 May 11 2007 at 5:24 AM Rating: Excellent
229 posts
I can't find any thing wrong with any of these bulds save the lack of points to use :( but an exellent job well done :)

I doo wish that the "All manner of spell" build had ether moomkin or ToL but I reallise that there aren't enough points to throw around.
#12 May 11 2007 at 7:21 AM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
Perhaps a HT resto spec & a ToL resto spec. Although, having seen some fantastic tree druids, I wonder if the HT types are just resisting change and are sticking with what they did pre-BC :)

I'm really quite happy with that ToL build even as an HT build.
In raids you should be in ToL casting HoTs almost all the time.
In 5mans you can easily get by without HT while plowing through trash mobs. When you get to a boss you wont miss that additional 6% reduced cost HT as a main healer because Innervate is going to you, not another healer.

I doo wish that the "All manner of spell" build had ether moomkin or ToL but I reallise that there aren't enough points to throw around.

There is a pvp Moonkin build in there and I really just couldn't come up with a pvp tree of life build. I couldn't justify giving up Nature's Grace for ToL.

all manner of spells looks like a small variation of the post-innervate addition max efficiency HT build. its a good build for what it is, but id personally like emp HT and moonglow added on with 3/5 tranquil spirit. maybe make another version entirely called "max HT efficiency + spell dmg" or something.
I struggled to fit emp HT in this one, but I there just isn't any less valuable talent to take the points from.

I tried to come up with some other hybrid builds, but none of them seemed to work out. Looks like a good list thanks guys.
#13 May 11 2007 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Just a thought that crossed my mind:

Perhaps those weirder hybrid builds are not meant to have cookie-cutters?

It's kind of easy to do a Feral, Balance or Resto spec that is "cookie-cutter" but hybrids are a much different game. Not sure if it's even possible to do cookie-cutters for those.

It's just a matter of "I wanna do <this> AND <this>, with a bit more emphasis on <this>" so just fill the trees in a way that will reflect the emphasis you want to put on each role.

Something like that. O_o
#14 May 11 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
3,771 posts
The way I approached it was: "If I was going to make a pvp Balance/Feral build why would I do that, and what would be the most effective spending of points if that was why."

I think cookie cutters are for people who don't really know what they want. Or they don't want to bother weighing up the talent values since its already been done by so many other people. Certainly there will be players who make their own builds for their own purposes, but those people shouldn't need help from a Druid 101 thread.

I really did try every combination of primary and secondary talent tree for both pvp and pve and these are the ones I found most viable. The others just seemed to be missing out on too much of the talents that make or break playstyles. That's why there is no ToL pvp build, I see more value in the Survivalist build for a pvp healer.

Of course my video card is borked right now so I can't really give any of them a test drive. If anyone does try them out (anyone, I'm not just asking scholars and sages), please let me know how it works out.
#15 May 15 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
i may not be the best critic but i love natrual shape shifter.....i would trade survival of the fittest for it....i dont mind not having that extra little bit for less mana cost, but hey no one ever said u cant critisize the critic! :P

changed sig srry if its offensive to anyone :/

Edited, May 16th 2007 6:38pm by FlamingCookiesofdoom
#16 May 16 2007 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
i like natural shapeshifter. i shapeshift quite a bit even in pve to make the talent pts worth spending.

from what i heard, the build provided below is pretty good in arena. it gives you better survival chance than full feral build and at the same time still viable for off-tanking. however, dps is kitty form is gimped quite a bit unless you have another druid in your group/raid to provide the mangle buff.
#17 May 16 2007 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I'd just make minor changes to the build posted above:

Drop the 3/3 Thick Hide, it won't make much of a diff in arena.

Instead take 2/2 Brutal Impact and put the last point in SotF. That's like free Resilience.
#18 May 16 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
well i didnt get the extra stun on bash im fine not having it, it doesnt help that much in pvp (hmmm....barkskin...yea that rings a bell) but im not dissin anyone who has it i just think its not that useful when u can use that to get intensity for the rage bonus on the the rage move(forgot name) anyway the instant rage is good when u dont have time to chase down a flag runner

Edited, May 16th 2007 6:43pm by FlamingCookiesofdoom
#19 May 16 2007 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Hey guys,

Loving this thread! I was feral speced up until around 55 then went balance speced until around 63 then back to feral until 70. I've been really enjoying my 0/45/16 build. I know there are some things I should tweak if I wanted to get the feral build really "right", however, right now I'm considering changing and trying out the healing side more.

I've been loving healing in all the battle grounds though especially in AV/EotS. There are an amazing lack of healers alliance side (if I hadn't had friends already playing alliance I never would have started a NE). Now being feral specced as I am, I don't have any of the talents to back me up but having previously been balance specced I'm not totally without gear to help with the healing/spell dmg.

I was eying the All manner of spell build that was on the Druid 101 and was reading Quor's response to it.
It brought up some questions that I feel might be better answered by some of the old timers here on the boards.
Based on the All Manner of Spell build and Quor's comments I tried to but together a new build and came up with this.

I'd been trying to figure out the best way to decide between Lunar Guidance (25% of your int as added healing/dmg) and Moonglow (9% mana reduction on DMG/Healing spells).
Also trying to determine whether it would be better to have 3/5 Tranquil Spirit for 8% mana reduction on heals versus having 5/5 Naturalist for the faster cast times on HT + 10% dmg in forms. (When I need/want to use em)
Anyway, I know that's a lot but if there are any restro druids or balance restro combos that can give me some hints as related to healing efficiency during PVP while maintaining healing during PVE, I'd be most appreciative.

I also wonder if it might be better to put the 2 points I have in Naturalist into Improved Regrowth as every spell critical will lower my cast time of my next spell by .5 seconds and with 50% increase to spell critical it should crit almost all the time. (Lame 12% crit rate on my character atm would still bring that to 62%)

Or am I totally off base and should go with something else! All info would be appreciated.

Thanks again!

Edited, May 16th 2007 7:42pm by Septurious
#20 May 17 2007 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
While I'm not a Resto/Balance expert, I'll still give you my point of view. I hope it can be mildly of use.

First of all, I think PvP builds should be more focused on power than mana management. You'll die and rez back with full mana all the time so being ultra mana efficient isn't much of an issue. (IMO)

The Moonglow/Tranq Spirit builds are mostly good for PvE when a Druid doesn't want to go ToL and would rather chain-cast Healing Touch. Lunar Guidance, however, does end up fueling Empowered Healing Touch so it's a nice plus.

Moonglow comes on top in terms of mana-efficiency in most cases so if you want to heal in serious PvE too, you might have to stick with that instead of Lunar Guidance. However, in PvP, you never know how long you'll live so if you only get to cast 3 spells before going down, those 3 spells better be damn good rather than mana-efficient or whatever.

As for the "Naturalist versus Tranq Spirit" issue, I'd go with Naturalist. A 3-second cast seems like it takes forever when you see your target's health bar go down waaay too fast. 3.5 is just hell is comparison. In PvP you'll want to pull spells off ASAP because that will make all the difference, not the bit of mana saved on each cast. Damage bonus is minimal because you'll probably never really attack. If you go for a build good both for PvP and PvE, then I dunno. Tranq Spirit would help more for PvE, I think.

For PvP, again, I think I'd settle for something like this. I'd try it in PvE and see how it goes. Might have to change a few things but I lack the experience in Resto to predict what will go wrong. Dropped OoC because I don't think you'll be hitting stuff often enough to use it and put it in Naturalist instead. Maxed Imp Regrowth because its synergy with Nature's Grace surely is awesome in PvP. Cast Regrowth on someone, it crits, with Naturalist and Nature's Grace you can then afford to cast a Healing Touch at an actually decent cast speed.

That's all I can think of for now. I hope it helps a bit.
#21 May 17 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Selverein thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions. It certainly did help a lot. I don't know why I left OOC in that build it has no place and putting it into natrualist makes good sense.

I totally understand your point about PVP. Last night I was healing in AV (feral specced still mind ya) and I topped the healing charts two out of the three games I was in. I DID, however, have to kill myself repeatedly to regen mana and was also drinking like a tree :-P Now while the drinking aspect could mean that I would do well with some mana savings on my heals I have a feeling that in most PVP dying when I'm OOM will still be the most effective way of regening mana.

I think I'm going to try out a very slight variation of the build that you'd put in your last post. When I was thinking about it, if I'm going to focus on healing then I think I'd rather have 3 points in Brambles then 5 in Vengence.

I'll be sure and let everyone know how it goes for PVP healing and whether or not I feel totally gimped in PVE.

Thanks again!
#22 May 17 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
I would also include for a PVE healing touch build.
#23 May 17 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
154 posts
I don't see the time saved on Naturalist as so helpful for PvP healing, where I'd rather use the 3s to cast Regrowth+Lifebloom, getting about the same amount of healing but with more of it coming sooner. The difference between a 3.5s cast time and 3s cast time is smaller, both by percentage and absolutely, than that between either of those and a 2s cast time. In addition, the difference in mana efficiency between Regrowth and Healing Touch isn't *that* huge, and it's acknowledged that mana efficiency concerns are lower in PvP.

Regrowth obviously isn't what one wants to be chain-casting, as this wastes the HoT portion. But while chain-casting Healing Touch every 3 sec might be just enough to keep up a PvE tank, it's unlikely to save somebody getting focus fired in a battleground or 5-man arena. For really extreme needs, Nature's Swiftness doesn't care whether it's a 3.5s or 3s cast made instant. Beyond the "oh, no!" moment, if two healers need to work together for a while, the one druid should do fine stacking HoTs.

Now, in the last build you proposed, Selverein, the 4/5 in Naturalist is sort of filler, and I can't strongly object to those 4 points. I might still consider taking Natural Shapeshifter instead, but experience in the particular group settings of concern can tell the player whether a little more mana or speed would seem to help more in context.
#24 May 17 2007 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
in regards to HT vs regrowth/ pvp, you want burst. HoT's are nice to a degree, but unless youre deep into resto for imp regrowth, regrowth likely wont provide the burst you need to counter incoming damage, and waiting 20s for it to finish isnt likely to happen, as theres a good chance your ally may be dead before then.

hence, having a 3s cast time on HT provides better overall pvp ability for those not specced deep into resto. it allows a druid to, as you noted, heal for about as much as a regrowth + lifebloom but all at once instead of over the course of several seconds. its also proof against dispels and spell steal, as a spell stolen regrowth is just a bad thing to go up against (yes, i know lifebloom heals when dispelled, but you can always tack lifebloom onto the end of the HT for nearly the same effect).

plus naturalist provides the 10% overall physical damage boost, which is key in many regards.
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