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Whats your best Save?Follow

#1 May 08 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
Just a Thread to share amusing stories about your best saves.

This morning i was in Shadow Lab with a bunch of random Puggers, the group consisted of a prot tank, a rogue, a mage, a lock and me (healadin) we were on the 4 sets of mobs just before vorpil, usual story, tank accidentilly pulled 2 sets of mobs instead of 1... and me at 1/2 mana ( i usually only mana up every 4-5 set of mobs if that, Mp5 FTW)

party chat : [Squidie] ********** this i aint wiping, i dont want to pay the ******* repair bill"

somehow.... God only knows through a combination of caffine and nicotine overdose, sleep deprivation and sheer Xen healing... not even the imp died.
I DID however use a pot.
then the whispers started coming in from all 4 other members of the party...
"your guild raiding kara yet?"
"you want to join my guild...?"
etc etc....

so i was wondering how many people had similar experiences?
#2 May 08 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
i've had a few people invite me to their guild. it's funny--"so, you happy with your guild?" lol.

that's a nice save. i have one very less glamorous one but i remember it only because it seems to sort of define the pally class to me.

i was wandering in northern Feralas looking for the second Yeti cave so i could gather hides. at the time i was level 45 or so, and the enemies around were bears and gorillas of 49-50. tough fight so i'm trying to avoid them.

i happen upon a fellow draenei pally who is level 42 squaring off against this 49 bear. he's low health and has his one hander out just trying to hang on. i swoop in, stun the bear, heal him up, and we both whack on this bear for a bit until it dies.

he says he got a little lost while exploring and had never been to Feralas before. we chat a bit and i escort him to the dock so he can get to feathermoon and get the FP. i also booked it because i had a good idea where the cave was and i wasn't wanting to die either.

not a complicated save by any stretch but it was a classic save.
#3 May 08 2007 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
I'm in my low 20's, probably around level 24-ish, and my guild is running through SFK to help me get the stuff for Verigan's fist and for the spiffy drops. I'd already gotten the hammer I needed for the crafting of the 2-hander, and we've downed the butcher fairly easily. So, we go in to the dining hall, me forgetting about the pat that spawns from pretty much every sub-boss you kill, and aggro almost all of the room. We didn't get the Baron, so we were kind've lucky there.

Anyway, we manage to do pretty decently and have four, five mobs left, and everyone but me ends up going down.

And I'm thinking "Damn, I do not want to have to run all the way back here." So I fight the best I can. Use my bubbles for healing myself back up, just keep pounding on one mob at a time and just FOCUS on keeping myself alive as well as I can.

I had the entire group cheering me as the lycanthropes and undead fell over.

I manage to survive, having had to use my LoH, and drink some of the water I kept with me and pick up the priest first.

Admittely, it's a low-level area, but I'm kind've proud of myself for having saved the wipe due to my tenacity.
#4 May 08 2007 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
#5 May 08 2007 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
last night after Steam Vaults our MT decided to take the Zang nodes back. everyone else had hearthed to Shatt except me. so i flew over the East node and he was in the middle of 5man Horde circle-jerk. i dropped in and popped a heal on him and then went to town. after downing 4 lvl 70s and 1 lvl 62 i was the only one standing holding my 4 Marks of Honor. i rezzed my warrior and we stood our ground for a few more mins...the horde rezzed and ran!
#6 May 08 2007 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
299 posts
The best feeling I had from a save was in Gruul's Lair when we were pulling the trash mobs after High King Mulgar. I had just recently joined the guild thanks to a buddy putting in a good word with the GM and since this was my first 25-man run with them, all I was thinking was, "Just don't ***** up." We lost a few people on the initial pull and by the time we got it down to one, had lost all the healers and most of the DPSers. Crit heals, Divine Illum, mana pots, and a spot-on Shadow Priest (*cough* mana battery) were the only reason I was able to keep the tank, who happened to be the GM, alive long enough to down the last mob. After it was all said and done, the GM whispered my buddy to say he was very glad to have taken me into the guild. And I have to admit, that felt pretty darn good.
#7 May 08 2007 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
My best save was in Shadow Labs, where we were pulling the mobs for the first bosses' room. Needless to say, we pull 2 sets of them plus a felguard demon, and we down everything.

Note: We downed nearly all the mobs except the felguard, with DPS dropping very quickly due to the fact that the noob mage running around, dragging mobs everywhere. I tried to keep up heals, but when you have so many mobs beating on leather folk, it just ain't going to happen. At the end of it, all of the DPS, and especially the tank, was applauding me, and it can be quoted that I was "...a monster healer. The best Paladin I've ever seen" by the tank, a very experienced one in great gear while I had to rely on a nearly empty mana pool, my spells, and my 5MPS gear.
#8 May 08 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Fighting Murmur

Everything was going OK, had him down to about 10%. Then I got hit by his touch, 2nd time so I had no bubble. I had to run under the tent to prevent fall damage, tank died before I could get back. So now its just me a mage and a rogue.

I was about half mana so I just started healing the rogue through as much as possible. Popped Divine Favor to help but he ended up dying when I got pulled to Murmur. So now it's just me and the Mage, Murmur at around 2%.

I had no mana left and very on health,the Mage was really low as well. Right before he does his AoE attack I get off my Lay On Hands on the Mage and he was able to burn the last of his health down. Mage ended up with about 500 HP left.
#9 May 08 2007 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
Mine was on Murmur too: I was MT and we had Murmur down to around 2% when our Hunter died. Warrior died, then Priest, then mage, so I'm the only one left standing. I let myself get down to a couple hundred health (by this time everyone had released thinking we were gonna wipe), then I popped Lay On Hands. Divine Shield was on CD so I was just praying now. Got all the way back down to about 500 health, and Murmur died. I start drinking and eating and the group is all, "??? Did you just kill Murmur???" "Yea, he dieded." I don't think any of them believed me till I rezzed them :P

EDIT: typos.

Edited, May 8th 2007 8:58pm by Maulgak
#10 May 08 2007 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
Well this isn't my save but it has to be one of the greatest saves ever,
raid on Onyxia whole party wipes with about 5% of Ony's life left, except one lone warrior and well.......

see for yourself

(you may have to copy link into address bar but its worth a look)
#11 May 09 2007 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Possibly the best Pally save ever.
#12 May 09 2007 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
I've had a few good saves. Two stand out in my mind.

First one, the party was Warlock, Warrior, Rogue, Retnoob Paladin, and Me (healadin). We were in stratholme going towards the scarlet guys and pulled two groups of the skeletons by accident and the eye of kel'thuzad spotted us as well. The warrior and rogue went down fast. The Retnoob died at 80% mana (he wasn't healing). So it was down to me and the warlock. We were playing aggro ping pong, I'd get everyone on me with a holy wrath and consecrate, toss off a heal and then bubbled. The Warlock who was finishing off his rain of fire then got aggro. He sacrificed his voidwalker and began to cast hellfire. Lock gets down to half health and I toss a blessing of protection on him pulling aggro back to me. I start healing through with holy light crits (lucky string of 4 in a row), but eventually the rain of fire pulls 3 of the elites off and they made short work of the warlock, but he's able to kill one of them. I'm left standing at 30% mana and about half life when the 2 elites, each at 40% life come back to me. Consecrate, Judge Light, pop up SoW and start healing with the occasional swing. Finish one off, Start focusing on the other but by this time I'm at 10% life and 3% mana. Throw up blessing of kings for more health, judge light and toss on wisdom. Burn through all my remaining mana on exorcism and a divine shield. Shield drops I go to 3% life and pop LoH and finsih off the last elite and rez the party. Afterwards I get the permanent nickname of "The Immortal Pally"

Second one is on Murmur. Me, Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Tree Druid. Druid gets hit by the sonic boom and less than one second later gets tossed in the air by the debuff and promptly dies. Rogue follows suit when murmur is at 30%. Everyone is saying we should reset but I convince the warrior to get back in the fight and the hunter to focus on DPSing. Hunters pet drops at 28% and the warrior says to me over vent that we should run and reset but I tell him no, that I can heal the fight. The druid kept watching from his corpse saying a paladin could never heal it by himself that we needed to reset and rez him, that he should know because his guild is in Gruul's yadda yadda yadda. 3 minutes later and murmur is dead, I've blown all but lay on hands, and 1 mana pot. I say in party chat "I can't heal it, eh?" I was awarded for my efforts with the Greatsword of Horrid Dreams AND the Silvermoon Creest Shield. I recieved an invite to the Druid's guild and to the Rogue's guild but the warrior and hunter are in my guild and we had a great laugh at it :) And I'm now the Warrior's prefered healer over anyone else :P
#13 May 09 2007 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
It's always nice to get a tag from your guild "Immortal" or "Invulnerable".
PvP always ends up proving that WRONG, but it just kinn've gives you warm fuzzy's when the people you travel with see you that way. ^.^
#14 May 09 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
GavDrake wrote:
Possibly the best Pally save ever.

Ok, now THAT was a cool video ;) Looked like me out there, lol.

EDIT: typo, man I do that a lot :P

Edited, May 9th 2007 7:29am by Maulgak

EDIT 2: TheMalkavian, I just read your post and I had the biggest grin on my face :) How bouts you come to Bloodhoof and be my personal healer: we'll 2 man Illidan ;) hehe

Edited, May 9th 2007 7:33am by Maulgak
#15 May 09 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
It's funny, but I never remember the good ones. Just my ***** ups!

I remember one great save. We were in BRD with a pretty standard party. Warrior MT, Priest MH, a couple dps and me. We had a bad pull and mobs were running around everywhere. Both dpsers went down in the blink of an eye and the priest was dropping fast. I knew there was too many to survive so my only option was to DI the priest before he died. Since I don't use it a whole lot I have to look to remember where I keep that button in my interface. I quickly mouse over to the priest and click DI, hoping I got to her in time. Sure enough I get the pop-up asking if I would like to release. Woohoo!

Too bad I DI'd the warrior. He was confused and everyone else was laughing. I still hear about that one.
#16 May 09 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Eh, I finished the last 5% of the final boss in Mana Tombs. Not too impressive but my group was impressed.

Yeah, lay on hands is very clutch. I try not to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.
#17 May 09 2007 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
185 posts
Okay, I have a level 70 dwarf pally 26/35/00. I was bored one Saturday night (Sunday morning ;p) and couldn't find a group. A64 pally was LFG in the trade channel. He needed a healer to help complete the epic pally mount quest. The group consisted of a 63 fury warr. 64 pall (retnoob) and a 62 hunter (biggest noob of all). I joined the group and asked if he wanted me to tank. Both the warr and the pally found this amusing. The warr was DPS-ing and the pally was tanking (pole arm) since he was ret and could "do more damage than I could". We get to the event. I excuse myself for a bio. I come back and pally had already started the event. The 64 pally didn't even know that you are supposed to release seal to kill them (didn't do his homework). The hunter, 64 pally and warrior all died halfway through the second wave of ghost. They ran back only to realize that the doors to room close when the event starts. I SOLO'd the rest of the event and took down the Death Knight.

Warrior: Unf***ingbelievable!!!

Hunter: What is your spec?

Ret-Noob: You are my hero!!

I never fell below 80% health
I never used a pot.
I never used LOH

I would post my profile but the Armory wont load for some reason. My name is "Woolwort" on the Silver Hand server.

#18 May 09 2007 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
It's always nice to get a tag from your guild "Immortal" or "Invulnerable".
PvP always ends up proving that WRONG, but it just kinn've gives you warm fuzzy's when the people you travel with see you that way. ^.^

PVP USUALLY ends up proving it wrong but not always. That immortal quote was back pre-1.9. Shortly after that quote I did join an AB and held off the stables against 4 horde while the rogue that was defending with me killed them off.
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