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Respecing Frost...not AoE grindingFollow

#1 May 08 2007 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
So i'm considering respeccing to frost from a level 43 pure fire build, but I have a question. What is the benefit of a Frost build that DOES NOT have to do with AoE grinding.
I understand it survives longer, but what else...oh and what would be a good build for a PvE frost/ instance player, dont need a whole build just some pointers....what to def pick up, what to avoid. Oh and do i use fireball still when im frost, or just frost bolt?

Thanks for the help.
#2 May 08 2007 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Asking "what's the benefit of frost besides AoE grinding and survivability" is like asking "what's the benefit of money besides being able to buy things?"

That is frost. It is what it is. What else would you want from it?

And as far as whether or not to cast frostbolt or fireball, do what the situation calls for. If you are soloing, you can hit 3 frost bolts in the time it it takes for 1 fireball... or you could frost bolt him to slow him and then hit with a fireball. When in an instance and you are primarily sheeping and counterspelling for your group, you may want to use fireball and flamestrike on the other mob so that you can DoT the guy and still concentrate on the mob you have sheeped so he doesn't get away. Yes, even a frost mage has a use for fire spells.

Edited, May 8th 2007 8:03am by forktie
#3 May 08 2007 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
forktie is being a rookie so don't mind him.

That is about the same level I respeced to frost as well. You can a massive amount of damage around that level with a shatter build (Ice Shards, Imp Frost Nova, Shatter, whatever that talent it is that increases your crit damage).

In an instance, your side job is to counterspell and sheep, it shouldn't be top priority. You are a friggin' mage, you should be able to pump out damage out the **** and know how to control it. In my travels, I have found it easier to control frost damage output than fire, which can be the difference between winning and pulling all the mobs on yourself and wondering why the tank couldn't hold agro.

Here is a decent template for a 43 frost mage that is not AoE grinding

1 point in Imp blizzard is to have the potential to freeze down mobs in large groups if you are in an instance (Crowd Control)

Permafrost makes your frostbolts even better by slowing down your target even more.

See if you like that build, playing this game is very much a personal style preference.
#4 May 08 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Dude, wtf? Why are you and your 6 posts calling anyone rookie?

In the build you posted, the only difference between it and an aoe build is you put more in improved frostbolt and frostbite instead of actic reach and cone of cold. Your build idea doesn't make it easier to kill a mob, it just makes it harder to kill multiple mobs. Why even offer this as a suggestion?

In response to your instance comments, it is people like you who get your group in an instance killed because you dont know the role you are supposed to play. You either AoE more mobs than your group can handle at one time or you blow all your mana right before you need it most. It sounds like you're just a damage meter freak. The real role of a mage is playing utility for a group and being smart enough to know when you really need to use your mana. Damage isn't what makes a mage in an instance special. EVERYONE does damage. If a warrior, a rogue, and a warlock pet are beating down a mob with no problems and you find the need to waste mana on casting a frost bolt or fireball just to GET IN ON THE ACTION instead of spending no mana and just wanding the mob, then you need to rethink what you should be doing.

Edited, May 8th 2007 9:41am by forktie
#6 May 08 2007 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
For a non-AOE build, the only great option to you is a shatter build. This is going to get tougher, unless the Diminishing Returns for Frost Nova is only for PVP, otherwise, in PvE this build will get less and less useful.

I think forktie hit it on the head... frost is all about survivability, control or AOE grinding. You don't have to do the AOE part if you don't want to, so in a shatter build, you want the most possible points into talents that freeze stuff to the ground. There are a few other ways you could put this together, but this build would be my preference.

Edited, May 8th 2007 9:02am by ktangent
#7 May 08 2007 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Oh let me add to this, the reasons i'm thinking of respeccing frost is...
1)I hate how fragile fire mages are.
2)I have an instnace group that has been working pretty well, one of the other guys in it is a fire mage, thinking that having both fire and frost would acually benefit the team.
3)I would think with the amount of ctits that frost has that it could actually be almost as powerful as fire.

Any thoughts on that?
#8 May 08 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
Forst spec got a
  • BIG
nerf since Frost nova broke on any spell crit and i was talking about any crit not only yours.

Being frost in a group its a real pita. frost nova gonna broke before you can do something half of the time. but at 66 i'm still #1 or #2 in damage meter but a saw a diminution in my dmg/min.

a good spec for 43 i think could be this

Edited, May 8th 2007 2:05pm by fenwickquallim
#9 May 08 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
survivability and very good damage. I have less downtime as frost mage too. one thing you have learn no matter want tree you are in you have to be willing to use all of your abilities. Like posting above state use frost & fire together I use arcane missle when the sitaution call for them. I do understand when you are total fire mage you don't use frost to often except nova frost. But once you become frost mage you will get out of that habit. I have to say one of best move I did was switching for fire to frost. I love fire at the time did switch but i love frost even more.

PS I don't aoe at all never was my thing, It's reason why was fire mage so long because I alway though all a frost mage could do was aoe but that far from truth.
#10 May 08 2007 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
746 posts
ktangent wrote:
For a non-AOE build, the only great option to you is a shatter build. This is going to get tougher, unless the Diminishing Returns for Frost Nova is only for PVP

Yes, they are only subject to diminishing returns in PvP.

"Frostbite effect is now subject to diminishing returns in PvP."
Quoted from:

fenwickquallim wrote:
Forst spec got a

nerf since Frost nova broke on any spell crit and i was talking about any crit not only yours.

That is being changed in the next patch:

"Chance to break crowd control from damage: The increased chance for a spell to break from taking a critical strike has been removed. Instead, all targets over level 60 have a slightly larger chance to break out of crowd-controlling effects when they take damage"

Also quoted from

It's still a nerf, but at least you won't encounter it until levels 60+

darmaster wrote:
I have less downtime as frost mage too

That is a common misconception that a lot of mages have. It may be true that you do not need to sit and drink as often compared to using a fire spec when grinding, but that does not equate to less downtime. It takes a frost spec longer (more spells cast) to kill a single target than a fire spec. It will seem that you have more downtime because you need to sit and drink more often, but it is balanced by the fact that you are actually taking less time to kill each mob. It is a trade off, but a frost spec in itself, is not automatically more mana efficient than a fire spec. In fact, for single target dps, it is usually the other way around.
#11 May 09 2007 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
About AoEing mobs, the only time I really am asked to do it now (at 70) is in Heroic Steamvaults for breaking up the heals of the second boss. In BM a fury warrior(cleave!, victory rush), affliction lock (fear and seed of corruption), or hunter (multishot) is far better at handling the adds in my experience. Just because there are 4 mobs around doesn't mean all of them need to be damaged at once.

Are you ******** me, a mage's main point is not to do damage? That is the whole point of the game!
#12 May 09 2007 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Moeisha wrote:
Are you sh*tting me, a mage's main point is not to do damage? That is the whole point of the game!

AoE is doing damage, isn't it? Did I not get the memo?

I think you are referring to what I was talking about in instances. Playing in an instance and playing solo calls for different things. A mage that doesn't sheep, counterspell, or AoE when needed (ie: ZF steps)in an instance is like a priest that doesn't heal. Do you want your priest blowing all his mana on smites while your tank's HP gets lower and lower and lower and your group wipes because your priest said "I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO DO DAMAGE? THAT'S THE POINT OF THE GAME! ARE YOU ******** ME?"

Nobody said "a mage's main point is not to do damage". What I said was that in an instance, blowing all your mana on dmg spells so you can be king of the damage meter is reatrded when you should be worried about keeping your tank and teammates alive.
#13 May 09 2007 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
so back to the focus of this post....i want to respec frost..i want to live longer and i want to be more use to my instances groups. please tell me about how frost would benefit my gtoup...yesah fire mage will do more dps, but will frost have an equally beneficial role?

thank your soo much everyone who already all were great help. but yeah i just want to be an amaxing party member.
#14 May 09 2007 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
It takes a frost spec longer (more spells cast) to kill a single target than a fire spec.

just like a previous post, i can get three frostbolts off in one firebolt, and by that time most are dead...even pvp. but that doesn't happen to often...the pvp part i mean.

I don't know how many times I have frostbolt frostbite frostbolt crit get the idea and definitely kill faster then a fire mage. I know I crit more then him on trash mobs, and grinding that is a huge plus. so maybe i don't top the damage charts in instances, but i play my role, and I don't pull aggro unless i drostbite shatter, which sometimes happens quite often.
#15 May 10 2007 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
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fuganator wrote:
It takes a frost spec longer (more spells cast) to kill a single target than a fire spec.

just like a previous post, i can get three frostbolts off in one firebolt, and by that time most are dead...even pvp. but that doesn't happen to often...the pvp part i mean. exactly are you getting 3 frosbolts out in the time of a fireball? The frostbolts only have a .5 second less cast time.

Unless you mean Pyroblast, which isn't the main DPS spell of a fire mage.
#16 May 10 2007 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
ShiftORama wrote:
so back to the focus of this post....i want to respec frost..i want to live longer and i want to be more use to my instances groups. please tell me about how frost would benefit my gtoup...yesah fire mage will do more dps, but will frost have an equally beneficial role?

thank your soo much everyone who already all were great help. but yeah i just want to be an amaxing party member.

Apparently everyone has a different opinion of how a frost mage would help a group which you should have gathered by now, but as long as you don't play like a goon, you should help your group just fine. Just remember the importance of what you can do that the rest of your group cannot do. Make water and food for everyone, use cs wisely, when sheeping, keep him sheeped, summon water elemental to help kill mobs, ice block and ice barrier are lifesavers, use your wand when your group has it handled, be responsible with your mana use, and always remember to go all out on bosses with everything you've got.
#17 May 10 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
fuganator wrote:
It takes a frost spec longer (more spells cast) to kill a single target than a fire spec.

just like a previous post, i can get three frostbolts off in one firebolt, and by that time most are dead...even pvp. but that doesn't happen to often...the pvp part i mean. exactly are you getting 3 frosbolts out in the time of a fireball? The frostbolts only have a .5 second less cast time.

Unless you mean Pyroblast, which isn't the main DPS spell of a fire mage.

With a frostbolt slowing the enemy and frost bolt being a faster cast, by the time my slowed enemy gets to me as I cast frostbolts, that same enemy would already be hitting me while casting my second fireball when not slowed.
#18 May 10 2007 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
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Ah, the slowing aspect. I've never had any problem getting off 2.75ish fireballs before the enemy reaches me since fireball has a longer range.
#19 May 10 2007 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
with or without improved fireball?
#20 May 10 2007 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
forktie wrote:
with or without improved fireball?

It doesn't matter. If you're fire spec, you cast fireballs. If you're frost spec, you cast frostbolts. The only time this isn't true is when you are fighting fire/frost immune mobs. The point is that a frost mage wouldn't pull a target using fireball, nor would a fire mage pull a mob with frostbolt (usually). The initial argument was that you could get off 3 frostbolts to a target in the time it took to cast 1 fireball which is untrue. Fireballs have greater range than frost bolts, thus if you are a fire mage, you can get almost 3 fireballs off before they reach you. Being a frost mage, you can get at least 3 frostbolts off before they reach you.

I made some generalizations in this thread, some fire mages take impact and use only scorch and fireblast (they are PvP builds, this is referring to PvE).
#21 May 10 2007 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
If you have FlameThrowing points in the fire tree along with Improved Fireball, then yeah, 3 fireballs before the mob gets to you happens. But if you are frost specced with points in Arctic Reach and Improved Frostbolt and used to 3 frost bolts hitting your target before it is in range to hit you, and you are fighting something immune to frost, then there is NO WAY you are getting 3 fireballs off. No way.
#22 May 10 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
then there is NO WAY you are getting 3 fireballs off.

No one said you could.

The initial statement was:

If you are soloing, you can hit 3 frost bolts in the time it it takes for 1 fireball

That is not true. Fireball casting time = 3.5 seconds untalented. Frost bolt casting time (talented) = 2.5 seconds. 3 x 2.5 = 7.5 seconds. You can cast 2 fireballs in that time span. I think that is the only concern.

No one said you could, if frost specced, cast 3 fireballs at a target and not get hit. See my post above.
#23 May 10 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
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forktie wrote:
If you have FlameThrowing points in the fire tree along with Improved Fireball, then yeah, 3 fireballs before the mob gets to you happens. But if you are frost specced with points in Arctic Reach and Improved Frostbolt and used to 3 frost bolts hitting your target before it is in range to hit you, and you are fighting something immune to frost, then there is NO WAY you are getting 3 fireballs off. No way.

The difference is that you're assuming frost spec, and I'm assuming specced for what you're casting.
#24 May 10 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
ktangent wrote:
then there is NO WAY you are getting 3 fireballs off.

No one said you could.

The initial statement was:

If you are soloing, you can hit 3 frost bolts in the time it it takes for 1 fireball

That is not true. Fireball casting time = 3.5 seconds untalented. Frost bolt casting time (talented) = 2.5 seconds. 3 x 2.5 = 7.5 seconds. You can cast 2 fireballs in that time span. I think that is the only concern.

No one said you could, if frost specced, cast 3 fireballs at a target and not get hit. See my post above.

Are you factoring in that when hit with frostbolt, their speed is reduced?
Is 7.5 seconds the average time it takes for a mob to reach its target?
I don't understand your logic there. All I know is that as a frost specced mage, I can hit 3 frost bolts and be in the middle of a 4th before i get hit, but fireball, I get 1 off and then get hit towards the end of casting my 2nd. Just speaking from experience, so if that conflicts with your math, I apologize.
#25 May 10 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Are you factoring in that when hit with frostbolt, their speed is reduced?
Is 7.5 seconds the average time it takes for a mob to reach its target?
I don't understand your logic there. All I know is that as a frost specced mage, I can hit 3 frost bolts and be in the middle of a 4th before i get hit, but fireball, I get 1 off and then get hit towards the end of casting my 2nd. Just speaking from experience, so if that conflicts with your math, I apologize.

*not going to go round this again... if you don't get it, that's fine... fyi, math is the same for all.
#26 May 10 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
But where does the 7.5 come from? I don't know where u got that number.
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