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The Best Minon A Warlock Can Have?Follow

#1 May 07 2007 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
I am a lv 43 warlock and I always hear that succbus is better than Imp, Voidwalker dominates all, the felguard is insane, etc.(they are just examples not my opinion) I am just wondering if you guys could tell me what you think is the best minon all around. Also, what are the good and bad points of each one. Thank You.
#2 May 07 2007 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
Succubus - Nice DPS, one CC spell

Felguard - Nice tanking, good DPS, useful stun

Felhunter - Stealth detection buff, dispel, spell lock

Imp - Nice DPS until he goes OOM, stamina buff, fire shield which gives fire resistance and a damage on attack proc, unattackable by mobs/players while phase shifted, also has the highest regen of all the pets which makes him the best for a Dark Pact specced Affliction lock

Voidwalker - 3k damage absorbing shield
#3 May 07 2007 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
146 posts
The above post is right on point
#4 May 07 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,207 posts
BuckeyesFTW wrote:
Succubus - Nice DPS, one CC spell

Felguard - Nice tanking, good DPS, useful stun

Felhunter - Stealth detection buff, dispel, spell lock

Imp - Nice DPS until he goes OOM, stamina buff, fire shield which gives fire resistance and a damage on attack proc, unattackable by mobs/players while phase shifted, also has the highest regen of all the pets which makes him the best for a Dark Pact specced Affliction lock

Voidwalker - 3k damage absorbing shield

And now for the bad points:

Succubus - Crappy tank with low HP and low armor.

Felguard - Eats mana like it's going out of style and obviously forces you down a 41+ demonology spec (which costs you access to things like siphon life).

Felhunter - Crap against non-caster types.

Imp - Like the Succubus but even worse for tanking.

Voidwalker - pathetic damage output, and not too good against casters either.

All that said, I usually use Voidwalker, unless I'm against groups of magic guys would like to buff in which case I switch to felhunter. Just recently got my felguard so I'm testing him out, and he may replace my VW.
#6 May 07 2007 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
It really depends on your spec, honestly.

Voidwalker - Useless after level 30 when you can start drain tanking, not to mention he doesn't hold aggro for ****. I even had a build with 3/3 Imp Void and he still couldn't hold aggro, even after letting him get 2-3 taunts before DPSing. However, he's an AWESOME PvP tool when combined with Fel Domination to use for a 3-4k shield.

Imp - THE pet for a Dark Pact build. High regen, and a stamina buff. Also, good for the 20% threat reduction if you have points in MD. He's also arguably the best raid/instance pet, depending on the situation and what the group needs you to do. Also, a fire lock will usually be using Sac Demon for the 15% fire damage.

Felguard - Obviously, a 41 point Demo talent, so he's only useful for Demo locks. He has his uses. I didn't like him for soloing as much as drain tanking, but he's tons of fun in PvP and great for instances. Still, a great all around pet. Good for soloing, good for PvP, and good for grouping.

Succy - CC for instances. Although I hate using Seduce, it still provides useful for normal five mans, but seduce is near useless for heroics and raids. Alot of destruction locks will use it in PvP to get a few nukes off. Also, with MD you get 10% damage increase. She also does decent DPS and is ok to use for Soul Link. A few shadow specced locks might use DS to get the 15% shadow damage buff.

Felhunter - Devour magic is useful in all aspects of the game. Either dispelling an enemy, or dispelling yourself or a teammate. Spell Lock, obviously, is what it is. And Paranoia which I find is simply awesome for PvP. I always roll with a Felhunter. Although I think the Felguard is the funnest pet for PvP, Felhunter is my choice pet and the most useful. Paranoia just adds to that as I'm able to see stealthers ALOT earlier, and able to pull them from stealth before they expect to. The resist buff from MD is also very useful. Good companion for Soul Link.

And I could go on and on and on. Unlike a Hunter's pet, ours are very versatile. Depending on the spec and situation, we can use our pets for various purposes.
#7 May 07 2007 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
BuckeyesFTW wrote:
It really depends on your spec, honestly.

Very true!

BuckeyesFTW wrote:

Voidwalker - Useless after level 30 when you can start drain tanking, not to mention he doesn't hold aggro for sh*t. I even had a build with 3/3 Imp Void and he still couldn't hold aggro, even after letting him get 2-3 taunts before DPSing. However, he's an AWESOME PvP tool when combined with Fel Domination to use for a 3-4k shield.

Correction, YOU can't manage aggro. ;)
Also, if specced MD you take 10% less physical dmg with VW, add SL to that and the improved shield (x2 with fel dom+ms) and you can take quite a beating.
The others you got down pretty well I think =)

BuckeyesFTW wrote:

And I could go on and on and on. Unlike a Hunter's pet, ours are very versatile. Depending on the spec and situation, we can use our pets for various purposes.

Yep, which makes the demo-lock so versatile, especially in world pvp when you can use fel dom to pop out the appropriate demon.
#8 May 08 2007 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
The "best" pet is subjective - situational. Study what they are good for.

The "best" pet doesn't exist - a smart warlock who knows what pets are good for and uses the right pet for the right occasion - that's what is going to come closest to "best."

Stop asking best this and best that. Sheesh! Too general. What do you do all day, read "top ten" lists?!

Well, sorry - everyone asks this over and over. Read what others posted - learn to be a good lock - learn what the various pets excel at - and do your best.

Btw there is a lot of bad info out there (like people saying VWs can't hold agro). Yes, VW's can hold agro if you know how to fight w/ one (hint, drain hunt (read compendium) - sic vw, do coa, cor - wait for second taunt to land - then immo, tap and drain and wand). Another misconception: Felguards use up mana fase. While Felgards do use up mana fast, if you buy 2/3 or 3/3 in Mana Feed - and if you tap and feed him mana - this is no problem at all.

If there is a "best" pet it's the Felguard. You give up a lot to get him, but you get a lot when you get him - and Demonology is not a bad set of talents, if you know how to use them. But a demo-lock w/ a felg is not a guaranteed win - a lot of fun - good at grinding and farming - good at pvp even in spite of people saying otherwise. Not so good at raiding - but you can sac and get ok dps w/ a demon build. GL!

Edited, May 8th 2007 4:26am by IponemaGirl
#9 May 08 2007 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
imho (in my honest opinion for the newbies) the best minion is another player character. be he healer, tank or dps. another person helping you is the best minion you could get. personally I'd go with a paladin or a druid. they don't really steal your gear (although rings, necklaces and trinkets are debateable) but they can heal and or tank for you as you zip through from quest to quest and powerlevel or instance your way up.

ps don't call them minion unless you know them verry well ... to their face that is. Buahahahaha.
#10 May 08 2007 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Your Imp's Fire Shield doesn't give fire resistance. At least not from what I've seen (they could've changed it).

On another note, does anyone know when they buffed our Voidwalker's Suffering spell? It now causes targets with Suffering on to miss more.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 May 08 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
BuckeyesFTW wrote:
Voidwalker - Useless after level 30 when you can start drain tanking, not to mention he doesn't hold aggro for sh*t. I even had a build with 3/3 Imp Void and he still couldn't hold aggro, even after letting him get 2-3 taunts before DPSing. However, he's an AWESOME PvP tool when combined with Fel Domination to use for a 3-4k shield.

Drawing aggro from your VW is not the VW's fault - it's yours. If you can draw aggro from you VW, you will suck when going into instances, because you'll draw aggro off the tank and cause a wipe. Learn aggro control. I haven't pulled Aggro from my VW since I was L30, and read (right here, almost 2 years ago) about aggro control with a VW. You probably start off with high damage, and forget that damage = aggro. If you build slower, your VW will be fine. and you will still kill them just as fast.

Succy - CC for instances. Although I hate using Seduce, it still provides useful for normal five mans, but seduce is near useless for heroics and raids. Alot of destruction locks will use it in PvP to get a few nukes off. Also, with MD you get 10% damage increase. She also does decent DPS and is ok to use for Soul Link. A few shadow specced locks might use DS to get the 15% shadow damage buff.

Only if the instances are filled with humanoids. I prefer using the VW as an off-tank. Why? because the VW holds aggro very well, indeed!

#12 May 08 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
voidwalker solo pet succubus group pet imp works to felguard havent tried it highest lock is 30 o forgot felpuppy great anticaster decent pet wouldnt use it soloing.
#13 May 09 2007 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Succi - you really have to practice cc with seduce because she will continue to seduce while taking damage from a third source (which is not currently being handled), and you have to run back to scrape it off of her. I've found that it rarely connects when on auto during pvp; if it does, there is no real impact on the fight - another player takes out my succi in about 5-10 seconds. Now, I'm not saying reducing the fight by one enemy is bad, just that it ends up with you doting 2-3 more people, and end up without a soul shard - not a great trade imo.

VW - Useful for *pre-created* duels, not on the fly pvp or bg. It is pretty worthless for regular use unless you get that free cast trinket in felwood (at the cost of the blue scythe). Still, based on dps, it's probably only good if you're demo-specced and can quick-summon another shield (infinite sacrifice?). Honestly... if you WERE demo....and got this trinket at the cost of the'd pretty much be invincible...

Could someone check this? I'm actually interested now...

Felpup - my overall choice for regular use, decent mana for dark pact, decent dps, and great against any mob/player with mana. Paranoia is a god-send in pvp, I love how rogues try to run around the edges of a fight to gank from behind, only to be dotted and lose stealth - besides the damage I do, usually a warrior/cmbt rogue will take them out XD.

Felguard - I haven't done the *supposed* 50-respec to demo, so I haven't tried out felguard. *shrugs*

Infernal - Getting atm, no comments.

Doomguard - no clue either.
#14 May 09 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Default
Chuucky wrote:
the felguard is probably the best all-around pet for a warlock, that being said it requires tps. Each pet has its own specialty, the posts above do a very good job about explaining the pros and cons of each particular pet. The felguard does it mana like a fat kid does to pork rinds but with talents his diet can be satiated.

2 Points into Mana Feed and your Felguard's Mana problems go away. As A Demo spec Warlock, the Felguard is by FAR the best PVE pet you will ever get, he does as much or more dps then the succy, and he can tank much better then the void. He doesnt have quite the hp or armor that the void does, but hes darn close...and since he packs quite the punch in terms of dps hes the best overall pet warlocks get.

I just never liked the idea of affliction locks because your pet just becomes your mana slave...other then a few minor abilities thats pretty much all they boil down to. If you think that a warlock and its pet are one in the same...seems stupid to shift the power to one and take it away from the other, demo keeps this balance prety even.

Thats just my 2c.
#15 May 09 2007 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Just adding gravy with the Voidwalker. Yes, he only useful as a pet for soloing, or even as a gimp tank in instances in dire situations. But Fel Domination is one reason why I couldn't see pulling myself out of Demo spec.

Since I quest solo mostly, on a PvP server, that leaves me open to attack from the Horde. I get attacked, I use Sacrifice, Fel Domination and out comes the Succy or Felhunter instantly and cheaply. I've taken people 7-8 levels higher than me with this, all with fighting off the mob I attacked initially.

As for getting aggro from mobs, its just about adding damage slowly. That means no opening up with Immolate OR Shadow Bolt OR whatever. I start off with Corruption and CoA, wait for the VW to tag on a second Taunt, and then add Immolate. Depending on how high of a level the mob is, I might need to reapply a dot or throw down a Searing Pain, but this works out well for me.
#16 May 09 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
Correction, YOU can't manage aggro. ;)
Also, if specced MD you take 10% less physical dmg with VW, add SL to that and the improved shield (x2 with fel dom+ms) and you can take quite a beating.
The others you got down pretty well I think =)

I'm actually using a Siphon Life/SL Aff/Demo hybrid build for PvP. I do some PvE with it too. I have 3/3 Imp Voidwalker.

Voidwalker sucks. Yes, I could do 5 DPS and never pull aggro, but it would take me 10 years to kill something.

Drawing aggro from your VW is not the VW's fault - it's yours. If you can draw aggro from you VW, you will suck when going into instances, because you'll draw aggro off the tank and cause a wipe. Learn aggro control. I haven't pulled Aggro from my VW since I was L30, and read (right here, almost 2 years ago) about aggro control with a VW. You probably start off with high damage, and forget that damage = aggro. If you build slower, your VW will be fine. and you will still kill them just as fast.

There are FASTER more efficient ways to grind. Voidwalker is GARBAGE! A small taunt and that's it. You want to sit there and stay under your void's aggro ceiling? Cool.. but I'm killing 20-30 mobs while your still trying to down your first because you can't DPS for ****.

Only if the instances are filled with humanoids. I prefer using the VW as an off-tank. Why? because the VW holds aggro very well, indeed!


Why would you waste a pet slot trying to have your pet tank? I can understand if you wanted to use him as CC, but even then a Succy or fear yo-yo strat is so much better. You lose too much by not having another pet out.

#17 May 09 2007 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I have to agree with OhMikeGod about the VW. Every player who plans on raiding or running instances should have to play a warlock and learn how to manage aggro with thier VW. Im glad I rolled a lock as my 1st toon, so I didnt have to learn that skill at the expense of some poor tank and healer later on. The VW can have trouble holding aggro on mobs that are higher levels than you do to resists, but if you spec affliction and have siphon life and drain life, you can make the switch to drain tanking on that mob pretty easily. The VW's taunts have more problems in the x7th-x9th level ranges, but you get new taunts basically every x0th level, so it is a short-lived problem when it happens. Like everyone else has said, all pets are situational and depend on spec.
#18 May 09 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
i am lvl 35 and i use my VW all the time i do ussually draw aggro away from him.
i send in VW then cast CoA,Cor,SL life tapx2 to get mana back to full then drain life till mob is dead. if i do draw aggro its after i ger the 2nd DL off. granted i have only soloed so i havent had to worry about other people. if i would draw more than 1 mob i just CoA,Cor,Sl,Immolate then fear and back to the other mob by the time fear wears off the mob is dead or a wand or 2 and its dead
#19 May 09 2007 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
I'm actually using a Siphon Life/SL Aff/Demo hybrid build for PvP. I do some PvE with it too.

OK, i can see why VW would be a bad choice of pet for YOU. it's only use in this kind of build (or any PVP build) would be to sac it when needed. as for PVE, no, he won't hold YOUR aggro. i don't even think the best raid tank could, and here's why:

the buffs you get from the demo tree will increase the damage done by Siphon Life, which icreases the health you get back. as this counts as both damage & healing, your aggro's gonna grow fast. so fast that you're best to use a pet that will add to your dps rather than try to make it hold any aggro. or you could roll a mage: same dps, no worries about pets.

...because you can't DPS for sh*t.

i can only assume you're refering to "burst dmg" dps, meaning you don't use DOTs enough to know what their dps is like (other than Siphon Life, and probably only for the health). from experience, burst dmg generates aggro a lot faster than DOTs. with Siphon Life's aggro and burst dmg, nothing will hold aggro.

Finally, i have to remind you that DOTs can be applied to MULTIPLE mobs at once as apposed to burst dmg only targeting one. so yes, you can kill "20-30 mobs while your still trying to down your first", but 5 seconds later, both him and the 20-30 other DOTed mobs are going down all at once. i'm not saying your way is the wrong way to play a lock, just a different (but equally effective) way. i'm also not saying one way is better than the other, cus at the end of the day, both ways down the same number of mobs. the only difference other than how they dps is one way is PVP, and the other is PVE.
#20 May 09 2007 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
OK, i can see why VW would be a bad choice of pet for YOU. it's only use in this kind of build (or any PVP build) would be to sac it when needed. as for PVE, no, he won't hold YOUR aggro. i don't even think the best raid tank could, and here's why:

The point being that not only is my damage LOWER than any other build I've had (esp with the voidy out), but I have 3/3 Imp Void.. not sure how your point is valid in any sense.

the buffs you get from the demo tree will increase the damage done by Siphon Life, which icreases the health you get back. as this counts as both damage & healing, your aggro's gonna grow fast. so fast that you're best to use a pet that will add to your dps rather than try to make it hold any aggro. or you could roll a mage: same dps, no worries about pets.

Hold on, your saying that the small increase to damage/healing for siphon life is what is going to pull aggro!?????

My damage output is signifigantly lower than any other cookie-cutter build

With the voidwalker out, I lose the 10% damage increase that I would have had with the succy out, which means my DPS is even lower

I have 3/3 Improved Voidwalker

Come on man.. what are you talking about???? Seriously. Your not making any sense.

Why would I roll a mage????????? What does that have to do with anything?

i can only assume you're refering to "burst dmg" dps, meaning you don't use DOTs enough to know what their dps is like (other than Siphon Life, and probably only for the health).


Like I said in the post (you might want to read a post before you criticize it), you have to gimp your DPS to stay under your Void's aggro ceiling.

Finally, i have to remind you that DOTs can be applied to MULTIPLE mobs at once as apposed to burst dmg only targeting one. so yes, you can kill "20-30 mobs while your still trying to down your first", but 5 seconds later, both him and the 20-30 other DOTed mobs are going down all at once.

?????? Do you have any clue what your talking about? Read my post thoroughly, then think for maybe 30-45 seconds, and then reply. What does burst damage have do to with anything? When did I ever mention burst damage?

the only difference other than how they dps is one way is PVP, and the other is PVE.

What!?!? LOL, please just stop posting. You make no sense, and completely go off topic.. for unknown reasons.
#21 May 09 2007 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
BuckeyesFTW wrote:
Drawing aggro from your VW is not the VW's fault - it's yours. If you can draw aggro from you VW, you will suck when going into instances, because you'll draw aggro off the tank and cause a wipe. Learn aggro control. I haven't pulled Aggro from my VW since I was L30, and read (right here, almost 2 years ago) about aggro control with a VW. You probably start off with high damage, and forget that damage = aggro. If you build slower, your VW will be fine. and you will still kill them just as fast.

There are FASTER more efficient ways to grind. Voidwalker is GARBAGE! A small taunt and that's it. You want to sit there and stay under your void's aggro ceiling? Cool.. but I'm killing 20-30 mobs while your still trying to down your first because you can't DPS for sh*t.

...and that's why I top the damage meters on boss fights, right? What your post comes down to is "I've never been able to play as an affliction-specced warlock properly", or as a more proper translation, "I can't play worth sh*t."
#22 May 10 2007 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
...and that's why I top the damage meters on boss fights, right? What your post comes down to is "I've never been able to play as an affliction-specced warlock properly", or as a more proper translation, "I can't play worth sh*t."

I think what he's trying to say is that you have to limit your DPS to avoid pulling aggro from your Voidwalker. Which would slow you down because, as he put it, "you can't DPS for ****". Only because the Void's taunt ability just doesn't cut it once you start collecting decent gear.

I wanted to try something new from Drain Tanking, and testing out situations where I would attempt to take on 10-15 mobs at once (don't even have SoC yet). Well, I used the Void to take aggro on a few mobs as part of my plan, and I did have 3/3 Improved Void at the time, and have him focus taunt one of them. Well, I put my 2 instant DoTs on them, Corr and CoA. I was skipping Siphon Life for the first part of my plan.

My void had gotten off 2-3 taunts already on that one mob, and my those 2 DoTs easily pulled aggro. Just think how long it would have taken me to kill that mob if I had to try to not pull aggro.

While I don't think the void is useless (he proved to be very, very useful in taking on multiple mobs) the way BuckeyesFTW made it sound, but I also see alot of people here trying to make the Void look like some really great tank.. when IMO he isn't preferable over the other benefits you would get from using other pets.
#23 May 10 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,207 posts
FieryCougar wrote:
...and that's why I top the damage meters on boss fights, right? What your post comes down to is "I've never been able to play as an affliction-specced warlock properly", or as a more proper translation, "I can't play worth sh*t."

I think what he's trying to say is that you have to limit your DPS to avoid pulling aggro from your Voidwalker. Which would slow you down because, as he put it, "you can't DPS for sh*t". Only because the Void's taunt ability just doesn't cut it once you start collecting decent gear.

I wanted to try something new from Drain Tanking, and testing out situations where I would attempt to take on 10-15 mobs at once (don't even have SoC yet). Well, I used the Void to take aggro on a few mobs as part of my plan, and I did have 3/3 Improved Void at the time, and have him focus taunt one of them. Well, I put my 2 instant DoTs on them, Corr and CoA. I was skipping Siphon Life for the first part of my plan.

My void had gotten off 2-3 taunts already on that one mob, and my those 2 DoTs easily pulled aggro. Just think how long it would have taken me to kill that mob if I had to try to not pull aggro.

While I don't think the void is useless (he proved to be very, very useful in taking on multiple mobs) the way BuckeyesFTW made it sound, but I also see alot of people here trying to make the Void look like some really great tank.. when IMO he isn't preferable over the other benefits you would get from using other pets.

I haven't had any real issues with my VW tanking, and I'm not even trying to be safe on hate. I sick VW on the mob, dot it up as fast as I can, life tap, drain, it's dead or it peals just before it dies and maybe gets close enough for me to swing at it once. With SL that may be different, but my VW has 0 improve on it and he has no major issues outside of mobs 3+ levels higher where his taunts miss, or if I go into melee range. Only guys that give me pause to be careful are elites and even those I can most often be very reckless and skill not draw hate.
#24 May 10 2007 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
ot the orginal post. If you woudl calculate on hrs ho long i used each pet my imp has got the most play time. Lvl 60-70 i was affliction and would use him for dark pact and jsut drain tank everything. Also he is what you use in heroics and raids. Succbus woudl come in second for seduce. Now that i am 0/40/21 raid spec. I use VW for tanking when i grinding for $$$ or mats. I can not really comment on felguard. I had him once at 60 when the new talents came out, but i could not see using 41 points into demo just for him. I love ruin to much to have him. Anyway end game/toward end game your imp is your best friend.
#25 May 11 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
383 posts
I really dont understand the people that say VW cant hold aggro. I do admit that at the 8 and 9 lvs its really bad, but from 0-7 i've never had a problem with him. All the pets have their uses, but for PVE my void is my favorite pet. Why?? Simple, because i'm a clothie and he's the only pet that saves my *** if I get jumped by multiple higher lv mobs. I drain tank and drain hunt, depending on the mood and how hard the mobs in question hit. Sure void losses aggro after about 40% of the mobs HP, but by then the mob is more or less DoT' up and will be dead before it reaches me.
#26 May 12 2007 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts

i never had aggro problems with VW either, but then I never spammed SBs with him. I discovered SB again after level 7 or so when I got my felguard at 64 and am enjoying it ever since.

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