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#1 May 06 2007 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,006 posts
None of these are my own ideas - I just thought it would be useful to condense some of the most useful things I've learnt by trolling the forums into one post. I'd love to see this thread swell to a monstrous length with all the hidden little secrets other rogues have picked up over time . . .


Thereby making you more likely to use it. During a good grinding session you can use distract about once every other fight to position your mob for you. two clicks and the mob is motionless with his back to you. All that time you spend sneaking around their back for your ambush/cheapshot/whatever, is now cut down to 0. I think good usage of distract can give dagger grinders a fair chance to equal sword grinder's XP rates.


/cast Pick Pocket
/cast Ambush

Be sure that auto-looting is turned on. You can substitute the opener of your choice for Ambush. This takes the extra step out of pickpocketing before an attack. It's useful for many reasons - 1: you get a bit more money, 2: You'll often grab reagents that are a pain to get otherwise (swifthistle, fadeleaf/blinding powder, health potions) 3: You'll pick up junkboxes on which you can skill up your lockpicking. The junkboxes alone are worth it. Nobody should have to farm the swamp of sorrows to skill up lockpicking.


/use [target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage

Substitute whatever bandages you have for Heavy Netherweave Bandage. This macro makes for one-click healing. Insanely useful for when you're desperate to bandage during a 4 second gouge.


I can't count the number of times an easy fight got fouled up because I didn't go into stealth on a bad mouseclick. Now I have stealth mapped to the "1" key. Never fails.


It was a n00b mistake, but I'm probably not the only one out there who has made it. At first I never used my kick ability - I found the timing weird and already had an actionbar overloaded with other options. But learning how to kick a mob in the middle of a spell can save you hundreds of hit points and lots of time. Learn it. Love it.


Sometimes it happens - you're wailing on a mob and some other mob runs up and starts pummeling the back of your head. Take a moment to target them and click "blind," then go back to what you were doing. Some people seem to think that blind is useless in solo PvE work. Granted, if you're careful, you won't overpull very often. But it does happen. Blind when it does. It's better than vanishing halfway through a fight you can easily win.


Humanoids and such will bring their friends with them if you let them manage to run away - but elk won't. If you're grinding on beasts (for xp or leather, whatever) that tend to run off, opt to open with garrote and to poison your blades with deadly. Nine out of ten times your DOT's will finish them off without you having to chase them around. You can move onto the next target.

Other than that, always carry around stacks and stacks of flash powder, poisons, and yes, potions. A well equipped rogue just doesn't die. Unless you're very unlucky, you just shouldn't die.

#2 May 06 2007 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent

Thereby making you more likely to use it. During a good grinding session you can use distract about once every other fight to position your mob for you. two clicks and the mob is motionless with his back to you. All that time you spend sneaking around their back for your ambush/cheapshot/whatever, is now cut down to 0. I think good usage of distract can give dagger grinders a fair chance to equal sword grinder's XP rates.

If u distract a mob while its showing u it's back anyways, this is a waste of time. U'll want to regen the energy first again before u let ur opener go. If that isnt the case, then this IS a good way to make sure u won't get attacked first and to also save some time, if u use it early enough.
#3 May 06 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
If u distract a mob while its showing u it's back anyways, this is a waste of time. U'll want to regen the energy first again before u let ur opener go. If that isnt the case, then this IS a good way to make sure u won't get attacked first and to also save some time, if u use it early enough.

Not necessarily. When you (like me) fight mainly humanoid mobs so you can pickpocket them, you'll use distract in almost every fight while soloing. Sometimes, you won't have enough time to get in there to pickpocket and ambush/CS/Garotte fast enough, even with autolooting on. The macro with pickpocket would remedy this, though, but its still a helpful skill.
#4 May 06 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I will add whenever I think of something useful

Hotkey gouge and USE it! This skill is godly

- Gouge can be used as an interrupt alongside Kick. It can even interrupt skills that kick can't. If you get your timing down, you can have an interrupt up constantly making it possible to lockdown a caster mob indefinately. I got kick on E and gouge on Q.

- Gouge can be used for bandaging in tough fights. Gouge and quick bandage. You can get in 3-4 ticks usually. The better the bandage the bigger the heal. This is a pure lifesaver.

- Gouge can be used to great effect even against higher levels. I have managed to get away from ??-level gankers when I was 25-26 ish, just by using gouge -> sprint -> vanish.

- Gouge can be used to flee from mobs following you by giving you 4-5.5 more seconds to get distance.

Learn to use stealth

- Map your stealth key to the mouse thumb-button for easy access.

- When stealthing or vanishing in the lower levels, you will move slowly. Attackers can therefore easily run around the area where you are to find you. If you DON'T want to be found, you need to use a little trick I found useful. Right before you stealth run in x direction. Enter stealth and IMMEDIATELY turn around 180 degrees and sneak away in y direction. Can be hard to explain, but the opponent will search for you in the direction they saw you stealth in 95% of the time. By going in the different direction once you are out of sight, you drastically increase your chance of escape. Combine with sprint (once stealthed) for greater effect.

Make your life easier with mods

- Download a mod like ComboBar to place combopoints somewhere easy
- Download a mod like riposte-alarm (if combatspecced) to get that riposte every time. (it plays a sound)
- Download an energyticker like EnergyWatch to get time your attacks more effeciently.
- Download NaturEnemyCastbar to keep track of your kicktime, gougetime, blindtime, etc.
- Download a mod that keeps track of reagents like Blind powder, Flash Powder and Thistletea. (I use the titan one called TitanRoguePowder)

(all mods can be found at )

Tips and tricks

- You can apply poisons whithout breaking stealth. Great if you are grinding mobs with 2x Instant poisons, and get jumped by a [insert kiting class here]. Vanish (if you can), and apply crippling poison to main hand. Ready to rock.

- You can switch weapons without breaking stealth. You can even put weapons in your actionbar and hotkey them for easy access. Good in the above example. If you are grinding with 2x swords and you get jumped, you can vanish, switch main-hand weapon to a dagger and open with Ambush if you like. Requires you to always have a high skill in daggers of course.

That's it for now, hope someone found it useful :)

Edited, May 6th 2007 4:03pm by Flagermusen
#5 May 06 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Download a mod like riposte-alarm (if combatspecced) to get that riposte every time. (it plays a sound)

This is probably unnessesary, as if you have floating combat text on, you can turn on an option to have it notify you when riposte is available. Very good guide you have there, new rogues can find this helpful.

Edited, May 6th 2007 3:03pm by Elguapaduro
#6 May 08 2007 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
Another one:

Tips and tricks
If you stealth immediately after resurrecting, you won't draw aggro of mobs - even if they are inside normal aggro range.

Very useful if you die inside a cave or other tunnelsystem where resurrection often is a pain.
#7 May 09 2007 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
For the ambush opener for sword rogues, i use itemrack mod, and it seems to work flawlessly. It works by applying an outfit upon an event (like mounted, or swimming, or stealthed) Most of the time I even get my offhand sword critting simultaeously with my dagger ambush. And right when you hit ambush ability, you hear the sound of your MH sword re-equiping as yopu leave stealth.
#8 May 09 2007 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
Great one ^^

Made me download ItemRack immediately :)

Guys, we need more tips and tricks, so bring your best ones!
#9 May 09 2007 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts

You can increase the length of time that you "stun" enemies, whether they be other players or mobs, by implementing some unorthodoxed tactics.

- Blind and restealth. This only works in PvP. Blind your enemy, and after 5 seconds, you will exit combat, allowing you to restealth and restart your stunlock.

- Restealth and sap. This follows from the last one. If your only goal is to keep your target stunned for as long as possible, restealth and sap them, then cheapshot.

- Time your stuns. Between kick, gouge, and kidney shot, you should be able to to keep any caster from casting nearly indefinately, so long as you time your stuns. If for some reason all those abilities are on cooldown, there's always blind as well.

- Vanish. Seriously, use it. It's probably the most powerful ability that rogues have. If you got nabbed by a frost nova, entangling roots, etc, Vanish will break it, and allow you to start your stunlock over again.

Editted for spelling.

Edited, May 9th 2007 10:17am by Demea
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#10 May 09 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
Got a couple more:

- If you hit a foe from behind, they can't parry your attacks. Very useful in instances when there is a tank to hold aggro. Always stay behind the opponent while hitting him, even if you are combatswords (and don't use backstab).

- Garrote is a great opener for high armored mobs. Also for rogues if you don't want them to restealth.
#11 May 09 2007 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Dont think vanish breaks entangling roots.. but maybe i never used it cause i got moonfired or fairy fired too -.-"

If u plan to gouge or sap, do not use DoTs as it will break ur gouge/sap.

Edited, May 9th 2007 8:32pm by schweizi
#12 May 09 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
what i do with dots is time myself, i see the dot ping [ussualy my deadlypoison] and then gouge, runbehind quick and muty.

i have stealth on F. distract on ~ and my tea on the middle mouse button. Kick is on caps lock.

efficient all the way.

o and even if the mob is not facing you, it might be a good idea to use distract. it will stop it from walking around for a while.

Edited, May 10th 2007 7:03am by Tenjen
#13 May 09 2007 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
Several things I've discovered recently...

1) You can eat whilst in stealth, as long as you eat first then go into stealth mode.

2) If you get feared into a group in an instance, you can save your party from chaos by vanishing, as long as no one else is too close either

3) If you sap a mob in a instance, and it times out, as long as you're not too close, the mob happily goes back to what it was doing before and leaves your party alone. (handy if a different group of mobs gets pulled after you've sapped)

Keep the tips coming! I'm sure I can think of more....

Oh yes - mind-numbing poison rocks in instances!!
#14 May 10 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
One more

- When you are grinding with a rogue, you often times find yourself stealthing right before every mob to get your opener in. That's standard. After a while you'll get used to the range from where you have to stealth without getting aggro.

Often times you run into a mob slightly higher level while grinding (or when moving along) and the aggro range is huger. The mob sees you RIGHT before you stealth and charge towards you about to get the first swing and smack you out of stealth.

I've found out that you can still use an opener as long as the mob hasn't done any damage you yet. If you manage to parry or dodge the attack (while still in stealth), you can still use the opener (like cheapshot bc it's frontal).

Cheap shot is even so fast, that you can open before the mob hits you. Just react quickly if you get aggro right before stealthing and you should be able to pull it off.
#15 May 10 2007 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
A few more:

- Powders and poisons aren't soulbound so if your rogue teammate is low on reagents, feel free to hand them some. They are hella cheap anyway.

- You can actually jump-kick an opponent! While the kicking animation won't display in midair, the interrupt-effect still takes place. Nothing more satisfying than to sprint out of your stealth towards a mage casting pyroblast and make a flying-kick through him interrupting his spell, only to vanish when you reach the other side.


#16 May 10 2007 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts
Another trick in the line of what Flagermusen has mentioned:

You sneak behind a mob to Ambush and you get discovered, so you can't Ambush. Strangely enough (don't ask me why) you CAN still Cheap Shot, most of the times.

What I did is place the Cheap Shot in the same shortcut location (in my stealth bar) as the shortcut location for my Gouge (in my normal bar). So, even if Cheap Shot cannot be used because I'm out of stealth... I'm still hitting the right key for Gouge, which has a similar effect (not as good obviously, but still gives you an opportunity to jump behind your target and Backstab/Mutilate).


Edited, May 10th 2007 3:45pm by nostraaa
#17 May 11 2007 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts
This might help new rogues to better time their attacks:

Watch your energy bar. It replenishes at regular intervals ("ticks"). If you download a mod such as EnergyWatch, it will be easier to notice.

Let's say you stun your target (CS/KS), and use a first attack, for instance Backstab. Sometimes the stun will end before you can place a second attack, sometimes it will last long enough. This can make a pretty big difference and you can make sure you place 2 attacks by stunning your target JUST before an energy tick. This way, just while you stun the target, the next tick occurs and you got some extra energy immediatly. This is what will guarantee that you have enough energy for your second attack 100% of the time.

Another tip about timing attacks: as you are aware, you can't stealth while a DOT has been applied to you. I mean, you CAN stealth but the next tick of the DOT will take you out of stealth mode. If you need one specific attack which is only possible while in stealth, wait for a DOT tick, Vanish and immediately attack (for instance, CS) BEFORE the next DOT tick occurs (else you'll be out of stealth).

#18 May 11 2007 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Demea wrote:

You can increase the length of time that you "stun" enemies, whether they be other players or mobs, by implementing some unorthodoxed tactics.

- Blind and restealth. This only works in PvP. Blind your enemy, and after 5 seconds, you will exit combat, allowing you to restealth and restart your stunlock.

- Restealth and sap. This follows from the last one. If your only goal is to keep your target stunned for as long as possible, restealth and sap them, then cheapshot.

- Time your stuns. Between kick, gouge, and kidney shot, you should be able to to keep any caster from casting nearly indefinately, so long as you time your stuns. If for some reason all those abilities are on cooldown, there's always blind as well.

- Vanish. Seriously, use it. It's probably the most powerful ability that rogues have. If you got nabbed by a frost nova, entangling roots, etc, Vanish will break it, and allow you to start your stunlock over again.

Editted for spelling.

Edited, May 9th 2007 10:17am by Demea

Adding to the Vanish one, use Sprint after Vanish if it's up. Lets you get in an opener before your opponent can react.

Imp Gouge is also very, very valuable in PvP. 5.5 second incap that lets you restealth to use Cheap Shot again, thus keeping up your stunlock. I can lockdown a Warrior from 100-0 who's level 65 (at 60) using just Blind for cooldowns.
#19 May 11 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
Great forum thanks alot
#20 May 11 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Another one:

(btw I think this thread is absolutely magnificient in learning how to play a rogue effeciently. Keep them coming)

- A rogue makes an absolutely fantastic flagcarrier escort in WSG (after level 20 at least). Let another teamate run the flag (like another rogue with sprint, or a druid with travel form). Meanwhile, you just run as a damn police cop beside him.

Apply crippling poison on BOTH your weapons, and have your gouge ready. I swear, this is just too funny. Just hit everyone in your immediate vicinity and gouge whenever its up. No one can keep up, and you can run your flag in safety. Cripple those biatches!
#21 May 11 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Flagermusen wrote:
Another one:

(btw I think this thread is absolutely magnificient in learning how to play a rogue effeciently. Keep them coming)

- A rogue makes an absolutely fantastic flagcarrier escort in WSG (after level 20 at least). Let another teamate run the flag (like another rogue with sprint, or a druid with travel form). Meanwhile, you just run as a damn police cop beside him.

Apply crippling poison on BOTH your weapons, and have your gouge ready. I swear, this is just too funny. Just hit everyone in your immediate vicinity and gouge whenever its up. No one can keep up, and you can run your flag in safety. Cripple those biatches!

At 70, Rogues get Shiv. This tactic becomes all too easy when we can just ride on our mounts and drop off to Shiv people to apply Crip Poison.

In the same token, you can stealth and Sap/Cheap Shot people if you're following on a mount.
#22 May 11 2007 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
Another one:

- A rogue can quite easily pick up a flag in WSG if done correctly. If there is 3 man on defense, it can seem almost impossible to do solo. But to your fortune, the odds are in your favor (as being a rogue) if you act quick. You gotta have 3/3 imp. gouge (preferebly) and sprint ready (imp sprint would be good too)

Make sure you have crippling poison in both hands. Stealth in and Sap one (the most dangerous). Then quickly gouge another and pick up the flag. Now run towards the third and SS him. Then push sprint and get the hell outta there.

I've done this MANY times, and I'm succesful almost every single time. One will be sapped and totally incapacited for quite a while, the second one will be gouged before he can react and be out of battle for 5.5 seconds, while the third one will, hopefully, have crippling poison applied. Once you hit sprint, you will get distance very fast, and will have an easier time getting to your teammates for help.

If you don't mind to spend reagents you can also blind the third for a better result.

Happy flagrunning :)

Edited, May 11th 2007 10:37pm by Flagermusen
#23 May 11 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
To add on to the above post, flagrunning is made even easier if you're specced Subtlety.

Sprint > Preparation > Sprint > Speed pot > Capture.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#24 May 11 2007 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
This thread has been awesome! Thanks for the tips!

I found that Subtletly rogues are more effectient for flagrunning than assasination rogues, since they get the sap to stealth and less detect chance. Frankly, they're insanely hard to find. The best thing to do is make sure your sprint is charged and sap any and all guards (since you restealth) Then grab flag and haul *** for the speed boost pickup (And make sure there are no noobs who take it before you.) When that runs out, use sprint, and when that runs out, use a speed boost pot if you have one. The improved sap is just insane for PVP.
#25 May 11 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
this thread has been awesome! Thanks for the tips!

I found that Subtletly rogues are more effectient for flagrunning than assasination rogues, since they get the sap to stealth and less detect chance. Frankly, they're insanely hard to find. The best thing to do is make sure your sprint is charged and sap any and all guards (since you restealth) Then grab flag and haul *** for the speed boost pickup (And make sure there are no noobs who take it before you.) When that runs out, use sprint, and when that runs out, use a speed boost pot if you have one. The improved sap is just insane for PVP

The idea of sapping multiple targets is great! It's just sad that it's not possible.

You can only sap one target at a time, hence needing to use gouge and blind/cripple on the other.

In the upcoming patch, ALL rogues get imp. sap which is VERY VERY nice for us combat/assa specced rogues.
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