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How do you counter Cloak of Shadows?Follow

#1 May 05 2007 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm just curious. I don't have Improved Howl of Terror yet so with my build I'm pretty much screwed if the Rogue gets within melee range.

Which they usually do with Sprint ready.

EDIT: Added my build.

Edited, May 6th 2007 1:58am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2 May 05 2007 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
It lasts 5 seconds. So so should you. Smiley: tongue
#4 May 05 2007 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
Netherweave nets, iHoT, Curse of Exhaustion (gets CLoS'd off, but it buys some distance), and Death Coil are all I have.

But the vast array of cooldowns and stuns and snares and **** they have is insane. TBH, they didn't need CLoS, and never will.

A well played Rogue should never lose to a Warlock. Even when I was testing Demo, the extra stun and SL didn't help against good Rogues.

Sometimes though, I'll get lucky and get away with 1% of my life. But thats after using all my cooldowns and a netherweave net.
#5 May 06 2007 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
They got, what, 90% spell resist for five secs, right? So why are you thinking imp HoT or DC? They won't work!

You gotta do several things to survive CLoS:

1) Recognize it. If you don't instantly recognize it, you're doomed. You must completely drop whatever you were doing and go into "survive CLoS mode" to win.

2) Survive the few seconds the rogue has virtual spell immunity. Swiftness potion and evade him w/ groundspeed. Barring that, run through him - go unexpected directions - through him off.

3) Not sure if netgun or tailored net are affected by the 90% resist - if not, use those, get away, warm up a big dd to smack him as CL0S comes off.

4) Get sta gear, have healthstone ready. Sac VW.

But mostly have an effective routine programmed in your head for what to do when you see CLoS is being used.
#6 May 06 2007 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
Would CLoS prevent use of seduction entirely?
If not, seduce him, and wait it out.

Or alternatively, run like hell. :D
#7 May 06 2007 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Here's the issue though.

If I run he'll use Sprint to catch me.
If I net him he'll use Vanish to break it.

Once he gets within melee range I'm doomed because any Rogue worth his weight in copper knows how to keep a caster silenced using Kick, Gouge and Kidney Shot. And I don't have the 20% damage mitigation of the Demonology Warlock, nor the burst damage of the Destruction Warlock.

Once the Warlock gets within range, I'm dead. I'm done.

Kick me while I'm trying to Fear and it'll lock down my shadow spells for 5 seconds. Gouge to instantly interrupt my spell casting. Kidney Shot to stun me and still be able to deal damage.

I have a Rogue with Improved Gouge. If I use Gouge on someone it lasts long enough for me to re-enter stealth. So this is how it looks:

Warlock puts Curse of Exhaustion on and DoTs.
Rogue uses Cloak of Shadows.
Warlock uses Netgun or Netherweave Net.
Rogue uses Improved Sprint if he has the talent (breaks snares) or Vanish and then Sprint.

Most Rogues have Camouflage which makes them move around at 85% speed in stealth. Sprint at level 70 (heck at level 58) makes the Rogue move at 70% increased speed. That's 155% movement speed while in improved stealth mode. No chance in hell to spot the Rogue before it's too late.

Even if the Warlock does spot him, or if the Rogue is lazy, he'll blow a Blind to stop the Warlock after he activates Sprint.

Run away? What prevents the Rogue from using a Netherweave Net himself? Or the Net-o-Matic? He's already moving 50% faster than I can run - and he's in stealth.

Once he gets to me it's just:

If out of stealth - Gouge/Blind and enter stealth.
If in stealth - Cheap Shot.

By now Cloak of Shadows is wearing off (yes, all of this only took 5 seconds).

So do I blow Death Coil and try to Fear him? What prevents him from breaking Fear with his trinket thingy? And if he got a Cheap Shot on me I can forget about using Death Coil. Stunlocking isn't really hard. At least not on a clothie with only 7400 health.

Hell, my Feral Druid "stunlocked" a Priest.

Edited, May 6th 2007 1:19pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#8 May 06 2007 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
(hi. im new here)

alrighty people, this is what you do.

the "trinket thingy" only works once. if you are aff lock, you now have two instant fears; DC and HoT.
now theres a lot of little things you can do to help you in a heart stopping situation like this.
first off, if you see them first, then dont use CoE, that'll only slow them by 30% (which is nothing to a good rogue). instead, to counteract the CoS, you use curse of elements or curse of shadows. both of which will make it billions of times easier to penetrate their CoS. (for destruction specs, use curse of elements. it gives the help for fire spells too)

now say you know the rogue is somewhere but you have no idea where... thats when you get a felhunter for the induced paranoia. guarenteed you'll see that rogue before they get to you (if you are both the same level) or if you are just way too scared, hide behind your insanely strong sheild made my a sacc vw.

an interesting way to break their stalth is maybe you're herb/alc (like most locks are), make the oil of immolation. yes its a low leveled potion and yes its terible damage but the AOE will pull them out of their stealth once they get within 10 feet or so from you.

all in all, you people are warlocks. you have insane strategies and so many to choose from. get creative.
#9 May 06 2007 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
.. troll. in any case 90% resistance to all schools of magic means you have to attempt to survive that 5 seconds. a cheap engineering explosive 1 second cast time with 1 second sun (and usable by all professions) may help you survive for 1-2 seconds longer. healthstone, another 1 second or 2. health pot would give you another second. so long as you survive that 5 seconds, you can attempt to fear/seduce, dot, and then kite their *** to the ground.

Finally, Soul stone means they really wouldn't have that cos any more when you pop up at the end of combat and then fear pawn their *** ^_^
#11 May 06 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
masqueleader wrote:
the "trinket thingy" only works once. if you are aff lock, you now have two instant fears; DC and HoT.

Howl of Terror is only instant if you have the talent.
masqueleader wrote:
instead, to counteract the CoS, you use curse of elements or curse of shadows. both of which will make it billions of times easier to penetrate their CoS. (for destruction specs, use curse of elements. it gives the help for fire spells too)

90% spell resistance means my Curse of Elements/Shadow has a 10% chance of landing. Good luck on that.

masqueleader wrote:
now say you know the rogue is somewhere but you have no idea where... thats when you get a felhunter for the induced paranoia. guarenteed you'll see that rogue before they get to you (if you are both the same level) or if you are just way too scared, hide behind your insanely strong sheild made my a sacc vw.

Summoning my felhunter takes 10 seconds and makes a flashy animation which says "interrupt me now, because I don't have a demon out - or silence me and lock down my shadow spells". The voidwalker shield requires you to blow a soul shard and it only absorbs roughly 3000 damage.

masqueleader wrote:
an interesting way to break their stalth is maybe you're herb/alc (like most locks are), make the oil of immolation. yes its a low leveled potion and yes its terible damage but the AOE will pull them out of their stealth once they get within 10 feet or so from you.

A Rogue can Cheap Shot before the oil breaks stealth. Not to mention resisted charges won't bring him out of stealth anymore. Oh, and I'm a tailor/enchanter, like most cloth classes are.

masqueleader wrote:
all in all, you people are warlocks. you have insane strategies and so many to choose from.

And Rogues have a way to counter every single one of them.

Addermine wrote:

Who, me?

Addermine wrote:
a cheap engineering explosive 1 second cast time with 1 second sun (and usable by all professions) may help you survive for 1-2 seconds longer.

Sounds interesting. What's the name of this explosive and where can I get some?

Addermine wrote:
healthstone, another 1 second or 2. health pot would give you another second.

If I need potions or healthstones it means the Rogue is within melee range, which again means he's stunlocking me.

Addermine wrote:
so long as you survive that 5 seconds, you can attempt to fear/seduce, dot, and then kite their *** to the ground.

Obviously, but the tricky part is staying out melee range for 5 seconds when your opponent is immune to your spells and can move at a 70% speed bonus.

Addermine wrote:
Finally, Soul stone means they really wouldn't have that cos any more when you pop up at the end of combat and then fear pawn their ***

Great, so I need to blow a 30-minute cooldown to beat a Rogue?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#12 May 06 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
well, if they get the jump on you, its over, if not get them to burn sprint by

getting alot of distance dont use fear till their out of CloS, not before

they use it, or you could be lazy and just wait for a nerf, becuase im pretty

sure they are nerfing it, and its basicly a uber version of the CloS spell from

diablo 2 lod, that assisans had, but since it was only used in hell duels it

only helped to get rid of the -100 resistances
#13 May 06 2007 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The problem is that if the Rogue catches me I'm game over. I can't survive a stunlock. I can be spamming Death Coils and instant Howl of Terrors until the cows come home, but unless there's a short break in the stunlock, it won't matter.

Same with healthstones and potions. You can't chug a potion or pop a healthstone if you're locked down in stuns.

It'll change next patch when we can break stun with our trinket and Rogues can't break Seduce with theirs, but still. Cloak of Shadows is fine with me. I remember what it was like being a squishy leather-wearer back when I played my Rogue. It just needs a longer cooldown, in my opinion.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 May 06 2007 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Go into rogue encounters knowing they will use cloak. Dont waste all your dots/mana when they'll all just get removed. My basic strategy is to dot them up just enough to annoy them, make them choose to use it early even though they know they shouldn't. I like using curse of exhaustion, corruption, immolate and staying far out of range. Usually they cant catch me, I'm annoying them with a few dots, their life is ticking away, they cant move fast, but they know I havent even burned a fear yet, and I'm 25 yards away kiting with searing pain.

Sometimes I get caught/stunlocked etc, but this has been my best strategy. Overall they are a tough fight anyways, cloak makes it harder for us locks.

Example affliction:
(1) Open and kite with CoEx and corruption, spam searing pain, keep 1.5 second distance
(2) rogue cloaks
(3) keep distance for 5 seconds, pvp trink if needed (stun in 2.1 for example), hs if needed
(4) redot, rain of fire if they stealth and you know where they are (keep mouse/vision on them always, know where they stealth to)
(5) you didnt even use fear yet, score
(6) fear, redot, shadowbolt, drain life
(7) they break fear, sprint
(8) deathcoil, more drain life, curse of exhaustion
(9) they should probably be dead now or soon

Example felguard:
(1) open with felguard, keep intercept off auto-cast (save it for stun if you get stunned)
(2) fear, cleave, shadowbolt
(3) rogue pops cloak, felguard keeps hitting, try to stay out of range
(4) keep spamming CoA trying to land so they cant vanish

Example destruction:
I dont know, be creative :P

I havent played a felguard build since 55, so I'm not as sure there. My build is actually quite similiar to yours, but I have iHoT, ruin and only 1 demo point (imp healthstone).

The encounter is harder if they're undead (wotf + cloak). Undead rogues are currently my nemesis, same with orc warriors :P

Basically save your fear for after they cloak and you're still alive if possible. With DR you can still get up to a 12 second fear after they cloak if you dont burn it before the cloak. With enough +spell dmg your dots are strong enough that a rogue will probably have to cloak before you burn a fear. It will really help having your pvp trinket in the 2.1 patch. Work on getting that. If you haven't burned your deathcoil theres another bonus.

Edit: If you're gonna pvp alot, I really think you could lose 2 other points in affliction for iHoT. For example, shadow embrace and suppression.

Edit 2: I don't know if you can get a smart rogue to pop their cloak early with a demo/destro build. Without curse of exhaustion, they don't have much need to burn the cooldown, unless they're feared. So this is a disadvantage, you have to waste your best fear, and you next one will have a crappy diminishing return. Oh well. Keep your felguard on them with demo, try to crit them hard, often and fast with destro.

Edited, May 6th 2007 6:17pm by mikelolol

Edited, May 6th 2007 6:24pm by mikelolol

Edited, May 6th 2007 6:25pm by mikelolol

Edited, May 6th 2007 6:28pm by mikelolol
#16 May 06 2007 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
And if he pops Sprint after using Cloak of Shadows? He'll get to you before the Cloak fades again.

So far my strategy has been to run like the ******* wind when I see the Rogue turn transparent and dark (Cloak of Shadows). But if he uses Sprint he'll be moving faster than a normal mount AND he'll be immune to my only snare.

Can anyone confirm whether or not Seduce works through Cloak of Shadows?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 May 06 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Rogue probably will sprint, and you'll probably need a 2.1 trinket + a healthstone to survive the next part. Just count down in your head. Then second your free from whatever stuns/crippling poisons and not dead, thats when you DC in the face, shadowbolt, fear, dot, drain life, shadowbolt, and hopefully the health scales have turned. Expect to reach as low as 10-15% health most of the time, and theres still a good chance you die. Lots of stamina helps.

From what I see, seduce = charm = magical effect = 90% immunity still through cloak of shadows. You can always use it the second you count down from 5, even if you're under the effect of some rogue CC at the time. The real challenge is staying alive after the sprint + dps onslaught.
#18 May 06 2007 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
You know it just hit me, as we often say do this, do that - use these consumables - it's often assuming that rogues won't do the same.

Which is wrong.

Imagine a rogue w/ CLoS and a shadow protection potion.
#19 May 06 2007 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
CLoS counter: make it a 41 point talent like it used to be, instead of a 1 minute cooldown all rogues get. Damn, I wish I had a spell that made me immune to all melee damage for 5 seconds for free. The closest spell to that is Pain Suppression, a 41 point disc talent, and that only stops 60% of all damage. Whoever is sucking off the game developers at blizzard plays a rogue, and he must be damned good with his tongue.
#20 May 06 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
^best post ever and not even a lock. :)
#21 May 06 2007 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
I actually almost beat a Rogue today in WSG.

He had just zoned into WSG and I was in their flag room waiting for the flag to respawn. So I start to DoT him up and throw a shadowbolt. I get him to about 30% health, and he CLoS's and vanishes.

Then, I get stunlocked a few seconds later. A break occurs in the stunlock and I hit my instant Howl and DoT him back up, and he immediately trinkets out of it.

Then, I death coil and use a netherweave net. I start to fire up a fear. Then he sprints, and kicks me before I can get it off.

I died and he eats through whatever is left from my DoTs.

And if he pops Sprint after using Cloak of Shadows? He'll get to you before the Cloak fades again.

So far my strategy has been to run like the @#%^ing wind when I see the Rogue turn transparent and dark (Cloak of Shadows). But if he uses Sprint he'll be moving faster than a normal mount AND he'll be immune to my only snare.

Can anyone confirm whether or not Seduce works through Cloak of Shadows?

Nothing works through CLoS, not even seduce.

And, I've had Rogues kill me on my epic mount. I would get out of combat, mount up, and they would be sprinting and hit me with a deadly throw or blind.

Then they'd catch up and insta-gib me.

I'm not sure why the Devs thought Rogues needed a 41 point talent on a 1 minute cooldown.

Edited, May 6th 2007 9:48pm by BuckeyesFTW
#22 May 07 2007 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
IponemaGirl wrote:
You know it just hit me, as we often say do this, do that - use these consumables - it's often assuming that rogues won't do the same.

Which is wrong.

Imagine a rogue w/ CLoS and a shadow protection potion.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#23 May 07 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
Rogue vs Warlock matchups are about as one sided as it gets, even IF the warlock gets the drop on the rogue and gets a fear off before the rogue can do anything there are so many things a rogue can do like COS/Vanish, then once hes stealthed he can stunlock you into oblivion. trap trinkets help, so does a succubus for seduce, but the warlock has to do ALLOT of things right.
#24 May 07 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Rogue vs Warlock matchups are about as one sided as it gets

Rogue vs Mage =Even worse
Rogue Vs Priest = About the same.

Theese guys are caster killers, the class was built with one intent, Kill casters!!!Somehow it took bliz untill TBC to actualy implement this. It totaly sucks to be us right now we were top of the food chain for almost a year and half, now we are just strong....

Dose this mean Cloke of Shadows is a death sentance? well mostly, the same as pre TBC when seeing a lock was a death sentance for just about all classes.

for me the biggest way to live though CloS is to run like crazy. Sometimes I like to leave a little present(assuming I know the rouge has poped CloS and has revanished, a landmine. Yup the goblin land mine(one of my favorite items in the game). for my tatic to work i have to have used fear for about one sec(while they hit CloS). they vanish, sprint, and when they hit the landmine(Boom) they are out of stealth. All that of corse is a one in ten chance of being the situation i get stuck in.

One other trick i have found is running off large cliffs(if avaiable) you can use the Ferallas parachute (if you have one) to survive the fall. one of two things happens: A) the rogue falls to their death, or B)you get away.
#25 May 07 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Rogues were always meant to be able to defeat casters, that's the whole class balance thing. All CLoS did was make them be able to kill warlocks. Before, we'd death coil them and go to town dot fear etc.

As much as i hate to admit it, we locks have gotten spoiled about being able to kill the class that tears up clothies. Just accept the fact that the rogue will eliminate all your dots with one ability, and *remove* your Unstable affliction if you have it without it proccing, vanish, sprint, and proceed to kill you. There's really nothing you can do about it. 5 seconds is enough for any rogue to obliterate a clothie and that was intended by blizzard or they wouldn't have implemented it. Not to mention the fact that it's on a 1 minute cooldown and is probably going to have it's cooldown lowered in the next patch.
#26 May 07 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
seduce does not work on the 5 second cooldown but if you start the seduce on the 3rd or so second I think it'd land just as it's over. (forgot the actual timing for seduce. 2 or 2.5 seconds casttime.)

and no, troll was for the guy right above my other post.

last. yep sorry about that, ez-throw dynamite doesn't stun. and with 90% resist they will probabally resist fire damage. it's still a good way to make them waste kick/gourge though.
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