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Tank roll rejections. (fury spec)Follow

#1 May 04 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
Just wondering how people handle this type of situation. Have you been turned down in PUG groups because you're not Prot spec?

I was in HH questing and a group was looking for a tank for Ramparts then they were GTG. They asked my spec and I told them Fury. They said no sorry and then changed to "LF prot warrior...". 5 minutes later I found another group and had no problem tanking the instance.

Do you just move on or do you say something to them like "Hey I have no problems tanking that instance..etc"? I almost feel they have their minds made up so I don't try talking them into it. I can find other groups so it worked out.
#2 May 04 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
They asked my spec and I told them Fury

That's lame they asked you that. I would have said I'm spec'd "Tank". It's none of their freaking business what specs you chose.

Do they know how long it takes to grind as a Protect warrior? Bah. Tell them to roll a holy priest and see how they like it.

-Dumb question, but you have a shield yes? Bam! instant tank.
-You have Stamina gear? str gear? maybe a bit +Def gear? Bam, good tank!
-You can keep multi mob aggro? Bam! super tank.

That's all they need to know lol.

I'm no where near your level, but the past 3 days I've been doing DM and WC. I'm Fury spec, and I tank them just fine (tho I don't have the amount of talent points as you).

I understand getting to 65ish then maybe respec'n to protect for the high end raids, where you'll get exp for your next levels... but 1-70 no thx.

Edited, May 4th 2007 12:40pm by GYFFORD
#3 May 04 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
GYFFORD wrote:
-Dumb question, but you have a shield yes? Bam! instant tank.


People who believe that just throwing on a shield makes them an instant tank make baby jesus cry.

If your sitting there in dps gear and your 5k hp glory, you are no better of a tank than a hunter's pet.

It's not like its hard to collect a tank set in outland. Hell almost ever single quest will either have a dps piece as a reward or a tank piece as a reward. Not to mention the trash greens you will see that are "of the champion".
#4 May 04 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
All I meant by shield was that I've seen warriors tanking w/o a shield. Yeah, it was not working out so well. It still worked since they had heavier armor then everyone else, but I imagined w/o the shield bonus in armor, they were wasting mana on heals.

Also, my little series of questions were meant to be all in one questions (Rhetorical'ish) things that tanks should have.

I still think it's lame not inviting him. I mean do they ask priests "are you Holy!" no ... cya.

Hunters are you MM? no ... cya.

Edited, May 4th 2007 1:20pm by GYFFORD
#5 May 04 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Don't blame others for your spec. If you wanna be fury, be prepared for people to recognize that you're a lesser tank. Gotta take the good with the bad.

And no matter what you think, you are a lesser tank if you're fury specced. You've got less defensive stats, slower rage generation with a shield, and less threat greneration. It doesn't mean you're incapable of tanking, but compered to an equally skilled prot warrior you're just not going to be able to do it as well.

Considering the difficulty of the dragon boss in Ramparts, I can't really blame a group for being selective about their tank. The opening attack is enough to drop Prot warriors quite low in HP.
#6 May 04 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
The opening attack is enough to drop Prot warriors quite low in HP.

O.O This is where the noob Gyf comes out. I've yet to see a mob that can almost kill a tank with one move. Ah I can see why protect would be preferred.

Can a Fury warrior tank in that case then? Maybe with PW-shield?
#7 May 04 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
His damage is almost all Fire based though, and unless you have Imp. Defensive (and that's only 6% off) a Prot warrior is going to drop the same way. Armor and Shield Block aren't going to help much.

Protection is really, really unneccesary unless doing raids or a timed heroic run (I wouldn't want to even see the inside of SH Heroic without being Protection - you _need_ that extra threat, much less the mitigation). Even then, with a hybrid spec going either 15 or 21 points into Protection you gain most of the benefits from the spec for tanking.

Tanking: Skill > Gear > Spec, but sometimes you just need all three. *shrug*
#8 May 04 2007 at 10:07 AM Rating: Default
O.O This is where the noob Gyf comes out. I've yet to see a mob that can almost kill a tank with one move. Ah I can see why protect would be preferred.

You haven't played much 70 lvl instances then. There are plenty of mobs than can almost oneshot u if you're not prepared, and not only in raids and heroic, for example 'steamvaults' the boglords hit like a train, i can't imagine a fury war there.

I got both war and priest 70 well geared, and it's a pain to heal the tank in those situations.
#9 May 04 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
You haven't played much 70 lvl instances then.
I keep trying to... but for some reason they don't want a lv 50 in the group. =D

Sounds like fun tho, I should go back and level my hunter.
#10 May 04 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Speaking from a dps standpoint, no fury warr can hold agro against me. It's not even close. I can use anisthetic poison on both wpns and be 20% ahead on the threat meter in a matter of seconds. Which translates into me tanking the mob for the rest of the fight or vanishing. Since I have 40% dodge I usually just tell the healer that if I get agro I'll just keep it since it's too much of a pain in the *** to vanish all the time.

I do agree that ramparts and really any instance under 65 is probably tankable by a fury warr, but they need to be treated similarly to a pally tank, ie salvation to all if you have pally in the grp. Otherwise threat management is gonna be a huge pain in the ***. Even our fury warr in kara has a hard time holding agro if dps starts going all out.

And Estrellita is completely correct, tanks get 1shotted all the time in heroics, raids and certain lvl 70 instances(like SV and arcatraz). A fury warr can offtank just fine and are really good in that role when they aren't pure dps, but as a mt, no thanks.

Edited, May 5th 2007 4:25am by mahlerite
#11 May 04 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
Do they know how long it takes to grind as a Protect warrior?

It's not as bad as some people claim. I've been prot spec from the start mainly because it worked best for playing with my boyfriend's Shaman. When he quit duoing so much with me after I hit 40 well ahead of him, I kept the spec because I was used to it and was looking to do more group stuff because I had missed that part of the game with my mostly solo and duo playing.

Yes, it takes longer for stuff to go down but I also don't spend a lot of downtime between fights to heal up. If I'm fighting single mobs that are green or yellow to me, I can charge from mob to mob about 4-5 times minimum before needing a bite to eat.

I'm comfortable with my leveling speed right now.
#12 May 04 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
morghast, Thanks for that! Since I've started playing WoW all I've read was "Zomg!! protect warriors grinding sucks" post. It's nice to hear someone actually doing it.

Right now I'm Furry at lv22, and dual weilding. However I miss so much that I'm considering going back to Arms, and now possibly protect.

I dunno lol the more I read, the more confused I get about what way to go. =S
#13 May 04 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I dual-wield or go with a two-hander while out grinding. Grinding with a shield is just plain silly unless you are grinding casters and really need to interupt their spells. Even when I'm paired up with someone, I seldom pull out the shield unless we need to take out a tough boss w/guards type.

When I solo ran SM Armory the other day, I did switch over to sword and shield simply because all the healing going on was taking it's toll on my HP and I actually needed the extra armor even at my level when fighting the groups of 3 in there.

Before I redid my spec at level 51, I was heavy into Prot with about 10 points in Arms. It was a pretty good balance but I find that I'm really liking my full protection build right now. I'm still learning to use some of the shield based skills and my defensive stance in general but I'm not hearing any complaints about my tanking efforts. I really, really wish I could hamstring while in def stance though!

My NE Warrior is Arms spec and it works well for most things. I don't usually tank with her though so there hasn't been a need to switch to protection.
#14 May 04 2007 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
you only need to be prot for heroics if you are gonna be instances like Underbog or Slave Pens there are a few pulls where off tanks make things can off tank in heroic and even in karaz with decent gear as any dps spec...whether Arms/Fury or full fury.
#15 May 05 2007 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I did most of my lvling from 20-51 and from 61-70 as DW fury (Ice barbed spear Arms build in between ofc)

At the moment i'm gearing up for DPS in raids, but this has left me with the problem i truly suck at multi mob tanking in the 70 instances. Which is why these days i mostly DPS in groups.

Fury/Arms DW really shines for DPS though. So if you do guild runs mostly and there's room for a DPS warrior, this can be fun too. Plus you'll tear trough mobs like there's no tomorrow while questing / farming =)

Hmmm, maybe i should've rolled a rogue instead...
#16 May 05 2007 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
Can a Fury warrior tank in that case then? Maybe with PW-shield?

When I was my Arms build and ran Ramparts, I found it difficult to down the last boss too. I had a shield and 1h but it was still difficult. Try using Shield Wall, that helped a lot during that fight. Now I'm full prot and I grind away with two 1h's. The increased weapon damage for 1h in the prot tree helps. I put my tank gear on and dual wield and go to town. If I'm in a hurry I put my DPS gear on and DW. I rarely do the 2h'r any more because of the lack of Damage output which is gimped now that I'm full Prot.

I was one of those who wanted to just PvP once I hit 70, but with work and everything I didn't have the time to dedicate toward getting the right gear. Plus I couldn't find a decent enough pally to go in on an arena team with me. So..I switched servers with some of my bro's and now we're in a guild that raids 3 or 4 times a week and has room for us on the teams. Actually, they wouldn't have a second team if it wasn't for the 6 of us transfering. Anywho, Prot, Arms, Fury...take your pic. But as you become higher lvl, you should really put some points into prot to make for a more effective tank. (defiance is where you wanna stop, or you can keep goin!)
#17 May 05 2007 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
FYI, I tanked Ramparts at lvl 61 Fury specced. No wipes. Agro takes longer - so get ur sunders quickly (Flurry rocks here). I had great def + sta gear and a fast dagger. When it came to the last boss Fire gear works wonders.

PuG's like a prot tank because they tend to have no dps control (shoot on sight mentality) or crowd control (cc) and want to run through the instance. They think wipes are caused by tank or healer issues. They lack the ability to comprehend that they also cause wipes. (generalizing here, made some good friends with excellent DPs control by PuG'ing)

I would tell PuG's I am fury specced. If they didn't want me then it was for the best. I saved on my repair bills. Currently I am lvl 70 arms/fury hybrd. I tank BM and other high level instances. Once again I have great def + sta gear and a fast wpn (axe, switch to mace after sunders for hvy hitting). And on boss fights I always state give me 3 - 4 sunders before dps attacks.

I would suggest if u want to tank heroic instances go Arms/Prot. In the prot put enough in for Defiance. Then Finish in Arms. I am avoiding the debate on the 5 points into Cruelty for the fury tree. I have seen this build tank the Huntsman in Karazhan.

Make sure your healer can handle the lack of damage mitigation.
#18 May 05 2007 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
I leveled from 1-70 as an Arms warrior. I then switched to Prot and have been that ever since. When people overlooked me because I wasnt prot, I just laughed and continued to kick tail without them.

Those that say that as an Arms/Fury war you have less rage generation (with or without a shield) are mistaken. Even when using a shield, my rage generation was through the roof, I never had to worry about having enough rage for my abilities. Not always true as a Prot warrior.

Some say you have less threat generation, in certain cases yes in some cases no. But the difference is not that big of a deal. i.e. Shield slam in defensive stance will generate roughly 1100 threat but Mortal strike or Improved Overpower will compensate for that easily. Also, a Prot warrior who is disarmed is not as effective as an Arms warrior who can't be disarmed.

As a Protection warrior you will have more armor and more health. This makes things easier for healers, but being Arms/Fury spec'd does not make it impossible. At level 70, as an Arms warrior, I had 9k health and 10k AR with a shield. At level 70, as a Protection Warrior, I have roughly 12k Health and 13k AR with a shield. I have never been hit hard enough to be 1-shot as a Prot warrior and the only strikes I have ever taken that would of 1-shot me when Arm's were from Murmur's sonic boom, and High King Mulgar in Gruul's lair.

Bottom line, you are a more effective tank if you are Prot, but there is little need to be prior to the level 70 instances (Shadow labs aside).

#19 May 05 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
I believe most people that complain about grinding as a prot warrior try to grind in their tank gear.

I was fury before I respecced to prot so I have a very good dps set which I grind in. I couldn't imagine trying to grind in my tank gear.
#20 May 06 2007 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
nah man i used to be part fury i find having 31 point in it and the rest in prot wil take care of your probs. cause some people are just *** holes about that. i my self just DW tanked ony yesterday was a blast lol.
#21 May 06 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Tanking ony at 70 is a laugh. Hell she can't crush for more than 1k so you can litteraly tank her in dps gear.
#22 May 06 2007 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
I'm thinking about rolling a warrior and I'm reading these forums. From a dps standpoint, I find alot of fury warriors who claim they can tank well, and to be blunt...they cant. I do the whole 'let them get sunders thing', run back to them when I get aggro, soul shatter, dps slower, I still pull like a madman. Some, *some* can hold aggro but I have found quite alot cannot. Of course its always my fault they claim, even if I let them sunder 3 times, give them plenty of time, etc..

Also I'm sitting at 815 shadow damage now, where before I had 525. At 525 I wouldnt pull off any warrior, so in a casual pug, with everyone in casual gear, its probably fine. But if your dps squad far outgears you, AND you're fury, its just not gonna happen. I have problems pulling off prot tanks even, I'd hate to see how much the non-demo 1000 shadow dmg warlocks pull.
#23 May 06 2007 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Gear and Skill > Spec.

Just because someone is prot spec doesn't mean they hold agro automatically. Arms and Fury generate more threat than prot naturally, but lack mitigation. How you do it, is to use dps gear in defensive stance (defiance for that added boost). Mortal Strike and Defensive stance and Defiance is good threat. Your white damage is good threat. In blue gear, it's actually more threat than shield slam and white damage. Sunder and Revenge are gear exclusive for threat (mostly), and can be used no matter what spec.

That said and done, I have tanked every 5 man instance non-heroic (pre and post BC) specced arms with a 2h, our guild healer says it's easy mode. Because you get a tank and a dps class all in one.

Gear and Skill > Spec.
#24 May 06 2007 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
requiring a prot tank before heroics is lolworthy anyway...
#25 May 07 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Get a druid, they can heal themselves. . . lol
#26 May 07 2007 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
Seeing as I turn down most PUGs on principle(too many bad experiences) I can't say I would care if they didn't want my Fury-skills.
As a rule I don't give a damn about what some jackass in wow says. Unless they pay my account each month they don't have a word to say about what I should specc as.
To the guy/girl who said that throwing on a shield and such doesn't make you a tank: Odd, that's what I do when I am forced to tank and so far, both friend and pug alike have said I do it well.
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