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Conflicting advice?Follow

#1 May 03 2007 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I've been hearing from various people that Affliction is better than Demonology for leveling, and vice versa. I've heard it from enough people both ways to think that apparently they are both good for it, so I figured I would ask about it. I'm not completely sure what to ask honestly, so I'll just toss it out in general. What are your opinions on leveling? I was considering this sort of spec for the time being, but I'm not so sure honestly.

My problem is that I want Improved Health Funnel, and I'm not really sure where to pull the points from to get it. Maybe Mana Feed? But I really do love that skill, at least based on what I know (I'm a whole level 6, lol).

Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. I tend to solo on this character for the most part if that helps with anything.

[edit] For end-game, is staying demonology a good idea? I hear the Fel Guard gets 1-2 shotted in instances at that point. If that's the case, I may switch over to a Affliction build (I really don't want to have to re-spec down the road). I have an affliction spec in mind also that I can post.

Again, any advice is greatly appreciated.

Edited, May 4th 2007 12:23am by codexia
#2 May 03 2007 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
until lvl 50 use affliction for levelling
#3 May 03 2007 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
I was afflic all the way up to 70, and stayed as afflic until today I switched to demo for more arena and pvp survivability. I would definitely say afflic is better for lvling and pve in general. Depending on your gear and talent setups you can be ultra efficient with little to no downtime. So far I've noticed with demo on pve I'm slower, my dps is a bit lower, I can handle more adds, but I have more downtime to rest up or let the pet rest up.
#4 May 04 2007 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
It depends on your play style. If you like your pet you can go demo. If you don't you can go afflict. Just do what you think is more fun.
#5 May 04 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
For me, the speed of affliction does not make up for that it bores me to tears!
My advice is to just play the way you think is the most fun.

This is the build I've used for my lvl 38 lock before I respeced to destro to play BGs with a friend.

I had next to no downtime with that build.

For one mob at a time:
Send in VW and let him taunt.
Wand mob to death or drain soul for mana.
Every other fight you do a life tap.

For multiple mobs:
Send in VW and let him taunt.
Life tap
send VW at next mob
repeat casting on new mob
finish off first mob with wand or drain soul for mana.
send VW to next mob

After a few mobs your VW will be low on HP, just have him do consume shadows once and apply a bandage to him (and perhaps yourself to compensate for life taps) and he's good to go again with just a few seconds downtime.

I could solo elites three levels higher with this build. I killed a lvl 39 elite giant by the desolace coast when I was lvl 36 and Lord Azrethoc(40) at lvl 37.

Edited, May 4th 2007 10:47am by pompa
#6 May 04 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
I have to agree with Pompa, Affliction and Demonology are both fine builds for leveling, play whatever one you like the most. They are very different styles. Basically Affliction plays fairly similar to Demonology for the first 20 - 30 levels, namely Darin Hunting. In the upper 30's - mid 40's depending on your gear, you can switch over to Darin Tanking. This is where you need to determine what style is more fun for you. You'll hear a lot of fanbois of particular builds claim that theirs is the best by far, but really they're fairly on par with each other if you know what you're doing. I happen to be Affliction speced because I like Drain Tanking, but I've seen Demonologist Warlocks keep up with me just fine.
#7 May 04 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
this is coming from a noob (lv 24) but yes with affliction i have little to no downtime depending on the mob
#8 May 04 2007 at 8:42 AM Rating: Default
who is Darin and why are we hunting him?
#9 May 04 2007 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
doncole wrote:
who is Darin and why are we hunting him?

lol.. i belive he meant Drain hunting. Unless he is hunting someone, i have known people who will hunt others just for fun ;)

As for the OP, Its not a matter of which build or which tree is better, because that would be a lifelong discussion. The better wording is which tree or build would best suit your playstyle. If you like to be behind your pet while you dot/wand/drain, then you will most likly go with demonology. If you like to go full out and have more DOT's, then affliction would be better for you. It all comes down to how you play, which one is fun, and, most importantly, which one you like. I have tried all three tree's, never really go the hang of desto, but I know locks that are really great with a desto build. Demonology was great with the felguard, he was a great tank, but usually if you get 3-4 adds, your done (thats from my experience, so i might not have been playing it well), but I just love the affliction tree. I think I have a pretty good grasp on how to play as affliction, and have no problems and most importantly, almost no downtime at all.

But again, I will say, deciding what tree to go into is something that you have to decide on for yourself, which one do you think would suit your playstyle better. My opinion, try all the trees for about a week or so, that will give you a better idea on which tree you like better.

Hope this helps..
#10 May 04 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Was a hybrid up to lvl 50, then switched to Demo spec and used felg to lvl wif till lvl 70 where i switched back to a hybrid build, think its what called the SM/Ruin build, about half in afflic and the rest in destro (improved dot damage, and some new instant cast).

Could have 4-5 mobs while using felg if I dotted up and then feared and then felg on next mob, when all was gone the first one would return wif 100-200 hp left and just need a hit from felg.

Can do the same thing on the SM-Ruin build but then the mobs die while feared and I hate running around trying to find dead mobs to loot, so instead I dot up, lifetap, drain abit life, then conflagerrate (spelling?) and mob is dead.

Again as the others above me says, use which build u want, for me I see 2 big differences that might help u..

Demo is for the lazy one: Send in Felg, dot up, life tap, drain life, loot, next mob.

Afflic is more action oriented as u have chance for instant SB, got 2 other instant dmg cast, and an extra instant dot.

btw, I wouldnt put too much thought into talents builduntil u reach lvl 40-50.
#11 May 04 2007 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I'm starting to think Affliction may be the way to go, but I do have one more question along those lines. My other character is a Beastmaster Hunter, would playing a Demonology Warlock end up crossing a lot of the same lines and possably get a bit repetitive? I can stand doing it with one character, but...not sure I could do it with two. Just how similar are the two classes when pet specced?
#12 May 04 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
Affliction is better for mass grinding. Grinding multiple mobs, doing lots of quests at once.

Demo is better for grinding elites and group quests, and mobs that are immune to fear (affliction relies on fear pretty much for mass farming).

Affliction is better from 1-50. Demo is not better after 50, but just a different style.

Affliction = all out DPS, never drinking

Demo = You'll drink alot if you try to grind like Affliction, not to mention you have to manage your pet's health and mana while managing your's too.

My other character is a Beastmaster Hunter, would playing a Demonology Warlock end up crossing a lot of the same lines and possably get a bit repetitive?

NO! With Demo while grinding, you can nuke, dot, drain, whatever pleases you. A BM hunter is always just sending their pet and then using their shot rotation. If you need to grind casters, you whip out your fel and have tons of resistances, or use your felguard to tear through their cloth. You can subspec affliction and do some drain tanking.

So many options with warlocks.

Just how similar are the two classes when pet specced?

Demo spec is more versatile than BM.

Like I said, BM hunters send their pet and then do their shot rotation.

Demo locks have access to so many tools. If you want to send your felguard and nuke shadowbolts for 70 levels, you can. If you want to dot and drain and use health funnel and stay 100% efficient, you can. If you want use fear, you can.

You can change pets depending on how you want to grind, because each buff from MD is unique. Or you can sacrifice your pet for an even bigger buff, like lots of mana regen from felhunter or health regen from voidwalker.

I can't even begin to tell you how more versatile a Demo lock is.

Edited, May 4th 2007 3:33pm by BuckeyesFTW
#13 May 04 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts which would be better for a playstyle along the lines of this?

-send pet in
-dot the mob up and wand it to death

I dunno =/ Better pets for better aggro holding would be nice, and pet focused classes are the one I love. But being able to let dots do all the work...I do love poisons :)

And considering I solo most of the time...meh. It's so hard T_T I like both specs.
#14 May 04 2007 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
(I'm a whole level 6, lol)

If you are only level 6, you have a ways to go before you even start thinking about this stuff...

Edited, May 4th 2007 4:49pm by bgredsox
#15 May 04 2007 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
codexia wrote: which would be better for a playstyle along the lines of this?

-send pet in
-dot the mob up and wand it to death

I dunno =/ Better pets for better aggro holding would be nice, and pet focused classes are the one I love. But being able to let dots do all the work...I do love poisons :)

And considering I solo most of the time...meh. It's so hard T_T I like both specs.

If you like the send in pet, then dot and wand to death, then demo would be the best tree for you. Let your minion do most of the work. If you like DOT's, well thats affliction, but as said above me, at lvl 6, you really dont need to be focusing on this just yet. I can see why you are asking, before starting a character, i like to get a spec lined up so I know what my end build will be, but as you get higher in lvls you will want to try out other specs to see how they compare, for youself. You can solo with any of the builds that locks can have, we are a versitile class, learning how to use everything at your disposel will come with time. But when you can, i would dump 5 points into Imp. Corruption for the insta-cast, then worry about the later points, well.. later.
#16 May 04 2007 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
I went the other way around. I levelled to 58 as Destro, switched to SM/ruin until TBC came out, and then went with Afflic to UA and the rest in Destro. While I miss the extra punch in ruin a bit, there just aren't that many dots that can crit, so it's not that bad.

As an afflic lock, I do massive amounts of damage, but it takes a while to get going. That means that most of my damage comes from boss fights. Thank goodness that We have several really good tanks, or I'd be stripping aggro all the time. As it is, I have to keep my eye on the threat meters and back off when it looks like I might draw it.

No Felguard, but the VW does a great job of off-tanking in instances. I did try demonology for a bit, but the FG seemed a bit frail - maybe it's because the FG lacks the ability to self-heal, unlike the VW. Improved Health Funnel? I don't have it. It isn't needed with the VW, but would be if you used the Felguard.
#17 May 04 2007 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
More than likely I'm going to end up speccing into both at some point to try this stuff out, but yea, I'm basicaly trying to get a feel for stuff as far in advance as I can.

So far it looks like I'll be hitting demon instead of affliction. Even though I do love my dots, I tend to like pets more. I did hear though that no matter how much demonology you spec into, your pets are still trashed in the 70 instances? Is this true? If it is true, what benefits can you still get out of demonology if your pets can't help in combat?
#18 May 04 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
Wel i have a lvl 64 affliction/ demo lock and generally in instances no matter what level people will say to get your imp out for the extra 700Hp it gives everyone. Imp will never draw aggro so won't get trashed....however if u have a weak tanking group eg. a cat specced feral druid or something dumb like that then they will ask u to use felguard and when i had him he used to get trashed in Blood Furnace and Mana Tombs and the rest of the outland instances around my level. I am going to be switching to Destruction because i have a guild where we do instances all the time since its a 60+ guild so i need not worry about grinding. The Ruin/Dark Pact build is also a great build.
#19 May 04 2007 at 10:50 PM Rating: Default
I tested Demo out again today. I played around with it in my 50s before switching back to Affliction.

So, I tested again today.

It's extremely fun and versatile in PvP, I'll tell you that.

For grinding, it's a big no-no.. unless you like to take things slow and steady, Affliction out performs Demo in every way. Efficiency, speed, and fun.

IMO, spec Affliction. Around level 30 you can start drain tanking. By level 40 you will be a little sick of Affliction and want to try something new. But you'll stick with it, and at 40 you'll get Dark Pact. After you get Dark Pact, you'll love affliction more than you ever did before. Then, you'll hit level 50 and spec Demo because your interested..

Then, within a few levels, you'll realize why you fell in love with Affliction in the first place and head straight to your trainer to spec back into it. Then, you'll get Instant Howl of Terror and Unstable Affliction. Suddenly, you can take 5 mobs at once and not drop below 99% health. Then, you get to Outlands and start collecting real gear. And you start to take on 10 mobs at once without going below 99% health. Then, you'll Dark Pact your Imp's mana away, life tap and start grinding again.

Then, you'll hit 70 and get Seed of Corruption, and realize your spec doesn't matter anymore because you can put that on 30 mobs and watch them blow themselves up.

Edited, May 5th 2007 2:51am by BuckeyesFTW
#20 May 04 2007 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Is drain tanking neccessary for an affliction warlock? Having to stand there getting wailed on doesn't seem like a very clothy thing to do, lol. Even with 70% chance to avoid interruption on drain life, wouldn't you drop pretty fast against 10 enemies?

And thanks so far for the tons of advice posts so far ^^

Edited, May 5th 2007 3:24am by codexia
#21 May 05 2007 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
If you think being a clothie you cant take on 10 mobs click here

Does't matter whether we are clothies or not they die and die hard

granted this has just a little help from a priest

Edited, May 5th 2007 6:09am by Calenthe
#22 May 05 2007 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
BuckeyesFTW wrote:
For grinding, it's a big no-no.. unless you like to take things slow and steady, Affliction out performs Demo in every way. Efficiency, speed, and fun.

Grinding like that doesnt seem fun to me.

I prefere to run around, blast all in range and run off letting my felguard finish them. The next bunch I may dot for a bit, then SB again, then some chatting around, then my mage friend comes along and I let him finish them for a change. Then we argue some untill everything repops on our backs so I get happy to use howl/fear. After that I just CoE and incinerate..... and so on.

If I was so efficient I could kill mob after mob for hours without drinking, without getting in tight situations, without changing at least what key I press on my keyboard..... I would die of boredom and quit the game.

#23 May 05 2007 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
Hellllllooooooooo wrote:
Wel i have a lvl 64 affliction/ demo lock and generally in instances no matter what level people will say to get your imp out for the extra 700Hp it gives everyone. Imp will never draw aggro so won't get trashed....however if u have a weak tanking group eg. a cat specced feral druid or something dumb like that then they will ask u to use felguard and when i had him he used to get trashed in Blood Furnace and Mana Tombs and the rest of the outland instances around my level. I am going to be switching to Destruction because i have a guild where we do instances all the time since its a 60+ guild so i need not worry about grinding. The Ruin/Dark Pact build is also a great build.

Our regular outland group is mixed. We have a Pally healer, two tanks (prot warrior, feral druid), a fire mage, a Marksmanship Hunter, a Demonology spec warlock and me (afflic/destro). Recent inductees into our instancing groups are a resto druid, another afflic warlock, an assasination rogue, and another prot warrior. Note the lack of a priest. The highest priest in our guild is L50, but we're working him up to outland real soon - and if he wants to spec shadow, that's also fine by me. We can accomodate any build and still rock.

We have never had a wipe in either Blood furnace or mana tombs, with almost any combo you can think of that includes a tank and a healer. There is plenty of DPS and plenty of tanking ability. Yes, even from our feral druid. She also serves as an off-healer when necessary, by switching gear. WHat the heck, she's also been main healer when the pally or resto druid weren't available - and still no wipes.

no matter what level people will say to get your imp out for the extra 700Hp it gives everyone

Perhaps in pick-up groups, where people don't know each other or trust the other player's abilities. 700HP? Less than 20% of a swat from a boss.

When another lock and I are in the same group in BF, we don't use any pets in the central part. We each grab one of those enemy felguards, beat on the others with them for 3 battles, then let one loose, use the controlled one to bring down both of their HP and kill them before grabbing another set. We hardly ever get asked to bring out our imps for the buff. When you have so many concentrated mobs, it's better to off-tank with a VW or the FG and use the DPS to your advantage. I used to think that the imp was imperative, but it isn't. At least it isn't in all the 5-mans I've been to so far.

I am going to be switching to Destruction

and still wiping, because you'll grab aggro from the tank. During your GY run, you can be smug in the realization that you were at the top of the damage meters. If you can wipe as an affliction lock, you're twice as likely to wipe as a destro. Destrolocks are way low on our recruitment desires. However, If we got one we would insist that he get KLH threat meters, throw away any damage meters he might have, and use KLH instead.

Edited, May 5th 2007 5:09am by ohmikeghod
#24 May 05 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
omg i wish u were in Eonar ^^ (refering to guy above) i usually do die at least once an instance run, which is probably bad considering i didn't really die with affliction. Also i'm not gonna lie i feel very very smug when i top dmg meters :)) Especially when the fire mage in the guild gives me chat about how much more dmg they do then locks HAHA love it. 700Hp on boss fights is pointless but on the normal mobs in the instance its somewhat helpful. Wish i could have Master Demonologist thats the one thing i miss from demon spec. :(
#25 May 05 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
Something tells me i'm going to go affliction. I didn't actually watch the movie, but I like the idea of standing there and just loading up dots :P

Now if I could only figure out whether to use Tailoring or Jewelcrafting...*sighs* maybe I could actually level again.
#26 May 05 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
All reasonable builds can be made to work.

There are some people who put, imho, way too much emphasis on builds.

Play what you like and ignore people who are leading you astray (yes, even if it's me).

Now imagine a snake eating its own tail....

Edited, May 5th 2007 3:29pm by IponemaGirl
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