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Rogues are invincibleFollow

#1 May 01 2007 at 10:24 PM Rating: Default
I always told myself that CLoS wasn't that bad.

I said to myself, "You can find something to do those 5 seconds and then start pwning again"

I dueled many Rogues to prepare myself for certain arena matches. I had a few good matches. Mostly losses, but no total humiliations. As someone who likes to perform well in my arena matches, I get in alot of practice. I usually do this through BGs. Well...

After doing some BGs and playing against some skilled Rogues, those 5 seconds seem like an ETERNITY!

It's not just that though. Between the age old stun lock tactics, poisons, emergency cooldowns (blind, vanish, prep), deadly throw, and the other tools they have... a well played Rogue is a force I cannot reckon with.

I imagine, that once I step up my resilience and stamina even more, things will start to look up again. I'm only sitting at 9.5k hp and 100+ resilience (not sure of the exact number). Once I reach my desired 11-12k hp and 250-ish resilience, I'm hoping things will change a bit.

However, I feel that we finally have our bane. The Rogue. Warriors, Frost Mages, Shamans, and Hunter can be a pain too, but still doable.

Are you dealing with Rogue better than I? I would love some tips. I'm lucky to have not had to deal with many Rogues in my past arena matches. But, now I'm worried that a future match may come down to my ability to deal with a skilled Rogue.

Is my only hope going to lay in how good my gear becomes? Or are there tactics you guys have that you can tell me about?

BTW, here's my spec. I enjoy it for the Arena, but if you see something wrong with it lemme know. It's a little odd, but I'm getting a feel for some of the talents still. Also testing to see how valuable talents like Mana Feed and Suppression (for fear) might be for an Arena build.

I'm thinking of changing to a hybrid build between Affliction and Demo, to include CoEx and Siphon Life. Not sure yet about that, and how losing some Demo and Destruction talents would effect me. Let me know your input.
#2 May 02 2007 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Personally I'd go Destruction. Something like this.

There are 5 points you can spend on whatever you want, but I think I managed to get the most useful Destruction talents in that build.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 May 02 2007 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent

Uhm, first, I would express my personal opinion which is that full demo is the least effective of the 3 trees for arena battling.
You cannot put out the quick dps of destruction, nor can you AoE insta-fear, slow down or stop your DoT's from being dispelled (and if your pet gets banished it sucks a lot, AND warlocks and rogues are getting anti-stun trinket next patch, bye-bye life-saving Felguard intercept, we shall miss you).

And about rogues, yes, being prep spec they can be almost invincible to any warlock.
Of course this is why you must have colleagues watching your back in arenas, we are really quite fragile and need people to watch over us so we can do our thing.

Alas, soon rogues, will be weak against destruction due to losing the charm removing effect on the insignia (as will warlocks for the same reason), and since it seems fear will be getting yet another nerf well... maybe you should think about going destruction, before the masses go destro too and the general /cry'ing manages to make blizzard nerf seduction or destruction in any case...
#4 May 02 2007 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Yeah you gotta love it, CloS is perfectly fair for rogues, but blizzard feels the need to nerf fear yet again. Why do I feel like locks have just been getting the shaft lately?
#5 May 02 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Default
Personally I'd go Destruction. Something like this.

There are 5 points you can spend on whatever you want, but I think I managed to get the most useful Destruction talents in that build.

Uhm, first, I would express my personal opinion which is that full demo is the least effective of the 3 trees for arena battling.
You cannot put out the quick dps of destruction, nor can you AoE insta-fear, slow down or stop your DoT's from being dispelled (and if your pet gets banished it sucks a lot, AND warlocks and rogues are getting anti-stun trinket next patch, bye-bye life-saving Felguard intercept, we shall miss you).

Just a note on why I chose to put most of my points into Demo for this build.

Upon hitting 70, I was Affliction. So, I went into BGs and practice arenas, testing out the talents there and how much I really liked each one. I then tried Destruction, because I'd been wanting to have some serious nuking fun anyway. I tested every talent I could. Now, I'm testing Demo in the arena. Personally, it is the best talent for arena.

No, I can't upload the burst damage that Destruction can. But I also don't rely on large cast times, seduce, or crits to serve my purpose. That is destruction's true weakness. And in any serious arena battle (talk to your local mage), cast times and crit heavy specs don't last long (with exception to Elemental/Resto shammies).

Now, I am testing Demo, and like I said, am thinking of going a hybrid spec Aff/Demo. Some really great PvP talents in there. As far as the instant AoE fear and not getting my DoTs dispelled. Well, contagion really isn't that great without UA. And unless I go 41 Affliction, there's not a huge problem there for me. And about iHoT.. I don't miss it. It was nice every now and then, but any smart arena team won't let fear last more than 2 seconds.

The main reason I like a mostly Demo build for Arena is the survivability. You cannot tank the arena as destruction or affliction. When you get focus fired as Destruction, you die. When you get focus fired as Affliction, you die. When I get focus fired as Demo, in my Stamina and Resilience stacked gear, I survive. One of the main reasons I'm thinking of going partial affliction, is for Siphon Life and CoEx. More survivability means more tanking for me. Most arena teams gun down on Locks first, because they know we have the worst survivability in the arena other than holy/disc priests. The more time they spend beating on me means more time my team spends beating on them. It helps win alot of games.

However, I'm still testing and am not sure exactly what my final build will be.

Alas, soon rogues, will be weak against destruction due to losing the charm removing effect on the insignia (as will warlocks for the same reason), and since it seems fear will be getting yet another nerf well... maybe you should think about going destruction, before the masses go destro too and the general /cry'ing manages to make blizzard nerf seduction or destruction in any case...

I really don't like destruction. It's got a nice kick for battlegrounds and world PvP, but for arenas it's not too great. Like I mentioned earlier, I find the cast times and reliance on crits and burst is terrible against a good arena team. They would always shut me down and burn my life away.

I prefer to play a tank/support/CC in the arena. Curses, pet utility (I usually run with felhunter, sometimes felguard), CC spells, healthstones.. all that. I support and survive. And of course, when noone is focusing on me, I can sit there and spit out massive damage as well. I feel it brings more versatility and utility to the table.

TBH, my team would quicky reconsider me for another arcane/frost mage if I specced destruction. They do it much better, and have more survivability (in the arena at least).
#6 May 02 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Pretty sure it's called a warrior. These mythical creatures can lay down 4k overpower crits on a rogue. Such a strange ability, coupled with the rarity of the creature, makes it for the worst possible person to stay near.

Never roll with a warrior or a hunter. Ever. They're too good against rogues and will make your life far too easy.
#7 May 02 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
Banatu wrote:
Pretty sure it's called a warrior. These mythical creatures can lay down 4k overpower crits on a rogue. Such a strange ability, coupled with the rarity of the creature, makes it for the worst possible person to stay near.

Never roll with a warrior or a hunter. Ever. They're too good against rogues and will make your life far too easy.

That doesn't have anything to do with an arena match coming down to whether or not I have the ability to deal with a Rogue.

My team is great and can deal with any class combo effectively. But there's always those matches where it can come down to having your team CC'd or killed and things get tight.
#8 May 02 2007 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Search Tiz on illidan [via the armoury] and tell me demonology is the worst arena spec.
#9 May 02 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Default
Bravery wrote:
Search Tiz on illidan [via the armoury] and tell me demonology is the worst arena spec.

Yup. He is a great example of what I'm aiming for. Massive stamina, resilience, and the playstyle of a true warlock: CC, debuff, tank ("tank" obviously not really a tank.. not sure how else to explain it). IMO, it's a shame the class has evolved into another DPS class.

However, I'm not sure if I'll be going 41 Demo like him for my final Arena build. The Felguard is AWESOME. Great damage, along with the intercept, but some of the utility lost from going partial Affliction may hurt me too much.

Having CoEx is unexplainable. A spammable snare can really help. On top of that Siphon like ticking on 3-5 people at once adds a huge amount of survivability. Not to mention I usually roll with a Felhunter anyway.
#10 May 02 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
924 posts
As far as arena teams go.. I'd say try not to be going against the rocks to your sissors. Rogues have a giant upper hand against locks in pvp. So.. I'd say let someone else fight him.

Something that came to mind though, would be Free Action Potions and Swiftness Potions. Both are overlooked by a lot of pvp'ers, and both are amazing anti-rogue tools.
#11 May 02 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
Banatu wrote:
Something that came to mind though, would be Free Action Potions and Swiftness Potions. Both are overlooked by a lot of pvp'ers, and both are amazing anti-rogue tools.

Can't use potions in the Arena, otherwise I would have no problems, lol.

I do usually keep swiftness potions and free-action potions around, among other various potions (limited vulnerability, great escape potions of all kind). I hardly use them, unless it's going to turn the tide of the battle. Like.. when each team has 2 caps in WSG and using some pots could get us the last flag.
#12 May 02 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
#13 May 02 2007 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
No, I can't upload the burst damage that Destruction can. But I also don't rely on large cast times, seduce, or crits to serve my purpose.

Shadowburn. Instant
DeathCoil . Instant
3 seconds of impunity to cast anything...
Immolate, 1.5 seconds, with 70% chance to avoid interruption.
Conflagrate. Instant
Shadowfury. .5 seconds, 70% chance to avoid interruption.
2 seconds of casting Impunity...
Immolate again...
Shadowburn again.
Run away & wait for conflgrate to reset.

What long casts are you speaking of...?

By the way none of that even mentions your pet... If you really feel harassed during casting, Pop your voidwalker for 3k+ Shield, which prevents interruption of your casting.

Personally I'm Demonology right now. & I like it. But I think your confused about PvP'ing as a DestroLock.

#14 May 02 2007 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
TalonFerguson wrote:
No, I can't upload the burst damage that Destruction can. But I also don't rely on large cast times, seduce, or crits to serve my purpose.

Shadowburn. Instant
DeathCoil . Instant
3 seconds of impunity to cast anything...
Immolate, 1.5 seconds, with 70% chance to avoid interruption.
Conflagrate. Instant
Shadowfury. .5 seconds, 70% chance to avoid interruption.
2 seconds of casting Impunity...
Immolate again...
Shadowburn again.
Run away & wait for conflgrate to reset.

What long casts are you speaking of...?

By the way none of that even mentions your pet... If you really feel harassed during casting, Pop your voidwalker for 3k+ Shield, which prevents interruption of your casting.

Personally I'm Demonology right now. & I like it. But I think your confused about PvP'ing as a DestroLock.

Destro isn't bad, like I said. It just has too many downsides.

No real utility other than damage output. No good survival. The 70% interupt avoidance is nice, along with Shadowfury, but it's not enough to compete with a well played Demo or Affliction lock in the Arena. If all you want to do is burst opponents and deal damage, your not helping your team all that much.

In a 2vs2, and 3vs3 in rare occasions, Destro could serve to be very viable. But in a 5vs5 and most 3vs3, it's our utility and survival that makes us unique and wanted. Most classes can spec for burst and high DPS, so why bring a lock to do that?

Backlash and Nether Protection are what I miss the most. But backlash's cooldown doens't make up for the deep talent investment. And of course nether protection, an invaluable talent against shadow priests and warlocks, but won't make the tree any more than what it is.

Warlocks just cannot pull off the main DPS in most arena matches. We have the least defensive capabilities unless we spec specifically to survive. And people know this, and they gun for us. They also know, that if we are alowed to live, we will cause some serious pain. Through our CC, curses, DoTs, and support capabilities, arena teams KNOW they have to take us out.

That's why Destruction is not very viable for 5vs5 and most 3vs3. I would say that it can have it's place in a 2vs2, though.

But I do know of a couple destruction locks that do well in 5vs5. They are geared out of the ***, and so are their teammates. I see them sometimes when I'm browing the o-boards and checking out armorys.

Maybe, once you break the 12k health threshold, with 750-900 spell damage, and 20-30% crit.. Destruction might hold it's own. But until then, it just doesn't have what it takes.
#15 May 02 2007 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
TalonFerguson wrote:
Shadowburn. Instant
DeathCoil . Instant
3 seconds of impunity to cast anything...
Immolate, 1.5 seconds, with 70% chance to avoid interruption.
Conflagrate. Instant
Shadowfury. .5 seconds, 70% chance to avoid interruption.
2 seconds of casting Impunity...
Immolate again...
Shadowburn again.
Run away & wait for conflgrate to reset.

What long casts are you speaking of...?

You just blew how many shards on one target? Not to mention mana?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 May 03 2007 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
172 posts
You just blew how many shards on one target?

only 2
#17 May 03 2007 at 1:57 AM Rating: Default
#18 May 03 2007 at 4:23 AM Rating: Default
Shadowburn. Instant
DeathCoil . Instant
3 seconds of impunity to cast anything...
Immolate, 1.5 seconds, with 70% chance to avoid interruption.
Conflagrate. Instant
Shadowfury. .5 seconds, 70% chance to avoid interruption.
2 seconds of casting Impunity...
Immolate again...
Shadowburn again.
Run away & wait for conflgrate to reset.

What long casts are you speaking of...?

Not everything goes that smoothly. It's not like the oponnent is just going to stand there and let you cast all those spells on him. Other classes will stun you, snare you, or do anything they can to stop you and kill you. Remember, we can only wear Cloth armor, so evasive strategies and maneuvers plays a huge role in what we do. And you didn't even mention fear/seduce or Sacrifice.
#19 May 03 2007 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
You just blew how many shards on one target? Not to mention mana?

Dose it matter the cost if they are dead?
#20 May 03 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
Capitolg wrote:
You just blew how many shards on one target? Not to mention mana?

Dose it matter the cost if they are dead?

The points being:

1. As destruction, you cannot fill your role as a Warlock in the arena

2. Frost mages do it better. Hell, I'd take an Elemental Shaman over a Destro Lock any day for PvP

3. **** poor survivability, but high burst damage, doesn't mean jack against most classes who are geared for PvP and know what they're doing (except of course, mages and paladins. we eat them alive no matter the spec with fel).

4. You don't fill your true role as a Warlock

5. Refer to 1 and 4
#21 May 04 2007 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
BuckeyesFTW4 wrote:
You don't fill your true role as a Warlock

Unless you're paying his subscription you have no business telling him how to play.

Edited, May 4th 2007 11:34am by pompa
#22 May 04 2007 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
he is giving him advise.. i guess we all came here to share information on how to be better so start being more openminded to what ppl have to say.. geez
#23 May 04 2007 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Giving advice is fine, telling someone how they should play is something else.
#24 May 04 2007 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
pompa wrote:
Giving advice is fine, telling someone how they should play is something else.

It is an obvious fact that all opinions given on these boards are just that. Opinions. In his opinion he isn't doing the right thing. None of us know what the right thing is, so obviously it's his opinion.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 May 04 2007 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
pompa wrote:
BuckeyesFTW4 wrote:
You don't fill your true role as a Warlock

Unless you're paying his subscription you have no business telling him how to play.

Edited, May 4th 2007 11:34am by pompa

I didn't say you can't play the Warlock like a pure DPS class, or like a Hunter type style, or pass out healthstones and go AFK if you'd like..

Just telling it how it is. In the Arena, top teams have Warlocks (even though we're the least represented class) for the unique things they can do.. not because we can DPS.
#26 May 04 2007 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
stamina and resiliance is overrated IMO, get some good pve gear and find a good pvp spec that suites the gear, you'll have alot less trouble killing the rogues with hard hitting spells and mediocure hp compared to having **** loads of hp and resiliance but hitting as hard as a wet fish.

granted this is just my personnal opinion on the matter
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