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How do YOU guys solo with your BM hunter?Follow

#1 May 01 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
I just recently made a Hunter and decided to go BM. Needless to say - and despite the hunter-hate I hear occasionally - I just love playing my hunter.

I'm lvl 62 I'n Hellfire Peninsula atm, and I've mostly been soloing until now, doing a bit of instances and a bit of BGs. Everything went smooth until recently, where playing my class most effeciently has become quite a hassle.

Let me explain futher;

Normal mob-rotation so far has been like this:

1) target mob
2) send in pet (boar ftw!) with thumb-mousebutton (love that setup)
3) open with serpent sting ("3" button)
4) autoshot until mob is dead throwing in an arcane ("4" button) when I felt like adding damage.
5) target new mob and repeat 1.

If I got too much hate, I would concuss the mob ("2" button) and hit Intimidation ("R" button) to let my pet get aggro back.

That would be my normal rotation. So my pattern simplified:

"Serpentsting -> Autoshot/Arcane shot -> dead"

Things have gotten a bit more complicated as of the last few levels. I have finished my BM tree, and started building the MM tree and got 5/5 LS, 5/5 efficiency, 1 point in GFtT and 1 point Aimed shot.

Now I got Serpent Sting, Arcane shot, Aimed Shot, Multishot and Steady Shot to choose from, and I have a hard time setting up a new smooth pattern that was as smooth and mana efficient as the old one.

Steady Shot is too nice to be overlooked as it takes only 99 mana pr shot out of my 3000 total. So I considered making my new pattern like this:

"Serpent sting -> Steady/Auto/Steady/Auto/Steady/... -> dead"

Would definately do a lot more damage than my old pattern, but also drain a bit more mana, which would result in more downtime.

So my question is:

How does your pattern look as a BM hunter +62?
Is Aimed shot even worth the point? When do I use it?
Has Arcane shot become redundant after getting Steady?

Input is welcome, and I hope you take my post lightly if I broke any rules (written or unwritten) since I'm new here. I know a thing a two about forum culture, so excuse me if I stepped wrongly.



#2 May 01 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
978 posts
I basically only use a steady shot->auto shot rotation, with arcane shot in there if I have mana to burn. I don't touch serpent sting, mobs die pretty fast so it never runs it's full duration. Plus, you can't trap something in an emergency if you have a DoT ticking away on it. I don't even have aimed shot trained at the moment, but right now I am only using this character to make gold for my priest. If I was doing 5-mans a lot or raiding I would have it, just to use it as a first shot after using mis-direct on the tank.

My 2 cents.
#3 May 01 2007 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
Very good post btw, you almost answered your own question.

Once you get Aspect of the Viper steady shot doesn't seem so bad. The rotation you said:
"Serpent sting -> Steady/Auto/Steady/Auto/Steady/... -> dead"
is essentially what every hunter uses to maximize damage. Leave out the serpent sting and you're set.

Opening shot selection varies among hunters. With a boar and strong initial aggro, you can use aimed shot if you prefer. If you're in a hurry and don't want to stop to drink, a steady shot opening to coincide with your boar's stun also works well.
#4 May 01 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
with BM? send in pet, shoot once and /yawn while the mob dies a quick death ;)
#5 May 01 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
503 posts
1. Target mob
2. Send pet in
3. Shoot twice
4. Look for herbs or skin the previous mob
5. Repeat process.
#6 May 01 2007 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
I wish my pet were as strong as that.

If the two above posts weren't intended as jokes (joke radar failing on me), I'd like to know how I can optimize my pet.

Currently I use my boar Tard lvl 62.

Loyalty: 6
Life: 5027
Defense: 7579
Damage: 140-166

AR 0
FR 90
NR 60
FR 60
SR 60

Charge 6
Growl 7
Gore 8
Bite 8

Endurance training 5/5
Thick hide 3/3
Unleashed fury 5/5
bestial swiftness 1/1
Frenzy 5/5
Serpents swiftness 5/5

Anything that I missed? I thought my pet was pretty much optimized for my level, but he can not kill monsters by himself. If he can, he will find himself seriously hurt.
#7 May 01 2007 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
What points are you putting into Natural Armor or Greater Stamina? Boars receive larger benefits from those. I really don't remember how much armour my pet had at 62 to know if that seems "right" or not.

I'm not sure my w'serpent can really solo much either.

For rotation, I generally send in my pet on something. I start autoshooting, but I probably don't start to throw in steady shot until after a few autoshots, so my pet can build a bit more aggro.

If I feel like adding something extra, I'll either start my pet with Intimidate on, or use Bestial Wrath. I try to kill the target and put my pet on something else before all of Bestial Wrath wears off.

P.S. I only find Aimed Shot useful when using misdirection (level 70 talent). I think it's of questionable usefulness. However, I do want at least 12 points in Marksmanship for Go For The Throat and Improved Hunter's Mark...

Edited, May 1st 2007 2:22pm by seroster
#8 May 01 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
What points are you putting into Natural Armor or Greater Stamina? Boars receive larger benefits from those. I really don't remember how much armour my pet had at 62 to know if that seems "right" or not.

I'm not sure my w'serpent can really solo much either.

For rotation, I generally send in my pet on something. I start autoshooting, but I probably don't start to throw in steady shot until after a few autoshots, so my pet can build a bit more aggro.

If I feel like adding something extra, I'll either start my pet with Intimidate on, or use Bestial Wrath. I try to kill the target and put my pet on something else before all of Bestial Wrath wears off.

P.S. I only find Aimed Shot useful when using misdirection (level 70 talent). I think it's of questionable usefulness. However, I do want at least 12 points in Marksmanship for Go For The Throat and Improved Hunter's Mark...

Well, I got Great Stamina rank 2 (out of 10 availible) and Natural Armor rank 9 (of 10).

The reason for leaving out on Great Stamina is because 350 life for 170 TP's isnt worth it IMO, so I spend the points elsewhere (some resists).

I'm really in doubt as to which MM talents I should spec. I put 5 points in lethal shorts of course, and then I spent 5 on effeciency for -10% mana drainage.

I've never been a fan of hunters mark so I avoided the improved one. It gives me 110 ranged AP atm which translates to roughly 9 tooltip dps (And I'm at 200 tooltip dps atm).

So its a tossup between a -10% mana drainage for my shots vs 110 ap for me and my pet for the cost of 60 mana every mob. I choose Effeciency.

Deeper into the MM tree more problems arise. 2 points in GFtT is a given, but what then? Place 3 points somewhere (rapid killing, Imp. mark, Imp. arc?) and get Mortal Shots 5/5? (which is really tempting!)

Or should I go Survival and get extra range with 3/3 hawkeeye? What did you guys do?

#9 May 01 2007 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Flagermusen wrote:

Well, I got Great Stamina rank 2 (out of 10 availible) and Natural Armor rank 9 (of 10).

Well, that's perfectly reasonable. I didn't think there was anything wrong with your pet health... so it must be that armour ramped up a lot from 60-70 and you should see that too. (Like, I would expect a boar to have ~12k armour at 70.)

I decided that I wanted Hawkeye, then I didn't want just two points in Mortal Shots, so I only went 13 into Marksmanship. But, I think going to full 20 in Marks is perfectly fine too.
#10 May 01 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
Deeper into the MM tree more problems arise. 2 points in GFtT is a given, but what then? Place 3 points somewhere (rapid killing, Imp. mark, Imp. arc?) and get Mortal Shots 5/5? (which is really tempting!)

Or should I go Survival and get extra range with 3/3 hawkeeye? What did you guys do?

I have the same dilemma, though I don’t have as many “spare” points to work with. I end up spending 43 points in Beast Mastery as I refuse to give up Spirit Bond and I also want Bestial Discipline if I’m going to use claw on my cat. If I also go for Go for the Throat that leaves me 4 points. I could put 1 point into Aimed Shot to get to Mortal Shots and then put 3 of 5 points into it. Or I could forget about Mortal Shots, put 3 points into Haw Eye for the extended range and have an extra point to put wherever.
#11 May 01 2007 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
How do I solo?

Select target.
Set Freeze Trap at my feet (in case of adds).
Tell pet to attack.
Activate Bestial Wrath
Activate Devilsaur Tooth
Fire Scorpid Sting (if melee target).
Fire Arcane Shot.
Autoshots and Arcane Shots mostly, with Multi-shots weaved in during some fights for extra damage. 30 seconds after I activate the Tooth, my Arcane Shot triggers my other trinket for +AP boost. (Steady Shot is reserved for instances, mostly)
Intimidate if they try to run toward or away from me, followed by Concussive.
Mend Pet when necessary.
In rare case that pet dies, Revive Pet immediately, FD, Frost Trap, run to range.

Pet has Dash, Claw, and Growl all on auto-cast. Max Natural Armor, and some resists.

49/0/12 spec.
#12 May 01 2007 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
Sayis? You playing again?
#13 May 01 2007 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Sayis? You playing again?

Since February.

Need to update my sig at some point.
#14 May 01 2007 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

aimed shot can be used in instances where you want to add to your general damage output. also, very useful in pvp as an opening shot because you don't care about aggro here (and assuming you have the element of surprise) and when you have frozen a pvp target. it's fun to do aimed shots at a pvp opponent while they stare at your from their frozen tomb.

you can do it in soloing also but it eats up MP pretty good, and just watch your aggro level. however, it can be a pet lifesaver if you have to hurry and finish off a mob before it kills your pet.

#15 May 01 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Flagermusen wrote:
I wish my pet were as strong as that.

If the two above posts weren't intended as jokes (joke radar failing on me), I'd like to know how I can optimize my pet

part joke, as BM (or any other spec really) just send pet, mark >aimed and auto/arcane till it dies.
with aspect of the viper on, you can do that almost endlessly whilst chatting with your guildmates/friends or looking around in Atlasloot for what instance to do to replace that last green or get that 1 pattern/recipe you want.
pop the Beast Within when you get and add, if on cooldown: use +ap trinket and rapid fire.
should do it pretty nicely.
if you happen to grab aggro, feign death and/or intimidate.
kite 1 mob to death while your pet tanks a few other is also an option.

you shouldnt get into any trouble unless you fight multiple elites or so...
#16 May 01 2007 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
you shouldnt get into any trouble unless you fight multiple elites or so...

Really? I remember when I soloed "Overlord" in Hellfire. This is my attack:

1.)Send Pet in
2.)Use auto-shot
3.)Go make some pancakes
4.)Read the newspaper after you finish eating the pancakes
5.)Use the toilet
6.)Go to the cornerstore to pick up some milk
7.)Get on the Alla forums and spam-flame some noobs [forget that one, actually]
8.)Get back to the screen and the boss should be dead.
#17 May 01 2007 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
If the two above posts weren't intended as jokes (joke radar failing on me), I'd like to know how I can optimize my pet.
They aren't far off. While farming Thick Clefthoof leather to skill up my LW I would try to skin the previous kill(s) while the Pet finished the current target. Now, those are level 64-67 mobs, while I'm a 70 Hunter, but in that environment I had absolutely zero downtime. Just could not find enough Clefthooves fast enough for either my Mana or the Pet's Health to be down by any significant amount.

Shot rotation: Auto -> SS -> Auto -> SS, repeat until dead. No stings necessary unless the mob is a hard hitter. In that case it's Scorpid Sting to keep the Pet's Health up.

Edit: Pet skills. I prefer the STA skill over the Armor skill. The additional armor doesn't add a significant amount of mitigation, and Armor is ignored by many attacks, such as magic, poison, etc. Health is useful against all attacks. My Pets have the highest STA skill, whatever skills I'll be buying, and the remaining points go towards Armor.

Edited, May 2nd 2007 12:26am by Kompera
#18 May 07 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I am currently lvl 50, and I am grinding off the Elites in Tanaris. havent found any elites my lvl yet. and I make about 4 gold an hour just off the silver drops. But I send my Pet in shoot my sepent sting. cast Beastial wraith. and look around for stuff to loot. say maybe my last kill. =) if theres nothing to do ill shoot 2 more shots into the mob to finish it off. only exception is to the rare spawn there. I like to unload on him. =D Oh and if the mob starts trying to run away. I eather conc them or use intimidation on them. Works like a champ.

Edited, May 7th 2007 3:06pm by HitashLevat
#19 May 07 2007 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Oh, in terms of timing. If things are easy (like, for me at 70, level 63 ravagers which I'm harvesting for meat) I like to kill something, send my pet on to the NEXT mob, and then loot & skin the kill.

So long as you get in one shot you'll be able to loot the thing, even if your pet did the rest of the damage.

Edited, May 7th 2007 3:24pm by seroster
#20 May 08 2007 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
My 48 BM hunter is currently working on a 45/13/3 build. Her pet is a "caster" DH from the BE starting area.

This is how my battles usually start.

1) Send pet
2) Hunty mark (increases my pet's damage too)
3) Depending on the strength of my opponent I either Serpent or wind up the Aimed shot
4) follow up with Arcane and then concussion if I pull agro (pet takes it before he gets to close for me to use my bow)
5) serpent sting and pull my next opponent with aimed / concussion / arcane

By the time my pet is finished with the first guy the second has reached me, I wing clip or disengage him, mark him and get my pet on him while I pick the last guy's body. I have it so that I can stand on the dead guy and have enough distance to shoot at the 2nd guy. Sometimes I don't even have to wingclip or disengage, I just sic my pet on him and pick my kill. I can usually take on a string of 3-5 mobs like this my level, more if I'm farming things lower then myself.

To me it's all about timing, agro, and position. I love being a hunter..tho a drood or a warlock is a close call for me. ^^
#21 May 08 2007 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
1) Hunters Mark
2) Use a sting and consussive shot then one or 2 arcane or multi shots
3) send in pet and faint
4) Auto shot with stings and aran/multi shots
5) target new mob and repeat
6) if mob is strong and is killing oet i use Beastail wrath and if the mob comes torward me i use the cuncossive bite

Its actually quite easy
#22 May 08 2007 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
ArthasTheBetrayer wrote:
you shouldnt get into any trouble unless you fight multiple elites or so...

Really? I remember when I soloed "Overlord" in Hellfire.

he is a boss really, not just an elite, he was tough to solo even at 70...
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