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Changes needed to make shaman viableFollow

#1 Apr 22 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
Since i can't post on the O-boards for some reason (no idea why, haven't posted in 3 months), I'm going to post it here.

Ench shamans need a way to get in range. Frostshock just doesnt work when the target moves faster then you, So i suggested this.

Duel Wield is now Passive, learned at level 40. And replaced with

200Mana at lv40, 500 at lv70. 25 Yard Range
2 sec cast
Reaches out at the target, Instantly attacking and slowing their movement by 90% for 3 seconds. This forces the opponent to face you.

What this does, is it HAS a cast time, and a long one at that. but stupid mages who back up 25 yards are going to find something special.

In addition, shamans need a way to drop threat.

Spirit Fade
108 Mana at level 70 2 min cooldown
Transforms into a spirit, dropping all aggro for 6 sec. While in this form, heals do 50% more, at the cost of 50% more mana. After 6 sec, all aggro will return. In addition, damage taken is reduced by 80% for 6 sec.

This gives us a way to lose aggro temporarily, and to survive blows.

Shaman are the ONLY class not able to pull off a heal unmolested.

Priest --> Fear, Bubble
Paladin--> Famous Bubble
Druid--> Cyclone, Bash
Shaman--> Nothing?

Therefore, without further Ado

900 Mana 15 sec cooldown
Immobolizes the target for 4 sec. Any damage taken will remove effect. The effects of "Flame Shock", "Fire Nova Totem", "Searing Totem", and "Magma Totem", will have a 50% reduced chance of breaking it, and if it does, will sear the target for 503-607 damage.
#2 Apr 22 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent dont know a **** about shamans do you?
#3 Apr 22 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
782 posts
From experience, we know nothing of what you suggested will ever make it to the eye's of Blizzard (or at least we know nothings going to be done about it :p). While I don't exactly agree with all of your suggestions, there is truth in your intentions...and yes Sham's really need to be reevaluated, more so than any other class in the game IMO.


Ur looking for something more akin to a charge. While that would be "nice"...I think its a tad much. Actually I'd prefer adding a straight up "stun" effect to one of our shocks (possibly Earth). OMG a STUN! Thats unfair! Well....actually look at it this way, just about every class in the game has at least 3 different ways to shut you up! In its current form, all earth shock does it cancels ONE type of magic casted. In other words, u might has stopped that Pyroblast the mage was casting, but your not going to stop the Frost Nova, and Ice lance thats following it....but they counter-spelled you...and you can't do ANYTHING! Not to mention, they have at another 3 ways to shut up a caster. If it was a stun, at least that essentially does the same as "counter-spell" and gives a Enh sham some time to close the gap when running in on their target. If this means sacrific the slow effect of frost be it! I'd happily give that up for something that actually WORKS!

Spirit Fade

Yes Sham's need some way to shed aggro, since they have absolutely NONE. Don't say the TA tot, its worthless (especially from a Enh point of view). Its either that, or we need another way to mitigate our dmg when we're taking hits...mail doesn't cut it. Since its completely out of the question to get plate...something else has to be done. "Well theirs always *trinkets*". Yes, there is...but thats universal. Even 1 dimentional dps classes have "things" to shed aggro, or mitigate dmg once they gain aggro...on top of the ability to wear trinkets that reduce thats not a valid arguement. We're the only one that has none, yet in practice we're the one that's doing 2 things at once (dps AND healing...gaining double the aggro thanks to being a hybrid), yet we can't do anything really about it. I might suggest something like a BIG hate spike from our Stone claw tot (One that actually WORKS), perhaps with a "misdirecting" effect. That stun effect they added is worthless, since the tot basically takes ONE hit (if it grabs aggro...thats a BIG if), and even at that it only has a "chance" to stun.

We need something that actually WORKS! None of this "It might work in the next 10 secs...We'll take a message and get back to you later" type of proc rate! I might suggest (not that any of this rant actually matters I mind you...yes I am aware of this :p), a "proc" rate something akin to how our grounding totem works (at least the most reliable defensive tot we have, least it WORKS the way its supposed to when I need it). For things like fears, poisons, etc...the current tot's associated with "healing/negating" effects against these things, will "swallow" that effect...but have a limited # of charges (lets just say 2 or 5). Which will make the pt "immune" for 3 applications of whatever effects happened in the situation (charges are used per pt member, per application, not 2 or 5 charges per member, so reapplication will be needed once used up...MP dictating how long this can me kept up). Support functions should NOT be based on a crap shoot. We got things that are supposed to counter act things...we just need them to WORK!

Shaman are the ONLY class not able to pull off a heal unmolested.

Not true. We do have heals that can be either nearly completely unmolested (NS+HW, every 2mins), or we can have a casting thats 70% uninteruptable. I don't see a weakness with Sham's in this area. The "weakness" actually lies in our extreemly limited MP pool (lowest of any caster class). While our spells are actually on par with their effectiveness compared to other healing classes, what limits the Sham's is the duration that we can hold out. I've only seen ONE sham EVER (Resto I mind you) that was almost 10k deep with MP (9kish unbuffed if I remember)...keep in mind that was wearing epics, 1-3 blues here and there, and a BUTT LOAD of Enchantments. Needless to say...he was a GOOD player, but definetly not the norm, and had put much more work into his setup than other classes that reach that mark wearing greens. Now, 9k doesn't make you a good caster by default, nor does it mean you'll outlast everyone...BUT IT SURE DOES HELP! The lack of a "bubble" I don't think gimps us at all (heck even the pally bubble has a very limited duration, and long CD....kinda, and other bubbles can be purged by us anyhow). The "gimp" part of us, is that other classes can be MUCH more liberal in their casting, while with the limited counter-attacks we have...tit for tat, we'll always loose this game with other casters.
#4 Apr 22 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
You forgot about the 2 things that shaman actually need, a cc and an aoe.

i think we should have this as an aoe, it's a spell that kolkar centaurs outside wc use that iv'e always thought seemed pretty shamanistic.

It makes a big cloud over an area in which lightning strikes down.

I don't think we need that storm reach thing. frost shock is fine... 90% woul be op.

#5 Apr 22 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
gpyfb wrote:
OMG a STUN! Thats unfair! Well....actually look at it this way, just about every class in the game has at least 3 different ways to shut you up! In its current form, all earth shock does it cancels ONE type of magic casted.

Shaman: Earth Shock - prevents casting from the current school for 2 sec. 6 sec cooldown. Damage Applied.

Warrior: Shield Bash - prevents from the current school of spell for 6 seconds. 12 second cooldown. Minimal damage applied. (I guess you could argue charge here I don't know if the start of a cast triggers in combat or the completetion)

Paladin: Hammer of Justice - stuns target for 6 seconds (max, 3 min). 1 minute cooldown. No damage applied. That's it. Nothing else. Bubble doesn't shut you up, just blocks dmg and unless specced to correct, slows dmg to you as well)

Mage: Counterspell - prevents casting from the current school for 10 seconds. 30 second cooldown. No damage applied. That's it. Sheep maybe but it's not instant cast and heals the target rapidly.

Druid: Bash - 2 second stun. 1 minute cooldown. Only in bear form. That's it.

Priest: Psychic Scream - 8 second fear that damage interrupts. 30 second cooldown. That's it - to get Silence you have to spec for it.

The ones that do or may have multiple, reusable ways of interrupting casting are:

Rogue: Kick - prevents casting from that school. And multiple stuns.
Hunter: I don't really know - I know you have to go pretty deep into MM for Silencing Shot so it's not like every hunter has it.
Warlock: Fellhunter, fear, yada yada.

So, of the 9 classes, Shaman have something very similar to everyone else's. Cancels ONE school of magic. Shorter duration, but also a much shorter cooldown. 3 of the 9 have multiple ways of stopping casting.

Would you like to revise your "Almost every class has" comment to "Shaman are just like almost everyone else"?

#6 Apr 23 2007 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
You're asking alittle much, given they need those sorts of things but those spells just seem over the top. They could maybe pull off getting a fade type spell but giving them better healing and damage reduction at the same time, thats only going to spur more problems. As for the offensive move, it's just totally uncalled for, for someone who can use your frost buff for your weapon + frost shock + earthbind totem if people minus maybe rogues and ice mages are getting away from you that easily you need to work on your playing style.

As for your summary of the classes, it's not as simple as you put it, I have a 70 Paladin and while he main heals in his group being holy/ret after he blows his shield unless it gets wrapped up before it drops he gets aggro back almost right away...since the only real way to keep anyone alive is using my major holy light heal which gets me probably more aggro than a slunder. Then I have to wait 5 minutes for my shield to come back, note I don't use blessing of protection on myself ever because I like to save it for my party. And even if I decided to use it I'd still have to wait a whole minute to use it on myself again.

Anyway, MMO's aren't made so you can do everything alone, kill every class...fight every spell etc, shamans already have a large advantage in PvP. And now that you've got Paladin's on Horde you should be runnning into more and more Paladin's who can use Blessing of Salvation on you and with you totem, not exactly sure if those buffs'd get 60% threat reduction. If you can still complain after that, maybe you should roll a priest. I've heard they do good damage =p
#7 Apr 23 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
What the should have instead of all of those aforementioned skills, is the Earth grab totem. It's that totem the Troll Shaman's in Stranglethorn Vale drop. I mean come on, it's already in the game, for NPC Shamans, so why not make it for real Shaman's? It would be very help full when you need to get off a quick heal, and can slow someone down quite a bit. To make it fair, just make it to where it can only be used outside, like the Druid's Entangling Roots.
#8 Apr 23 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Changes needed to make shaman viable

1: QQ
2: Fiugre out how to play rather than asking the class to be ajusted to your style.

I play a shaman and all 3 "Pure" specs are Viable, each of the 3 has a place in PvP and PvE encounters. In addation to the 3 pure specs there are a handfull of hybrid specs that are desired and reverd as "Powerfull"

for giggles(and because you need to see it more than once for this to stick)I will address your comments, even though others have as well.

Frostshock just doesnt work when the target moves faster then you, So i suggested this.

This is just garbage, FS is hands down one of the games most powerfull spells, so much so that meny a players swiched from alliance to horde to get Frostshock It has dammage and CC, and can be done from a range.

In addition, shamans need a way to drop threat.

No, you need to learn how to deal with thret, and Sheading it is not the choice we have. Our thret managment stragaty is simple, if you do not like it, pick a diffrent class. We have two choices:A) do not get the thret, between totems and talletns, if a shaman is looking to "Fall In Line" and not stand out in a thret profile, they need to be aware and minimise thret producing activities. B) take it and outheal the dammage, we are freeking healers......

Shaman are the ONLY class not able to pull off a heal unmolested.

Priest --> Fear, Bubble
Paladin--> Famous Bubble
Druid--> Cyclone, Bash
Shaman--> Nothing?

Never seen Natures swiftness have you, in addation to that lets look at some stuff, so a preist can out heal us? wow who would have thunk that the premiure class for healing would have a advantage, that asside we get freeking Mail armor and a sheild........ 35% more dammage mitigation sure makes up for a temporary mana uneffecent bubble IMHO. Paladin, Whelp, the problem here is you have to be a Paladin, and suffer the no real pull tools or the whole dammage issue. Druid, well that a beauty plan, but you forgot NS, Swiftmeld or Frenzied Regen, Rejuive...... But then again thats realy dependnt on knowing how to play the class. And, that leads us back to my point; When I need a heal, I use NS/HW, my resto buddy uses ES to heal. One other way is to use FS or EB totem and get away and launch the heal.....

Even better is to see what others have given up for this preceeved advantage.
Priest pops bubble (unenrupted heal opurtunity), I purge/ES, then eat his face, wow, not so "unmolested" where I am sitting. Ok Preist drops PS, well I am not a idoit, so tremmor totem was down when i saw a priest(or lock), OK that one down). Paladin, so he can get One heal, but his other bubble.... purgable; Even then, whats he gunna do when he gets out of the bubble? try and swing that hammer at me? for what kind of dammage? Druid, This guy has the best choices of all, but even a druid can be stopped. cast cyclone? ES or Bash? o yea, block it....

All classes have some issues, but Shaman are not Borken by any means.

#9 Apr 23 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
Well was about to write a counter to your post but Capitolg beat me to it and done it quite well!

We do not need any change, we are as powerful as we need, in a group we are like life insurance, since we can replace temporally any healing or tank to save the day! We are an awesome class, we just need to learn to use our skill to the fullest!!
#10 Apr 23 2007 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
Lets look at it this way: Shaman vs. warlock, you get feared 8 million times and the warlock kills you by pressing maybe 6 buttons. You try to cast and he works your ***, you try to outheal, he works your ***, you try to melee and he fears/drains you on approach.

Shaman vs Pally: Pretty much blizzard's golden child vs the ******* son. plate healer with similar spells + a stun and bubble kicks shaman *** any day when you play it right.

Shaman vs. Hunter: pet does as much white damage as you, keeps your *** from casting/ healing, which leaves you enhancement style melee. But with a pet on your *** and frequent stuns, you cant even get to them, or do enough damage before they clip you and get back to shooting your ***.

Shaman vs. rogue: you have nothing to break out of stun-lock! If the guy has half decent gear and some skill, you don't even get to be involved in the fight, just watch your guy die!

Shaman vs. druid: As soon as they get into bear form, you're done. you can't do enough damage to take them out, they can just tank and heal.

Pretty much the shaman was supposed to be the jack of all trades, master of none. And he was pretty good when the game came out. After thousands of nerfs even up to the last patch you get a character that sucks at pve, is outclassed in general at pvp. People are afraid that shaman are too powerful because they can do everything effectively: heal, cast, melee. In truth, you cant heal worth a damn when you cant keep the other guy off you, unless you're resto, and you cant do any damage. same with casting, but your damage sucks *** and mana costs are ridiculous considering your max, so you have nothing left to heal with. So if you fight a shaman, you can sit back and relax, unless (god forbid) he gets the .00001% chance of a triple crit windfury 3 times and makes a dent in your health. Then we should just continue to nerf him into oblivion.
#11 Apr 24 2007 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
i dont have mmuch time to write but i must say, you just suck Shmuckmuck. will continue l8r
#12 Apr 24 2007 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Shmuckmuck, they let you post without a helmet?

Lets look at it this way: Shaman vs. warlock, you get feared 8 million times and the warlock kills you by pressing maybe 6 buttons

This shows both your lack of understanding of Shaman and locks, Firstly understand that You suck at WoW and that it only takes 6 buttons when fighing YOU. I play both classes and have won and lost in both roles, it is never the eazy fight you immigine(unless when you play a lock you are fighing a shaman as crappy as you.) I could take some time and deconstruct your errors in the evaluation fo the encounter, but it is not going to make you less ignorant on this topic.

Shaman vs Pally: Pretty much blizzard's golden child vs the ******* son. plate healer with similar spells + a stun and bubble kicks shaman *** any day when you play it right.

And how about your medication? you been skipping it? I will take mail armor and respectabel DPS to even the strongest retrobution build. Hey, ever herd of earthbind/Ghostwolf? it is how we get distance on slow pallies who hide in a bubble, once the big bubble is gone they are done.

Shaman vs. Hunter:

You ever stop whining? remember pets can be taunted off you with say... some sort of taunting totem....Sure the hunter only has to resic the pet on you but it is time..... Hunters have a deadzone and .... What the hell,and I just never learn. Caught myself trying to give logical advice to a whiner.....

I am sure you will excel at the new Hello Kitty MMORPG I herd the class ballance is exelent in that game and you will fit right in.
#13 Apr 24 2007 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
lawlz to capitolg way to go man problem is horde can play pally ally cant... ne ways i can kill pally just like you described way to go.
#14 Apr 26 2007 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
Yo shmuck...As the others said,u dont really know 2 much about shaman tactics against other classes.The warlock can be easily ****** by using tremor,Earth bind and ALL the shocks(in me case :D).Same u do with hunters,which i find pathetic.The story with pally isnt that hard,just requires u 2 calculate ur mana,because the pally,once OOM is dead...Trust me,i know what i say...Priests r pathetic,warriors r done by KITE,mages treated like hunters and locks(keep them near u).As 4 the rogue and droods,i find these 2 quite...interesting 2 fight.The druid is somehow easier 2 kill,but if u dont get 2 see the rogue in time,2 hit him with Flame shock or 2 know that u must place a magma totem,well...ur 4 poisons,there is a totem..
(and ***** u who will mock me 4 my grammar mistakes)
Have a nice WoW.
#15 May 02 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Default
An Elemental Shaman is #1 DPS right now in my Kara runs.

PvP can be rough, but there are plenty of Elemental/Resto Shammies on the top 5 arena teams. You might need to learn to use your abilities more wisely if your having so much trouble that you need these overpowered abilities.

Shamans are not fine, but don't need overpowered abilities.
#16 May 02 2007 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Stormreach is rediculous.

The only thing Shamans MAY need is another strike spell for Enhance spec and an HoT for Resto spec.

Edited, May 3rd 2007 4:41pm by TheYardstick
#17 May 03 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
(In quote) Shaman vs Pally: Pretty much blizzard's golden child vs the ******* son. plate healer with similar spells + a stun and bubble kicks shaman *** any day when you play it right.

And how about your medication? you been skipping it? I will take mail armor and respectabel DPS to even the strongest retrobution build. Hey, ever herd of earthbind/Ghostwolf? it is how we get distance on slow pallies who hide in a bubble, once the big bubble is gone they are done.

First. The guy from the first quote (The guy who got guoted by the second guy) are totaly wrong indeed. Blizzards golden versus the ******* son ?!?!
Let me spell it for you. M-Y A-R-S-E. First. We palladins do not make lots of damage at the first place. We can only use one hand plus relic/One hand plus shield or just the good old armor breaker. The two-hander. Shammans got the capability to dual wield if they concentrate on the enchantment three.
Weapons are like siccor, rock and papper. Dual wield kills Two-Hander,
One-hander plus shiled kills the dual wield and the Two-hander kills the One hander plus shield. Do you get the drill? A retribution does not have the best chance against a dual wielding shamman. Second. Nature magic ignores the palladin's armor. The palladin's shield are not a pain in the backside. Use the time to heal instead of struting around using the /Chicken emote. And the stun? Well. I rather say stun's if you meet a retribution. Ignore the fact that you get stunned. Sooner or later you will hit down the palladin's health under the 50 percen bracket. And then we come to two of the best anti palladin spells the shammans got. Purge and earthshock. Kill the palladin's damage by purging away his seal, Crash his heals by throwing the earthshock on him and bingo. He's/I'm dead. Ofcourse im not telling you all about my class. I need to keep the best stuff for myself you know. And the last. Earhtbind plus ghostwolf? Judgement of Justice would kill off that retreat. Or maybee I just use cleanse, run for the opposite direction and mount up? Hm....Critical chance or nearly a 100 percent chance to stay alive? Tough choice (not)!
#18 May 03 2007 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Judgement of Justice would kill off that retreat

Not when it goes Drain-O down my grounding totem, Silly Pally, i have every tool i need to take you apart.

just use cleanse, run for the opposite direction and mount up?

Then you proved what a "Warrior of justice" you realy are. maybe a warrior of chicken is more spot on.

Edited, May 3rd 2007 1:49pm by Capitolg
#19 May 03 2007 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
Stormreach is rediculous.

The only thing Shamans <b>MAY</b> need is another strike spell for Enhance spec and an HoT for Resto spec.

Im with you on this! Definately, although - technically healing stream is a HoT it needs an improvement...

Edited, May 3rd 2007 2:36pm by lauisifer
#20 May 03 2007 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
My friend plays a Holy/Disc Priest and mainheals our raids.

He recently rerolled a Resto Shammy and said the only thing that is holding them back from being good healers is an EFFECTIVE HoT.

Edited, May 3rd 2007 4:42pm by TheYardstick
#21 May 03 2007 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
782 posts
holding them back from being good healers is an EFFECTIVE HoT.

...that and a tiny MP pool.

One might argue that its also the ability to regen our MP, which the most effective MP regen'r is a 41 point enh sham, which we know isn't that great of a healer.

Either way, a sham's weakness is its ability to last. Sure we adjust our playing styles to compensate for the disability, but when situations call for duration...we fall short, compaired to other healing classes (actually other caster classes in general)
#22 May 03 2007 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent

I main heal my guilds Kara raids and heroics, 70 Resto Shaman, 0-5-56, I got 10.8k mana buffed with AI....we dont have any druids..=( I got Alchemists Stone and I pop one early in the boss fights, keep healin' and then pop Mana tide when I really need and then by the time that is done I can pop another potion. I got something like 220 mp/5 with a priest. I have only like 3 epic items at the moment. Just instance a lot and stack up on intelligence gear, even if it means wearing some resto druid gear....tons of spirit and int on that stuff..and what is 200armor anyway meh.

Edited, May 4th 2007 2:32am by Qinnydar
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