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Switching to Prot - Need sanity check pleaseFollow

#1 Apr 20 2007 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
OK like the title says - at lvl 65 I've realized that my perfectly suitable hybrid build now simply means that I can't tank OR heal worth a darn. Even with appropriate sets of armor for either role.

So it's time to make a choice and as I'm tanking more than healing these days - prot it is. I've read the forums, I've seen a bunch of builds around and I came up with a couple that are similar but slightly different and I just need a sanity check from you wise folks before I spend the gold and go for it.

Build 1

Build 2

Any advice or input you can give would be much appreciated.

(I realize these are lvl 70 builds and I'm only 65 - I'll likely max my prot choices out and work through the ret tree. That and I'm still lvling and still soloing so I'm not really looking for the pure instance build right now)


#2 Apr 20 2007 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
419 posts
Precision really isn't necessary for a pure tanking build. Holy damage is the source of ur aggro. Same with One hand specialization.

The protection side of a normal "pure" tanking build looks like:

Guardian's favor/Ardent Defender/ BoK (BoK can go somewhere else like Imp HoJ or precision), but the first two are pretty great for tanking.

Vindication is pretty useless. Conviction is a much better use per point. What we're really after is eye for an eye and crusader. Improved retribution aura... well it's a very flat small hate gain that really doesn't help much in the long run.

End build ends up looking like

#3 Apr 20 2007 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
419 posts
oh besides, once 2.1 goes active your going to need to respec again anyways...
#4 Apr 21 2007 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
Eye for an Eye is completely useless for a PvE build, and if you're tanking, you don't really need conviction either. SoR doesn't crit and who really cares about a 41 dps 1h critting? Not worth it to put points in there, spend them elsewhere. The same reasoning applies with 1h weapon specialization. Increasing the white damage dealt with a 41 dps weapon by 10% just isn't worth it.

I would definitely get BoK, it seems silly to go through the entire prot tree and not obtain one of the best buffs in the game.

I'd leave your points in precision, since if your regular swing doesn't connect, neither does SoR and you generate less threat. I would most definitely get Ardent Defender. It's basically a last stand whenever we hit 20%. It'll save your butt on many occasions.

A build like this will get you through 5 mans no problem and be pretty nice when soloing. Spend the last point wherever you feel like it, I jut put it in Crusader for the 1% dmg increase.

Edited, Apr 21st 2007 3:16am by HanyouGod
#5 Apr 21 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
652 posts
I'm currently 65, mainly prot, and I've found Seal of Command to be a waste of time. I find it much easier to kill single target mobs with a 2H and use Seal of Righteousnoess and burn them down quickly when Reckoning Procs.


Forgot to post the build I'm aiming for

It's mainly for solo questing but it certainly holds it's own in instances.

Edited, Apr 21st 2007 8:35am by Torux
#6 Apr 21 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
THanks for the replies -

I took precision because I had HanyouGod's thoughts on it - if weapons don't hit, neither do my seals. And didn't take conviction precisely because of the white dmg (I took the 1h spec more as a "Just because" - I'd thought I read that Ardent Defender was just about useless but maybe not!)

Do we get a free respec when the patch comes out? If so that would rock - I could test drive a build until then and then change it up for nothin if it sucks.

#7 Apr 22 2007 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I'm leveling a tankadin at the moment (49 so far), and was planning on having 1h spec in my build. After reading this, I'm not so sure.

Are you guys taking into consideration that after the next patch 1h spec will not be a flat 10% bonus to your 1h weapon damage, but a 5% boost to all damage you do while a 1h weapon is equipped?

Edited, Apr 22nd 2007 3:45pm by GavDrake
#8 Apr 27 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
299 posts
Keep Precision, keep 1-hand spec, and keep ardent defender.

Here's why:

Precision right now is a critical tanking talent. Paladins do an awesome job of generating aoe threat, but their single target threat is inferior to warriors and druids. You may be able to keep aggro off the healer with no problems, but if you run with a rogue that outgears you, you don't want to have to keep blowing taunt cooldowns on him. Precision is your best tool for preventing that from happening. And moreover, if you look at the combat tables--+5% hit chance = +5% dps. That's a big boost.

1-hand spec: The next patch is changing the functionality of this talent from an increase in 1-handed weapon damage (eh) to a flat 5% increase in ALL your damage, as long as a 1 handed weapon is equipped. This is a huge tanking buff.

Ardent Defender: This is being changed also in the next patch. The amount of damage mitigation is being reduced, but it's being changed to kick in earlier. This will also make it much more useful for tanking paladins.

The trick is, no one gets a free respec for this patch. So make sure you put your points in here before the patch comes out, or you might have to respec again.
#9 Apr 27 2007 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
And moreover, if you look at the combat tables--+5% hit chance = +5% dps. That's a big boost.

While those maths are true, Precision increases hit rate by 3%, not 5%.
Just wanted to avoid confusion.
#10 Apr 28 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
cyamarin wrote:
The trick is, no one gets a free respec for this patch. So make sure you put your points in here before the patch comes out, or you might have to respec again.

Are you serious? I thought that since we are getting an added talent we get a free respec so that we can try it out...if that's true it completely puts a cramp in my style.
#11 May 02 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
As far as I know, free respecs are only given when Blizz REALLY changes a tree.
Minor changes don't warrant one. :(
#12 May 02 2007 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
274 posts
cyamarin wrote:

Precision right now is a critical tanking talent. Paladins do an awesome job of generating aoe threat, but their single target threat is inferior to warriors and druids. You may be able to keep aggro off the healer with no problems, but if you run with a rogue that outgears you, you don't want to have to keep blowing taunt cooldowns on him. Precision is your best tool for preventing that from happening. And moreover, if you look at the combat tables--+5% hit chance = +5% dps. That's a big boost.

I disagree pretty much on all counts. First, precision is a 3% increased chance to land a physical blow. Aside from vengeance procs, physical damage is completely meaningless to paladins [tanking]. Most threat should be coming from holy shield , judgments, shield fling, and consecrate if you have the mana (ie boss fight).

Now, it is not wise to compare single target threat to warriors or druids. First of all, in boss encounters I've yet to taunt unless there's some sort of aggro wipe. It is not hard to get an early lead and stay on top. So if my threat generation is lower than a warrior, its irrelevent since its high enough to keep aggro off the biggest hitters. (any rogue should be smart enough to use ktm and feint, btw, so if they continuously pull aggro kick them out of the group, or get more +spell dmg).

Also, this is my biggest complaint with rage-based tanking. In order to keep aggro high enough to outpace the best dpsers (unless the boss is an insane melee type), a high amount of damage must be taken in order to keep rage generation at a steady pace. Consequently you get warriors that gear for stamina instead of mitigation, foolishly squandering the mana of the healers.

On the other hand, the damage taken by a pally tank in order to ensure steady mana supplies is comparatively less. Thus, a paladin may stack dodge/miss/parry to an insane degree, free up healer mana, yet stay on top in threat.

Disclaimer: I have successfully tanked King Maulgar and The Curator, cleared every heroic except Arcatraz, Shattered Halls, and Shadow Labs, spell damage is +228.
#13 May 02 2007 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
When I specced into Prot Pally, I could not decide on the least-crappy talent of the 4th tier (Stoicism, Improved Hammer of Justice, Improved Concentration Aura) so I skipped it entirely. Are any of these worth getting? To me they seem just short of being really worth it.
#14 May 03 2007 at 2:29 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
You can skip the 4th tree entirely. There's enough points in the 2nd and 3rd tree to lift you over.

Precision actually increases your damage from weapon by more than 3%.
Very basic example, the value's way too low for the sake of simplicity. Your base chance to hit is 50%. With precision it becomes 53%. That means that your DPS from weapon goes up by 3/50 or 6%.

Your actual base hit chance is a lot higher though, so you're only increasing the number of hits by slightly more than 3%, but still. On the other hand, say your miss chance is 5%. With Precision, you reduce it to 2%. Then you reduced it by 60%.

However, this has no effect on Holy Shield, Judgement, Consecration, or whatever else you use for aggro besides base swings, so it's not that important.

1H Spec currently affects both white damage and SoR/SoB damage. Still not usefull, though.

Ardent Defender still remains useless in Raids/Heroics. Mobs will still oneshot you if you get a hit while below 35% health.

Both the new 1H Spec and Imp Holy Shield seem worthwhile for me, so I'll be ditching Precision, Shield Spec and 1 point in GF.
#15 May 03 2007 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
The First Build looked better but here is some modifications I did

I took off spell warding because quite frankly I find it useless,I then put one pint in BoK its a great Buff and every one loves it when they get (It can even out do Power word fortitude if you already have alot of stam and a tank needs that) weapon expertise is pretty useless because your threat is coming is coming form your holy damage not weapon damage. Instead I put those in ardent defender, alot people say its useless in raids because when you get below 20% you will most likely get one shot killed, I'm sure there referring to the boss and most of the raid fights will not be the boss. I also put some in in Guardian's Favor

The Ret Side need a little more work. I kept Benediction as it is. Vidication is useless for tanking and so is crusade. basically I put those point in Improve crusader aura and conviction.

heres the my build

hope it helps ya

#16 May 03 2007 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
Do you really need to put anything into retribution as a prot specced pally? I say maybe...if you plan on doing nothing but soloing at high lvls. Now, I may only be a lvl 44 pally right now, but I've beent rying out a lot of builds for prot tanks and so far, I've seen a few that have worked but for the most part the are completely rediculous.

I can see putting points into things like benidiction, if you htink you can spare them, as well as imp blessing of might, though personally I don't use that on myself. BUt to take deflection? At ALL? It's absurd. Maybe it's different at higher levels but aren't the best parts of our hate gen and aggro keeping abilities reliant on our ability to deal damage by getting hit by our targets? Why on earth would you want to all?

With things like toughness and imp devotion aura, your ability to soak damage goes up quite a bit. Even at my lvl, not using devotion, I soak 56% of all damage with just my armor, not counting everything else that I think at this point reduces all damage I actually do take by another 10-15 percent. With a couple of seals of light active, I can heal three times the amount of damage a non-elite mob 2 lvls higher than me can dish out and can traditionally fight and not even think about worrying about taking 6-8 mobs my lvl at once by myself.

What you should be putting all those ret points into is holy, you will do better with the strength and int bonuses the first to spots give you because you will hit harder, block better and still have the mana for everything you need,

But here's where my real damage comes from. Right now, with my basic, non-improved seal of rightousness with a crusader judge on the mob and my sword that's finally starting to get outdated from SM, I hit consistantly for about 100 or so damage per non reckoninged swing (REckoning bTW is almost always proced for me which would I guess double that but I'm not counting it for this).

Now...if an enemy hits me, there's my real power to get hate and deal a lot of damage. With aura of ret active, as well as BoS and Holy shield, coupled with a mithril shield spike. If an enemy hits me, I do maybe 25 damage or so, if I block, which chances are I will, I deal 130-150 points of damage, simply by getting hit, almost all of which is holy, which draws 120% extra hate, thereby ensurinng that it'll be a while before I need to start spamming flashes of light in an instance and guarunteeing in a solo fight against four mobs that by the time Ikill the first three, the fourth only needs about 1 hit to go down.

Think about it real hard, I know quite a few pallies that fight like this and it serves me rather well, while on the other hand, I don't personally know any pallies that ever put anything into ret, or any that keep any in ret after watching me fight, but again, I don't know what things are like at the really high lvls, where I see most pallies go holy and start outhealing priests.

If you want to look my build over or maybe give it a try to see wha tI'm talking about,

here's my current build.

And hre's the way my build looks like it will be heading as I lvl up,

Again, just my two copper...take it as you may.

Edit: For some reason...the link wasn't working right before

Edited, May 4th 2007 12:59am by FmcRelic
#17 May 04 2007 at 12:38 AM Rating: Excellent
1,287 posts
Collbs wrote:
I took off spell warding because quite frankly I find it useless,

We're very low on defense against spellcasters. This talent WILL pay off when fighting them.

Collbs wrote:
I then put one pint in BoK its a great Buff and every one loves it when they get (It can even out do Power word fortitude if you already have alot of stam and a tank needs that)

I get 74 stamina from BoK on myself if I'm not buffed, which is more than untalented PW:Fort or Blood Pact give me. I get even more out of Kings with PW:Fort and Blood Pact on me.

Collbs wrote:
Instead I put those in ardent defender, alot people say its useless in raids because when you get below 20% you will most likely get one shot killed, I'm sure there referring to the boss and most of the raid fights will not be the boss.

But the Boss fight is the only critical point in raids, so that's where you aim your talents at. And don't overrate trash. Not all the trash in Karazhan might oneshot me, but surely all the trash in Gruul's Lair oneshots me if I'm below 20% health with 50% reduction or below 35% health with 35% reduction. And that's with roughly 16k health (not gonna flask for trash).

Collbs wrote:
I kept Benediction as it is. Vidication is useless for tanking and so is crusade.

How is Crusade useless? How many mobs you'll tank are NOT Human, Demon, Undead or Elemental? Practically only Dragonkin. 3% extra damage (from everything) basically means 3% extra aggro.

Collbs wrote:
basically I put those point in Improve crusader aura and conviction.

Conviction affects white damage. At your level, you're probably still carrying the highest DPS onehander you can find, but at lvl 70, you go for measly 41.4 DPS spellblades. White damage also doesn't get boosted by Righteous Fury and is pretty useless.

FmcRelic wrote:
Do you really need to put anything into retribution as a prot specced pally? I say maybe...if you plan on doing nothing but soloing at high lvls. Now, I may only be a lvl 44 pally right now, but I've beent rying out a lot of builds for prot tanks and so far, I've seen a few that have worked but for the most part the are completely rediculous.

It's a completely different ballgame at level 70, believe me.

FmcRelic wrote:
I can see putting points into things like benidiction, if you htink you can spare them, as well as imp blessing of might, though personally I don't use that on myself.

Blessing of Might is useless for tanking. White damage is such a minor part of your aggro, most Paladins don't even take it into account. Benediction is nice, though.

FmcRelic wrote:
BUt to take deflection? At ALL? It's absurd. Maybe it's different at higher levels but aren't the best parts of our hate gen and aggro keeping abilities reliant on our ability to deal damage by getting hit by our targets? Why on earth would you want to all?

The biggest aggro generator, Holy Shield, works on blocking attacks, not on receiving a regular hit. The same counts for BoSanctuary. Raising your Parry by 5% lowers your chance to receive a Regular Hit by 5%, but doesn't affect your chance to block an attack at all, since WoW uses a single roll table.

When you arrive at endgame tanking, you're facing something you didn't need to bother about before: Crushing Blows. Crushing Blows are possibly the biggest difference between Paladin and Warrior damage mitigation. You need enough avoidance (Miss/Dodge/Parry/Block) to prevent Crushing Blows from occuring. Deflection adds 5% to this value, which makes for a major difference.

In addition, Parry resets your swing timer, so you can apply more SoR damage.

FmcRelic wrote:
With things like toughness and imp devotion aura, your ability to soak damage goes up quite a bit.

Toughness is musthave. If I'd be running Devotion Aura, improving it would reduce the damage I get by roughly 0.4%. That's not really worth 5 talent points.

FmcRelic wrote:
What you should be putting all those ret points into is holy, you will do better with the strength and int bonuses the first to spots give you because you will hit harder, block better and still have the mana for everything you need,

Check your Strength. If you have 200 Strength, then putting 5 points into Divine Strength will increase your Block Value by an awesome 1 point. When a mob is whacking me for 12k damage (like Underbog trash mobs), I'll be blocking 201 damage instead of 200 damage. As for the increase in damage, again, white damage is a nonissue aggrowise.

Intellect only determines how much mana you have at the start of the fight. The extra mana you get from Divine Intellect is only usable once per encounter. The majority of the mana you'll spend is not the mana you started with, but the mana you receive from SA and JoW. I could maybe lay one extra Consecration Rank 1 with the extra mana I receive from this talent, and that's it. I'd rather spend those 5 talent points in something that increases my aggro throughout the fight.

Edited, May 4th 2007 10:41am by ThelsDeKwant
#18 May 04 2007 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Did I mention Thels melts the face of ignorance, and for that I am truly grateful.

Rate ups for actually knowing what you are talking about.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#19 May 05 2007 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
3,339 posts
No kidding Bhodi!

ThelsDeKwant wrote:
Collbs wrote:
I took off spell warding because quite frankly I find it useless,

We're very low on defense against spellcasters. This talent WILL pay off when fighting them.

I'm already seeing this.

ThelsDeKwant wrote:
FmcRelic wrote:
Do you really need to put anything into retribution as a prot specced pally? I say maybe...if you plan on doing nothing but soloing at high lvls. Now, I may only be a lvl 44 pally right now, but I've beent rying out a lot of builds for prot tanks and so far, I've seen a few that have worked but for the most part the are completely rediculous.

It's a completely different ballgame at level 70, believe me.

Even at 65 - my prot tree stayed largely the same (with like spell warding and stuff - I was mostly prot with holy before I respecced). The reason for the respec was somewhat my ability to hold aggro but mostly my ability to mitigate. The prot tree didn't change all that much but it sure seems like the ret points (with deflection and quicker judgments to pull when taunt was on cooldown) helped a TON.

ThelsDeKwant wrote:
FmcRelic wrote:
BUt to take deflection? At ALL? It's absurd. Maybe it's different at higher levels but aren't the best parts of our hate gen and aggro keeping abilities reliant on our ability to deal damage by getting hit by our targets? Why on earth would you want to all?

The biggest aggro generator, Holy Shield, works on blocking attacks, not on receiving a regular hit. The same counts for BoSanctuary. Raising your Parry by 5% lowers your chance to receive a Regular Hit by 5%, but doesn't affect your chance to block an attack at all, since WoW uses a single roll table.

When you arrive at endgame tanking, you're facing something you didn't need to bother about before: Crushing Blows. Crushing Blows are possibly the biggest difference between Paladin and Warrior damage mitigation. You need enough avoidance (Miss/Dodge/Parry/Block) to prevent Crushing Blows from occuring. Deflection adds 5% to this value, which makes for a major difference.

In addition, Parry resets your swing timer, so you can apply more SoR damage.

Huh, you learn something new from Thels every day. I didn't know it reset the swing timer. And FmcRelic? Trust me, you're still getting hit quite enough for aggro gen. And as I mentioned above - aggro gen/maintenance wasn't really the problem (though Avenger's shield helps a lot) it was being able to freaking stay alive without basically eating my healer. Keep in mind that I tanked instances fine up until I hit Crypts/Tombs lvl. So you're not quite there yet, you'll see :-)

ThelsDeKwant wrote:
FmcRelic wrote:
With things like toughness and imp devotion aura, your ability to soak damage goes up quite a bit.

Toughness is musthave. If I'd be running Devotion Aura, improving it would reduce the damage I get by roughly 0.4%. That's not really worth 5 talent points.

I never run Devo any more unless there is absolutely NOTHING else useful. FmcRelic - you talked about deflection - wouldn't you want Ret up to generate constant low lvl threat? I do. (Wish I could have both AS and Sanctity though :( )

FmcRelic wrote:
What you should be putting all those ret points into is holy, you will do better with the strength and int bonuses the first to spots give you because you will hit harder, block better and still have the mana for everything you need,

My previous build WAS Prot/Holy. It failed at tanking in late game.

#20 May 07 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
1,287 posts
Celcio wrote:
(Wish I could have both AS and Sanctity though :( )

Don't we all? Well, Avenger's Shield looked cool back when I had it on level 60, but I haven't had it since and I don't really miss it. Love Imp Sanctity though.
#21 May 07 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Ive been holy ever since day 1. Now that im 70 and the guild wants to run 70 instances I want to go protection since we really dont have a tank. Ive looked through the FAQ and other prot posts for possible builds. There are a lot to choose from.

ThelsDeKwant - a couple questions. Would you suggest what you have in your ZOE character's build for a pure PVE instance tank build?

On your Tanking guide, what do the % numbers under each peice of armor mean? ie (Warrior: 1.50%, Paladin: 1.50%, Paladin CB: 2.00%) and what does Paladin CB mean?

#22 May 07 2007 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
1,287 posts
My current build:

After the patch, I'll drop Precision and Shield Spec and remove 1 point from GF to get Imp 1H Spec and Imp HS. And yes, it's completely PvE tank oriented.

The Warrior/Paladin/Druid % are the % of complete avoidance they get with that gear. The Paladin CB % is the % to prevent crushing blow (includes block rating).

It's slightly outdated, though.

Edited, May 8th 2007 9:22am by ThelsDeKwant
#23 May 08 2007 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
While all the talk of what to have at 70 is nice, what do you recommend getting while you're first leveling? Right now I'm 32 ret spec but I'm thinking about switching to prot. In what order should I get which talents??

Also, do you prot guys go 1-hand + shield even when soloing, or do you use 2-handers then?
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#24 May 08 2007 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
ThelsDeKwant wrote:
My current build:

After the patch, I'll drop Precision and Shield Spec and remove 1 point from GF to get Imp 1H Spec and Imp HS. And yes, it's completely PvE tank oriented.

If you don't mind my inquiring, what purpose does Pursuit of Justice serve? It seems like it wouldn't be particularly useful for standard PvE fights, but maybe there's something I'm missing? I know you needed to spend the two points somewhere to get to Sanctity Aura, but wouldn't they be better in Eye For An Eye (for bosses/mobs that cast spells...not greatly useful, but seems like it'd be more useful than Pursuit of Justice)?
#25 May 08 2007 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
1,287 posts
Karlina wrote:
While all the talk of what to have at 70 is nice, what do you recommend getting while you're first leveling? Right now I'm 32 ret spec but I'm thinking about switching to prot. In what order should I get which talents??

Don't look at such builds when you're grinding/leveling. There are other, more suitable builds for that.

Karlina wrote:
Also, do you prot guys go 1-hand + shield even when soloing, or do you use 2-handers then?

Depends on the type of mobs I'm fighting.

Vaeliorin wrote:
If you don't mind my inquiring, what purpose does Pursuit of Justice serve? It seems like it wouldn't be particularly useful for standard PvE fights, but maybe there's something I'm missing? I know you needed to spend the two points somewhere to get to Sanctity Aura, but wouldn't they be better in Eye For An Eye (for bosses/mobs that cast spells...not greatly useful, but seems like it'd be more useful than Pursuit of Justice)?

PoJ is filler to get to Sanctity, as you noticed. Spells from Mobs/Bosses can't crit, so E4AE is completely useless for PvE.
#26 May 08 2007 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
ThelsDeKwant wrote:
PoJ is filler to get to Sanctity, as you noticed. Spells from Mobs/Bosses can't crit, so E4AE is completely useless for PvE.

Ah, I wasn't aware that bosses and mobs were incapable of critting with spells. I just assumed that since players could, so could mobs. I guess that explains it :)
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