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Mage pvp what classes are hard for a mage and how to counterFollow

#1 Apr 14 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
yo is was wondering what r the hardest classes for mages to beat in pvp and what is the best way to counter them. i have a 31 mage and a 30 warlock and a 30 shamen and i settled for mage cuz i really love it. although with my shamen i faired much better in pvp then with my mage. i had always won in a duel with my friend untill i dueled him wiht my mage in which case i didnt do very well. im thinking that its becuz im frost spec and havnt gotten all the spells that would make a mage much better for pvp. im frost spec and i was wondering if fire was the pvp spec. and is it really easy for a rouge to one shot u at lvl 70? how would u counter that? is there anyway around it?

anyway i know im asking a lot of question but i've been brooding over them for far to long and would really appricate the advice of more experianced players.

thanks in advance

31 mage
30 warlock
30 shamen
#2 Apr 14 2007 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
hmm.. hard fights for mages.
All except warriors. Also a very skilled gnome warrior on engeneering will kill you before you get a chance to move.

warlock : ways to counter fear : ice block / pvp trinket. if you're a fire mage you've got very low chances of defeating a lock. any decent lock can kill you without you even hitting him once.

shaman : purges you then ice shocks you. you move at half speed, have no shields / barriers. if you try to cast something they will cast earth shock. interrupts spell and can't cast anything from that school of magic for 2 seconds. way to counter it.. burst them with instant casts. sheep if you can because they have no way of breaking out of it.

druids : feral druids are immune to sheep, can shapeshift out of frostnova / chill / daze, can charge, can stealth.. way to counter: if you're an ice-mage chill / freeze them till they run oom. if you're a fire-mage burst them. don't run away because it's useless since they can't be chilled.

paladins : they can make themselves immune to all damage and heal themselves to full life. way to counter: improved counterspell when they are like 20-25% and save a fireblast to finish them fast.

rogues : at level 70 a decent sub rogue is impossible to beat by anything but a deep frost mage. they can be immune to all spells for 5 seconds and that pretty much sais it all. ice block when this happens.

hunters : mm hunters with a good pet can kill you before you get a chance to move. i am fairly decent in PvP and i've found a hunter that can beat me so bad that it made me ashamed to be a mage. they can shoot pretty much non-stop so you can't really cast anything between the arrows and the pet.
bm hunters can become immune to any form of crowd control for 10 (?) seconds. only way to counter this is by doing ice block if you're an ice mage or pom + ap + trinket + pyro if you're arcane / fire. then blink away from the pet and try to burst down the hunter.

priests : if it's a shadowpriest cs his shadow tree and then burst him (if you have control over your character that is)
holy priests can only be killed if you can do burst damage. try to cs his heal. if he's smart he'll do only flash heals to make you *try* and counterspell it. if you miss it, you're screwed.

Interesting how our only means of escape from these mage-killers (ice block) has been nerfed. Somewhere a mage must have killed a warlock. No other explanation for these recent nerfs :P

#3 Apr 14 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
pretty much, yeah.

druids *can* be chilled, but it's mostly just a means to get them to waste mana on shifting. because believe it or not, shifting does take quite a bit of mana. balance druids won't care and will just sit and nuke at you.

a naked fireblast won't kill any paladin from 20%, but molten fury does help! paladins may be one of the few (if not only) classes where molten fury is very helpful.

cloak of shadows doesn't make rogues immune to spells, but 90% is very close to it. i don't really see how a fire mage is supposed to beat CoS + shadow step...

hunters... yeah. i've refused to group with or sell to any hunters for many months now =P hunters and warlocks remain the most blatantly overpowered classes in the game: not only against mages.

priests are a very dynamic fight. their fear is PBAoE and on a decent cooldown. if they try to mindflay, that's your chance for a CS right there. holy priests will just outlast you (and all your buddies too!) and wand you to death =D

regarding current events... every class is a hard fight for a mage and your only hope of winning remains to outgear your opponent and/or catch them very off guard.
#4 Apr 14 2007 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
wow thats terrible. it sounds like mage is bye far the worst class for me as im in love with pvp..........i say im not gonna go through the game like that im gonna roll to my warlock. ty for advice though it was helpful.
#5 Apr 14 2007 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
hunters : mm hunters with a good pet can kill you before you get a chance to move. i am fairly decent in PvP and i've found a hunter that can beat me so bad that it made me ashamed to be a mage. they can shoot pretty much non-stop so you can't really cast anything between the arrows and the pet.

the people on the hunter forums would strongly disagree here - if you can get in a marksmanship hunter's deadzone, they can fall pretty fast. Blink+frost nova (preferrably catching the pet in it too), and blast away.
Two hunters, however, can crossfire me in 2 seconds flat.

Note that my mage is currently frost specced at 29 for pvp, but I imagine this still works pretty well until hunters get scatter shot, maybe somebody else could fill in the higher-level details.

I also think you underrated good paladins - with blessing of freedom, stuns, and smart healing they can pretty easily outlast my mana bar. Of course, it's good fun to let them bubbleheal, then sheep and evocation/bandage/pyroblast(for those who can)

PS: newb question - are lower levels of a spell more likely to be resisted?
#6 Apr 15 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
are lower levels of a spell more likely to be resisted?

no. that's why higher ranks of frost nova are a waste of money.

Note that my mage is currently frost specced at 29 for pvp, but I imagine this still works pretty well until hunters get scatter shot, maybe somebody else could fill in the higher-level details.

scatter shot > mages. the "dead zone" is just the soft pillow hunters hump at night when the developers threaten to nerf their overpowered asses. a hunter who doesn't know what wing clip does isn't a dumb hunter at all. because that would be redundant. oh. and let's not forget traps. the fact is that the dead zone is anything BUT a dead zone... for the hunter anyway. let's see if we can even make a list! freeze trap, chill trap, scatter shot, concussive shot, wing clip, silence shot, feign death (because it interrupts your cast), wyvern sting. is that everything? hm. even if it's not, it's still an absurd number of interruption effects for anyone to tote around let alone a class that can three shot mages with all instant abilities. i ask you. why the hell would anyone even bother using the "dead zone" excuse?

it's not like hunters can't equip a melee weapon, and it's not like they can't move their asses.

let's ask a question. since hunter's arrows interrupt casters' spells, why is there no effect in the game to stop hunters' arrows? aside from the horrendous arcane talent Slow, there really isn't one. unless you get an impact proc. and that's not dependable. furthermore, you couldn't keep a hunter out of action as long as he can you. ever seen a hunter kite a warrior with nothing but instant casts? spoiler! even with charge and intercept the warrior never gets a chance to hit the hunter. let's see. how many of those above effects have diminishing returns?


Edited, Apr 15th 2007 4:23am by FractalSynapse
#7 Apr 15 2007 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
the people on the hunter forums would strongly disagree here - if you can get in a marksmanship hunter's deadzone, they can

scattershot you

And the only way you'll get in a hunter's dead zone is through blink. After that they scattershot you and run to distance. You have no blink now and they're pouring arrows on you.

i forgot one class : mages.
funnest class to fight. very balanced imo. fire vs ice = (nerfed) insane damage vs. (soon to be nerfed) survivability
really love fighting mages.. really makes you play your class to the max.

Edited, Apr 15th 2007 9:19am by angelblack
#8 Apr 15 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I play as a deep fire gnome mage, and i was doing a fair bit of pvp at 59 for the pvp mount. I found that as long as i pretty much stuck to instant casts, i could pretty easily take out most classes. One of the last things people expect is a mage to run straight at them and thats what i did, fire blast, blast wave dragons breath, and most were usually almost dead. I was hardly what you would call "Twinked" , but 1v1 i could take out anybody in the battleground. Druids and shamans are definately some of the toughest, with a holy specced priest, theyre dead before they know what hit them.
#9 Apr 15 2007 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
No consideration for the warrior eh?!
#10 Apr 15 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
No consideration for the warrior eh?!

well-geared fury warriors will rape you, but not if you hit them first. i really question the wisdom of giving warriors intercept + 15k hp...
#11 Apr 15 2007 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
welllllllll this is all said from the level 70 prespective 39 and 49 twink mage tend to be really good especially a mage with Pressence of mind and pyro blast INSTANT CAST PYRO FTW so you can still roll your mage for pvp just have to play it right and i guess at 70 i will get pwnd =( o well ill find someway to do decent.
#12 Apr 15 2007 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
are lower levels of a spell more likely to be resisted?

no. that's why higher ranks of frost nova are a waste of money.

ah, thanks - I knew about frost nova, but was thinking of randomly spamming rank 1 arcane explosion as a method of rogue detection/deterrance, albeit a very visible one. At higher levels, I imagine the mana cost for this would be negligible.

For the rest ... hmm ... where should I start?

scatter shot > mages. the "dead zone" is just the soft pillow hunters hump at night when the developers threaten to nerf their overpowered asses. a hunter who doesn't know what wing clip does isn't a dumb hunter at all, because that would be redundant. oh. and let's not forget traps.

The dead zone is very real, just mages aren't the best to exploit it. If a rogue or warrior gets in there and slows (hamstring/crippling poison > wing clip), the hunter with their relatively weak melee is pretty much screwed. Traps are the only attack in the game that you can manually dodge, and have a long enough cooldown not to be useful more than once in an engagement (unless you let the Hunter kite you or are relatively a lot weaker).

Wing Clip is a ***** for mages, but frostbolt is a ***** for hunters. Yes, wing clip is instant, but if you're skilled enough to stay out of their melee range, it's useless - and rank 1 frostbolt goes pretty fast. Again, on a skill level, it's much easier for the hunter to outrange/melee you than for you to stay in the dead zone, but you did say that there were no good hunters, right?
At least at 29 (and I admit it may change a lot later on), spamming my instant spells and moving unpredictably within their dead zone (freezing them as frost nova comes up) wins unless they have a bunch of +stam gear.

Again, scatter shot upsets all of this, and I humbly agree with you assessment there. You also have a point on the inability to slow hunter range pew-pewing. Caster wands really aren't comparable in damage. Anything outside of a non-cc'd hunter's deadzone 1v1 is going to be hurt. If it's any consolation, in team play, a hunter standing still to attack you is open bait for any class that can get inside its deadzone and cc/kill it.

off-topic aside:
Because I don't have any high-levels yet, I lurk on a bunch of the class forums, and one consistent pattern I've seen is complaints which group mutually exclusive skills. A mm hunter may 3-shot a glass cannon mage (or vice versa if they mage gets the jump), or a survival hunter may cc and melee kill you up close. Each spec has ups and downs, but nobody has them all - much like people who want all mages nerfed more because of the one time they got killed by a 3-minute instant pyroblast mage, and another time where a whole group got slowed to a crawl and damaged by aoe frost aggravation. Anecdotal evidence doesn't show the bigger picture. Knowing the skill trees/mutually exclusive abilities of the other classes can be very beneficial, especially if you're fighting a specific opponent more than once.
#13 Apr 15 2007 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
this is from a lvl 60 view but i can take down hunters down very simmply just blink right up to say hi with your fn,then cone of cold(recomended if fire aswell)
fire blast him and then wait for his attempt to incapacitate you u can dodge the trap preety ez by just moveing arround and arcane explosioning if he blows beastrial wraith dont underestamate it becuse that+ his petstun is one dead mage
if you are fire becuse u lack ice barrier and im not applying gear...also ive never ever been a fire mage i was elementalist tho and i didnt like it that much
#14 Apr 15 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
a hunter standing still to attack you is open bait for any class that can get inside its deadzone and cc/kill it.

why is that different from what mages do? why do you think people kill mages first? because mages are easier to kill: fewer hp, less dodge, less armor and fewer escape tactics.

the "dead zone" consists of the tiny ring between melee range and bow range. that's ~3 yards, isn't it? you couldn't even cast scorch in the amount of time it would take even a slowed hunter to shift his position.

At least at 29 (and I admit it may change a lot later on), spamming my instant spells and moving unpredictably within their dead zone (freezing them as frost nova comes up) wins unless they have a bunch of +stam gear.

yeah, that changes. i saw a warrior with 25k hp in AV today. kinda ruins my fondly-held notion that most pvp warriors are plate rogues. hm. i wonder: if you were a well geared mage and crit that warrior with your best nuke, how much of his health bar do you think you could take off before he wore you down? i know it's very possible, but so far i haven't seen more than one or two mages in BGs with more than 8k hp.

so, even against other cloth, you aren't gonna kill anyone with instant spells alone unless you can sit around and wait for cooldowns for minutes at a time.

you did say that there were no good hunters, right?

i said there weren't any smart hunters and that's the problem: it takes no skill to be a pain in the *** hunter.
#15 Apr 15 2007 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
Hunters are definately going to be the hardest. Fractal is right, it takes almost no skill to play a hunter well enough to **** off a mage (all you need to be able to do is spam buttons). I spent 10 seconds casting scorch once when a hunter was attacking me... bear in mind this was a rank 2 scorch. I don't have much experience with 1v1 because I don't duel alot and in bgs I just do suicide runs... it's really fun just running into a group of the enemy and spamming arcane explosion (top deaths and damage ftw!). But in theory, just kite meele casters and cs casters when they're using their best spell. With locks, cs fear and they can only cast fire spells (I usually run away until my silence runs out). For priests, cs heal and try to damage them as much as you can before they fear you. For meele players, use frostbolt, cone of cold, frost nova, anything to stop them and gain distance. For druids, keep them immobile so they waste mana on shapeshifting. Once they're oom they'll either be stuck in caster form or use the rest of their mana to switch to cat form to kill you, and that's when you treat them like a rogue. Mages are a hard class to play, but they can kick *** if you're skilled enough. Just because you aren't doing well now doesn't mean you should stop playing mages; just get some experience. If you still don't like them, switch to another class.

Edited, Apr 15th 2007 11:39pm by Miscelaneous
#16 Apr 24 2007 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
I can't speak intelligently to the fire spec 3minute mage crowd, I've never dabbled. I'm deep frost and have no trouble PvP. All things being =, nothing will give you much grief. Pound for pound, with CS & coldsnap handy and your elemental out, you're a glass wrecking ball; you can lay down the pain, but you can't take much. Always have stack of potions and keep your ice barrier and mana shield up as much as possible. Get real good with blink, it's for more than running away ;) I like to charge head on with ice barrier on, blink past the pet, nova so they're both caught, and stand a couple steps away and nukenukenuke. If it's a lock and he fears, CS. If it's a druid and he shifts out of the first nova, use elemental's nova or coldsnap and nova again. I'm BE, so I like to arcance torrent the casters. Melees are tricky if they're good and they get inside your safety zone, you gotta think quick. Nova, blink away, get elemental out if he ain't already, lay down a frostbolt (work in and insta cast or 3 if you can), and get ready to nova again (yours or elemental's) when they get close. I've got a rogue, a hunter, a shady priest and a lock, but I like frost mage for pvp.
#17 Apr 24 2007 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
compyro wrote:
the people on the hunter forums would strongly disagree here...

The people on the Hunter forums comprise a human wasteland. As for the original poster's question...

My friend and I have been leveling a Druid/Mage combo, so while I've not played a Mage myself and we haven't reached end-game content yet (we're 41/40 at the moment), I can tell you what I've seen and heard from playing with him thus far. And by the way, the following assessments are based on his performance alone, not with me healing him or contributing damage.

He rapes. He rapes hard. Excluding twinks and toons five or more levels ahead of us (or both), the only classes he consistently has trouble with are 'Locks, Priests, and Hunters. Hunters are made to dominate cloth-wearing casters, and 'Locks and Priests simply have more anti-caster options than he does. Even with the disadvantage he usually still beats Hunters around 50% of the time (because a lot of them suck), but without me 'Locks and Priests usually have his number.

Edited, Apr 25th 2007 2:26am by Gaudion
#18 Apr 25 2007 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
I dunno about druids. I'm not that scared of them.

Feral druids seem to be like warriors, except they can shapeshift and try to heal, but that's why we have counterspell. Plus a lot of druids are really clumsy with this and you get a lot of shots off at them shapeshifting around.

My guildy is a balance / resto druid and I can destory him in duels. He does the moonkin thing, and I can get his health down really fast, so he goes for a heal, which I could again conceivably counter spell and then just kill him. Otherwise, he heals, I use my ice barriers as a form of getting extra mana. Water elemental is out and bashing him, if I'm in a bad state, I could ice block, but usually don't have to since it tends to give him the chance to really heal. And basically, the druid runs out of mana faster than I do with its shapeshifting and all. Then its dead.
#19 Apr 25 2007 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
Gaudion wrote:
Hunters are made to dominate cloth-wearing casters

Unfortunately I can't speak for level 50+, but at 48 I find hunters very easy in 1on1 situations.

There's one secret with hunters that works in our favour - they don't have huge hp. I'm fire and all it takes to kill a hunter is the blink forward/FN method, followed by a fireball, fireblast, CoC, blast wave and if they're not BBQ'd by then, AE spam.

When your fireball crits for over half of their total HP, it's not you that's the most scared in a 1v1. :)

Make sure you have mana shield on so you don't get casting interrupts from any shots they manage to fire. Can't remember if insignia of the horde works vs scatter shot or not but if so.. get it ready.
#20 Apr 25 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I 100% agree with Aqueminai's post. Lvl 66 not just deep, but ALL frost and I dont have too much trouble with any class. I go stam then int which is a little unorthodox for a mage but the survivabilty of the frost tree combined with a really good amount of hp helps very much with pvp. Hunters dont give me much trouble at all. Just run at em head first with shield up and fn then proceed to use every instant that you have with elemental blasting away as well. Ice lance is a huge factor as it can be cast so rapidly. So I'm not 70 yet but as of now when I come up against the allies in outlands I hold my own just fine 1v1 near my lvl.
#21 Apr 25 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
There's one secret with hunters that works in our favour - they don't have huge hp. I'm fire and all it takes to kill a hunter is the blink forward/FN method, followed by a fireball, fireblast, CoC, blast wave and if they're not BBQ'd by then, AE spam.

When your fireball crits for over half of their total HP, it's not you that's the most scared in a 1v1. :)

that changes when they're the one dealing 2/3 of your health with one shot...

also, you've obviously been fighting very suck hunters. besides, in 1v1 a hunter should be able to trash you much better: trap > blink. your mostly-instant-cast-spam technique will just leave you oom and sans cooldowns starting around level 58.
#22 Apr 25 2007 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Have to agree with Fractal. Hunter is fairly EZ-Mode to play but very difficult to master. Good Hunters that know how to work the class should completely wreck you. A vast majority of them suck something fierce though.
#23 Apr 25 2007 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
FractalSynapse wrote:
also, you've obviously been fighting very suck hunters. besides, in 1v1 a hunter should be able to trash you much better: trap > blink. your mostly-instant-cast-spam technique will just leave you oom and sans cooldowns starting around level 58.

I'd imagine so.. look forward to getting there and facing an actual challenge.

I guess the reason so many hunters suck is because it's chosen by those who want to make soloing easier, or because they like sending their pet in to take the hits. i.e. hunter = easy option for many.

Ah well their loss, our gain.
#24 Apr 30 2007 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
U must be garbage if u cant beat every class as a mage im a lvl 60 dranei frost spec'd mage and i can kill any class hands down the hardest being bm hunters if but u just got to use ur elemental and ice block its *key* get in dead zone try to lock the pet down as well as the hunter himself and fire the frost bolt from the deadzone look me up if ur 60 or around the level and whisper me im in altar of storms server whisper MikeHoncho if u think u can beat my 60 frosty :)
#25 May 01 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I'm inclined to disagree with some of the hunter class glory-hounding here. They can be tough if they're good, but so can all classes. Druids can heal and shift, warlocks can spam fear & those dots and soul fire crits can get nasty, rogues have cloak of shadows (sonovabitch i hate it when they know how to use it), but the beauty of the frost tree is its survivability, see Eatingualive's post earlier. Remember, a frosty mage with a full clip has 4 novas at his disposal, 3 of which are usable back-to-back-to-back. With ice lance alone, an insta-cast, critting 3 times for 1700-2000 dmg per, do the math. Coupled with the elem blasting away, fire blast (another insta cast), and AE (a third insta), I dare a hunter to hold a candle to the kind of barrage he's in for, traps or no (assuming i'm dumb enough to walk over one). With regard to a frost mage being without mana, keep in mind the low mana cost of the spells we're discussing here. A frost mage will have mana to spare when he's done with you. Again I think, all things being equal, the frost mage just has the deeper bag of tricks. Maybe there's something I'm not thinking of 60+ for a hunter, I'm willing to learn. 60 frost mage vs 60 hunter, tho, if I had to pick a horse, I'd back the frosty in every race.
#26 May 01 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
This is what works for me and I ONLY play for the pvp content (I hate grinding and questing with a passion). Locks are freaking scary- fel hunter will eat you, you WILL get feared, and you WILL be dot'ed. The thing to rember about a lock is it has very low hp starting the fight. Locks are one of the only two classes I would ever recommend spamming anything.

Duel starts, -be spamming poly morph before the time hits 1. This stops you from being feared right off the bat. Fel hunter will eat it but still gives you enough time to either bbq his *** or chill his ***. Now comes the hard parts. The Fel Hunter will devour your mage buffs (don't bother recasting) and will silence you. This is where you will be feared. You can IB or Trink. If you IB a good lock will time it and fear you as soon as it fades so spam icebarrier. You run around for a bit in barrier but don't get frazzled, when fear fades blink to him and (for me) FN/shatter, fire blast, two (2) AE, if he casts a fear counterspell (also stops him from dotting) if he deathcoils (which he may because he just lost over half his hp) don't fret, it was a move of desperation. Get out of the three (3) sec run and coldsnap, FN/shatter, two (2) AE, mana gem, IB, Blink, Fire blast, AE, /bow.

Hunters are tricky too. What works best for me is to poly pet right off the bat (poly then ice barrier) Blink to behind and FN/shatter. (be very mana wary as you can be oom and dead faster than he is ool and dead : P) Toss on a FB, poly pet again (even if it isn't up yet) cold snap (feels kinda weird to do it when IB isn't on CD but it works) FN/shatter FB Arc Three (3) times, mana gem, Ice barrier, poly pet again (DR sucks but this will be the last time.) Blink to inside (watch for traps, because the DR on poly could give out and you die frozen) CoC, IL, FB, AE and that should do it. Vary your strat as needed but that takes down 90% of the hunters I fight. (boar and warp charges aside : P)

Priests imo are the hardest for a mage to fight. Being feared, Hella DPS'ed then watching as they shield and pop up to full really sucks. The trick? Wait.
Wait wait wait. Like fighting a npc shammy when you miss your counter on their heal. wait. IB is your friend. Cold snap is your friend. Grind them down to low hp, and save the CS (counter spell) for that one spell that will make or break em' then release the fury of a mage. You can toss out so much dmg in mere seconds.

I don't have a problem with pally fights cept you have to kill em twice (big deal)

No warrior or rogue has ever beatten me sans one (I was 39 they were 45 and I still won 2/3 of the rounds : P)
The trick for these three classes is do not underestimate them...Rogue does his CoS? You have IB. Warrior charges, blink. Pally bubbles, IB. Common sense things will get you through alot.

As for smart hunters? What? All they do is hit a macro to fight you. Get more skill and you will kill hunters. Wow is not a very skill intensive game but you can make it so. Practice to the point where you know what the hunter is going to do and beat him to it.

I was fighting a horde frost mage the other day, same level, both deep frost and I beat him with only taking one IL. Know your opponent and you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles.
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