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Mage TroubleFollow

#27 May 02 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I find this thread kind of funny, because almost every high level mage thinks warlocks are overpowered. Since i got my mage up in the expantion the classes i used to kill every time i'd lose against and for some reason i can kill hunters 0.o. Anyways a lot of you are looking at a mage specced for that kind of dmg. When they spec arcane, they will usually PvP more than they PvE. Some one said that the whole ice block/frost nova/ice lance/etc. were a bunch of really cheap spells that mages have. Ice block only works for 10sec and the mage cannot act in that time there is also a 4min cooldown (somewhere around 4min) on it. Using it twice with coldsnap, again that has a 10 min cooldown but will get rid of cooldowns on all other spells. So basically mages can't rely on useing ice block a bunch in PvP to get out of bad situations. Frost nova had a huge nerf (i can see why) but almost completely killed its great usage. Now my molten armor can break it with a crit (molten armor crit=120ish) along with ANYONE elses crit. Anyways, there's an interesting thread i found on under the mage forum section... anyways since i'm having troubles linking it ima copy/paste it onto here...
#28 May 02 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent

Q u o t e:

"Why am I, a warlock, better than a mage? It doesn't make sense to me. I didn't sign up to be the big nuker, I didn't sign up to be #1 DPS, I didn't sign up to be a PVP god, I signed up to be a raider with dps below others while offering viable utility. I will offer, from my point of view (Warlock in a high end raiding guild), what I honestly feel is wrong with the mage class.

1. Obviously: DPS.

I don't understand why I can outdps Mages. Let's see what I have. I have, as an affliction warlock, 5 DoT's that I can apply, and when I am done, I can starting casting shadowbolts. These Shadowbolts hit for just as much as a fireball if you're fire, or a frostbolt if you're frost. So, obviously, considering all a mage is doing is spamming these, I will do more DPS as my dot's are ticking for well over 1000 if all of them tick.

Oh and you can't forget our new AOE. Seed of corruption that with my +shadow damage explodes for 1700ish and can crit for over 3k.

What sense does this make. The mage is the glass cannon, the insane DPS that trades survivability for DPS. But wait, your DPS isn't as high as a warlocks, who's survivability is exponentially better than yours. Which takes us into our next topic.

2. Survivability.

First of all, at level 70, it is rare to find a mage with over 7,000 Hp. This is due to the absolutely horrid mage itemization which is consistently wasting points with spirit and other equally worthless stats. Stamina is important to every class. Compare this to warlocks, who get their +damage coupled with a load of stamina. You say "Alright, but you're a warlock, you're supposed to have high stamina, you always have.", Well, you're right. We always have. But only recently has there been such an extreme gap between the two classes as far as their total viability in raids, and in PVP.

Survivability skills, warlocks get: Deathcoil, AOE fear (instant, if you're afflic), fear (50% interruptions with our amazingly itemized pvp gear), and if you're so inclined to include it, a healthstone that, coupled with fel armor, can heal you for over 4k. Oh that reminds me, Fel armor, untalented 20% extra healing from everything, including potions, healthstones, heals, siphon life, drain life, the works.

What do mages get? They get a polymorph that instantly heals their target, frost nova that is (A) Dispellable, (B) Easily Breakable, (C) Vanishable, escape artistable, cloak of shadows, the works. Not to mention the plethora of trinkets that get you out of it. And to top it all off, it doesnt even last long even when it doesn't break. Oh, and they have blink. Blink puts some distance between you and your enemy, or closes it. Rogues? Deadly throw, sprint, run away and stealth again, plethora of counter moves. Warriors? Intercept, which I believe is on the exact same cooldown. Nifty, huh.

So effectively, warlocks are better in 1. DPS, 2. Survivability, and my next point. Utility.

So on top of all of this there's the neat things that each class can do to make themselves more important to a group, or even solo.


Felhunter that can dispell and counterspell, Imp that talented gives almost 1000 HP to the party,
healthstones that talented heal for 2496 and crit for 4500, a soulstone that allows for a second life,
Curses that amplify the damage of others(and their own), a curse that increases casting time by 60%, a talent that reduces physical damage done (works on bosses) by 5%, a curse that reduces armor, a curse that reduces attack power, a succubus that can charm, a banish that works on demon's and elementals (oh so rare in outlands?), enslave demon to sometimes rip a mob out of a pull or even simplify a boss fight (maulgar anyone?), detect magic to see invis'd mages, and the incredibly useless underwater breathing. Oh, and of course, fear can be a utility spell as it's incredibly useful in many end game encounters (Magtheridon's). Oh, and the talents Nether protection (30% chance to become immune to fire when hit with fire, or likewise with shadow), and of course soul link. Eye of kilrogg is nifty for scouting.

Look at that list. That is one hell of a list. I'm probably forgetting some, too.

Decurse. Arcane Intellect. Sheep humanoids. Make food and water. Frost nova for add control. Frost is sometimes decent for kiting. Spellsteal is good for some encounters+pvp. Invisibility. Uhhh.......
I'm really reaching here....ummm....slow fall? Detect magic I suppose....I don't play a mage, so I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but nothing big I'm sure.



Life tap talented with my shadow damage does 1500ish damage to me while restoring over 2k mana. I could life tap twice, 3 times and be up 50% of my mana pool, and be healed with a single HoT, a bandage, or a healthstone that I always have handy. I have never. EVER. popped a mana potion on a boss fight. I have Dark pact, which allows me to steal mana from my pet, which is always the imp who is phase shifted and cannot die, I might add. I have a paladin put blessing of wisdom on my pet which works to it's fullest, and since my imp never cast's he is always regenning at the wicked fast speeds that pet's always regen mana at. Life tapping is almost never used when you have this skill, you are completely and totally self sustainable while only slightly lowering your DPS for the global cooldown when you click the skill. There is no other cooldown, it's not a cast, it's not a channel, it's an instant mana battery that is always there. Always. I didn't drink, or eat, a single time leveling from 60-70, nor do I even now. life tap is quickly healed by siphon life, and a death coil heals for 1000+

Mages: Mana gems. The talent that gives you a percent of your mana back when you resist a spell. Potions. Evocation on an 8 minute timer. Who wins?

So, basically what's going on is that you have a class that is inferior to the other in every single conceivable way other than one. Burst DPS. I'll agree with that, but how much burst are you going to do in arena when you are stunlocked, hit insanely hard with your miniscule hp? Not much. Why? Because you'll be dead. Meanwhile I'll be taking the hits, hitting my instant AOE fear that will give my healers time to hit me, I'll deathcoil the melee off of me, hit the priest with a curse of tongues for insanely annoying cast times, all the while getting healed for 26% more than a mage ge'ts healed for, even though I have, generally speaking, 2-3k more HP than mages.

The problems with this are absolute mind boggling. How is this justifiable? And even with this, they are NERFING mages still? Hypothermia? What? If I was a mage, I'd reroll a warlock, but thankfully I don't, I just really, really feel like you are consistently, at least for a little while now, getting the short end of the stick. You have bad survivability, comparably subpar DPS, small amounts of utility, mediocre sustainability, and terrible itemization.

Sucks to be a mage, Blizzard, sucks to be a mage."
and i agree with most of it too =P

Edited, May 2nd 2007 5:42pm by pooooooooooooop
#29 May 02 2007 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
All of those points change the moment you enter PvP though.

Mages outweigh us in the burst damage area. They have so many instant cast direct damage spells at level 70 it's not even funny.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#30 May 02 2007 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
I'm glad you cut and pasted that response pooooooooooooop, after reading through people's responses to how "overpowered" mages are, I was getting angrier and angrier as I read on. I love the mage class, I have almost always picked the mage type class in any type of RPG I have ever played. I recently hit 70 ( my first ) with my mage so I could do PvP and raiding mostly. Now I feel I have made a terrible mistake putting all the time and effort into being a mage. I have recently started a warlock now level 38 and find the class offers more for a cloth wearer than a mage cloth wearer. Having a pet that can seduce, silence, sacrifice, and tank/DPS for certain situations makes all the difference.

I don't know how many of you have mages or are willing actually get them up to 70 but it does not get any easier against any class past 60. I get more heals/help playing my warlock in a BG than I have ever have with my mage. I could be running around with 2 pally's and a priest as a mage and not even get heal/cleanse even when I have 2-3 targets that are headed straight for me. People are going to play how they are going to play, I have never once told anyone they weren't doing what they should be doing whether it be healing/cleansing/DPS etc.

All I am to other party members is a food/drink vendor that can sheep and stop whatever I want. The fact is sheeping puts you in some real crappy range, heals target, easily breakable from any damage and usually breaks within 7-8 seconds anyway. All the time where I have a hunter using Scatter Shot, Silencing shot, DPS DPS, while the whole time I am watching my Health go down so I can maybe get a Fireblast off before I die and hope it crits so I can at least proc Ignite.

Rogues on the other hand now have CloS at 66, 90% resist for 5 seconds. The 90% does not bother me, thats fine, they need that for survivability being so far away from the rest of there teammates. It's the fact thats it's on a one minute CD, doesn't cost energy, and instantly removes all existing harmful spell effects, and they can still stun lock/attack at will! Are you serious? What the hell was blizzard thinking? Even if you can wait out the 5 seconds and do some damage they can just laugh it off by vanishing, rinse, repeat. If I switched back to being frost which I will not because of the upcoming nerf, they are making it so you can't Ice Block, Cold Snap, Ice Block. So basically being in the surviving tree of the talents you can't outlast the rogue who can resist, attack, and vanish.

This is the first time in 7-8 months of playing that I actually get angry while playing. I'm trying to shrug off the displeasure I have had with my mage recently and am focusing on my warlock now. In the 30-39 level bracket for BG's I am usually in the top 3 for damage done, and thats impressive at level 34-36. I actually have the Stamina to survive, have better tricks in my bag to keep myself alive and help others. Warlocks of all classes should have no problems fighting a mage nor should they complain about them. If a fire mage blow's all his and trinkets and CD's good for him, he's as good as dead seconds later anyway. Next time you see him Death Coil, Fear, CoA, Corruption, Siphon Life, UA, Immolate. The mage is going down either way even if he trinkets out of the Fear. Even if he resists the fear, Amp Curse, CoEx run away laughing.

All and all I'm not posting to get people angry, I love the warlock class and wish I had rolled one a lot earlier than I had.
#31 May 03 2007 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default

#32 May 03 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Oh, this is fun! I have a 70 mage and a 34 lock. I love them both, and... honestly, I rolled my lock to figure out why I was getting killed by them all the time and how to counter some of their stuff. I am one of the *OMGWTFBBQPWN* POM-> Pyro mages that will roast you up for 5K ... drum roll please.... ONCE every 3 minutes (and only on a *really* good average damage with POM Pyro is closer to 3K). True, I get Arcane Power for 15 seconds, but if I try to cast another Pyro (and it crits), that's 6 seconds of casting time that I have to stand very still (gee, don't you have a pet or something that bites me/spell locks me?). During that time, you have DOT'ed me 3 times and feared me. Assuming I have my anti-fear trinket, I pop you a few more times with Arcane Explosion or fireblast, and get feared again for my trouble? Deathcoiled (horror, not fear, so no trinket help there, and it was on cooldown anyways).... mage dies.

I find that if I am playing against a 'decent' lock, I will get totally roasted 1V1. I think mages are a good *support* role, but not great 1v1 vs locks. Hunters (especially BM hunters) probably give locks the worst time, IMHO).

Never said I got killed by them. Just mentioned that they were a bit overpowered as the situation is at the moment.

Sure, if I have my Felhunter out, or if my Felguard is feeling critlucky, I can take out a Mage too.

But if the Mage gets first shot, often being a Pyroblast, then I'm dead as can be. No matter how cool my Soul Link talent is, it can't absorb two 4k+ Pyro crits without me pulling out my white flag.

This makes me laugh.... "I didn't say I got killed by them. Just mentioned that they were a bit overpowered"... what defines overpowered? If we can get your health down to 30% before we die? And remember... these special mage tricks are on a 3 minute timer *and* we have to get a *top* crit to see something like this. How often do I crit for 5K (plus 2K in dots)? Well, more often than not, I get a whopping 1.8K normal hit off that POM Pyro, then the lock is annoyed and I get feared and dotted... end of story.

Not complaining as a mage, I like the amount of damage I do, but what self respecting lock has less than 7K health at 70? You don't get one-shotted unless you're going up against some unbelievably geared out mage (I'm in all blues with +550 spell damage).

As a lock, I hate frost mages *much* more than the POM Pyro mage because once the POM pyro is out, I get to do all kinds of things to them, but frost mages can ice block out of dots and spawn a water elemental to help damage me, then ice block again with another elemental...oops, sorry that would be before this patch. Now they can only ice block once and they get hypothermia. So, frost mages as well as fire mages/POM Pyro mages should be on the 'farm' list for a warlock.

Now, if you want to nerf mages even more.... just take away all spells except for conjure food/water and portals with the occasional int buff. Oh... ice lance on frozen targets (getting back to the OPs original message) breaks the frost novas so now you will only get critted once, not even once if someone is beating on you as their crit will break the frost nova, so ice lance will hit for all of 300 damage... (was that a flea that bit me?).

What is interesting is that mages used to OWN warriors in PVP, but now some of them have 18K health.... try killing that with broken frost novas, diminishing returns from frost nova/ frostbite. Geez!
#33 May 03 2007 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts


Um, VS a mage? you sure? Why not try that out? i will give you a clue on why i ask, using it on a druid would be about as effective... Get it?

if not rememeber theat the two classes that can zappo a curse are ... druids and... mages.

ktangent the PoM arugment falls appart when you take time to use Death coil in your argument, it too is on a cooldown(good thing bliz put DR on this one)
#34 May 03 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
ktangent the PoM arugment falls appart when you take time to use Death coil in your argument, it too is on a cooldown(good thing bliz put DR on this one)

Huh? Okay... so deathcoil has a cooldown (my lock is not high enough level to have this yet, so I have no experience with it). But I don't understand how that makes my POM discussion invalid. All I'm saying is that a mage can only do 1 POM Pyro every 3 minutes, and locks have tons of anti-caster/anti-player tools to take care of all the rest (e.g. fear has no cooldown and does not heal the target back to full health and dots don't break it (usually)). Not saying that it is good or bad, but warlocks should pwn mages, contrary to the other opinions in this thread about mages being overpowered.

Don't get me wrong... I love playing my lock and enjoy it immensely. I have learned a few things about how warlocks work by leveling mine up, which is a good thing. At least when I get feared/dotted to death by a lock, I know why. :-)
#35 May 03 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
It's the smart frost mages you gotta worry about.

Glass cannons aren't that hard to beat if you have decent Sta in your gear. They can be ugly if they get a big ol' flamin' beachball o' death on you from surprise, but barring that, I don't find them that hard to kill.

Frosties are trickier. They will be easier to kill after the next nerf, er patch. They're getting hit a tad harder w/ the nerf bat than us (and we are getting a hit, mind you).
#36 May 03 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
ktangent wrote:
Never said I got killed by them. Just mentioned that they were a bit overpowered as the situation is at the moment.

This makes me laugh.... "I didn't say I got killed by them. Just mentioned that they were a bit overpowered"... what defines overpowered? If we can get your health down to 30% before we die? And remember... these special mage tricks are on a 3 minute timer *and* we have to get a *top* crit to see something like this. How often do I crit for 5K (plus 2K in dots)? Well, more often than not, I get a whopping 1.8K normal hit off that POM Pyro, then the lock is annoyed and I get feared and dotted... end of story.

First of all, the post you quoted was written by me and I apologize for the lack of a word in that sentence. In my haste I didn't include "constantly". As you can see from my rather poor math, Pyroblast would chop off half my health, even if my math was off by a few thousand points.

Sure, you'd blow some 3-minute cooldowns, but I blow a 3-minute cooldown every fight. Death Coil. Unless I'm Demonology spec'd in which case I most likely blow a soul shard or two and a 15-minute cooldown to get a new demon.

I've seen Pyroblast crit for 6500. Add 40% from Ignite to that. That's 9100 damage in one crit. PoM gives a second Pyroblast in case the first one missed or didn't crit. Add Ice Lance, Fire Blast, Blastwave, Cone of Cold and Arcane Blast to the list of instant cast spells. If you can't kill someone with two Pyroblasts, one Ice Lance, one Fire Blast, one Blast Wave, one Cone of Cold, one Arcane Blast and perhaps a second Ice Lance just for the heck of it, then I suggest you get some better gear.

Edited, May 4th 2007 1:24am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#37 May 04 2007 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
I've seen Pyroblast crit for 6500. Add 40% from Ignite to that. That's 9100 damage in one crit. PoM gives a second Pyroblast in case the first one missed or didn't crit. Add Ice Lance, Fire Blast, Blastwave, Cone of Cold and Arcane Blast to the list of instant cast spells. If you can't kill someone with two Pyroblasts, one Ice Lance, one Fire Blast, one Blast Wave, one Cone of Cold, one Arcane Blast and perhaps a second Ice Lance just for the heck of it, then I suggest you get some better gear.


Okay, so your quote should have been.... "I don't consistently get beat by them"... so would you nerf them so you *always* beat them? I do not understand the logic of this sentence.

Okay... so what are the odds that I am going to be able to sit absolutely still for the 6 seconds of the first Pyroblast? Most mages in PVP will shoot an opener of POM-AP-Pyro, not an opener of AP-Pyro followed by an instant pyro (which, by the way, would overwrite the Pyroblast DOT, so *if* I critted the first time for 6.5 K (doubtful), then I would not get the other 2 tics of pyroblast DOT (which really is only about 1K). The ignite damage would stack though. Also, if I crit on the first one, the odds are I wouldn't crit on the 2nd one (POM/Pyro mages cannot have combustion which is a 31 point talent). Now... let's talk about your other spells you have listed. Ice Lance... this does a whopping 300 points of damage, unless you're frozen to the ground, so I have to cast 2 instant casts (frost nova, then ice lance) both of which use the GCD (so effectively they are 1 second casts). You cast fear. Blast wave. I need to be close to you, but yeah a 34/27/0 mage will also have blastwave, but not the additional +damage from int so the overall damage output is lower. Cone of cold does not hurt that much from a fire mage. Frost mages can have shatter+improved cone of cold which *does* hurt quite a lot. A fire mage will only crit 10-15% of the time with Cone of Cold, so it is really used to slow people rather than do a lot of damage. Arcane blast... yep, a mage staple.

Now, my question to you. What are you doing while I'm running all over the place casting? You have a fel hunter? That think will ruin a mage's day as once they are silenced in your primary school (forgive me here, my fel hunter doesn't have spell lock yet, so I don't know if it is just the primary school or a total silence for 4 seconds) or totally silenced, then mages suck. My fire mage takes 3 seconds to cast a 1.2K frostbolt, if it crits (again, much lower chance than fire, 2K). If I'm spell locked, you can fear. If I break with trinket, you can fear again + dot dot dot.

Sorry, but in every encounter when I find a warlock, they will beat a mage +90% of the time. Fire mages are the *easiest* mages to deal with as they have no way to remove some of the nasty dots (and if they remove something like UA, then they *really* get hit hard). Now, if fear gets nerfed the way I've read about, you will have a tougher time as you won't be able to fear with impunity while I have dots ticking away, but I haven't heard any real test results of PvP from the PTR. Ice mages are the tough ones because of ice block. It removes all dots and their cone of cold with shatter and frostbite freezes you to the ground quite a lot and it hurts.

In my opinion (of playing my 34 lock, and my 70 mage), warlocks are the anti-caster class. Warlocks have the same problems mages have with rogues, but in general, warlocks are very good at PvP and exceptional against the mage.

#edit: to include anecdotal evidence: I was in haala the other day and got soulfire critted for 5.8K... how's that different from a pyroblast?

Edited, May 4th 2007 8:04am by ktangent
#38 May 04 2007 at 5:42 AM Rating: Default
Um, VS a mage? you sure? Why not try that out? i will give you a clue on why i ask, using it on a druid would be about as effective... Get it?
I know that they "can", but alot of mages don't (in personal 1vs1 fights I've had) not to mention that I just spam it and forget about COA. As long as they keep "zapping it" I keep putting it on. Ties them up, worrying about it. IDK its always been the tactic that I've used and I've never lost to a mage yet. At least not one that didn't have the jump on me. Plus I'm sure that I haven't come across a mage player who is "really" good yet.

#39 May 04 2007 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Mazra wrote:
Frost Mages use Cold Snap to give them two Ice Blocks which remove all existing spell effects, bleed effects etc. and makes them immune for the, uh, 15 seconds or so it lasts.

Blizz is nerfing the double ice block. Can't iceblock if you've iceblocked in the last 30 seconds, I believe.

Edit: Also since crits seem to be the big problem, more resilience(it is a PvP stat, after all) will help a lot of your problems.

Edited, May 4th 2007 7:52am by Poldaran
#40 May 04 2007 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
2,396 posts
I love the way all you 'Locks in this thread assume all Mages have all those Arcane talents, all the nice Fire talents, and Frost talents down to Ice Block. Boy, those Mages with their 100 talent points are really tough to beat, eh? Eh?

Whereas any 'Lock can sick a Felhound on Mages, or chain-fear them, DoT them to hell and back, etc. Still though, buff 'Locks. It's high time they had their 100 talent points just like Mages. Lord knows any time a 'Lock even starts to worry about another class there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth over at Blizzard R&D.
#41 May 07 2007 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
So if I'm interpreting this correctly, the locks are mad because mages are doing large scale damage with pom/pyro crits OR ice blocking and becoming immune to damage. This arguement is so flawed I almost dont know where to begin.

How can you even suggest taking away mages huge crits/burst damage? What else would we be left with, especially against classes that have significantly more health. I mean you guys are locks. correct me if I'm wrong but you're not supposed to be able to stand there and take large amounts of damage, thus the pets for tanking and the low armor class. You are obviously going to have trouble against a class thats only real advantage is large-scale burst damage. Also I dont know which gods you pissed off but are double pyro crits really happening that often? I've got a 62 (3 minute) mage since about 52-ish and I can count of one hand the number of double crits I've had(23% crit rate and I doubt it gets a HUGE boost come 70)

Also in the time it takes us to get those both off(at least 8 seconds since one of them has to be standard cast) the chances are we've been dot'ed and interupted by the pet/spells we're being pummeled with. Even if we do manage to get lucky(which is usually a significant factor in a mage beating a lock) we still die several seconds later due to the horrid dots still on us. Just because we die second doesnt mean we win.

Now this is based obviously on the 3 minute fire mage perspective(as this seems to be the main problem of this thread) but the arguements against ice-block aren't really that solid either, specifically the one about it removing the dots and making us immune. So we are immune, big deal. Theres nothing stopping you from applying those dots right back and/or timing a shadowbolt/(insert spell here) as soon as it wears off, which is pretty easy to do assuming of course you can count to 10. Essentially all this does is resets our cooldowns which you have more than enough time to plan/prepare for while we are incapacitated for 10 seconds. Its just as much an advantage for you as it is for us.(not quite but a pause in a fight is never a disadvantage)

In conclusion I believe this game is decently balanced as is. As with any creation there are obvious minor flaws but most of these are off-set by another classes advantages against them. I beleive most of you are just upset by a bad experience and assume the entire class should be nerfed/downscaled. Remeber for every 9k or whatever crit that hits you, about 20 of them hit for normal, and another 5 were resisted.

To paraphrase sjdschool: Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs period. They need to put their foot down and say: "this is how the skills are, work with it"

They spend too much time trying to make everyone happy when thats simply not possible.

p.s. I am aware there are probably several spelling/grammatical errors in this long rambling post. Please do not bother pointing them out. TT
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