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What pets did you get?Follow

#1 Apr 26 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
Topic says it all. Post what pets you have or what pets you want in the future and how you like your pets. Me: A deviate dreadfang from WC, gotten him to 22 so far, pretty nice pet but he constantly gets hungry and The strider clutch mother from Darkshore, runs really fast so great for catching running players in PvP.

#2 Apr 26 2006 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
On my first hunter, my very first pet was a Durotar Tiger, which I got at level 12.

I was a NE, on a PvP server. This required me to run all the way from Teldrassil, through Ashenvale, through the Barrens, and through Durotar to the Echo Isles.

It was really the best memory I have of this game. WoW is my first MMO, and I had no idea how huge the world was. My RL friends who were, I think, level 30 or so at the time, took me to show me the way. I would Hunter's Mark everything I saw "just in case it attacked". We ran into those high 20s elementals in Ashenvale and I thought they were the scariest things ever. My escort quickly dispatched them of course.

We saw numerous Horde and I don't think I ever got ganked once. But then again, this was before the honor system and all that crap that completely destroyed PvP...

That tiger was very unique for that level on alliance and I got a lot of compliments.

Other pets over my Hunter Career include: The Rake, Humar, BT, Death Flayer, black wolves from Hinterlands, frostsaber cubs (most beautiful pet in the game if you ask me), turtles, RFK boar, new EPL boar... and a few others i'm sure.

My Durotar Tiger and Humar are probably my favorites.

edit: btw, all pets have identical run speeds. Your Strider speed is probably just an illusion. :P

Edited, Wed Apr 26 10:53:05 2006 by KTurner
#3 Apr 26 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
First I tamed one of those generic cats in Teldrassil. (NE Hunter). I kept that one up to level 23.

When I hit lvl 23 I ran all the way through Stranglethorn Vale (Actually survived the trip) into Booty Bay, took the boat to Ratchet, and camped Humar for Nine Hours straight while killing Matriarchs, Cubs and Patriarchs. (Mostly they dropped Light Leather, which I could make into Medium Leather.) When I finally saw Humar spawn, I tamed and ran down into Ratchet with a full inventory of Medium Leather.

Humar has been my main pet for a long time now, but I am thinking of getting a Turtle or a Bear, once I find one with a cool looking skin.

On that subject, please give me suggestions. (PM if you don't wanna hijack the thread)
#4 Apr 26 2006 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
double >.<

Edited, Wed Apr 26 11:17:42 2006 by KTurner
#5 Apr 26 2006 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
I have no problem hijaking a thread. Smiley: sly

After being a cat owner, you will despise not having dash available if you go with a turtle or bear. I vote Boar! :P

My 2c.

Edited, Wed Apr 26 11:12:38 2006 by KTurner
#6 Apr 26 2006 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Sure, the absence of Dash would be a slight pain, but I think the hightened Armor/Stamina would make up for it. A boar is one of those Middle type pets with less DPS than a cat and less armor/stamina than a bear.
#7 Apr 26 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
Nice posts! keep going!
King Kturner: Beleive me the strider clutych mother is exceptionally fast, even without dash. Yeah it is sweet when you get an exotic pet from another starting zone. Off topic: Your avvie is sweet! *Scratchscratchscratchscratch* OWNED!

NorthAIE: Theres some cool bears in felwood/WPL. I dont think im gonna get a cat, ppl use them too often, but humar is an exception, i heard hes really good
#8 Apr 26 2006 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
sonofsargeras wrote:
Beleive me the strider clutych mother is exceptionally fast, even without dash.

I promise you she is the same speed as every other pet out there. Sad but true.
#9 Apr 26 2006 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Hey North, although I don't really play a hunter anymore here are some mobs I have tamed. For a bear get Ursius (only high lv elite bear in game) from winterspring. If you don't mind lv'ing up a bear I'd suggest Ursol'lok another good bear is Old Vicejaw The last two you will have to lv up.

For turtles Aku'mai from BFD is nice Also Cranky Benj For a cool looking one, that you won't have to lv to much I'd get Ironback Another rare one is Scalebeard Forgot Ghamoo-ra

Those are the only unique bears and turtles that come to mind. Hope that helps.

Edited, Wed Apr 26 11:57:15 2006 by Argereth
#10 Apr 26 2006 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Aku'mai is the hydra at the end. You mean Gahmoora
#11 Apr 26 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Actually turtle is Ghamoo-ra but close Who the heck came up with these wierd names?

This post has been may now get back to the regular program....

Edited, Wed Apr 26 12:02:45 2006 by Argereth
#12 Apr 26 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Kturner wrote:
I promise you she is the same speed as every other pet out there. Sad but true.

Quoted from petopia.

Starting with patch 1.9, all pets have a base pursuit speed of 115%. There are no more slow pets, no more fast pets, no more very fast pets; they all have an average pursuit speed.

Kturners correct

My current pet is the ZG bat. Which used to have a 215% pursuit speed, allowing me to take chase down epic mounted players. I hate blizz for nerffing chase speeds.

Quoted from petopia.

One of most exciting additions for pet lovers in the 1.7 patch was the discovery in the new Zul'Gurub instance of a supersonic-speed level 60 bat, with a 1.0 attack speed.
#13 Apr 26 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,961 posts
I've had: Death Flayer, Durotar Tiger (Pre-patch it was REALLY slow running, so I ditched it quickly), Humar, Slavering Worg, Mangleclaw, Juvenile Snow Leopard (still one of my faves), Courrupted Surf Crawler, Owl, Black Bear, um...that's it.

And currently my only Hunter (for now) has a Stranglethorn Tiger, and Rotting Agamar (from RFK). He HAD a Nightsaber, Ghamoo-Ra, and a few others before these most recent ones.

Not sure if I'll ever switch either pet out. I like their looks and abilities a lot. I WAS hoping rotting agamar would have more armor though...he IS wearing it for pete's sake.
#14 Apr 26 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
6,678 posts
Actually turtle is Ghamoo-ra but close Who the heck came up with these wierd names?

Not a fan of classic monster movies, I take it?
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#15 Apr 26 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
[raging ranting hijack]

Not a fan of classic monster movies, I take it?

Goji! Mothra! Ghidorah!
THOSE were the classic MONSTARS!

[/raging ranting hijack]
#16 Apr 26 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
haven't played my hunter in ages but I had Bangladesh & Sewer Beast. Croc is mostly for show and Bangladesh was back in the days when pet speeds applied. ~_~
#17 Apr 26 2006 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
853 posts
I have a Moonstalker Matriarch - dark cat with grey stripes - for instances, and a Bloodseeker Bat from ZG for BGs. I use the cat in instances, because the bat's wingspan is just too big. It gets in the way too much indoors. That bat is an absolute caster killer with its 1.0 attack speed. I read that they normalized pet speed, but my Bloodseeker can still keep up with me on my epic mount. When Screech was new, before the normalization, he was scary fast. I saw him OVERTAKE a fleeing mage on an epic mount. He can't close anymore, but he still keeps up. My cat still gets left in the dust by my mount, so I'm not sure how "normalized" the speeds are.

Next up, Bloodaxe Worg from LBRS to get Bite 8 for the cat and the bat.
#18 Apr 26 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
At first I used spiders alot (not the fuzzy, fluffy ones, but the freaking looking ones) because they are pretty uncommon on my server. Then I got Humar. Decked him out with all PvP moves and nothing for aggro and BG with him and him alone. For instances i caught myself a carrion bird, just some regular one at first until I was high enough to get Spiteflayer. I love the birds for instances and PvE. Screech, growl, bite, and claw, and that thing will never lose aggro. i picked the bird instead of the owl because it has a bit more longevity. Would not trade either for the world =D
#19 Apr 26 2006 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Im currently using an Angerclaw bear and Ironbeak owl from Felwood. Still got my Shadowmaw panther from STV. Ill be dropping the owl for a hinterlands snapping turtle so I can learn bite 7 in the next day or so. I really dont care about looks. I just like to rotate them to learn the different pet skills and look at something different now and again.
#20 Apr 26 2006 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
Right now I just use my moonstalker matriarch, because I like the colour scheme and it had the fastest attack for the skin... It's my all-purpose pet and can perform reasonably well in any circumstance... I plan on getting a boar and ZG bat later on as more specialized pets... ZG bat for group PvP, Boar for soloing and duel/world PvP, and rebuild my Cat towards kiting and instances...

At least that's the plan, whether or not it works out like that is a different story :P
#21 Apr 26 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
The first pet i tamed the rake in mulgore easy for a horde then i still have him but then i went to stontalon moutains and got twilght runner in stonetalon peak and right now i got an silverback patriarch right now

Edited, Wed Apr 26 18:38:03 2006 by GorillaTamer
#22 Apr 26 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
I used a Black Bear until lvl 20. Then got old snooty until lvl 26 and got Ghamoo-ra as a tank now. When I hit 37 I'll get BT as my PVP/DPS pet and use Ghamoo-ra for tanking/solo.
#23 Apr 26 2006 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
127 posts
My first pet with my dwarf was a winter wolf, followed by the rake shortly after. than i tamed Lupos(still have him) then king bangalash.

With my orc i got a mottled worg from silverpine, then Dishu(still got her) then i got the rare spawn spider from dustwallow marsh from that cave, then i tamed deadmire and i still got dishu and deadmire and they serve old baogub well :)
#24 Apr 27 2006 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I feel that my hunter’s pets, at least to some extent, are an extension of my personality. I like cats in real life so two of my seven pets are cats. And since every single pet available works well in PvE I chose the rest of my pets based upon look as well.

Durotar Tiger (
I chose this cat for my orc hunter’s first pet for two reasons. First, I find the orange and black strips very striking. The tiger model came out looking very good in this game. And second, Blizzard was kind enough to place low level tigers near the orc starting area. Tigers become more common once hunters reach STV, but I still don’t see tiger pets as often as I expected, even on the horde side. A lot of hunter tend to go for the Winterspring cats once they are high enough level. Personally I find all but the white cats there rather ugly. There’s jus something wrong with a blue cat.

Swamp Jaguar (
There are other cats that share this model skin, such as the cats in the Badlands, but I wanted the swamp jaguar. Perhaps they just stand out better in the swamp, but that’s where I first fell in love with this cat. They are just amazingly beautiful creatures. My male dwarf hunter tamed one as soon as he was high enough level and he’s been a happy hunter every since.

Rotting Agam'ar (
The first time I saw someone in the IF bank with an armored boar I just had to find out where he tamed it. He wouldn’t tell me, but I eventually dug up the information. So when my orc hunger was high enough level I went in search of this extraordinary creature. There are three different colors available. The black one is my favorite. Boars make great pets. Like bears, boars will eat almost anything. But unlike bears, boars have personality. I hope Blizzard will one day make changes to the bear animations. But for the time being bears don’t do anything but swing their heads around a bit. They can’t even close their mouths. Boars, on the other hand, have fantastic animations. They sniff around on the ground for food and wiggle their little butts in the air. Simply put, boars are cute.

Deviate Crocolisk (
When my male dwarf hunter, who was my first hunter, was young he encountered an amazing sight in the IF tram. A female NE hunter had a huge white crocalisk for a pet. It was the most amazing sight. I asked her about it and it turns out her pet was the sewer monster from Stormwind, a level 50 beast. But when I voiced my disappointment she not only told me where to find low level albino crocalisks, she escorted me to the Barrens and killed a path into the instance so that I could tame one of my very own. Crocalisks make good pets, but two things must be noted. Like many pets, crocalisks do not get dash. Dash is not required in PvE, but if you ever have a pet with dash/dive it’s very easy to become spoiled. But the main thing to keep in mind is that crocalisks are very noisy. They growl and they growl constantly. This has never bothered me, but I know it does bother some people.

Mazzranache (
If you ever wanted a pink flamingo for a pet, this is your chance. It’s the only one in game and its level nine. So tame it early or deal with leveling it up. I’ve been very happy with my tallstrider. They make good pets even if their diet is a bit finicky. And having a pink bird running along side my female dwarf hunter has been lots of fun. It also led to me meeting a new friend. When I got to STV I found a female NE hunter leveling up her pink bird. We started talking and we’ve been talking and grouping every since.

Snarler (
Speaking of good pet animations, wolves have great animations. Dire wolves have about as much personality as bears, but the smaller wolf models are nice to watch. Unfortunately, there aren’t very many color choices for the wolf model. But when I looked them up and found the black ones I knew what I wanted. So I went out and, after a couple of days of hunting, I tamed Snarler. He’s been a good pet and a lot of fun to run around with.

Black Widow Spider (
I hadn’t planned on my female dwarf taming a third pet. A third pet is always a bad idea because having one will prevent us from learning any new pet abilities Blizzard may introduce. But when I tamed a level 25 black widow spider to see how it looked, well, I just couldn’t give it up. So not only did my hunter have a third pet, but this pet was level 25, the highest level black widow spider in game, and my hunter was level 55. Even with the changes Blizzard made, leveling up a pet like that is no easy feat. Still, now that she’s level 58 she looks even more amazing. I especially like how she looks in the snow. It was well worth the trouble of leveling her, but some day Blizzard is going to introduce new pet abilities and I won’t be able to learn them.
#25 Apr 27 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
My first pet was a Moonstalker that I got from Darkshore that I had named Tiógar (Irish for Tiger) when I was level 12 I think. I kept him until I was level 27, and I stabled him in favor of a rare and more aesthetically pleasing pet, Humar the Pridelord, which I named Fiochmhar (Irish for "fearless"). I don't really know enough to distinguish any real difference from the pets, but it is well known that Humar has one of the fastest attack speeds of any pet, at least of the cat category.
#26 Apr 28 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
I am actually new to the hunter, got side tracked with my rogue for a while, but after getting to know the hunter a bit more, and digging in a bit, I have really started to love playing her. I like to toss in a liddle RP now and then, and decided to pull some RP based on the "Lads, Apollo and Zues" from Magnum PI roflmao. So, I went and Tamed Echeyakee (white lion) and Humar (black lion) and named the Apollo and Zues hehe. I have a great love for things that take a little work, and look great. Both of these lion fit the bill, and I have really enjoyed them.

I just tamed Takk the Leaper and really love the look of the black raptor! I have been told a few times now that he doesn't have any specials, and he really isn't worth it... but, for me, something that has a spark of fun, excitement, and a burst of neat'ness hehe is worth a thousand fold compared to a cookie cutter "best in class" pet.

I am having a blast, and for me that is all that counts. :)
28 Nightelven Hunter, Shadow Council
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