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#1 Oct 08 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Default
if there is anyone out there who knows a lot bout both classes i hope u can tell me which is better for:
#2 Oct 08 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
1. both.
2. for the most part warlocks
3. for the most part hunters
4. both.

2 and 3 are of course both really opinionated.
#3 Oct 09 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
1. they are both verry good at it

2. warlocks wil have it way easy'r to find a group then hunter high lvl, but hunter will have a higher DPS and is a verry good puller (if you know how), warlock: soulstones, AoE, and derstruction specced can do some nice dps, and sta buff from imp

3. not sure not really into pvp, same as any class both have their strong and weak points

4. at 60 i would say warlock cause they don't need arrows nor pet food, but they do need manna drinks
#4 Oct 09 2005 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,961 posts
So far, I have a 24 Hunter and a 14 Warlock, and my opinion is that soloing as a Hunter is like, WAY easier than as a Warlock. I HATE soloing as a warlock. Your demons don't regenerate very fast, and it's really hard to heal them. Hunters have Mend Pet which is godly and are a high damage class. Even with a wand and all those DoTs, Warlocks don't match hunters IMO.

Money's the same for both really. Depends on what you fight and your professions.

I haven't done PvP or Instances, so i can't give an opinion on those.
#5 Oct 09 2005 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Warlocks get Health Funnel which is like Mend Pet except you lose health instead of mana on it.

Warlocks get a free level 40 mount, don't need food nor projectiles for their ranged attacks.

Hunters get a running boost at level 20, melee weapons, they don't use shards (and shards don't stack) and they wear mail armor instead of cloth.

A hunter can also throw stings on a mob, reducing damage, draining mana etc, without having to channel. The only channeling spells the hunters have are Mend Pet and Volley.

Warlocks are liked over hunters for instances for two reasons.

1) They can only use cloth and staves/daggers/swords.
2) They can summon and soulstone.

Hunters are disliked because

1) It's a heavily played class which means more jerks play it
2) They can roll on all the good stuff so people don't want to group with them
3) They can't do anything that adds to the group's survival except for the dps and the Feign Death + Jumper Cables if you got :'D

This information is based on me asking two warlocks and hunters about their class.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#6 Oct 09 2005 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
thx guyz u helped me a lot.
#7 Oct 09 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
In molten core warlocks beat hunters in dps. Other instances depend on how fast the enemy is nuked, and how big their health bar is.
#8 Oct 09 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
i want to add to the money thing. warlocks get a free mount and dont hafta buy arrows, but when i said both are equal for money i meant in terms of making it (farming/grinding). but if you want to get technical, warlocks are better money wise because they can save more.
#9 Oct 09 2005 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
2,029 posts
For overall endgame DPS, warlocks with an SM/Ruin or full crit spec, with the right gear, will be getting crits every 4th or 5th spell (and quite a few of these will be over 1000 damage)... even moreso if they've also got at least one shadow priest there to stick on the +15% shadow damage.
As a priest, I always prefer locks over hunters. Locks seem to know how to manage their pet better, all their shadow damage stacks with my Shadow Weaving (and their Improved Shadow Bolt with my spells), they have soulstones and the widest selection of utility spells (banish, see invisibility, enslave demon, underwater breathing, plus pet croud control), they put out tons of damage with Affliction or Ruin spec, and they have more health than the tank. The only thing hunters have over locks IMO is a few of the hunter's stings and a little more armor. Of course, most hunters on my server are specced and geared for killing Alliance clothies and not instances, which means they are even more inferior to locks (always take agility over armor and almost never take improved stings, which is one of the few things I really like about hunters, and get cats for slaughtering casters over bears for tanking).

EDIT: In case you can't tell, I like locks over hunters :P But each to his own, hunters pwn many casters in PvP.

Edited, Sun Oct 9 23:34:44 2005 by lsfreak
#10 Oct 10 2005 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
This is the hunter forum and hunters are being regardles < warlocks? Something is wrong here ;)

In molten core warlocks beat hunters in dps. Other instances depend on how fast the enemy is nuked, and how big their health bar is.

Not true. Hunters are often the main damage-dealers in Molten Core. The warlocks are usually found between spot 8-15.

3) They can't do anything that adds to the group's survival except for the dps and the Feign Death + Jumper Cables if you got :'D

They cant? They got a pet who can withstand some damage, they wear mail, they have both spells to get agro as spells to loose agro. Hunters are great for the survivability of a group. They are great in getting the agro off caster. Hunters > Warlocks for survivability (not taking soulstones with this fact, because I think that when you need a soulstone, your survivability has failed)

Of course, most hunters on my server are specced and geared for killing Alliance clothies and not instances, which means they are even more inferior to locks (always take agility over armor and almost never take improved stings, which is one of the few things I really like about hunters, and get cats for slaughtering casters over bears for tanking).

Hunters speccing for PvP go +% to crit and stamina, Hunters specced for PvE mostly go Agi. Improved stings are useless in raids because the other casters will use the debuff slots with better debuffs then our stings. The difference between getting a bear or a cat is small. In instances you will mostly use your pet as extra DPS. I have a Cat for pvp and another one for pve.

Let me answer your questions ;)

1. Both, not a difference worth mentioning
2. Both, in party's we are both the classes filling up the last spots of the party. lvl60 classraids Warlock>Hunter because there are far less warlocks so you'll have no troubles finding a party.
3. Every class > every other class if played like it should. Mostly it is about skill.
4. Warlocks > Hunters, Hunters have to buy their arrows and when they are lazy also their pet-food. In the end you'll notice you'll have it a bit harder to afford that epic mount then all the casters out there, there repair-bills are smaller then ours and dont need to buy anything before going to farm.

I really like both classes although I dont play warlock. I have a very good friend who is one and we often do things together. A week ago we did a BRD-run with just the 2 of us. That was really challenging and to my suprise we actually were able to kill the golem lord and fight our way through the fire-elementals in front of the bar.

Edit: switched pve and pvp

Edited, Mon Oct 10 04:33:24 2005 by Xelost
#11 Oct 10 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Default
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
They cant? They got a pet who can withstand some damage, they wear mail, they have both spells to get agro as spells to loose agro. Hunters are great for the survivability of a group. They are great in getting the agro off caster. Hunters > Warlocks for survivability (not taking soulstones with this fact, because I think that when you need a soulstone, your survivability has failed)

I'm not trying to defend the warlock class, just giving examples of why it might be liked over the hunter class for raids.

A hunter cannot provide anything useful for a group's survivability other than dps. His pet can't pull aggro from the tank, he might be able to pull aggro off a healer, but the healer should be able to do this with Fade or whatever.

Sure, the mail is good, but doesn't help jack when it comes to group survivability. Having the hunter as last standing member won't bring you any good.

The warlock can soulstone the healer thus preventing a wipe which is already a major reason why to pick a warlock over a hunter.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#12 Oct 10 2005 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
I know a lot of warlocks who would be very angry if you tell them they are just there for the soulstones ;)

If you think hunters are only good for DPS you have a lot to learn. We add so much more then only DPS. Even if your statement is warlocks are only for the soulstones and hunters only for the DPS then I would choose a hunter over a warlock. Why? Because I go to an instance with the intention of NOT whiping.

#13 Oct 10 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
6,678 posts
Not true. Hunters are often the main damage-dealers in Molten Core. The warlocks are usually found between spot 8-15.

"Usually" depends immensely on the guild and its members. The top DPS slots can be taken by rogues, mages, hunters, warlocks, or even warriors depending on the situation. Some hunters claim they are always #1 and you aren't doing your job if you're being beaten by rogues. I call that a crock, since there's a couple rogues and mages always leading the pack in my guild. However, I've heard of warlocks being on top as well, provided they can actually not draw aggro and die, which usually happens when you're dropping 6k shadow bolts.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#14 Oct 10 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I didn't say warlocks are in groups because of the soulstone alone.

Hunters can pull, keep an eye out for patrols with tracking, support with some damage dealing and to a certain degree protect the healers.

Warlocks can summon party members, conjure healthstones, apply curses to minimize damage input/maximize damage output (Curse of Weakness/Curse of Elements or Shadows), they can store the soul of someone to prevent a complete wipe, they get various group beneficial buffs with the Imp, or various decursive abilities with the Felhunter, and they can add to the damage dealing.

Did I forget something?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Oct 11 2005 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
remember guys, it also depends on which instance > group size > other classes there.

but in general hunters are looked at as damage dealers and thats it. but there is absoloutely no one better for protecting casters when things get out of control than a hunter. they can either let the freezing trap stop em for awhile (the trap should be set) or they can use distracting shot to get the mobs attention. let the pet build up hate, then either fiegn death or disengage at let the pet tank. remember, in PvE when the pet is used correctly, is an extra life bar, and a very good meat shield. hunters are a 3 in one deal. no matter the situation, they can DD, off tank/bodygaurd (pet), and CC. sure there are other classes that can do this, but hunters can literally do all 3 at the same time.

i dont play warlock (never had one past level 11). but their jobs are DD, wipe recovery, and CC. the difference is, they arent nearly as flexible as hunters. and hunter has complete control over an enemies aggro.

since i dont play warlock i cant really speak for them, but i think even though hunter and warlock jobs are similiar, they both have a few differences that make them valubal to a group. in my opinion, neither is better or worse than the other. my original answer (first reply) was just what most of the wow community believes.
#16 Oct 11 2005 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent

imo, warlocks and hunters are both very underestimated.
They both have some unique qualities which can make the difference, especially in 5man instances such as Dire Maul, if they're played correctly.

My ideal DM tribute run group:
- Warrior (def specced plz, MT)
- Rogue
- Druid (healer who can protect him self if needed)
- Warlock (banish + seduce: that's 2 mobs out of the fight, AoE where needed, pet(s))
- Hunter (protect warlock, ice trap, steady dps, pet)

but that's just me, other won't even go without a priest and a mage... but trust me, this group kicks ***

Edited, Tue Oct 11 06:22:01 2005 by kennethje

Edited, Tue Oct 11 06:16:36 2005 by kennethje
#17 Oct 11 2005 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
How about we stop comparing two classes? It's no use (apples and oranges anyone?), both classes are too different in both playstyle and what they bring to a party. Yes, they both have a pets ( and even those are completely different) and that's the only thing they have in common. No class is better. *starts tape* It all comes down to preference, the player's skill, the skill of the group, communication, blah, blah.

On the pvp thing. A hunter has to buy arrows and sometimes food. A warlock goes out to farm shards (and warlocks -hate- it according to the forums). On a pvp server you have to farm them in a contested zone, which will result in more (unwanted) pvp.

So GeToTaUrEn, I can only repeat what others have said over and over agian. *starts tape again* If you want us to choose your next to play class, you will only find our opinion and not yours. Play both classes and see which one you really like.

I know playing both classe will seem like a waste of time, but getting experience with another class is never wasted. Getting to 60 in three weeks time is not what it's cracked up to be. WoW doesn't start at 60, it only changes and sometimes not for the best.

Edited, Tue Oct 11 06:25:15 2005 by Xas
#18 Oct 11 2005 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
Just to add:

I did not try to compare hunters and warlocks in my reply's. If that seemed so then I apologize as I really like both classes like I stated before. My posts were simply ment as arguments against some people's statements.

Not true. Hunters are often the main damage-dealers in Molten Core. The warlocks are usually found between spot 8-15.

"Usually" depends immensely on the guild and its members. The top DPS slots can be taken by rogues, mages, hunters, warlocks, or even warriors depending on the situation. Some hunters claim they are always #1 and you aren't doing your job if you're being beaten by rogues. I call that a crock, since there's a couple rogues and mages always leading the pack in my guild. However, I've heard of warlocks being on top as well, provided they can actually not draw aggro and die, which usually happens when you're dropping 6k shadow bolts.

To elaborate; Main damage dealer as in frequent found in the top5 of damage out. So far in my experience with the multiple raid groups I have visited and the experiences with my current group; The rogue's, mages and hunters fight for the best spots in the charts. I have seen all classes being number one in the end. In my current raid 70% of the time I am number 2 and a rogue is number 1. In my experiences I have never seen a warlock higher then 8 on the list. These are of course only my limited experiences with an estimate of 15 different warlocks. I do believe a warlock could do much better but also think it is more likely for one of the 3 somewhat above stated classed to beat him in the end.


I'm just a bit tired of all these people talking bad about hunters and stating they are not worth their spot in a party.

/rant off

edit: removed some unnessesary things.

Edited, Tue Oct 11 08:07:51 2005 by Xelost
#19 Oct 12 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
is warlok is so so so much beter than huntter how u can explain thath i deafeat 3 more beter warlok 6 times???

warlock's are easy
#20 Oct 13 2005 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
dude what the **** did the last post even mean?
#21 Oct 13 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts

dude what the @#%^ did the last post even mean?

LMAO. no kidding. I think he is a hunter, and killed 6 warlock's 3 times. Or, killed 3 warlocks, 6 times ;)
#22 Apr 24 2007 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
The person that said hunters do more than just DPS is right. WE hunters can also CC (freeze trap). WE hunters could* also be a anti-wipe person (jumper-cables). So were not so useless as u hunter-haters think we are. Also not saying warlock suck and are not worth it. They do have moves that we cant do. Like someone said earlier or on some other thread. "It all depends of how u play the class. Think outside the box."

*could because it might also fail, but at least we can "Try" to rez.
#23 Apr 24 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Holy necrobump Batman!
#24 Apr 24 2007 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
Like everyone said you need to know how to play the class. Though an afliction lock can pull of more damage then a hunter, but if they get aggro they can't wipe it liek a hunter can with Fd.
#25 Apr 24 2007 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
1.5 year old bump. Is that a record or something?

Edited, Apr 24th 2007 4:45pm by codexia
#26 Apr 24 2007 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
i think it is...
******* hell, why did you bump a thread that is dead for more then a year?
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