Quor wrote:
hes not addicted to farming per se. its more that hes addicted to crack cocaine and high-class blood elf hookers, and to feed that addiction he farms.
and of course, by the commutative property if hes addicted to crack cocaine and high-class blood elf hookers, and farming allows him to access that addiction, then hes addicted to farming. when he said "im addicted to farming" he was really just trying to be PC. and hide his shame.
But as for the whole North Dakota not selling beer in gas stations it's even worse for me. I live in Fargo, no wise *** comments you jerks :(, and we're on the border with Minnesota. Well across the river is Moorhead and the whole city has a ban on beer being sold in gas stations. Funny thing is you go a little further east into a "suburb" of sorts called Dilworth and they can sell beer in the gas stations. Even though Fargo/Moorhead/Dilworth is all pretty much one huge *** city.
And for my addiction to farming, I like being rich. Plus I'm pretty good at staring endlessly at my monitor w/o a care in the world. I generally sit and talk with my guildies on vent and usually I'm drinking.
Which reminds me about why I crack my beers into vent.
Drunk Kara runs. Thats all :D