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Do yourself a favor and don't play a Screwid, not now anywayFollow

#1 May 16 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Sub-Default
After looking at the change notes for the latest WoW update, it looks as if every class had been tweaked for the better, but the Druids are SKAH-REWED! (At least in my opinion)

Patch 2.1.0 Notes

  • The "Druid Epic Flight Form" is now available through a series of quests.

  • "Barkskin" now reduces all damage taken, with its duration reduced to 12 seconds and cooldown reduced to 1 minute. The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate this ability can be used while frozen, incapacitated, or cowering in fear. That functionality was already present, but not listed in the tooltip.

  • "Bear Form" and "Dire Bear Form": The bonus health from shapeshifting into these forms will again be removed correctly when shifting out of these forms.

  • Bestial Wrath: The immunity granted by thtis ability now lasts the full duration of the ability. Bestial Wrath now grants immunity to Cyclone. Cyclone will no longer prevent the immunities from being granted.

  • Celestial Focus: The delay on the stun effect for Starfire has been reduced.

  • "Cyclone": This ability will no longer work on hunters with "The Beast Within" active or hunter pets with "Bestial Wrath" active.

  • "Feral Charge" now suppresses all Slowing effects while charging the target.

  • Fixed a data error that caused "Swiftmend" to generate more threat than intended.

  • "Force of Nature": These pets will now come into the game with full health, including that gained from a percentage of their master's stamina.

  • "Gift of the Wild", ranks 1 and 2, are now available on trainers.

  • "Gift of the Wild": Rank 3 of this ability now has the same range as ranks 1 and 2.

  • "Improved Leader of the Pack": This ability will no longer generate threat.

  • "Lacerate": The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it does initial bleed damage when the ability first lands.

  • "Lifebloom": Each additional application of this spell will now include the full bonus from effects which increase healing. The final heal, however, is still unaffected by stacking multiple applications of this spell.

  • "Mangle(Bear)": Damage increased by 15%, but bonus threat reduced so that overall threat generation will be unchanged.

  • "Nature's Grace": This talent is now triggered by "Swiftmend" and "Lifebloom", and is triggered by and affects "Cyclone".

  • "Nature's Grasp": The mana cost has been removed from all ranks as intended.

  • "Omen of Clarity": This spell is no longer castable in "Tree of Life Form" or "Moonkin Form".

  • "Prowl" will now be broken correctly by damage shields such as "Oil of Immolation".

  • "Rake": The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate the initial damage done is bleed damage. In addition, "Rake" can now always be re-applied, even when "Mangle" is active.

  • "Shapeshifting" will no longer remove the "Rotting Putrescence" creature debuff.

  • "Subtlety"(Restoration Talent) now applies to all spells, not just healing spells.

  • "Swiftmend": This ability will now be correctly penalized for casting low rank "Rejuvenations" and "Regrowths" just as other healing spells are penalized.

  • "Teleport: Moonglade": This spell is no longer castable in "Tree of Life Form".

  • "Tree of Life Form": The tooltip has been corrected to indicate "Nature's Swiftness" and "Rebirth" are castable in this form.

  • I'd like to add that I am royally pissed that I spent so much gold buying the GotW books in the AH just to find out that they can now be taught by a trainer. Thanks, Pizzard!

    Smiley: deadhorse
    #2 May 16 2007 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
    4,877 posts
    Where is the SKAH-REWED part?

    They give the epic flight form quest, ZOMG we are SKAH-REWED!

    The fixed a hunter tallent so we cannot totaly devaladiate a level 31 tallent, we are SKAH-REWED!

    Bliz fixed a lot of Aggro issues that plauge druids we are SKAH-REWED!

    Force of nature was fixed ,aw thats it, we are SKAH-REWED!

    Subelety is buffed to all hell and back again, you got it....SKAH-REWED!

    so rather than running a isntance for a drop(or farming it solo because you can do that now) you payed, and are now upset that they will let you train it? is that it? thats the big deal? I call the fixes way to good to complain about a few gold.

    #3 May 16 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
    496 posts
    Capitolg wrote:
    Where is the SKAH-REWED part?

    What he said.
    #4REDACTED, Posted: May 16 2007 at 10:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) They give the epic flight form quest, ZOMG we are SKAH-REWED!
    #5 May 16 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
    IrishDiablo wrote:
    They give the epic flight form quest, ZOMG we are SKAH-REWED!

    Whoopdee doo!

    The fixed a hunter tallent so we cannot totaly devaladiate a level 31 tallent, we are SKAH-REWED!

    Level 31 or not, Hunters equate to 2 characters on one. There is no need to give them any more benefit than having a pet tank.

    Bliz fixed a lot of Aggro issues that plauge druids we are SKAH-REWED!

    I have no complaints with this change. Though, I must say that I tend to go after the healer before the fighter. The Kurzens in STV are a prime example. When fighting a Medicine Man and a Fighter, if you focus on the fighter, the Medicine Man will heal him. - So, though it is great that we aggro less by healing, it still kind of made sense that we did.

    Force of nature was fixed ,aw thats it, we are SKAH-REWED!

    Yes, it is nice that the tress don't suck as much. (Haven't gotten to the level where I can use them yet, but I have seen them in action.)

    Subelety is buffed to all hell and back again, you got it....SKAH-REWED!

    I guess because I knew about this in advance, plus the fact that I am all Balance didn't make this seem like such a big deal. (At least to me, anyway.)

    so rather than running a isntance for a drop(or farming it solo because you can do that now) you payed, and are now upset that they will let you train it? is that it? thats the big deal? I call the fixes way to good to complain about a few gold.

    That was simply my opinion. And as far as it being a few gold? You must be off your rocker. The AH on Antonidas is insanely priced. I got GotW 1 for 3g, which was a great deal. The other two cost me close to 150g in total.

    What about?

    "Omen of Clarity": This spell is no longer castable in "Tree of Life Form" or "Moonkin Form".

    - That certainly sucks for those who spent talent points on it for that very reason.

    "Prowl"will now be broken correctly by damage shields such as "Oil of Immolation".

    - There goes that trump card! I'm going to start brewing the damage oils and selling the for high amounts because they take a Prowling druid out of hiding. It might be more fair to say if the druid takes damage from these effects, that I could understand. But the way it is worded, even with a Greater Fire Protection potion in play, the Oil of Immolation will still take the druid out of Prowl.

    Celestial Focus: The delay on the stun effect for Starfire has been reduced.

    - I'm a bit confused on this one. Did they reduce the amount of time it is stunned, or the amount of time before the target becomes stunned?

    Screenshots captured using the Print Screen key are now saved in JPG format.

    - Do you realize how detrimental this is to the Druid class? Smiley: laugh j/k

    So because you spent gobs of money on something that is now trainer-available, the rest of the druid population is getting screwed?

    #6REDACTED, Posted: May 16 2007 at 11:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So because you spent gobs of money on something that is now trainer-available, the rest of the druid population is getting screwed?
    #7 May 16 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
    Since we clearly don't get it, how about you help us out instead of just giving us the :oyvey: face?
    #8 May 16 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
    I didn't know trolls could be druids.
    #9REDACTED, Posted: May 16 2007 at 11:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Since we clearly don't get it, how about you help us out instead of just giving us the :oyvey: face?
    #10 May 16 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
    538 posts
    Let me sum up what you said:
    - you don't care about all the buffs because you were "aware of them before" (?!?) or you already got the spells and everybody else should suffer (GotW)
    - all the tiny nerfs that nobody cares about... well you don't care about them either

    And you equate that with being screwed.

    Conclusion: you have a huge communication problem?

    As a balance druid you'll get an epic flight form, trainable spells and a free aggro reduction on a talent that was already useful anyway. And the only downside to it is that you will have to morph out of moonkin to cast OoC. OMG! Can you live with the pain?!?

    BTW on the GotW issue, I'm happy that they finally got that sorted, because it was a real pain. I'm a lvl 67 druid and I still don't have GotW 2 - and I check the AH every day. Fortunately enough I have GotW 3 (waiting to ding 70 to learn it) because a rogue I had never met gave it to me out of the blue (because, according to him, "it was not selling anyway" :)
    #11 May 16 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
    Irish.... shut it.
    This patch is pretty much one of the more decent Druid changes I have ever seen. They fixed the Cyclone bug (yes, it was a bug) which made half the Hunter community hate Druids. They fixed Mangle damage in Bearform. The Barkskin boost was delightful, as I have never needed more than five seconds of it anyway.

    Other than that, craploads of healing druid goodness.

    And the stuff you apparently found to be negative to druids... I just don't see it. I can't find the parts where it is a bad thing. Explain more thoroughly, or shut it.
    #12 May 16 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
    NorthAI took the words right out of my mouth; I pinpointed that one phrase because thats really the only 'bad' thing I could find...

    OoC can still be used while in tree/boomkin, just have to cast it before shifting. Dur.

    Oil of Immolation has a-l-w-a-y-s broken stealth. They're fixing prowl to match appropriately. If you're QQ about this, you need to delete your character now.

    Cyclone CC'ing Bestial Wrath was a bug, should never have worked that way. They fixed it.

    Anyone who's bitter about spending the money on GotW books since they'll be trainer-learned post patch is just LAWL.

    The only reaction I can seem to conjure from your posts here is BOO-FRICKIN-HOO, QQ more and l2p.
    #13 May 16 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
    74 posts
    If you took Omen of clarity solely because you could refresh the 30 minute buff in Moonkin or Tree of Life form, I'm sorry.

    It's Omen of Clarity that's not castable, the buff, the effect will still proc in those forms. You just need to shift out to refresh it every 30 minutes. OoC at least didn't used to be castable in feral forms (then it was for a while, don't remember current status), not a big deal now that it's a 30 minute buff.

    The delay on the starfire stun has been reduced, not the duration. The time between the cast, and the stun applying is reduced.

    Gift of the Wild rank 3 has nothing said about being trainable, just 1 and 2. So the 3 book gold was not wasted. As to the waste of gold on book 2, it enabled you to use the skill until you got rank 3, didn't it? It now being trainable does not negate the benefit you got from it, see: AQ 20 skill book drops.

    Swiftmend downranking has the same penalties as every other downranked spell...oh, huge nerf?

    The reason for the animosity is you stated druids were Skah-rewed, then listed every change, positive and negative, with no indication of what was leading to your skah-rewed conclusion. I do not see anything that is horrible. In fact, weren't most classes nerfed at the first release of patch info (except us, rogues, maybe shamans, don't remember)?
    #14 May 16 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
    4,877 posts
    Perhaps you missed it by selectively reading the part you most wanted to comment on?

    or Perhaps you cryed Nerf to a bunch of Class buffs.
    #15 May 16 2007 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
    Hey! Wait a second! Don't be hard on the guy! He obviously doesn' know what he is talking about if he says:
    They give the epic flight form quest, ZOMG we are SKAH-REWED!

    Whoopdee doo!

    No Druid would turn their nose up at an Epic Flight Form! Thus I have proved that Irish cannot possibly play a Druid.

    At least not right :P

    Edited, May 16th 2007 5:34pm by SpiritDrinker
    #16 May 16 2007 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
    384 posts
    After looking at the change notes for the latest WoW update, it looks as if every class had been tweaked for the better

    im surprised you guys read past this part. Priests, Paladins, mages, warriors and ,i think, even warlocks got some nerfs.
    #17 May 16 2007 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
    the Druids are SKAH-REWED

    Huh? :/
    #18 May 16 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
    You call yourself a druid and your pissed by this....that makes no sense at all. Infact the only sense you made in your argument was the fact that the gift of the wild will now be added to the trainer. That does kind of devalue the point of the AH and instead of making these sought after abilites these will now be just another ability. But other than that I can't really believe you've been playing a druid for this long if think we're skrewed by this latest update. You must not know your character that well.

    ingame, night elf druid: balance,lvl 68
    #19 May 16 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
    I don't see it. I'm new to the game, been playing a couple months and I'm level 63. I consider myself overpowered being full feral. I have very little problem in PvP or PvE. All I see from this patch is good things. Where's the problem? Oh.. you spent gold on an item... big deal. It's a game. I bought the rank 1 book the day before the patch notes came out. Should I be mad? No. I have a nice spell that helps out and soon I'll be able to get rank 2 from my trainer. YAY!

    Anyways. You are teh suxxor
    #20 May 16 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
    286 posts
    ForeverFallout wrote:
    Priests, Paladins, mages, warriors and ,i think, even warlocks got some nerfs.

    You forgot shamans...they get hit with the nerf stick again (when I think general consensus was they could use a buff).
    #21 May 16 2007 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
    Ghost in the Machine
    36,443 posts
    OH SHI- we're done for!

    *shifts to epic flight form and is poofgone*
    Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
    #22 May 16 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
    814 posts
    I didn't know trolls could be druids.


    I cant wait for this Barkskin buff. The reduced CD is just wonderful. I think we might even be able to stand against hunters now, Boomkins.

    They fixed the Cyclone bug (yes, it was a bug) which made half the Hunter community hate Druids.

    Heard it was ridiculously bugged. Like you could cast it on someone, then if you casted it on another person before timer is up it would remove all buffs and debuffs on the previous target.

    I still think hunters will not be able to activate BW while under the affect of cyclone. We just wont be able to use it on them if it is already in effect.
    #23 May 16 2007 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
    Mazra wrote:
    OH SHI- we're done for!

    *shifts to epic flight form and is poofgone*

    I suddenly remembered why the OoT appeals so to me.
    But you are doing it wrong. It is OH SHI~ not OH SHI-...
    #24 May 16 2007 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
    49 posts
    TY "GOD" (Blizzard) i'll never mash Barskin while its on CD before i hit that huricane.
    #25 May 16 2007 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
    1,859 posts
    I think some posts were blown to dust due to rate-downs so I'm pretty sure this debate is over. General consensus agrees: Druids get some nice small buffs here and there and a few fixes that aren't game-breaking at all.

    IrishDiablo, you seemed like a nice guy at first but this kind of post was totally uncalled for. This is not the O-boards and very few people will tolerate this kind of topic and attitude.

    People got royally pissed when the big "Druid nerf" happened in the last big patch because some of those nerfs/fixes were uncalled for. This patch, however, is mostly beneficial.

    It's sad that you state that we're screwed when you don't even know what some of the changes mean. (Quote from a quote because original post got pwnt)
    Celestial Focus: The delay on the stun effect for Starfire has been reduced.
    - I'm a bit confused on this one. Did they reduce the amount of time it is stunned, or the amount of time before the target becomes stunned?

    I strongly suggest if you ever feel like making posts like this again, try the O-boards or try a more zen attitude.

    On a side-note, and don't take this as an attack, but following some comments of "maybe you don't really know how to play Druids" I checked your profile and... I'd suggest a respec, honestly. If you need advice or anything go ahead and ask, that's what the boards are for. (Even though the "rate my build" posts are plentiful as it is)

    In conclusion, let this thread die. X_x
    Imma go sleep now.
    #26 May 17 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
    Ghost in the Machine
    36,443 posts
    NorthAI the Hand wrote:
    Mazra wrote:
    OH SHI- we're done for!

    *shifts to epic flight form and is poofgone*

    I suddenly remembered why the OoT appeals so to me.
    But you are doing it wrong. It is OH SHI~ not OH SHI-...

    Actually, the 'OH SHI-' version has been used on the OOT board for as long as I can remember. You're probably thinking of the FFXI boards?
    Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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