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What do you guys think of "of the eagle" armor?Follow

#1 May 07 2007 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I know it has no agility, crit, or AP, but it's got both of our secondary stats - stamina and intellect. But I feel kinda wierd as a hunter buying it, even though it has stats that will help me a lot. What are your thoughts, at least for low/mid levelling, on "of the eagle" equipment? Maybe not going exclusively "of the eagle", but some...
#2 May 07 2007 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
438 posts
It's good if you can't get agi+stam gear.
#3 May 07 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
When I was leveling I never bought armor except for when I reached 40 and could upgrade to Mail. Then I did buy a few pieces, and was able to wear a few pieces I'd banked while approaching 40. I am a Skinner/DS LW, so I was able to make myself some armor, but buying it never seemed to make much sense. I bought a ranged piece or two while leveling, but those lasted longer and made a far greater impact on my performance than any single piece of armor could.
If I'd have had two gathering skills I'd have been far more interested in buying some pieces, since I'd have had a vastly greater amount of disposable Golds.

Just level up and use crafted items, quest rewards, and drops. You'll find that you've got more than adequate gear for PvE. If you PvP, your gear will make a much larger difference, but even then if you're not all twinked out there's not much difference to be seen with buying a few pieces of armor.
#4 May 07 2007 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I've always kind of thought about it, but I stay clear of Eagle. I never brought myself to sacrifice that main stat for less important stats.
#5 May 08 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
351 posts
I've never considered STA as a major stat for my play style, mainly because I gave up BG's when they changed the system. I have enough 'incidental' STA on my gear (+50 on Crystal Forged Axe, for example) for me not to worry about it.

Personally, I would consider Falcon gear (AG/INT) over eagle, to boost the ol' mana pool for longer fights.

If it ain't got AG/AP on it somewhere, I ain't interested.
#6 May 09 2007 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
I always go for the AG and STA gear.

I haven't really had any use for the "of the Eagle" stuff. I have yet to have my mana drop below 50%, even in a long fight.
#7 May 09 2007 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
only if you are low on mana.
i usually stick to:
of the Hunt
of the Falcon
of the Bandit
of the Monkey
of Agility
of Power

of the elder
of the eagle
of intellect
(last 3 only when you run out of mana way to early)
#8 May 11 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
in very early leveling it's golden. I'd say untill maybe 30 to 40ish. after that I'd be looking for ap/agi/stam/int
#9 May 11 2007 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
666 posts
What are your thoughts, at least for low/mid levelling, on "of the eagle" equipment?

For just leveling purposes, I'd really just suggest having Int and Agility. For the most part your pet should be tanking the majority of all the mobs you're fighting, so having Low HP shouldn't be to much of an issue. Plus you always have FD.

Of course there are exceptions, especially when you get 5 mobs on you that just keep dazing you, FD resists, and your pet is already dead. The extra HP might have helped in that situation.

Now, coming from a pvp server perspective, Sta + Int would definately be the way to go. Not all pieces as you suggested, but just a few to give you that extra boost to help you last longer in a pvp fight. Granted most low/mid lvl pvp is all about lvl 70's coming by and just squashing you, but you do find that occasional fair fight and your gear can help quite a bit.

If you aren't on a pvp server just disregard the above paragraph =P

Also it would depend on your spec. I believe in an earlier post you said you were attempting to lvl using Survival? If that's correct, you should be getting more HP fairly soon (depending on your lvl). Which should help you in negating a little +sta gear for more +agi and +int.

Just my 2 cents~
#10 May 11 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
You realize your stamina provides a bonus to your pets stamina, so giving myself more stamina would allow my pet to survive more, right?
#11 May 11 2007 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
666 posts
I consider your armor to be the better benefactor over your pet's stamina, which is the main reason I opted for more agility and int.

I believe a pet with more armor will tank better then a pet with maybe 100 more HP. Being able to reduce the damage taken by 50% as apposed to 45% far outweighs the miniscule amount of HP added from your own stats.

But that's my opinion.

Edited, May 11th 2007 11:38am by Joobishwun
#12 May 11 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Okay...but your armor is going to be the same if you have the same level gear, no matter what stats come on it. Unless of course it's a blue instead of a green or something like that.
#13 May 11 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts

Hey , if it's better than what you have and does you some good , go with it . Especially if it's a drop . As far as buying it , I'd probably pass ... I suppose it depends on your spc though . I personally went with alot of Falcon gear for quite awhile but I'm spec'd MM .
#14 May 11 2007 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
eagle gear sucks, thats like getting of the whale gear for a warlock

Edited, May 11th 2007 7:36pm by mrclaus
#15 May 11 2007 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
I dont use it. I only have wear blues from instances. Or a random drop that worked for me. If i buy a green item its always of the monkey.
#16 May 11 2007 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
What do you guys think of "of the eagle" armor?

I doesn't work, I can't fly in it or grow feathers or a beak! "Of the Whale" armor works though, whenever I look at it in the dressing room my character looks like he gains 4000 pounds!

eagle gear sucks, thats like getting of the whale gear for a warlock

Your words inspire me! "Eagle gear sucks" is just brillant, it made me look at it in a whole new light! Of course you didn't include any details, but you had a comparision! I don't understand how you have that sub-default rating...
#17 May 11 2007 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
797 posts
I choose gear similar to Aethien. 'Of the Falcon' is my first choice where available. The +agility and +intellect stuff is best, IMO.
#18 May 11 2007 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
Your words inspire me! "Eagle gear sucks" is just brillant, it made me look at it in a whole new light! Of course you didn't include any details, but you had a comparision! I don't understand how you have that sub-default rating...

please elaborate on how my advice was bad. as far as I know, you haven't included any details on how I'm wrong either. my comparison was a valid one, warlocks can use stamina and spirit, but spirit is a secondary trait, as is stamina (sort of, talking about pve). a hunter's job is to do damage, which comes from agi gear at lower levels, i.e monkey, agility gear (I've never, ever had trouble finding decent agi/ap gear at lower levels). therefore, yes, eagle is ****
#19 May 11 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Santa, you want me to explain?

eagle gear sucks, thats like getting of the whale gear for a warlock
13 words and you think you have a vivid example? You said Eagle gear sucks, and it's like getting whale gear for a warlock. What's wrong with Eagle gear? How is whale gear bad for a warlock? I think of Stamina as a warlocks main stat, since it does the same for them as intellect and gives them more health. Also, most warlock spells don't crit exept for some destroy spells.
#20 May 11 2007 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
13 words and you think you have a vivid example? You said Eagle gear sucks, and it's like getting whale gear for a warlock. What's wrong with Eagle gear? How is whale gear bad for a warlock? I think of Stamina as a warlocks main stat, since it does the same for them as intellect and gives them more health. Also, most warlock spells don't crit exept for some destroy spells.

I'm curious, do you know how to ******* read? Of the Whale gear focuses on a secondary stat that warlocks do not want (spirit), and as such is NOT wanted compared to of the eagle gear, even so, stamina isn't as important PvE. Most warlocks prioritize SPELL DAMAGE also. It's the same for hunters, int / stam won't help your damage/utility any. Perhaps a better example would've been using of the whale gear on a warrior.
#21 May 11 2007 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
2,717 posts
THAT was a better answer. Now, intellect WILL help your damage, because more shots means more damage. Maybe not your tooltip DPS, but any cat druid will tell you tooltips dont mean anymore than you think he can read.

And stamina helps your DPS, because if your health is 0, so is your DPS.
#22 May 11 2007 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
No wonder you have the sub-default rating Santa, that was a better awnser, although I still don't agree with you and that post may have contained alot of details for you, but most of it to me was swearing and childish ranting.

Eagle gear is good, there are plenty of times when I've sacrificed AP and Agility for Stamina and Intellect, if you have 1000 Agility but 0Intellect and 0 Stamina, you're going to be using alot of Auto Shots for DPS.

Now lets work on your language Santa, perhapes having your mouth washed out with soap will do... That is if you don't act mature...

In these furoms, I try not to judge by age but by maturity. Right now you're not acting very mature.
#23 May 12 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
Coming from someone who called me out for not having enough details as to why Eagle gear sucked, and then proceeded to call me wrong without any of your own details, OK. I think it's time you learned how to have an argument without resorting to "o i thnk ur imature so dat maeks u rong".

#24 May 12 2007 at 8:03 AM Rating: Default
THAT was a better answer. Now, intellect WILL help your damage, because more shots means more damage. Maybe not your tooltip DPS, but any cat druid will tell you tooltips dont mean anymore than you think he can read.

And stamina helps your DPS, because if your health is 0, so is your DPS.

Wrong, Warriors and every other class need stamina, does that mean that Whale/Eagle etc gear for melee classes are good or acceptable? no.

There comes a point where you have to ask yourself, is having 10 stamina really worth sacrificing DPS (for DPS classes obviously, and in PvE), is it really going to save you? There's a reason FOR PVE, that people use spell damage, attack power or whatever over stamina or your survivability. And if you're not running out of mana every fight, then that INT did nothing for you.

Edited, May 12th 2007 4:03pm by mrclaus
#25 May 12 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
mrclaus wrote:
And if you're not running out of mana every fight, then that INT did nothing for you.

Edited, May 12th 2007 4:03pm by mrclaus

I'm not even going to start on the rest of your post, but have you considered that more than one fight may occur without drinking? And the more Mana you have, the more you can nuke and use your most damaging skills. Less mana, means more downtime.

And whale/eagle gear IS acceptable for certain melee classes, especially for people who won't be bothered farming the instance blues or paying for the epics on the AH.

What you need to redefine for yourself, is the definition of suck. There is a certain difference between "not optimal" and "it sucks". Once you have discovered that difference, I suggest you look at the post you made which sparked this particular spat. I am sure you will understand exactly why you attracted such ire in the first place.

I can still remember when I wore full Dragonstalker, and being told "that sucks!" by some fella that had two pieces of GM gear, and one piece of T3. You are dangerously close to topping him.

Edited for accuracy.

Edited, May 12th 2007 12:23pm by NorthAI
#26 May 12 2007 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
I never said you were wrong, I said you didn't put enough details in and I don't agree with you. Reallu now... ugh, sub-default posters...

All you said was Eagle Gear Sucks, and intellect if very good for us hunters, without any mana, how are we suppose to do damage. Last time I checked a Steady Shot and Auto Shot rotation is better than just auto shots.

We also have Aspect of the Viper, which regenerates 25% of your mana per second, which is a godblessing while grinding/farming.

Stamina if very important, because without HP we tend to not live. If you have 0 Stamina your hit points will be very low, and one mob comes to you you're dead in one hit.

Agility and AP is very important, but so is Stamina and Intellect. We need those, and while Agility and AP is the best, we need Stamina and Intellect too.
Eagle gear is fine, although you shouldn't be decked out in it, having one piece is good. Intellect and Stamina our are secondary stats, we need them. AP and Agility is best, but I would rather give up some AP and Agility for Intellect and Stamina.
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