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a BM hunter's goals:Follow

#1 May 01 2007 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
We've all heard of the 2000 attack power, 20% crit, 7k health goals for hunters. I've tried. I also realized it was never going to happen.

A question arose in my mind: Does a BM hunter need that much attack power?

I don't think so.

Currently I'm running a 41/20/0 spec, and I like it. Nice crits with all the bonuses of a Beast spec. Loss of range is slightly annoying, but not a big deal.

My attack power with AotV (what I almost always use) is 1440.

Does that sound ridiculously low? I think it's about right. Gear will obviously improve with Kara loot and so on, but right now I've got about as good as you can.

So my question to debate over is: What should a BM hunter's attack power be?

Keep in mind the other goals, 20% crit and the health.
#2 May 01 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Well, more is obviously better. But, that sounds about like my stats (with 4 pieces of Beast Lord and some other things from dungeons) and I feel I do pretty well. (Not raiding)
#3 May 01 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
lawl tauren hunters have no problem maxing the 7k. @ 63 I was @ 6.5k
#4 May 02 2007 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Pre-Kara you should be able to get to at least 1500-1600 RAP without extraordinary measures, and with AotV up. This includes the Aldor/Scryer shoulder inscription, Cobrahide Leg Armor, CE helm patch, enchants, and gems. I used whatever gems I happened to find in my early socketable gear, since I knew I'd be upgrading relatively soon, ended up with a pile of +MP/5 gems and not too many +RAP gems, and still managed that without too much difficulty.
#5 May 02 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
I't sound pretty good.
I had set my goals (based on what I thought I could reach at the time) to be 1500ap (without hawk) and 20% crit.

The crit part was easy to obtain, and I'm at about 1450 ap as well, and can easily bump it up to 1500 if I switch out my gear. But I don't want to turn in my cool looking beast mask until I get my second piece of desolation (the shoulders) to go along with the 2 piece beast lord that I already have (sitting in the bank for some reason :p)..
#6 May 02 2007 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I just did a respec over the weekend from MM to Bm and my stats are a little over 20% crit, almost 9k health (unbuffed) and 1500ish AP. The Ap is what is killing me since I had broken the 2k mark as a MM hunter.
#7 May 02 2007 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Kompera, are you really talking about Beastmaster?

I've got 4/5 beast lord, good blues, my exalted shoulder enchant, cobrahide leg armor, CE helm enchant, enchants, good gems - and 1448 RAP without Aspect of the Hawk.

Where my gear falls down, I know, is my helm - I've got the Earthwarden's Coif (oops) with the non-functional crit metagem (double oops). I'm planning to replace that with the engineering goggles when the patch is released.

Still, I don't expect to get 150 attack power out of it.

It's true I could have about 100 more attack power by using +AP-on-equip trinkets, but I have two Bladefist's Breadth and Hourglass of the Unraveller at the moment.

There's also crit and hit rating to consider too.

Maybe we should have "rate the Beastmaster above you" thread. :) This is me currently:

Edited, May 2nd 2007 11:12am by seroster

Edited, May 2nd 2007 11:12am by seroster
#8 May 02 2007 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
as beastmaster, you will never get high AP, you should aim for say 250 tooltip dps.
along with a good crit/hit rate.
#9 May 02 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts

My current hunter is level 60 and hunting in Outland. His gear is made up of quest rewards and what I picked up in the auction house. And much of it is outdated for his level. The only exceptions are his crossbow and his helm, both of which are quest rewards from Outland. And I’m not having any trouble completing quests.

Obviously, the better your gear/stats the easier it is to kill things. But in all honesty I don’t think it really maters for hunters, at least not for PvE. As long as we have a decent ranged weapon and both our skills and our pet’s skills are up to date, we can have crappy gear and function just fine.

Here’s his profile:

He’s carrying a white battleaxe because he’s just learning the skill. It’s a 2H axe with a speed of 1.8. He leveled up his skill from 1 to 200 on level 16 mobs in about 15 minutes. Just 100 points to go. A shame they won’t come so quickly. *grins* His normal 2H sword is about a level 45 weapon so its rather out of date. But I believe he’ll be getting a slow 2H axe as a quest reward soon with some nice stats on it.

#10 May 02 2007 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
I'm BM and currently at 1599 AP (with hawk), 153 HR, 20,4 Crit. Tooltip DPS is 304.

And I haven't start raiding yet.

Edited, May 2nd 2007 2:25pm by QQuatar
#11 May 02 2007 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
I'm currently focusing on the PvP pieces as opposed to any of the dungeon sets since I very rarely do raiding.

Although a little low in the AP department (1317 ranged with AotH), I think the extra armor and stamina more than make up for it. It might take an extra arrow to drop a mob out in the world while farming, but that's ok. :)

Edited, May 3rd 2007 9:50am by Grefin
#12 May 03 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
Reading through, serostar I tend to agree with. I think I'm pulling out of this that a pretty well geared BM hunter should have about 1500 attack power.

Without aspect of the hawk...

Let's face it, end-game a BM is probably going to have Aspect of the Viper on most of the time. (unless you just enjoy stopping to drink even though you're omg zerging mobs down like mad) That's one of the reasons I respecced to 41/20 because I simply don't use aspect of the hawk enough to waste 5 talent points.

I also agree with Aethian, tooltip dps is a good check for a BM hunter. Since our dps tends to be more consistent, it will be more proportional with your quoted dps than attack power or crit rating.

So I'd say a good goal for a BM hunter approaching lvl 70. Is your dps getting close to 250? Without aspect of the hawk or raid buffs. End game BM hunters, is your dps getting close to 300?

#13 May 04 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I'll admit i'm a little low right now, 46, but I love my BM hunter, mainly because of my pet, Humar, which i've had since I turned lvl 23. The main stats I look for are Agility and Crit chance, as those affect my pet's DPS as well and since i'm BM i'm trying to increase my pets DPS as well as mine. I have about 1140 AP without AotH on and a tooltip DPS of about 120-160 depending on what kind of mobs i'm fighting (things that can be poisoned/ higher armor/ etc...)

I have been told on many occasions that I am a good hunter, simply because of how well I manage my pet, but also do really decent DPS, not great, but really decent, I am usually equal to a mage or rogue 2 levels below me on a damage meter, and sometime on the top of the chart.

Attack Power is awesome to have and can't hurt, but I would take +crit or Agility over it unless the AP bonus is huge. +crit and + agility means more DPS moves from your oet because of Go for the Throat, which means YOUR DPS goes up too, without having to use ANY mana.

By the way I checked it the other day, not sure if anyone was wondering or not, but the tooltip DPS (the DPS recorder that comes with cosmos, not sure what its called) records pet damage and adds it to yours. I tried just letting my pet attack without putting a sting on the mob and his damage registered.
#14 May 04 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
I'll admit it...I'm the TRUE definition of a huntard but since I either solo/group with my wife 95% of the time, it doesn't really matter right?

Am I missing something here? Are these end-game numbers? At Level 40, I'm at 272 RAP and 8.18% Crit chance with BM build.

[Whining alert:] Drops aren't favorable to me as I've played 2 "mains" on 2 servers (since January) and have yet to receive a blue world drop (and in fact the only blue I've received was quested) and about 95% of the rolls I'm in (the extremely rare case of a group or with the wife) I lose. Which means I'm pretty limited (based on luck) to the AH.

But again, are these numbers being thrown around 60+ level stats and is there somewhere in my next 20 or so levels where I'll just jump from my 272 to 2000+ RAP?

Here is my Armory page if you want to laugh(?)...

Bambeekiller on Bladefist
#15 May 04 2007 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
2k rap is for a lvl 70 pre raid.
1.5k if your bm
and the gap is from 69-70 ;) you go from a well geared 69 to a crap geared 70 in a second.
and then it is time to gather mats for crafted things (if you can), farminstances for drops, grind rep for gear, get enchannts on the good pieces etc etc.

my current list of stuff to farm is huge... need to farm mechanar for the trinket and Headpiece of the last boss, steamvaults for the shoulders and leggings from the last boss.
get a ring from botanica's 3rd boss, get the 3rd key fragment from arcatraz, get revered with aldor for another ring or buy world drop epic or badge of justice one...
get sonic spear from the last boss in shadow labs as well as manage to grind out
Primal Nether: 5
Primal Fire: 50
Primal shadow: 36
primal mana: 10
Nethercale: 96
H. Knothide: 26
cobrascale: 4
primal air: 8
so i've got a ******** of instances and grinding to do
#16 May 04 2007 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
seroster wrote:
Kompera, are you really talking about Beastmaster?

I've got 4/5 beast lord
Yes. My guess would be that it's the Beast Lord pieces which are holding you back. Pre-Kara every slot I had save the legs had better stats than the Beast Lord set offered, and there's a set of legs out there that's still better, I just haven't gotten them yet (and don't recall what they are off the top of my head, but I'll post an edit once I remember). So I'm wearing the BL legs and hoping for the BL shoulders or hands, which aren't too hard of a stats hit in exchange for the reduced Trap timer.

Um, my crit % is fairly lame, however. Just under 16%.
#17 May 04 2007 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Shalloe wrote:

Here is my Armory page if you want to laugh(?)...

Bambeekiller on Bladefist

Absolutely nothing to laugh about. You have agility on every piece of gear and a sensible build.

Katchii, was there a typo there? 1140 attack power at level 46!? Um... how?

#18 May 04 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Kompera wrote:

My guess would be that it's the Beast Lord pieces which are holding you back. Pre-Kara every slot I had save the legs had better stats than the Beast Lord set offered, and there's a set of legs out there that's still better, I just haven't gotten them yet (and don't recall what they are off the top of my head, but I'll post an edit once I remember). So I'm wearing the BL legs and hoping for the BL shoulders or hands, which aren't too hard of a stats hit in exchange for the reduced Trap timer.

Um, my crit % is fairly lame, however. Just under 16%.

Ah... well... I'm at 20.5% with the Hourglass equipped.

I do in fact have the Scaled Greaves of Patience and swapped them out for BL so I could get the 4-piece bonus. (SGP have 3 slots, and can give you more DPS than the Beast Lord.) How much tha set bonus really worth is kind of dubious. I might break the set for the Leggings of Beast Mastery if it turns out to be worth it next patch.

Edited, May 5th 2007 12:24am by seroster
#19 May 05 2007 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
I'll admit it...I'm the TRUE definition of a huntard but since I either solo/group with my wife 95% of the time, it doesn't really matter right?

Am I missing something here? Are these end-game numbers? At Level 40, I'm at 272 RAP and 8.18% Crit chance with BM build.

[Whining alert:] Drops aren't favorable to me as I've played 2 "mains" on 2 servers (since January) and have yet to receive a blue world drop (and in fact the only blue I've received was quested) and about 95% of the rolls I'm in (the extremely rare case of a group or with the wife) I lose. Which means I'm pretty limited (based on luck) to the AH.

But again, are these numbers being thrown around 60+ level stats and is there somewhere in my next 20 or so levels where I'll just jump from my 272 to 2000+ RAP?

Here is my Armory page if you want to laugh(?)...

Bambeekiller on Bladefist

Don't feel bad. At Lvl 46, I only have 363 RAP and 9.99% crit. At lvl 41, I was running a balanced build (points spread evenly across all three), but, after a reading a couple guides, I respec'ed BM. I played almost exclusively solo up to lvl 24, by choice. After I joined my current guild, at lvl 34, I started running instances, but, didn't get very lucky with rolls on leather. So, I also had to rely on the AH and Drops (mostly seemed to be mail, plate and cloth). After hitting 40, I have been trying to replace my leather with mail. Here is my current armor:

Jagoth on Dentarg

As for your setup Shalloe, given my limited experience, the only change I would make to your talents (Keeping with your choice to stay all BM) would be to take the point out of Bestial Swiftness and put it in Frenzy. My thinking on this is that a 100% chance at 30% attack speed (after your pet crits) would mean that your pet will do more damage in the long run. You can train your pet with dash and get a better speed increase than Bestial Swift. As for your equipment, you have more agility than I do, so, your base RAP is higher than mine.
#20 May 07 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Yeah, sorry, was a typo. I meant 350 not 1140. But now I'm 48 and have about 360 with some more Agility+ pieces. You can check my Armory page. Hunters name is Gurzlak on Guldan.

Edited, May 7th 2007 3:19pm by Katchii
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