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Warrior about to go bye byeFollow

#1 Apr 14 2007 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
After the struggle to lvl 70, I am about ready to just delete this guy! Lack of battle heals, outrageous plate repair bills for instances where I come out negative in gold (unless I win a roll on a drop), not many warrior drops and quest rewards in outlands.......seems to all be pally plate, and the fact that any class can beat a warrior in pvp...... Ok, so my list is short, but painfully aggravating, I admit I may not be the best player in wow, but is it just me or is this class extinct, except ofcourse as the thankless tank in instances where u take a beating and pay in gold for it, and are blamed for all shortcomings of a group, if priest cant be blamed first ofcourse. I only use this guy to farm gold in outlands for my alts now. It seems most all warriors I talk to are pretty much over their warriors too, nerfed to extinction. Any words to lighten my opinion, or words of wisdom from a more experienced player?
#2 Apr 14 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Pft. The only classes i can't defeat in pvp are mages, but now that the trinket will remove polymorph, i may stand a better chance. I agree that most plate in outlands is for pallies, and i see a lot of pallies running around in warrior gear (which pisses me off to no end). I have been using the same helm, bracers, chest, gauntlets, shoulders and boots since my early 60's. The helm was a quest reward from like level 62 and i still haven't seen anything better. I've seen plenty of pally helms, though =/ A lot of stuff about the way blizzard is handling warriors annoys me, but im gonna stick with him. Warriors are the only no ******** class and i think they are the most fun to play.
#3 Apr 14 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
while people may not give you too much praise, think about how many times you actually saved your group from wiping. Ive tanked some situations so good that i get invites to go to kara over thier own guild tanks. Just get in a good guild that can use a tank and you will feel a bit better about yourself.

Maybe if your depressed about your warrior for some wierd reason, change your spec. For example prot warriors have a bit harder time pvping cuz of lack of DPS, go arms/fury and just crack off a MS and WW with deathwish and a trinkey on- big number crits =D

Take a look at . it will show you where to get your plate that you want to use.

Cheer up and take a different perspective from it. Cuz contrary to what people say, we are more then just tanks, cuz lots of warriors ironically cant.
#4 Apr 14 2007 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Um,My warrior owns PvP.BUT, in the next patch they are supposedly making it so that Enraged + Deathwish don't stack. Which reduces my burst damage in arena by quite a bit, and making it so that having death wish as a PvP'er kinda stupid. Since Enraged is almost up, it's gonnna be hard to adapt to -_-.
#5 Apr 14 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the constructive advice. I'm still not speaking to my character as of the moment, lol. I started out arms, went fury, back to arms, and now at 70 ofcourse everyone/guild wants protection spec'ed. So I respec'ed to protection, with some in arms still. It deff helps tanking in instances, but pvp and solo........ It's strange to me to hear people reply here that they destroy in pvp with thier tank, I have seen and heard nothing but the opposite. Ofcourse skill is the deciding factor. Also, why don't tanks have any type of escape ability? Rogue can vanish, Mage freezes and blinks, Warlock fears,etc. I know intimidating shout, but when was the last time intimidating shout saved your hide and you escaped? It just seems some conspiracy to de-ball warriors :P

Thanks again and any advice or feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
#6 Apr 14 2007 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
a protection warriors escape plan is 12k hp 13k armor and 500+ defense lol. if u got piercing howl it kinda helps, but other then that, critter intercept/player intervene anyone?
#7 Apr 14 2007 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
heyyo dawg dat ***** whack, warrs still pownsos **** hard boy, the Oboards are dat way sheeeeeez --->
#8 Apr 14 2007 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
The way to wrote that makes u sound kinda like a baby. But i hear where ur coming from. I am a lvl 70 warrior and have the same problems. But i always manage to make tons of gold so the repair bills dont bother me. I also have noticed that all the plate rewards in OL are for pallys cuz fo the damn intellect and ya that pisses me off LOTS. Also on the instance remark people do ten to blame the warrior for wipes which is really annoying cuz they should just be happy that someone is willing to take the hits for them. And if ur looking for straight dps ill leave a link at the bottom to a great spec. So jsut keep at the warrior cuz its a lotta fun and ur always needed for instances. If you get bored ya play an alt or two.

#9 Apr 15 2007 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks guys for the responses. Could be as simple as a warrior just aint for me I guess.......lesson learned.
#10 Apr 15 2007 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
warriors = OK solo

think about this though. they have the most mitigation for how much damage they can put out. Meaning that if a warrior was kept healed, they could easily take out many enemies at once (this is with MS/deathwish specc). plus they dont have mana that will run out eventually. They can just keep on keepin' on!
#11 Apr 15 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
warriors on my server are all but gone... everyone keeps rolling BE pally or rogue which is really pissing me off. i cant even tell you how many time i have been trying to tank in a higher instance like ramps and BF when i get a pst asking me to tank for BRD because there is just noone around lvl 55 to do the job for them. Meanwhile the people that are sticking with warriors are subsequently leaving because of people blaming them when people in instance groups die even though the mage was pulling agro with their best spells just after u get to charge the mob. Also it seems that healers are going bye-bye because why heal when i can play as a pally or a dps class and not have to worry about the well being of the rest of my group. some of my lvl 70 friends that have warriors are only on the warriors to get a little money for their alts then they are off again because they hate being asked to tank just becuase they are on. also with the lack of warrior gear and no really appealing reason to go to a warrior ( oh no we wiped blame the tank) seem to be getting weaker every path and still no way to heal ourself outside of talents ( can we plz get a rage heal) it seems to just make sense why warriors are about to be the least played class if they already arent.
#12 Apr 16 2007 at 3:11 AM Rating: Good
1,287 posts
ForeverFallout wrote:
I agree that most plate in outlands is for pallies, and i see a lot of pallies running around in warrior gear (which pisses me off to no end).

That plate has Int or whatever on it, doesn't mean it automatically makes us happy. The vast majority of Paladin gear is just crap. Blizzard only started to learn what we pallies want on our gear, but they're still pretty wrong. The T4/T5 starts to look more like it, but most likely I'll still be rolling on non-tier plate, since the Tier plate just doesn't cut it.

It's only warrior gear if it has "Warrior only" on it. Anything else is needed by pallies just as well. A full prot pally wears roughly the same gear as a full prot warrior, except for weapons, which we share with warlocks, and librams, which are unique to our class.

What's with all the hatred against Paladins in Warrior gear? We do our own share of work for it. It's not that if we wouldn't have it equipped, it would be in your hands at that moment.
#13 Apr 16 2007 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
I only use this guy to farm gold in outlands for my alts now.

You farm with a warrior?

Anyways.. warrior is a hate-it-or-love-it class
#14 Apr 16 2007 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
199 posts
#15 Apr 16 2007 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Get a good guild. Warriors require a lot of background work. Enchanters, blacksmiths, alchemists, healers, dps...

The warrior has been worked into a long term gratification class. You have to spend a lot of time gearing your warrior. As warriors mechanics are all heavily gear dependent.

If your done with the class, gtfo. Otherwise buck up, put your nose to the grindstone, and get with the program.

Warriors can be the top of the food chain, even against mages.


But, an unskilled, under geared warrior is just asking to get one shotted.
#16 Apr 17 2007 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
I do just fine in PVP and soloing with my warriors (no enchants, no potions, nothing: probably could do better with it, but haven't had the need). You really need to decide what your warrior is for. Right now Im focused on solo/PVP so I respec'd arms/fury, that gives me great DPS and burst damage, usually in the top of the list in BG's. Although I carry tank gear with me for if I need it.
I dont see warriors being nerfed out at all, when it stacks right, we can take a squishy down in a few hits (and my gear is nowhere near the best) you may just want to check your spec and play style.
I dont see warriors disappearing at all (although I am bummed they are getting rid of the ability to charge while falling... that was such a great tactic...)
#17 Apr 17 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
384 posts
What's with all the hatred against Paladins in Warrior gear? We do our own share of work for it. It's not that if we wouldn't have it equipped, it would be in your hands at that moment.

I ran underbog with a pally healer and when the shoulders dropped he rolled on them too and won. This is after he rolled and won on the hatebringer. I had been trying for ******* ages to get both of those. That had been like the 8 th or 9th underbog run i did that weekend. And when i was running ramparts repeatedly to get the hellreaver, the one time it appeared in the chest our pally healer grabbed it w/o rolling. I guess i have a personal issue with pallies now O_o
#18 Apr 20 2007 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
and i see a lot of pallies running around in warrior gear (which pisses me off to no end).

Why? Why does it anger you so?
#19 Apr 21 2007 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
it angers warriors because of the lack of warrior plate being dropped in instances, and having to roll against a paladin who wont use it 1/5th as muc as we do making our jobs more difficult.
#20 Apr 22 2007 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,395 posts
I agree with you. Warriors are the most broken class currently in game. We were even before the patch notes were released. This is exactly why I've lvled a hunter. I can take on 3 allies at the same time. I can down a pally who pops ALL his CD:s (I mean c'mon... even Laintime can't beat a CD abusing pally...) and I can take on 8 mobs in a row if there's a servere case of "running" mobs. I can also grind mobs almost continiously (stopping to drink or heal pet up every... say 15th, 20th mob?). It doesn't mean I've stopped playing my warrior though, although I know ppl who have. I love my warrior, first char I ever made. I just wish to see him... less broken.

As for instancing: If DPS pulls aggro it's THEIR FAULT. I've been DPS:ing in instances enough with both my warrior and my hunter to know this (I've also been tanking instances enough to say that this is the case). If my warrior pulls aggro I whack out a shield. Then I just hit him untill the tank decides I've learnt my lesson. If my hunter pulls aggro I'll either chain trap the mob, or send my pet to growl him a bit. If the healer thinks I shouldn't get away that easily and refrains from healing my pet, I simply chain trap the mob.

As for the gold... I don't really see how you can have a problem. Sure, we are the first to die in any given instance. But the gold rewards in outlands are so huge you really shouldn't be bothered. Also, if you know what's best for you, collect a state of the art tanking gear. This way you won't die anyway near as much in instances.
#21 Apr 23 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
It takes a special kind of person to level a warrior to 70 nowadays...i can attest to that. protection is a retarded spec, and pvp is a lesson in aggrivation for warriors...i like the class allot i just think that blizz should re-work the class or it may go bye bye soon. I can see Pallies and Druids replacing warriors as main tanks VERY soon, Since nowadays its all about versatility, not specilization.
#22 Apr 23 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Raid boss tanking will always be a warriors domain. Unless they give druids a way to push crushing blows off the table.
#23 Apr 23 2007 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I guess thats the problem.. not everyone wants to go raiding with their warriors. I for one dont have 3-4 hours of commitment per session, so raiding is out for me. And besides if you have 6 prot tanks in a guild, you can probably only take 1-2 to a raid.

This means that the rest of us will PVP, do instances and heroics. Its a shame that our class is the viable option for end game content.

I for one am close to exhalted with lower city, have run shadowlabs around 25 times and never seen the sholders drop. Pretty disappointing.

I cant farm because I've lost my dps to speccing prot.

I cant blacksmith because Im stuck at 360 having not had any recipe drops in all my runs.

I cant PVP because I dont have a pocket healer.

You can put it down to luck - but I agree with the original poster - theres a fine line between challenging and stupidity.
#24 Apr 23 2007 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
Warriors are great when played right, you have to have a warrior soul to play

a warrior. I got my warrior to 45, i was speced proc, i was switching servers

becuase my RL friends played a diffrent server, i wanted to roll a dps class

becuase i didnt have to worry about the group, and my job would be easier. Now

that im lvl 61 on my lock i kinda miss sundering 5-6 mobs then watch tv while

i get chain heals. (i might be exaderating though) I respeced him fury becuase

i pvp on him when im bored. I miss tanking though, even though i though i hated

it. IMO tanking is fun being able to take tons of damage and not dying. Just

seems fun. Think about it like this, some guy comes into your house and shoots

you with a gun 3-4 times, you just need a sandwhich and your good. Your friend

gets shot and dies on the spot, and your like lol l2breath.

Sorry its so long, just what i though.
#25 Apr 24 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Think about it like this, some guy comes into your house and shoots
you with a gun 3-4 times, you just need a sandwhich and your good. Your friend
gets shot and dies on the spot, and your like lol l2breath.

LOL ... awesome. Just awesome.
#26 Apr 25 2007 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Not really.. I dont see how tha analogy was relevent or accurate.

Tanks are particularly good when it comes to mitigating physical attacks, but are crap against magic.

Even with all the armour, stamina and +def gear you wont last long against warlocks, mages etc.

Also against range attacks you are a sitting duck. Because when you are trapped and have a hunter firing at you, there isnt too much you can do.

Clearly warriors make a good tank - but I dont see why you would be bragging about them being so resilient against attacks.
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