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Okay, Honest Help plz.Follow

#27 Aug 12 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
3,744 posts
Before I write anything more. I would simply like to state the fact that none of you are getting on my nerve or anything of the sort, I am simply writing this because I expect the full attention of you all and replies based on anything I've said, which will thankfully and fortunately continue this thread for a longer period of time. If you have something against that, and do not enjoy this ridicule of stupidness that happens on this forums, and the lil action we get out of this, than I suggest not continuing this thread by not replying. If you do enjoy this crap, than please do reply and make this go on further, it makes me much happier by every post. =)

Sing, please reply, because wether you don't wanto continue this or you do, I think inside you really do =) This is, afterall, sort of what you used to be here for in the first place. Retarded Flamewars. Except I won't be doing any flaming.

One word....denial...

First off, I don't think I'm truly denying anything. I just stated in my above post exactly what I beleive about EQOA. Which was basically the fact that at the time I played it, and was addicted to it, I Loved it. As I moved on, I grew weary with it and learned that it wasn't a great game afterall, and infact there are many other games that are much better then it out there. And as I return, just for kicks and giggles, I learned simply that true it can be fun, but the population has decreased much too much and all it really needs other then that is PVP and some lil extras that other MMO's have put into their games.

I'd also like to add, I hate all MMO's almost and talk crap on all of the ones I play. Not just EQOA, but almost all others aswell that I've played, but still I rather prefer to play an MMO because its more fun to play with real people then alone at your house. So, doesn't mean I have to like it...And I do enjoy it for a while but there are just so many flaws in them that I love to pinpoint it ruins the game for me. I wish I wasn't like this, I would probably have alot more fun with games...but I am and cant help it.

And yes I do remeber the good time here! Yes I do!

I would pull up the EQOA bashing... but I just can't deal with the extremly slow responses from ALLA's server to search for it.

I could pull up the nasty little fun you, and others, had when I was arguing with certain two peeps, and then you would add your two cents in while I was too busy with them! Yes, the best time to hit someone is when they are on the ground with two others!

Yes I remember the good times! I am surprized that you would expect anything less of me! Hehe!

What on earth are you talking about lol...GET OVER IT! geeze, okay, first off there was a time before that incident where YOU changed on us and so there was a lil miny war between us. That's the time I was speaking of when I said remember the good times, the time when some of us still played EQOA and some were just quitting, the time where SINGFORU was fun and great and had actually Funny flames that he did on almost everyone on the boards and spammed with us. The time when there was 10 of us active half the time posting on the boards talking about all sorts of crap, even though mainly EQOA.

Than one day, you decided to change and get all serious, turned into shall I say..ANTISPAM/PROEQOA, and ANTI-NMUK/MURRUN. Thats when all this that you are trying to bring up but won't happen, which if any, I was least apart of at the time I believe.

And why on earth would you think that it's up to you who you are arguing with and who should reply to it or not. It's a @#%^in FORUM! Which means that if you post on here, you are automatically making it everyone's problem and giving them the chance to read and say whatever they want. Which is what I'm doing now. If you only wanted to argue with Nmuk or Murrun, or WHOEVER it was back then you argued with then you could of done it through PM's and sh*t. But you obviously wanted other input you could talk about with people and bring it up later like now with me. Well there you go, I probably gave it to you whenever that was like you wanted it. Don't remember whatever I said but since you obviously care so much you probably do.

But all in all, for god's sake, GET OVER IT. I mean hell, there's been times where everyone was up against Nmuk or Murrun, I've told them off plenty of times. SO, they've gotten over it and we are chill now, and they are much younger then you too. Don't tell me a 13 or 15 year old or whatever is more mature then you sing comon. If they can get over it, so can you.

There was 23 people on lfg on Monday from level 45 to 60.

I don't think there were 23 people INGAME on monday when I was

By: imback
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sing man every post i get on there you are bashing someone for doing something they want or they wanna do again, i really dont think its any of your buisness what ne1 does in life man why cant you understand that being on a computer or a vidieo game is not real life people do it for fun cause they like to do i see you makeing somekind of remark to every game thats out right now!!!! my dude either your just a kid looking for attention or your a adult with no love life going on, you need to calm down and give these people a break........

I might find this out later as I read on, but seriously who the hell are you? And don't try to bash sing please, it's not easy work especially if you aren't talented at it. Sorry to say, but actually go ahead and continue saying your stupid crap, it'll make this thread all the more interesting.


"i really dont think its any of your buisness what ne1 does in life man"

If someone post something on this forum, it just became my biznaz! :)

"now i see you makeing somekind of remark to every game thats out right now!!!!"

You must be confused! I havn't one thing about any other game out there! Hehe, pass me some of that **** you've been smoking!

" my dude either your just a kid looking for attention or your a adult with no love life going on"

First, I aint your dude! Second, I aint a kid, and I got more love life then you could imagine! Seem to me, maybe you might be the kid with out a love life! Nail on the head maybe!?!? :)

So far, I'm a take your word on it and belive everything you stated here Sing. These do look like all the facts.

Haha, after going balistic like you just did, you're going to tell me to calm down! That's rich!

Now, as for being the angriest person in EQOA. Hehe, ok, I've been called worst! However, I'm really a happy go lucky guy!

Actually, it doesn't seem from your posts that you are very calm sing, I mean not saying that you aren't cuz you might be, I mean I am completely and hope my posts can show that. But if you are completely calm, and these things don't truly bother you and sort of Make you post and reply to show how you are right and they are wrong. Than you are doing this for the same reason I am, because its fun and entertaining. And if that's the case, than you are not much different than I and you havn't changed all that much from before actually. I just don't understand why on earth you hate us so much then. (I say why on earth because I can't say why the @#%^ lol...)

These people, whom I've attacked here latly, were people from 2 years ago with whom I had troubles with before! I got no respect for them. I will say what I will say! It's too bad if I am pushing some peoples buttons! Too bad...

This one, actually hurts a lil. I mean, I am one to be respected. Wether or not I get this respect, I like to think or believe that I do. But being told flat out that I am unrespected. That's just a kick in the groin. Not really, but hell I would rather like to be respected. Comon Sing, you know I'm better then that, dont gimme this crap.

Hehe, I love it when I push someone's button to the point where they go and register with ALLA just so they can make a attack on me out of their frustrated love/hate/jelousy towards me! :)

BTW, Imback, so you're back, who da hell are ye anyways? You may as well attacked me using an anonymous post. But ye can't can ye? Hehe, be bold, don't be afraid!

Lol! Good call Sing, till you said it I didnt even think about the fact that this guy actually registered just so he can speak on MY THREAD! SWEET! Lol, okay good job getting him to sing, but I still take credit for it cuz I started this thread!

Also, he still hasn't revealed his identity, but honestly I think that he's probably not actually an old poster. Just one that wanted to get into this sh*thole of a place and start posting. Sorry for him then haha...

Okay I read most of the rest of the posts. From that I found that Imback is an idiot. And the rest of you only really talked about the forums, karma, and how sings a good guy really cuz he helped alot in EQOA and how you guys help so much when people ask about EQOA. Okay To this I have few things to say.

First off, because you guys posted on my thread, Ill go ahead an rate you all up...there happy?

Secondly, yeah these forums suck and almost all EQOA related ones do. But I'm sure all forums suck everywhere in their own special way. It's sort of nice.

Sing, idk what he's done anymore for EQOA community, but I'll take your word on it being alot of good. Well that's nice and dandy. But he's still an @#%^, which is what I love about him. And thankfully that stayed the same. The only difference is, he's not really funny anymore (well alot less funny atleast) and for some reason he hates me and whoever still posts here from a long time ago. Which is dumb and immature, we should stick together, not do whatever the hell it is we are doing now. Though this is kinda fun and entertaining.

And finally...I MADE THIS THREAD TO TRULY GET SOME INFORMATION ABOUT EQOA. NOT ONE OF YOU, WETHER YOU SAY YOU HELP OR NOT, CARED ENOUGH TO ANSWER A SINGLE THING ABOUT MY POST. INSTEAD, YOU WAITED FOR SING TO START A STUPID ARGUMENT, THEN FOUND THIS TO DRAW YOU TOWARD POSTING ON THE THREAD, BUT ACTUALLY INSTEAD TALKING ABOUT THAT AND NOT HELPING ME OUT ONE BIT. So your all at fualt because of that. Truly showing, that you are alike to those who you say you are different from. Oh well, its a simple fact. But I really did get most my questions answered ingame thankfully, it's just funny how not one person helped me out on here. Especially since you guys say you help eachother out so much.

Don't worry I dont care. I was just stating the fact to you, so maybe next time someone asks a question, you'll answer it. Or atleast not make yourself out to be someone who your not. (In this case someone who helps others of Eqoa community)

Phew, that's alot of writing, lol hope it all comes out right geeze. Oh well took a few minutes and I think it was worth it. I'm looking forward to your replies.

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 4:56pm EDT by argh
#28 Aug 12 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
well now argh lmfao all i try to do is see how many peeps i can get on my case and like allways i got what i u really think i will post if i did not beleave some idiot like yourself or sing would bite? me and another person on here (cant say name)makes bets on who can **** off the most peeps.dont you get it?all you guys are is a dam game that we are playing,i cant say that im sorry for being an *** but we did have some fun while it lasted.dam i cant beleave i told you now we need to find another game to involve some1 else...well man dont fill bad you wernt the first person we made look supid..on your post u said i needed to try really hard to make some1 look bad.HOW DID I DO?WELL I WILL SEE YA AROUND IMA HIT ANOTHER GAME SITE FORUM...LOL PEACE LAST TIME YOU WILL SEE ME

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 8:20pm EDT by imback
#29 Aug 12 2006 at 7:38 PM Rating: Default
argh i seen you say in another post that your computer had a virus for a couple of weeks now, dam bro when my computer broke i just said the hell with it and went got a new one,cant aford it huh,well kido when you get a little bit older and your able to get into the real world you will be much much happier, be a good little boy and maybe just maybe santa will have a great big surprise for you on cristmas,,,BE GOOD NOW SEE YA SOON SON
#30 Aug 12 2006 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
533 posts
So your starting over, the best advice I have is try to make some friends, who have alts your level, also maybe hitting pickclaws in Highpass or Rivervale.

I did offer you advice. However I honestly do not rush to give you advice because youve been posting on Alla since before I was here. In fact, I believe that you gave me some good advice on bards. I didnt think you were serious but once I read your second response to Sing I figured Id give some advice.

There was 23 people on lfg on Monday from level 45 to 60.

I don't think there were 23 people INGAME on monday when I was

Well on DH there was 23 people on lfg that monday. I prolly should've stated the server. Than again DH is one of the most populated servers.
#31 Aug 12 2006 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
533 posts
So your starting over, the best advice I have is try to make some friends, who have alts your level, also maybe hitting pickclaws in Highpass or Rivervale.

I did offer you advice. However I honestly do not rush to give you advice because youve been posting on Alla since before I was here. In fact, I believe that you gave me some good advice on bards. I didnt think you were serious but once I read your second response to Sing I figured Id give some advice.

There was 23 people on lfg on Monday from level 45 to 60.

I don't think there were 23 people INGAME on monday when I was

Well on DH there was 23 people on lfg that monday. I prolly should've stated the server. Than again DH is one of the most populated servers.
#32 Aug 13 2006 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
3,744 posts

I did offer you advice. However I honestly do not rush to give you advice because youve been posting on Alla since before I was here. In fact, I believe that you gave me some good advice on bards. I didnt think you were serious but once I read your second response to Sing I figured Id give some advice.

Yeah your right, thank you for that Denobi. But you had to understand my point, no one says nothing for a few days, and then the whole thread got completely off topic. The help I was mainly looking for, would have been someone actually telling me the new information on classes and stuff. But I'm over it now anyways.

Well on DH there was 23 people on lfg that monday. I prolly should've stated the server. Than again DH is one of the most populated servers.

Yeah idk about server population sizes, I've been on FH lately. Checked out the others too though, and not much difference, yeah there are people playing still...I'm just simply stating the fact that it is literally about 1/4 of how many used to play back when I played. And that difference does really change the game in a bad way.

well now argh lmfao all i try to do is see how many peeps i can get on my case and like allways i got what i u really think i will post if i did not beleave some idiot like yourself or sing would bite? me and another person on here (cant say name)makes bets on who can **** off the most peeps.dont you get it?all you guys are is a dam game that we are playing,i cant say that im sorry for being an *** but we did have some fun while it lasted.dam i cant beleave i told you now we need to find another game to involve some1 else...well man dont fill bad you wernt the first person we made look supid..on your post u said i needed to try really hard to make some1 look bad.HOW DID I DO?WELL I WILL SEE YA AROUND IMA HIT ANOTHER GAME SITE FORUM...LOL PEACE LAST TIME YOU WILL SEE ME

Hey bro, idk if you read any of my posts above...but if you have then you really don't understand me at all. And if you havn't than thats why you don't understand me. I would like to ask you before you move on to different game forums to cause havoc to read thoroughly through what I wrote. Than I think you should understand quite simply that I don't actually give a flying fuck about what you have to say to me, I am only doing this for my own personal entertainment and infact enjoy the ridicule and would like it to go on as much as possible because it adds a lil spice to these forums which have been long past dead.

Also, I really don't think that you actually are from these forums at all, becuase if you were than you would post on your real account name since that's what everyone does already because no one gives a rats *** about what people think of them here. I mean why should they? It's a ****** gaming forum...sheesh. And also if you had an unamed friend from here too (which once more doesn't happen much anymore, because they name themselves) than he/she should know me by now on these forums, and understand that I am not one to be rattled by any of this and take this time to enjoy myself off it. And such other things, I have a very odd personality, but it usually gets me where I want to be.

Sadly enough, you didn't do a very good job and I truly was expecting more. So hopefully you will come back and entertain me some more if you can at all. But you won't be seeing me on any other forums heh, I don't spend much time doing this kinda crap. But since I started with Alla a long time ago, might as well continue it when I can....though I usually barely even check Allah anymore its just now that I have this awesome thread going it makes me wanto read more crap spew out of peoples moutholes haha.

argh i seen you say in another post that your computer had a virus for a couple of weeks now, dam bro when my computer broke i just said the hell with it and went got a new one,cant aford it huh,well kido when you get a little bit older and your able to get into the real world you will be much much happier, be a good little boy and maybe just maybe santa will have a great big surprise for you on cristmas,,,BE GOOD NOW SEE YA SOON SON

Yep, virus on computer. It's damn good computer too so it wouldnt be too easy to replace, and I dont wanto spend money on it your right. Gotta work for money and gotta have money for everything else. So, I dont like to go around spending all of it at once, especially if there are more important things to spend it on.

But anyways this is all beyond the point, I dont get it lol. Why always with the personal attacks? I mean, they are terribly getting old now. Not saying from you exactly, but overall in my gaming years and posting on Alla I've learned that 90 percent of insults or wanna-be-flames happen to be personal attacks.

For example, things such as, "You probably live in your parents attic and dont work and have no life" "Mommy and Daddy have to take care of you, etc." "You've probably never been laid" "You will never have a girlfriend, the only ***** you've ever gotten is from when you were being born" "Your probably a lil kid hiding behind his computer" "You probably spend all your time on video games and think its your real life" "why don't you just kill yourself" "your an idiot, **********, *****, loser, bum, ***, stupid, etc." Or one of my favorites..."You probably eat Waffles for breakfast!"

Anyways, those were just a few examples I remembered from times before off the top of my head. Well, I just don't understand why this is the case though, I mean why always these stupid insults being hurld at others all the time? I highly doubt that they really do any insulting of the slightest to whoever is recieving it, because the person saying it doesn't know **** from stone about the person he's talking to. But mainly I find these so odd, because if your on a video game online, or in forums, in the first place...than whoever is saying the insult is just as much of a loser as the person receiving it. I mean in all honesty it is fucking sad that people come here to talk about **** like this on the internet, sad for all of us. Whether you are old or young, or a new poster or old poster, if you had something better to do you WOULDNT be on here, but you are, which means you had nothing better to do at the time, which means your just as much of an idiot loser as whoever else is on here. In this case me.

Well, I'm not out to teach you anything becuase I love your kind and it's not like you ever learn. But, I will say that I hope you do come back and post here again, infact replying to this, and I expect you to...because for the spare of the moment, you won't have anything better to do.

Please, don't let that stop you though, I really truly want to hear a reply, so go ahead, let yourself lose, show me the beast inside. Tear your fucking heart out baby!

Oh, so, who won that bet? Just curious.
#33 Aug 13 2006 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
gratz on starting a fight argh....if you needed a site..all you had to do was go to singz site lmao well good luck
#34 Aug 13 2006 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
488 posts
Okay, I already regret it, but since I did it it's too late to go back now Might as well enjoy what I can.

I started up my EQOA account again, after like 2 years...

So basically I am LOST now ingame. I won't be playing longer then a month most likely, because there is so lil people ingame now and the population is so low that it's just impossible to get anything done now except have fun shouting in FP.

If you don't know me, I used to have a bunch of 60s in this game an sh*t, and I knew almost every class inside out at the time.

Now I dont really know any of them anymore...but idc for em either really.

I just really would like a pretty good update, and information on Bards, and what has changed about them..

If there's anywhere I can find information online specifically on bards and the new updates and whatever "Class Balancing" is that I've heard of and any NEW stuff in the recent past in the game I'd really appreciate it.

And if someone could just tell me on here that would be really nice of you, and yeah I really want to learn what's new about bards...I can't find a site to tell me. Thanks.

Well not to side with most people on here, many others I know from DH lol, but re read your post, you really dont sound like you give a ****. noone took you seriously. but to find good info go to sings webpage, this dude has everything you will need to know on there. go to the 'All about you class/race' and click on the bards there. sorry I couldnt be more helpful but this is were I go to check stuff out.

#35 Aug 13 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
3,744 posts
gratz on starting a fight argh....if you needed a site..all you had to do was go to singz site lmao well good luck

Message 60 Minstrel (Marrs Fist)
What Do I Know...I'm Just The Village Idiot

Thanks, but don't think I was starting no fight. I didn't start ****, an I didn't enforce it either, just simply pointed out the things that followed my first post. Funny though aint it? Also, I said in my first post...

If there's anywhere I can find information online specifically on bards and the new updates and whatever "Class Balancing" is that I've heard of and any NEW stuff in the recent past in the game I'd really appreciate it.

So I obviuosly don't know Sing's website and have never been there. I knew of it, that is why I said that incase someone can give me a link or a something. I also wasn't sure if Sing's website was updated with the new info or not. It's a simple question to be answered, and yet even you couldn't help me out on this thread by just answering it. Instead you had to say something about "starting a fight" and such. I also notice you are a bard, 60 minstrel, well then why couldn't you just help me out yourself about my Bard question? Well either way, goodluck to you aswell.

Well not to side with most people on here, many others I know from DH lol, but re read your post, you really dont sound like you give a sh*t. noone took you seriously. but to find good info go to sings webpage, this dude has everything you will need to know on there. go to the 'All about you class/race' and click on the bards there. sorry I couldnt be more helpful but this is were I go to check stuff out.

Sorry if I sounded that way, though I don't think everyone though I don't give crap cuz some people said they thought I did. But that's just how I am, Ill be brutally honest if I have to, or just plain out honest. When I ask for help, and my the thread name I truly was asking for help, I'm asking for it. When I say the populations low so I probably won't play much longer again, I mean it. But just because I only have a month paid that I'm most likely gonna play, doesn't mean I don't wanto learn about it so I can enjoy it while I am playing.

But thank you for the actual help and suggestions, I do appreciate that. And once I figure out what sing's website is I will go to it an check it out. But, now I notice he has a link in his Signature, I wonder if that's to his website. I never really noticed it or not, so if it is a link to his website, than I feel like an idiot cuz I truly didn't notice that till now lol...
#36 Aug 13 2006 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
488 posts
Yea thats the link to his page.
#37 Aug 13 2006 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
I just really would like a pretty good update, and information on Bards, and what has changed about them..

A lot has changed for bards, our special attacks now do more damage then warriors. Anthum buffs cha as well now. Our heals have almost doubled in power, especially with high cha. Almost all of our abilities have better mods, and they are not all cha based, like anthums having a sta mod. Our charm now recharges faster then it's duration. Several dots were improved with a dex mod.

Sorry I dont have the link for the old class balance thread, I will see if I can find it.
#38 Aug 13 2006 at 9:46 PM Rating: Good
Ok here is a link to the melee changes, it is out dated, but a lot of the stuff is correct.

I do know the first two attacks we get are no longer 6 second recast, and they made more changes to the MC's.
#39 Aug 13 2006 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,744 posts
Awesome, thank you Dirges, that's the kind of answer I was looking for.

Nice to see you too =) hehe
#40 Aug 14 2006 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
3,273 posts

To be fair to Aaarrggg... he didn't start a fight, I did! As for responding to any further comments, why?

Second, this is direct at imapussy, er imback. Push my buttons? When did you do that? After I slamed yours? Hehe! Some peeps, when they can't win a little flame fest they begin to live a fantasy world! I guess if they write it, it becomes true! Son, look at who got their panties in wad, and tell me again who's buttons got pushed! :) Of course we all know the answer already!
#41 Aug 14 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
hey KG i hope you read this cause i won another,that makes me ahead,look at how pissed i just made sing he got serious anger problems now lol,sing is still my all time favorite puppet to dangle around off my fingers he was the easy one to start crying over my post this dude had some dumb comebacks but i give credit cause he tried,so otta 1-10 what you give him send mail we will tally up score talk to ya soon btw ima leave sing alone for a week or so i think its that time of month lmao peace
#42 Aug 14 2006 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
488 posts
imback wrote:
hey KG i hope you read this cause i won another,that makes me ahead,look at how pissed i just made sing he got serious anger problems now lol,sing is still my all time favorite puppet to dangle around off my fingers he was the easy one to start crying over my post this dude had some dumb comebacks but i give credit cause he tried,so otta 1-10 what you give him send mail we will tally up score talk to ya soon btw ima leave sing alone for a week or so i think its that time of month lmao peace

Who the hell is this guy? ive read this twice now and I still dont see why he joined up, except to talk **** to Sings and argh. hey imback do you play this game? .
#43 Aug 14 2006 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
yes i do infact play...not to much anymore toons are 60 sor 60 ff 60 pyro all clw server
#44 Aug 15 2006 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
3,273 posts
Imbak is another one of them little pussies that sends me love/hate emails, stalks me to whereever I go. He/she get their panties in a uproar when I won't cyber with them! No means no!

Hehe... He tries so hard to flame me I almost feel sorry for him! Pathetic attempt really, but he tries so hard! Keep trying Forest! Keep trying! Maybe one day you will grow up and be forth of the man I am! Maybe! It could happen!

Oh, Please, don't let me dangle for a whole week! Please, verbaly assault me some with your awesome wit! You're such a queen, er king of flamerz! Please! You know I love it when you dangle me around like a puppet! Haha, opps, I'm sorry, my sarcasim just showed through! :)

Keep trying!
#45 Aug 15 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
now now there sing didnt i just tell u i was dangleing you?man i know you did not use my material?lmfao i guess now we know who the man really is now huh?you ran kinda low on material so you looked back at my post,man son i need to have a standing ovation for that one,i should just stop now while im ahead its pretty bad that you useing my own stuff on me lmao,and about the mail part idk maybe its all that glue you stiff but i have no idea what you talkin about,wait wait i know its probable that dude you slept wit the other night he cant stand the fact that your trying to keep it a secret,just a thought,im trying to hlp you figure that one out so please please dont blaim me im happylied married (TO A NICE LADY).....please stop now before i make you look worst lmfao

Edited, Aug 15th 2006 at 12:36pm EDT by imback
#46 Aug 15 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
533 posts
Get a room you two. :)
#47 Aug 16 2006 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
361 posts
Umm I still dont see how your making Sings look bad, you basicly just said the same thing over and over again,about how he 'used' your material.

LMAO 'Nice lady'......its your Mom.

now now there sing didnt i just tell u i was dangleing you?man i know you did not use my material?lmfao i guess now we know who the man really is now huh?you ran kinda low on material so you looked back at my post,man son i need to have a standing ovation for that one,i should just stop now while im ahead its pretty bad that you useing my own stuff on me lmao,and about the mail part idk maybe its all that glue you stiff but i have no idea what you talkin about,wait wait i know its probable that dude you slept wit the other night he cant stand the fact that your trying to keep it a secret,just a thought,im trying to hlp you figure that one out so please please dont blaim me im happylied married (TO A NICE LADY).....please stop now before i make you look worst lmfao

#48 Aug 16 2006 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
3,744 posts
This is great haha, Imback is really turning out to be a real comedian. I mean seriously look how much he made us laugh, idk maybe just a lil bit cuz I've gotten over these type of jokes. But this forum hasn't had this much fun since he came along.

Btw sing, your site is actually very helpful, I gotta give that to ya. But I still don't agree with the fact that you have no respect for me whatsoever about something that happened so long ago I can't even recall what it is.

hey KG i hope you read this cause i won another,that makes me ahead,look at how pissed i just made sing he got serious anger problems now lol,sing is still my all time favorite puppet to dangle around off my fingers he was the easy one to start crying over my post this dude had some dumb comebacks but i give credit cause he tried,so otta 1-10 what you give him send mail we will tally up score talk to ya soon btw ima leave sing alone for a week or so i think its that time of month lmao peace

Idk who your talking to, or who the hell KG is...King Gamer? Krafts Gum? Kock Gobbler? no clue. But the person hasn't replied to you so this was a useless post and he obviously isn't reading any of this. Idk why no one wouldn't this is good **** on this thread lol.

now now there sing didnt i just tell u i was dangleing you?man i know you did not use my material?lmfao i guess now we know who the man really is now huh?you ran kinda low on material so you looked back at my post,man son i need to have a standing ovation for that one,i should just stop now while im ahead its pretty bad that you useing my own stuff on me lmao,and about the mail part idk maybe its all that glue you stiff but i have no idea what you talkin about,wait wait i know its probable that dude you slept wit the other night he cant stand the fact that your trying to keep it a secret,just a thought,im trying to hlp you figure that one out so please please dont blaim me im happylied married (TO A NICE LADY).....please stop now before i make you look worst lmfao

Hey bro, did you not fully understand Sing's post? He wasn't using your material at all, he was simply stating the fact that he loves it when you dangle him oh so well. If he was using your material he would have said that he loves to dangle you, just like you said to him. But instead he just agreed with what you said, making something more funny out of it actually, not a bad one sing.

Not taking sides atm, just informing you of your misunderstanding.

Now, please continue.
#49 Aug 17 2006 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
3,273 posts
Well dang me.... I thought Imwus was going to dangle me for a whole week! I guess I pushed her buttons so bad that she has to respond to every time I post! :)

Tell ye what I'm going to do Imapus, something a real man (with two ball between his legs) can do, so please do not try to emulate this or you may strain your vaginia!

I'm gonna dangle you! and dangle... and dangle... and dangle...

Last werd!
#50 Aug 17 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
3,273 posts
Oppsie... I almost forgot something...

We, have a pretty good idea who Imback is. His writting style, grammar, and other little hints. This person may be a 'friend' having a good laugh! Hehe, it could, this person has been known to pull my leg before! Who knows.

To my funny friend... if this is you, then my only defence as to why I didn't catch on to you sooner, is this: I get these type responses from frustrated EQ'ers all the time. Tons of it, in fact! Mostly, I do have fun with them. They are more fun to play with (the frustrated types are for real, what you see is what you get) than the IGNORANT types of peeps who mostly troll to evoke reactions!

Imback is just too good to true. Therefore, I think I am right in my guess work! If it isn't you (friend), then I apologize for thinking you could be a WUSSY like Imback! hehehehe
#51 Aug 17 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
Now I've had the LAST word. No need to replay Mr. Dangler! :)

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