Hyolith, Hero Among Heroes wrote:
Strand of the Ancients Strategy Guide:
Declare which way you want to go ahead of time, blue or green. [...] If sieges die, cap a graveyard [...]
As often as not, I find myself on the side that hasn't been called ahead of time. As often as not, I then find myself going through yellow first, having come up the other side where all the enemy aren't either. It's lonely, but effective.
both graveyards,
in case sieges die. I mostly rogue, so when I'm on the side that has been called I usually have that gy while the defenders are reacting to the gate being down. Then I get the other one and as often as not I get to yellow first on the 'wrong' side again. And of course I never take the southern graveyard...
Hyolith, Hero Among Heroes wrote:
[...]Do not fight on beach.
Oh make them stop... "All to beach! Get behind attacker! Defend by positioning attacker between yourself and the thing you're defending! Chase them uphill never quite catching up because it took a moment to mount and they move at the same speed as you and there are attackers holding you back! Scream 'all to yellow!' as they destroy purple in seconds! Yell 'fall back you nabs!' as they plough through yellow! Blame poor gear and afkers as you lose!"
There's plenty of war, but very little craft. I get threatened with afk reports for not going to the beach - I sit in the middle of the bridge and then defend the gy on the first side that goes down, in case someone's doing what I do on the attack.
What do you make of the guns? I occasionally find myself on one at yellow, but I've given up trying to convince people to use the massive shield to do substantial aoe dps without ever running out of mana etc. I think it's an ego thing, but I haven't crunched any numbers. The lower guns can be useful too, if only in distracting some of the attackers range. All the demos must pass the middle guns, but they're rarely used when the gates are down.