What would you say the learning curve on PvP is?
I've never been really good at pvp but would like to get into it more but I have one big problem, patience. I have terrible patience when it comes to pvp and I tend to try and blow up the target as quick as I can, if that fails I usually get discouraged or I die simply because I used all my resources and have nothing else.
Also since pvp seems to be so much of a quicker pace that once engaged I tend to just forget what I have available, or I forget my keybinds and start wildly trying to click **** while stun locked by a rogue.
I know probably the best way is to simply practice. Stand outside of Org and duel people over and over but dueling never really seems to help me. Probably because people go all out and I tend to make the same mistakes I always do. I've thought about asking some guildies to duel me but not go all out and try to kill me but (since I'm a hunter) try and keep me pinned down and let me work on kiting them and what not to eventually build up confidence before throwing damage at me.
I ran a 3v3 match with some guildies, it was me (hunter), ret, and arms. The ret who is used to pvping says, "ok go cc holy pally and try to blow up the warrior." Well I'm pretty much the cc, I throw out a random ice trap which does nothing really as everyone is already engaged. I start attacking the warrior using concussive shot on a stationary warrior, as well as my silencing shot which really doesn't do too much to him, all the while the holy pally has kept the warrior topped off and my partners end up getting killed while I'm back there doing virtually nothing.
I read up on Theo's Pvp 101, I read up on a beginners guide to pvp on AJ, but a lot of them simply talk about gear/talents/gems and not so much about the best way to learn how to pvp. I know there are topics on "how to pvp against ________" but that stuff simply goes straight through my head when entering a match.
What's a good learning curve on pvp and how do you best go about learning how to pvp.