BeanX wrote:
Kuwoobie wrote:
I'm confused. Didn't Warlords just come out like not very long ago?
They are always saying how they wanted to have a faster Expansion turnover.
Meanwhile, only no-lifers can actually get anywhere in progression, and casuals are left in the dust of the ridiculously fast churning out of content, ESPECIALLY when they time-gate everything, like daily craft cooldowns.
It is part of why I quit back in 6.1, I couldn't keep up with the cooldowns, being a bit casual, the apexis grind, and the ridiculously fast paced development, where only the peeps playing 20+ hours a week could keep up with it.
Designing the game around ADHD-riddled children who demand MOAR CONTENT NAO!!! is not such a great design philosophy IMO.
It only alienates the large casual playerbase, and makes them feel like progression is hopeless.
So if they try to cater to the casuals, then the no-lifers are going to go "pfft, a few minutes every day is all there is to do?" because naturally they'd have to time-gate it.
It's just a mess... I'll take MoP-style development over this anyday.
And this whole Legion thing... I know they claim they knew it was gonna be this early in WoD, but a part of me thinks they wanna put the whole WoD mess behind them ASAP and they are hoping the squees over the artifacts and demon hunters will drum up a huge hype train just like the warlords and garrisons did in WoD.
How'd that turn out for us?
Many people
hated FarmVille Garrisons after it actually came out. But then that could have something to do with them stripping down most of what they touted during the Blizzcon, lol.
I wonder how much of this stuff they are advertising about the artifacts that they're going to leave out by the time Legion finally arrives...