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So, uh...Legion.Follow

#1 Aug 06 2015 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
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I know it has a news post, but someone has to post something on this forum at some point. And I'll be honest, Burning Legion was my favorite part of WoW, so I'm having a real hard time trying to convince myself not to come back for that, even if only to play through the questlines.

#2 Aug 06 2015 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
I'm confused. Didn't Warlords just come out like not very long ago? Smiley: banghead
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#3 Aug 06 2015 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
I'm confused. Didn't Warlords just come out like not very long ago? Smiley: banghead

They are always saying how they wanted to have a faster Expansion turnover.
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#4 Aug 07 2015 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Wait until Maz hears demonhunter and warlock changes.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#5 Aug 09 2015 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
BeanX wrote:
Kuwoobie wrote:
I'm confused. Didn't Warlords just come out like not very long ago? Smiley: banghead

They are always saying how they wanted to have a faster Expansion turnover.

Meanwhile, only no-lifers can actually get anywhere in progression, and casuals are left in the dust of the ridiculously fast churning out of content, ESPECIALLY when they time-gate everything, like daily craft cooldowns.

It is part of why I quit back in 6.1, I couldn't keep up with the cooldowns, being a bit casual, the apexis grind, and the ridiculously fast paced development, where only the peeps playing 20+ hours a week could keep up with it.

Designing the game around ADHD-riddled children who demand MOAR CONTENT NAO!!! is not such a great design philosophy IMO.

It only alienates the large casual playerbase, and makes them feel like progression is hopeless.

So if they try to cater to the casuals, then the no-lifers are going to go "pfft, a few minutes every day is all there is to do?" because naturally they'd have to time-gate it.

It's just a mess... I'll take MoP-style development over this anyday.

And this whole Legion thing... I know they claim they knew it was gonna be this early in WoD, but a part of me thinks they wanna put the whole WoD mess behind them ASAP and they are hoping the squees over the artifacts and demon hunters will drum up a huge hype train just like the warlords and garrisons did in WoD.

How'd that turn out for us?

Many people hated FarmVille Garrisons after it actually came out. But then that could have something to do with them stripping down most of what they touted during the Blizzcon, lol.

I wonder how much of this stuff they are advertising about the artifacts that they're going to leave out by the time Legion finally arrives...
#6 Aug 18 2015 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
It feels forced, but it may be that WoD was a giant stall thrown out to keep people from complaining even more about being stuck on SoO. The way things have been announced, I'm left with the feeling that WoD was also something of a paid buy in for beta testing Legion. Too many things seemed like they didn't have the rough spots worked out, and with Legion looming it seems that they won't get worked out. I feel like WoD is going to be hell to level through on alts after it is not longer current.
#7 Aug 18 2015 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
It feels forced, but it may be that WoD was a giant stall thrown out to keep people from complaining even more about being stuck on SoO. The way things have been announced, I'm left with the feeling that WoD was also something of a paid buy in for beta testing Legion. Too many things seemed like they didn't have the rough spots worked out, and with Legion looming it seems that they won't get worked out. I feel like WoD is going to be **** to level through on alts after it is not longer current.

I also wonder how they are going to handle Garrisons and such... surely they can't allow players to keep churning in tens of thousands of gold per week with Garrisons, but if they remove Garrisons, what then?

They could make it that dinging 101 disables the Garrisons somehow... but then people who want EZ GOLD will just leave alts at 100, lol. They could nerf the rewards, but then that would suck for other reasons.

I always thought they shot themselves in the foot for just handing over stuff for no work. The ORIGINAL garrison model they gave us at Blizzcon was far better -- aesthetic stuff, sending them into old raids, etc. That had lasting value without breaking the game. We didn't have to go back and slave away at clearing, say, Molten Core or BWL for the 500th time and STILL not get the drop we were after, etc.
#8 Aug 18 2015 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
I also wonder how they are going to handle Garrisons and such... surely they can't allow players to keep churning in tens of thousands of gold per week with Garrisons, but if they remove Garrisons, what then?

Garrisons are certainly going to be one of the loose ends that need to be wrapped up, and hopefully not with a surprise nerf. I'm not sure there are that many people who are making extreme amounts of gold though. I have a decent pile of characters at max level with level 3 taverns, but I simply cannot stand to grind out all the stages for the Garrison and Harrison Jones quests and I gave up almost completely on shipyards.

I hope questing in Legion will be a bit less rigid, and a bit more optional. I'm a fairly serious altoholic and WoD left me hitting certain landmarks with a wince. Every time I see Darktide Roost come up, for example. Pretty much every Harrison Jones quest hit me that way, just because there was a "snap, here we go again" feeling to them.
#9 Aug 18 2015 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I had 23 characters, 12 Horde 11 Alliance, and after doing 4 Alliance to 100...

I couldn't stand to play more than 30min at a time before I started getting bored. I never got a Horde to 100, and with them releasing new content at breakneck speed I knew that there was no way I was gonna get any of that stuff done.

I liked my other characters, but they just didn't give us any alt catchups whatsoever, so I was kinda "meh" and I eventually wound up quitting in March.

I have next to zero desire of continuing, knowing that I'm so far behind that there's just no point in it, and Legion looks to be a lot like WoD... spitting out content as fast as they can without putting any good design thought into it.

If you had asked me back during the height of MoP if I thought I was gonna quit WoW anyday soon, I woulda laughed and said "no!"

But now, look at us. 4 Months into WoD and bam and not even the hypetrain of "ARTIFACTZ!!!!" is gonna change my mind I dun think.

Edited, Aug 18th 2015 10:18pm by Lyrailis
#10 Aug 19 2015 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
I made it though 11 100's (and a 93) before I just overwhelmed myself. (Horde: Rogue, DK, Monk, War, Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Paladin, Druid Alliance: DK, Druid, 93 rogue).

I liked the questing and and finding the items for xp was fun, with random upgrades. But other than making bank off crafting (Approx 1.2 mil) because I was my own supply train from the very start. It just became overwhelming, It was taking an hour to log on collect and restart craft huts and send out minions.

I will probably play the new expansion when it releases to try it out but only because WoW is essentially free for a while due to tokens.

Edited, Aug 19th 2015 1:16am by BeanX
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#11 Aug 19 2015 at 1:36 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
BeanX wrote:
Horde: Rogue, DK, Monk, War, Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Paladin, Druid Alliance: DK, Druid, 93 rogue

Alliance: Hunter x2, Mage x2, Rogue x2, DK x2, Warlock, Priest, Shaman, Paladin, Monk, Druid, Warrior
Horde: Warrior, Hunter, Druid, Monk 97

It was summer break, and I found leveling to be more amusing than the limited raiding I can do. I'm that guy, the one who can't speak to most of the server. The ones that aren't double are mainly 94-96. Alliance, I didn't mind doubling up so that my older account doesn't get left in the dust. Horde, was a different story.

Why, was it just me? I found Horde in WoD to be unbearably clunky. Perhaps it was the feeling of orcs, orcs and more orcs: "Tired of SoO? Well, you can have orc huts in snow so you can help orcs fight orcs, and as you go along you can discover ... more orcs." It didn't work for me, the Alliance story seemed better developed.

I'll keep playing, but I hope they get their storytelling smoothed out.

#12 Aug 19 2015 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
BeanX wrote:
Horde: Rogue, DK, Monk, War, Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Paladin, Druid Alliance: DK, Druid, 93 rogue

Alliance: Hunter x2, Mage x2, Rogue x2, DK x2, Warlock, Priest, Shaman, Paladin, Monk, Druid, Warrior
Horde: Warrior, Hunter, Druid, Monk 97

It was summer break, and I found leveling to be more amusing than the limited raiding I can do. I'm that guy, the one who can't speak to most of the server. The ones that aren't double are mainly 94-96. Alliance, I didn't mind doubling up so that my older account doesn't get left in the dust. Horde, was a different story.

Why, was it just me? I found Horde in WoD to be unbearably clunky. Perhaps it was the feeling of orcs, orcs and more orcs: "Tired of SoO? Well, you can have orc huts in snow so you can help orcs fight orcs, and as you go along you can discover ... more orcs." It didn't work for me, the Alliance story seemed better developed.

I'll keep playing, but I hope they get their storytelling smoothed out.

It also helps that Shadowmoon Valley is this beautiful place with glowing foilage, and nice moonlight day and night.

Meanwhile, Frostfire Ridge is just another orc village in the snowy wasteland.

Seriously, why is it that Orcs always live in the wasteland? Oh, right, because they believe in deforesting everything, lol.

I'd like them to expand upon the Tauren or something, if they were to do more Horde focused stuff... if only the Horde Garrison had been in, say, Nagrand, and the Tauren were the leaders and we used tauren buildings..... now.... that... woulda been cool.
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