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#1 Dec 17 2012 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Man what weekend. The company Christmas party Friday night was a lot of fun. Working my Saturday on the rotation was not. Yesterday was exhausting. I got the last couple of things I needed to finish peoples' Christmas presents and got myself a new phone from Best Buy.

What did you guys accomplish this weekend?
#2 Dec 17 2012 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Had a WoW-tastic Saturday. Sunday I don't think I played more than an hour or two Smiley: lol On the plus side, I managed to get almost all of my goals met... I need new goals Smiley: glare

1. Finish the last Way of the Cook (Steamer, maybe? I forget). I only have one left, and already have all the tokens I need and all the veggies I need. Need to farm up some meat!

Completed this on Sunday. Still need to get the Nomi bell. Guess that's my next goal?
2. Run the Shieldwall dailies every day. I don't know why, but I REALLY enjoy them. They're fast and easy (usually done in under 20 minutes), and they reveal the storyline quite nicely.

Done. Sitting just shy of Revered right now.
3. Maybe do Scenaturdist tomorrow, as I only have two Scenarios left for it.

Had to select them directly, but finished at last!
4. Run some heroics. To date, I've only done... 4? at level 90. But my ilevel is 472, so really I don't think I have much to be worried about. And I could use the Valor Points.

No luck here.
5. Probably run Golden Lotus, though it's like pulling teeth. Still need to hit Revered.

Ran like 5 of them on Friday, and that's all. These dailies are like pulling teeth.
6. Pet battle dailies, for the chance at an upgrade stone! 15 bags opened so far, no stones. And none from wild fights (and I've leveled 2 pets up to 25 since 5.1 came out!). Stupid rare stones... I want my Fluxfire to be rare, darn it!

Well, I managed to get 3 stones throughout the weekend; 2 from bags, one from battle. Humanoid, Flying, and Critter. LAME! So my fluxfire is still only uncommon. And still awesome.
7. Start working on my collection of hard counters to pet battles. My magic counter is level 17 right now. I need to pick up a snail for an elemental counter, a turtle for undead counter, a jade owl for aquatic counter, and any elemental for a mechanical counter. Maybe a Scourged Whelpling for a Dragon-killer, though I hear they are rare as all heck.
8. If I get some of those hard counters up, complete the trainers of Northrend quest. I've downed two of the trainers so far, but Nearly Headless Jacob gave me such a tough time that I think Major Payne will wipe the floor with me.

Had amazing success with this. Raised two hard counters to 25 (Mechanical and elemental counters; amethyst shardling and Rapana Whelk, IIRC). Also raised a Sea Pony to 25, and named it "Anti-Nishi"... it's the perfect pet for that fight, as you can just Tidal Wave the pets to death while healing every three rounds. Also great for raising a new pet, as you get like 2200 exp. Started raising a bunch more too... jade owl (anti-aquatic), celestial dragon (anti-flying), mechanical pandaran dragonling (anti-magic). But they're overkill. I completed everything. EVERYTHING (well, ok, still have the spirit trainers). Got my safari hat, got my 3000 gold. One-shot every trainer, including Major Payne. Yes, they require some planning, and a lot of fights came down to 1 vs 1, but I always won.

I'm officially a Pokemon Master. Er, battle pet master. Now I need new goals... safaris? Collection achievements? Level achievements? Spirit tamers? Probably all of those, haha.

Edited, Dec 17th 2012 10:59am by LockeColeMA
#3 Dec 17 2012 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
WOW: I didn't get as much game time as I'd hoped, but I got Pandamonium to 88 and about a third of the way to 89. There is something pleasing about the Inkgill refugees yelling "All hail, Pandamonium!"

RL: Poor Pink! It was bad enough that she caught the cold (actually, it is probably a reaction to all the coal smoke) that at least 20 million of Beijing's population seem to have, but she decided that we needed to go out to the big, outdoor market. What could go wrong?

It seldom snows in Beijing, but we've had an unusually steady fall of light snow this year. Like many Southern Chinese, Pink is small -- she swears to 150 cm. Aside from slippers, I don't thing she owns shoes that don't have wedge or high heels. Consider that the heaviest snowfall in 40 years hit her hometown, Changsha, last year. It was as much as 10 cm in some places. Right. Snow, outdoor market, wedge heels. That's just setting the stage. Now, throw in Beijingers who have no idea how to drive in show, racing around an outdoor market on three wheeled delivery carts.

But, Rhode! The question wasn't what did Pink accomplish on the weekend! True, but I have to tell that part of the story to set up the roll of vinyl flooring. First, we ordered some extra shelving for her newest shop, then we hunted down a place that would do a new sign, then we finally got the dog food that she had set out to get. That's where I made the fatal mistake. We were half way across the market. Over the course of a misspent youth, I've managed to injure a good number of joints, tear various muscles and I have chronic pain. I figured that if I wasn't worn out, Pink wouldn't be. I'd forgotten the wedge heels and gave in to my cheese addiction. Granted, the shop was on the far side of the market, but we were half way there! By the time we got there, she was exhausted, and the shop was closed. On the way back to the gate, she stopped in the furnishing place and bought a large roll of vinyl flooring to add to the load I was hauling around. I suspect that she figured if I had enough energy to drag her all over, I could carry a bit more. Smiley: eek

Sunday, we had lunch at a place near her other shop. I overheard her telling the owner that she was tired ... because I hauled her all over the market the day before. Smiley: laugh

#4 Dec 17 2012 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
1,080 posts
Christmas party was awesome, my gf was the volunteer designated driver. Did random dailies, no pet hunting tho. I kept smelling cookies baking, and had to supervise that. So between cookies and my mom's birthday cake, I got an early start on my Christmas sugar overdose. /thumbs up

(we need a thumbs up smiley)
#5 Dec 17 2012 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Smiley: thumbsup
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#6 Dec 17 2012 at 12:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
TherealLogros wrote:

- Friday: Maybe a calm evening with one or two friends, watching a movie or something. <- Was even calmer than expected since everyone I knew either was out drinking (which I wasn't in the right mood for) or completely unavailable. Watched some episodes of Breaking Bad instead.
- Saturday: Going to the gym. In the evening going out and most likely drinking way to much. Looking forward to it! <- Did go to the gym :flex: And was out and drank enough to be pretty wasted. But not too much, thankfully.
- Sunday: Regret every gulp of beverage I had Saturday night and all the stupid things I did and said. Calling a few people to apologize. Smiley: lol <- Had a mild hangover but at least no regrets to anything related to the night before.


- Getting the 13 Winter Veil achievements I am missing. Plus the Winter Veil meta. Plus the Long, Strange Trip meta. <- Got some Winter Veil achievements done. But did not finish it up.
- Somehow having either Elegon or Will of the Emporer drop a Casterweapon. I did every LFR every ID and those two bosses on Normal mode since my guild is able to down them (barring one ID when I was away). And I STILL run around with an upgraded 471 blue weapon. /rage <- We did not enter Mogu'shan Vaults so no weapon for me. But we finally downed Garalon and started working on the boss after him. Can't remember the name but I think we will see him fall, too, next ID.
- Push Klaxxi to 999/1000. <- Done!
- Do August Celestial Dailies every day. It's time I learned to do those enchants. <- Some progress here but still need 1 or 2 more days to hit revered.
- Play my warrior alt a bit. Maybe this will be the first expansion I have not one but two *gasp* characters at max level. <- Nope.

Edited, Dec 17th 2012 1:24pm by TherealLogros
#7 Dec 17 2012 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Are you playing on an emulator or console?

They are games that I have sitting around for over a decade for the PS1. Didn't really get into a computer until I started playing WoW and even then I don't play on the computer too much.

RL- Finished Breath of Fire 3 the other day. Quite surprised on how easy I had it. Played through it when I was younger and it was tough for me back then. I got to thinking about it and I believe it is due to WoW that I find games like that easier. Gogo increased critical thinking skill!

Working on Final Fantasy 4 now. Again I remember really struggling with the Antlion boss but this time it was run in and roflstomp time. Hopefully I will be done with that game by Monday so that I can start working on Chrono Trigger.

Beat Final Fantasy 4 and working on Chrono Trigger now. Was fun playing through FF4 while listening to the TGS play through FF6. #swaggerjacker
#8 Dec 17 2012 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Smiley: thumbsup

Thank you, I never look further than the smiley list lmao. /lazy
#9 Dec 17 2012 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Yay for unexpected progress!

Managed to grab a couple levels on my Alliance DK on a whim (well, more like a level and 20% or something like that), grabbed a level on that paladin I've been trying to get up, and managed to kill a lot of pandaren rares now that I've gotten the hang of them.

My Horde DK is only missing Korda Torros and Major Nanners for [Glorious!] and that's it. Just those two. Major Nanners is bugged until at least the restarts tomorrow (he's standing in place with 80% health and is evading everything thrown at him) and Korda Torros is never out because he's in a popular questing area. I will nail his sorry *bleep* one of these days, though.

Major Nanners.... bleck. I don't like the idea of fighting him. It'd be nice if they didn't put all of those stupid elite monkeys around him... it'd only take one idiot to swoop in and steal claim on Nanners while I'm trying to pluck off a couple of his friends to pull him down into the pond... that's why I wish they wouldn't put so much junk around rares.
#10 Dec 17 2012 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Best thing to do with him is hug the mountain and range pull him. If done correctly you will never have to deal with any of the elites around there plus you will have the pond to your back. I killed him about half a dozen times before the majority of the WoW population got to 90.
#11 Dec 17 2012 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Criminy wrote:
Best thing to do with him is hug the mountain and range pull him. If done correctly you will never have to deal with any of the elites around there plus you will have the pond to your back. I killed him about half a dozen times before the majority of the WoW population got to 90.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking -- stand in the pond and inch up to the hill between the pond and him, but there's 2 Elites in the way that you must kill first. If you pull him, you'll get those 2 elites too.

Now, I'm a Blood DK -- I can tank him and his wimpy elites (they have ridiculous health, but hit like wet noodles), but I'm worried about the elites distracting me when I'm trying to dodge bananarangs and his jumping.
#12 Dec 17 2012 at 9:28 PM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
RL - had a good time at the x-mas party on Saturday evening. Watched a bunch of back episodes of Boardwalk Empire with the wife on Sunday. Played hockey Sunday night...had fun but we got killed 9-3.

WoW - managed to squeeze in enough play time to ding 90 at 12:05 Sunday night. Picked up a couple pets, but really did little trying...was focused on leveling. Now to start gearing up. That'll have to wait though, since I'm out of town all week until the 23rd.

Happy Holidays all!
#13 Dec 18 2012 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
RL: Saw life of pi with my girlfriend and rise of the guardians with her and my niece and nephew. Celebrated my sisters and her boyfriends birthdays. not much else :)

Wow: Ntm done recently just the occasional dailies and rare spawn farming, 5 away from glorious, just missing those few jade forest ones.
#14 Dec 18 2012 at 3:17 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts

Scourged whelpling is the 1 I'm missing for the Northrend safari.
Baby ape needed for EK safari.
Need the giraffe, silithid and Quiraji guy for Kalimdor (I know the one isn't available til summer grr)
Then onto Pandaria as I haven't really done any pet battling there at all yet.
Oh, and the classic raids, still need the pets from them and have never run any of them.

So, I'll probably do August dailies on my lock - I think he needs about 2-3 days still to exalted, maybe the shieldwall dailies, and possibly scenaturdist. The rest of the time will probably be spent on my horde hunter doing pet battles and the old raids. Maybe even finally get him the other 75% of a level up to 90.

I have still never seen the giraffe, silithid, baby ape, or scourged whelpling so those are my current nemeses.

Got the giraffe, baby ape, and silithid. Still no scourged whelp after several runs though the area.

My work schedule has changed so I'm off sun/mon now - not much play time saturday, sunday was my daughter's 16th so was busy much of that day as well. I managed to run the old raids, or at least most of them - fun stuff since I'd never seen any of them.

AQ ruins went pretty well. AQ temple gave me a couple problems. I've learned now that I need to have frost damage for the slime guy, which cuts a few possible runners out for me. And after numerous attempts with several toons, I still haven't been able to finish the whole place. While the 2 emperors stumped me on a couple toons, I managed to burn them down on my lock, but then couldn't seem to get past C'thun. The stomach thing seems to just be a brick wall.

MC was fairly easy - the first time I did it I had no idea of the layout really so ended up going back and forth way more than needed but the next time through I got the order down and it went quickly.

BWL . .I got stuck on the 2nd boss on my DK. Whatever that insta-gib thing is got me every time for a dozen or so attempts. My Dk's only 85 though. I was going to try it on my lock but couldn't get in for some reason - that QM didn't drop the quest thing outside and the orb to get in just popped up some message about glowing slightly or something. Figure maybe this week I'll look into it more and see what I'm missing.

Naxx, ran 3 wings on the lock. Did all but Military quarter. I wasn't sure how to handle Instructor solo, and frankly by this point just wasn't that interested in trying lol.

Out of all this I got 2 of the Raiding With Leashes drops - 1 from MC (looks like elementium geode, forget the name) and Bone Spider off Maexxna. Still a bunch to go.

After all that, started collecting from Pandaria and got probably 2/3 or so of those.
#15 Dec 18 2012 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

Killed Major Nanners earlier today. Yay!

He kept resetting on me because he kept hopping too far away from his original spawn point, but I DID manage to eventually kill him by Death Gripping him near the end of his Going Bananas channelling. Thankfully, I only got hit once with Going Bananas and it was on the very last one he did and it only took half of my health off and he only had ~80k health left and I finished him off.

That just leaves Korda Torros, that yaungol that never seems to spawn, ever.
#16 Dec 18 2012 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
807 posts
For ice damage on the slime guy in AQ40, there is a vendor in that village of frost women in Northrend that sells white weapons that have frost damage bonus.

Edited, Dec 18th 2012 6:53pm by Xizervexius
#17 Dec 19 2012 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I wrote:
WoW: Take my Monk through Pandaria. Finally hit 85 tonight and am now grinding my way through the Jade Forest. Crazy amount of XP needed and wearing entry level Cataclysm gear makes for slow progress. Good thing I've got all weekend. Smiley: grin

Well, made it to 86 and then decided that my Warlock is still the most fun class to play in MoP, but being cheap (read: poor student), I decided to start a new character instead of transferring and faction-changing my old one. Made it to level 30.

Edited, Dec 19th 2012 11:02am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Dec 19 2012 at 5:42 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Well done Maz! Good to see you shaking off the ennui and having fun again.
#19 Dec 20 2012 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Mazra wrote:
I wrote:
WoW: Take my Monk through Pandaria. Finally hit 85 tonight and am now grinding my way through the Jade Forest. Crazy amount of XP needed and wearing entry level Cataclysm gear makes for slow progress. Good thing I've got all weekend. Smiley: grin

Well, made it to 86 and then decided that my Warlock is still the most fun class to play in MoP, but being cheap (read: poor student), I decided to start a new character instead of transferring and faction-changing my old one. Made it to level 30.

Edited, Dec 19th 2012 11:02am by Mazra

I, too, noticed that demo lock is hella fun in MoP.

Much better than that abomination that it was during Cata...
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