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#27 Mar 19 2012 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
How else did you expect Blizz to respond?

To be fair, it wasn't just the o-boards. In fact trying to tie the reaction exclusively to the often rightly maligned o-boards is a little disingenuous. The community as a whole and even most media sites with a focus on gaming responded with an "Ummmm..." at best and outright derision as kind of a standard.

Since the lackluster announcement they have had to try and convince the community that "item squish is good, mega damage bad", which they later ended up throwing out all together. They have had to actively respond in detailed dev blogs to address pretty universal and obvious concerns with the new talent point system. They have also had to rebrand the storyline and focus of the expansion.

I don't believe that being put into a position where I am being asked how I would try to handle the fact that they have lost control of the perception of the expansion and reeling to redefine it already is my job. My point is solely to bring attention to the fact that this is happening and that after an expansion that was universally held to be a flop its not all that great of a start.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#28 Mar 19 2012 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I still don't understand why everyone is so up in arms over the talent system, IMO.

I love it. With some tweaks, it could be one of the most awesome things that have happened to WoW in a very long time.

But anyways...

Yes, Cataclysm kinda flopped. That's what happens when you listen to the vocal minority (the elite whining about Wrath being "too easy").

I dunno, I guess I'm the sort of person who is going "how about we lay off Blizz and let them develop their game", because sometimes I really think the players should just cut them some slack instead of being so damned picky all the time. "OMG, PANDAS!?" ... coming from the same playerbase who begged for Pandas in every single WoW expansion to date. They give them to us and then they go "wtf, what is this!?" *rolls eyes* ya ok.
#29 Mar 19 2012 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
I still don't understand why everyone is so up in arms over the talent system, IMO.

Because in Cataclysm they simplified and gave us the same line when they shrunk down the talent trees and they actually killed what little choice there was.

Then there are the MoP talent trees themselves. They are cookie cutter, and even the revised talent trees there is no real choice. I can think of 1 talent tier level, for maybe 5 classes tops where players are presented with an interesting choice. For the majority of classes each tier has clearly superior pve or pvp choices and you are left to 1-2 fluff choices that are cosmetic. Once again, that isn't from the O-board WoW Stars, anyone who has a semi discerning eye caught that right off the hop.

At best you will have 1 option that doesn't matter. The rest will be even more cookie cutter and restrictive than what we currently have. Which really doesn't solve the problem, does it? Hence the criticism.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#30 Mar 19 2012 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
I still don't understand why everyone is so up in arms over the talent system, IMO.

Because in Cataclysm they simplified and gave us the same line when they shrunk down the talent trees and they actually killed what little choice there was.

Then there are the MoP talent trees themselves. They are cookie cutter, and even the revised talent trees there is no real choice. I can think of 1 talent tier level, for maybe 5 classes tops where players are presented with an interesting choice. For the majority of classes each tier has clearly superior pve or pvp choices and you are left to 1-2 fluff choices that are cosmetic. Once again, that isn't from the O-board WoW Stars, anyone who has a semi discerning eye caught that right off the hop.

At best you will have 1 option that doesn't matter. The rest will be even more cookie cutter and restrictive than what we currently have. Which really doesn't solve the problem, does it? Hence the criticism.

Solves lots of problems:

1). Less chance of failure. I don't like seeing people entering my heroics missing core must-have talents because they either didn't see that talent when they were clicking on the talents, or they just didn't realize how important that talent really was.

2). Less chance of MYSELF failing. Just earlier today, I couldn't figure out why my horde druid was crawling along so slowly in cat form. Here, I somehow forgot to take the +30% movement speed talent in the first tier. Derp. 33g respec fee, go! I took talents to get down to the end of the tree and thought "I'd go back in and fill the rest in" but I somehow forgot while leveling him. This won't be a problem in MoP.

3). In regards to that... I hate respeccing with a purple passion. You sit there going "okay, this this this... oh wait next tier just lit up but there's still stuff I want! I hope I don't run out of points..." or "Okay I just got to the bottom of the tree... time to take those super-duper Tier1s in the other trees that barely even affect me. Do I want +1% healing or do I want +1% damage, gee choices choices"

4). I hate leveling with the current talent system. "I finally gained a talent point! Okay, I can get Hammer of the Righteous, OR, I can lower the chance I receive a crit by 3%! I need both by the end, but I can't have both right now, I gotta wait 6 stinking levels". In MoP, well, they give us all the important stuff at levels we're meant to have it and that's that.

5). Regarding the "choice", there never was any choice, not even back in Wrath. If you had anything BUT the cookie-cutter builds, you were omgterribad. You got laughed at, or kicked. So, if you say that MoP Talents are Cookie-Cutter, then uh... it isn't like they got worse. There's the ILLUSION of choice in Cataclysm talents, but there's not really any "choice" there, is there? Every other tier MIGHT have an OPTIONAL talent you could take, but more often than not, when you take one of those, it is a "meh, I need the next tier to light up but its saying I gotta take one more so I guess I have to" ... that just sucks.

6). Talent tiers suck. Okay, so I filled out my Tier 3 talents, took everything I'm interested in. DING! new talent point. I want a Tier 4 talent, but.. "You need 15 points in blah blah talents to take this" ... I only have 14. So I MUST take another talent somewhere in the tree, even though there's nothing I even want. Let's say I'm a Prot Paladin and I WANT freaking HAMMER OF THE RIGHTEOUS already, but... OMG you MUST MUST MUST have 15 Prot Talents! Grrrrr. What if I took everything I want from the Prot Tree so far? No, you're going to MAKE me take some +2% healing or some-crap talent, and THEN I gotta wait another TWO levels?

7). Most of the Live talents are MUST-HAVES anyways, so why not just give them for free? Again, Cat Form +30% movement speed. Other than accidentally failing to click the button, who wouldn't take it? That should be built into the class, naturally. Or Hammer of the Righteous for Prot Paladins. Or Devastate for Prot Warriors. Those should be given from the get-go, and aren't "choices" at all.

I like the new tree better. You level your class, get your abilities as you level, and every 15 levels, you pick 1 of three new abilities. They just need to do further tweaking. Sure, they might seem "cookie cutter", but it isn't any worse than what we had before.

Edited, Mar 19th 2012 10:06pm by Lyrailis
#31 Mar 19 2012 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
It doesn't solve a problem, it perpetuates one.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#32 Mar 19 2012 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
It doesn't solve a problem, it perpetuates one.

The problem is, there is no clear "solution" to the "problem".

No matter what sort of talent or choice system you make, everyone who is into serious progression raiding or competitive PvP will number crunch the everliving Hell out of it and they WILL come up with a "cookie cutter" build.

Cookie Cutters are going to exist no matter what you do.

They existed in Vanilla, they existed in BC, in Wrath, and in Cataclysm.

The only difference is that each expansion is slowly whittling away at the "useless" or "broken" build possibilities, which allows a lot less failure. At the end of the day, the last thing you want is for a player to damage his own character to the point they aren't functional, nor should a player be required to look up EJ or somecrap just to figure out how to properly talent his character.

My memories of Vanilla are fuzzy, but I remember BC being a confusing mess of "what talents to take next?" and having to look up classes that I played frequently. Wrath was a little less so, and now Cataclysm gave us that "spec lock" thing which helped out some too.

But when it is all said and done... why make players click buttons when 90% of that is "must-have" anyways? Just give the must-haves, and let people choose the other 10%.

They just need to do further tweaking to the choices that they do have.

Players need to realize we don't need a talent system at all. Just give us a few abilities we can choose. You already have 3 roles/specs for each class (druid has 4), that's more than enough choice.
#33 Mar 19 2012 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Rift would argue your theory. It is possible to create a situation with multiple paths to "Win".

I believe Holy Paladin in T8/9/10 in WotLK was an example of this. One could gem/spec for HL or FoL spam and both were competitive and different. It comes down to what Blizzard used to be really good at, but seemed to have lost along the way. Thinking their way out of boxes. /shrug.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#34 Mar 19 2012 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Rift would argue your theory. It is possible to create a situation with multiple paths to "Win".

I believe Holy Paladin in T8/9/10 in WotLK was an example of this. One could gem/spec for HL or FoL spam and both were competitive and different. It comes down to what Blizzard used to be really good at, but seemed to have lost along the way. Thinking their way out of boxes. /shrug.

Never played a Holy Paladin I'll admit, but uh.

For everyone 1 class (well, spec) that could do that, most of the others couldn't.

I'm content with the new system. I like it. It more fits the model of the 'relaxing fun' model of MMORPG that WoW has become. A game you log on to relax and have some fun.

Not something you have to do piles of homework to be functional with. I remember the days of having to look up class forums, EJ, etc just to get an idea of how to play my class in a group setting.

I'd rather just log on and have some fun and not have to do homework, to be honest.

But then I suppose more elite players might disagree. *shrugs*
#35 Mar 19 2012 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I don't believe that talent trees were ever anything more than a quick google search in terms of finding what you needed. Expertise Cap, Hit Cap, and Armor Pen, that is another issue, but it is not the issue at hand. That being said the old model was broken. The new model is nothing but that issue refined. As I stated before, replacing one broken model with a slightly simpler version of the same broken model is why a majority of the player base is critical of it. That criticism has been loud enough and persistent enough that Blizzard has spent a significant amount of time trying to convince players otherwise.

As for Elitism, I raided top end, for a long time. I don't really buy into players who talk about content needing to be "uber difficult" or how new content is lulz. If only because the vast majority of those people are mid tier raiders who never downed real content while it was current. The vast majority of the top 100 world players I have had the joy of playing with are outside of that discussion entirely and we secretly mock the terribads that didn't down Lich King HM while it was current or raid Sunwell Plateau who seem to do the majority of moaning about how easy the game has become.

Edited, Mar 19th 2012 10:53pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#36 Mar 19 2012 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
I don't believe that talent trees were ever anything more than a quick google search in terms of finding what you needed. Expertise Cap, Hit Cap, and Armor Pen, that is another issue, but it is not the issue at hand. That being said the old model was broken. The new model is nothing but that issue refined. As I stated before, replacing one broken model with a slightly simpler version of the same broken model is why a majority of the player base is critical of it. That criticism has been loud enough and persistent enough that Blizzard has spent a significant amount of time trying to convince players otherwise.

My point is...

If you could Google the best "Cookie-Cutter Talent Build" and then click the buttons.....


....what's the difference between that and just giving you 90% of that for free without having to click buttons at all?

Same damn thing in the end run, the only difference is that you don't have to click the buttons and it is impossible to click the wrong ones and break your character.

Sure, similar issues arise, but uh. I'd rather have it this way. Better than the old.

Sure, it won't give you a lot of choice and you'll still have cookie-cutter going on, but it is still better than talents are now.

As for Elitism, I raided top end, for a long time. I don't really buy into players who talk about content needing to be "uber difficult" or how new content is lulz. If only because the vast majority of those people are mid tier raiders who never downed real content while it was current. The vast majority of the top 100 world players I have had the joy of playing with are outside of that discussion entirely and we secretly mock the terribads that didn't down Lich King HM while it was current or raid Sunwell Plateau who seem to do the majority of moaning about how easy the game has become.

Edited, Mar 19th 2012 10:53pm by bodhisattva

I'm not a raider really, and even I know that saying something is "too easy" without actually doing it is absolutely stupid.

But yes, sadly people do it.

And you say "Okay, where's your Herald of the Titans achievement!?" and they go "Pfft, that's too ridiculous".

*rolls eyes*


But it is nice to talk to at least one guy who didn't look down his Seattle Space Needle Nose at everyone else. A top-end raider, who Doesn't come across as stuck up in their everyday posts? That's nice to see. Kudos for that.

Seems most of the "old vet" raiders I ever talked to, are the ridiculous stuck up ones. Or maybe I'm just unlucky. Dunno.
#37 Mar 19 2012 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
But we come back to "....what's the difference between that and just giving you 90% of that for free without having to click buttons at all? ". None, other than a cosmetic one. Which is why the community is unhappy. Which is my response to your statement that you can't understand why the community would be unhappy with it.

It is almost the same conversation that was there when people compared Cataclysm healing to WotLK healing. You had crazy people on both sides trying to argue their side. All the while they missed the actual point; Both were broken. Much like Cata vs MoP talent trees. There are viable alternatives that are interesting and allow for individual play styles without being uber elite and requiring people to break out a scientific calculator in order to understand the implications of their choices. Sadly, Blizzard did not choose to go that route and we are left with a new face on and old problem.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#38 Mar 19 2012 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
But we come back to "....what's the difference between that and just giving you 90% of that for free without having to click buttons at all? ". None, other than a cosmetic one. Which is why the community is unhappy. Which is my response to your statement that you can't understand why the community would be unhappy with it.

Well, there is at least *improvement*.

Doesn't fix the core problem, but yet it at least makes improvements and does fix some side-related problems.

And I'm not convinced that it is "broken" for the reasons you say it is "broken", but then that's just personal preferences I think.

Edited, Mar 19th 2012 11:29pm by Lyrailis
#39 Mar 19 2012 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
And I'm not convinced that it is "broken" for the reasons you say it is "broken",

Blizz wrote:
For Mists of Pandaria, we want to move toward something that feels more flexible, yet eliminates many of the flaws of the old system at the same time

We agree that both systems suffer the same flaws, that there has only been cosmetic changes. Did they accomplish their goal of eliminating the flaws in the old system then? Blizzard keeps trying to bring utility into the game all while creating a pve environment that punishes utility. But that last sentence is a thread unto itself.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#40 Mar 19 2012 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
We agree that both systems suffer the same flaws, that there has only been cosmetic changes. Did they accomplish their goal of eliminating the flaws in the old system then? Blizzard keeps trying to bring utility into the game all while creating a pve environment that punishes utility. But that last sentence is a thread unto itself.

They did eliminate many flaws with the MoP system.

Its just the "core problem" (that you describe) isn't one of them. Check my earlier list higher in the thread for a list of flaws they DID fix with this new system.
#41 Mar 20 2012 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
Boubouille wrote:
So, when is the Mists of Pandaria Beta?

A lot of you keep asking, let’s try to answer.

The Mists of Pandaria Beta is “soon” as far as I know. I don’t mean “probably in a month” soon. I mean that if Blizzard is still following their original plan, you will most likely see it this week. If it’s not this week, it will be the next one. I don’t think any Friends & Family Alpha will be involved this time, however, Blizzard employees are still able to invite people as far as I know.


Wow. That was... unexpected. Though, I guess not entirely unsurprising, given the state things were described as during the press tour. Most zones are already finished, and it sounds like a lot of the class design work has been done.

So... yeah. Beta time.
#42 Mar 20 2012 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
1). Less chance of failure. I don't like seeing people entering my heroics missing core must-have talents because they either didn't see that talent when they were clicking on the talents, or they just didn't realize how important that talent really was.

You'll have the same problem with the new talent trees and any future talent trees that provide choice. Instead of failing to allocate 41 talent points correctly, you'll just have people failing to allocate six talent points correctly.

The talent trees are also a minor reason why people are failing. When someone is doing 2.5k DPS at level 85, it has less to do with the talents they chose and more to do with them only pressing one button every 10 seconds. I've seen Hunters with a cookie cutter Survival spec use nothing but Arcane Shot and Steady Shot (I kid you not), averaging 4k DPS in a level 85 heroic - and they were wearing raid gear.

At some point, we have to draw a line and let evolution do its thing. If you're too stupid to win, you're too stupid to play the game. It's not like it's a difficult game in the first place. I bet I could take any class into a heroic with a 0/0/0 build and still outperform some people in cookie cutter builds. I say this because my Druid, with a 0/0/0 build, does more than 2.5k DPS with auto-attack alone.

TL;DR: People are stupid and holding their hands won't make them smarter.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#43 Mar 20 2012 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Blizzard keeps trying to bring utility into the game all while creating a pve environment that punishes utility.

My thoughts as well.

I've been plenty happy with the talent trees over the years. But most of the fun with the talents was doing things like PvP or soloing old content or something where the 'glass cannon' approach wasn't ideal. Anytime I changed my spec around for PvE was pretty much for a gimmick encounter, or to make up from the fact our tank healer was sick or something. I think I've blabbered about this before, but in my mind at least, the old talent trees don't seem like they're realistically going to work unless there's a good consistent reason to drop the 'max power' spec. in the PvE content. With 31 different class/spec combinations in the game, it's hard to justify adding utility that another spec can likely grab more easily. I'm guessing blizz more or less is admitting defeat on this front and moving on.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#44 Mar 20 2012 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
We're giving you a new race with lots of classes to choose from!
We're giving you a new class available to many races!
We're only giving you one new character slot...
Yeah, there are going to be more Pandaren Monks running around than there were Blood Elf Paladins after BC launched.

My boyfriend pointed out why it would have been a bad decision on Blizz's part to let you put all 50 of your allotted characters on one server. He said that if they did that then many people with multiple accounts would just transfer their characters to a single account and cancel the others. It would have been nice but I can see the point. Two slots doesn't seem unreasonable though. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them separate the lists for Alliance and Horde characters and let us have 11 slots for each faction per server. Heh

The whole Siege of Org is a pretty daring concept. I'm looking forward to seeing how they can make the story lead to that without making it seem 'lame' that the Alliance can conquer Org without actually ending the war between the factions. I wonder who else will be bosses in that raid. Gallywix is pretty universally unliked though he doesn't seem the type to actually commit to standing by Garrosh's side if push came to shove. They could take this in so many directions since the announcement was rather void of details. Garrosh and Varian could both be so lost to rage and anger that they both end up getting killed off. Garrosh could succumb to the power of one of the new 'sha' villains and we'd have to free him from it by nearly killing him and then let him give up his Warchief title in utter shame. Syl could stage a coup and end up replacing him setting up an even worse leader situation for the next expansion. It does seem odd that they would try so hard in Cata to show off that he does have honor and is trying to be a good leader only to have him go off the deep end with crazy dictatorial behavior in Mists.

Who will replace Garrosh as the new Warchief? I kind of hope that they don't just give it back to Thrall. As much as I like and respect Thrall, he has moved too far beyond that stage of his life. Saurfang is pretty awesome but he's also quite old and probably wise enough to find a way to avoid taking on the responsibility of Warchief. I'm guessing that maybe they will introduce a new character (or pull one introduced in one of the other expansions) to groom as the new Orc leader and Warchief. They could also go with a non-Orc Warchief but if they did, they would still need to find a leader for the Orcs as well. Syl would be a bad choice unless they have something in mind for her in the following expansion. Baine would be good though he's still young and maybe a bit unsure of himself though that could be fixed with good storytelling in Mists. Vol'jin is a wise leader but I doubt that he would take on the Warchief title unless it was a temporary thing. The other two racial leaders would be poor choices as they would not be likely to get the support of the Orcs or some of the other races.
#45 Mar 20 2012 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
morghast wrote:
We're giving you a new race with lots of classes to choose from!
We're giving you a new class available to many races!
We're only giving you one new character slot...
Yeah, there are going to be more Pandaren Monks running around than there were Blood Elf Paladins after BC launched.

Was kind of a disappointment for me too. I want a panda, and I want a monk. With only 11 slots those have to be the same character, or I have to delete one, or race change, or roll on a different server. Kind of a bummer. 12 would have been nice.

morghast wrote:

My boyfriend pointed out why it would have been a bad decision on Blizz's part to let you put all 50 of your allotted characters on one server. He said that if they did that then many people with multiple accounts would just transfer their characters to a single account and cancel the others.

Not to mention 50 characters on 1 server would be an awful high gold cap. I could see a more market manipulation happening with 5x the gold at someone's disposal.

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#46 Mar 20 2012 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
morghast wrote:

The whole Siege of Org is a pretty daring concept. I'm looking forward to seeing how they can make the story lead to that without making it seem 'lame' that the Alliance can conquer Org without actually ending the war between the factions. I wonder who else will be bosses in that raid. Gallywix is pretty universally unliked though he doesn't seem the type to actually commit to standing by Garrosh's side if push came to shove. They could take this in so many directions since the announcement was rather void of details. Garrosh and Varian could both be so lost to rage and anger that they both end up getting killed off. Garrosh could succumb to the power of one of the new 'sha' villains and we'd have to free him from it by nearly killing him and then let him give up his Warchief title in utter shame. Syl could stage a coup and end up replacing him setting up an even worse leader situation for the next expansion. It does seem odd that they would try so hard in Cata to show off that he does have honor and is trying to be a good leader only to have him go off the deep end with crazy dictatorial behavior in Mists.

In one of the developer interviews they talked about how they want to contrast Varian and Garrosh. Both start out in similar places, deeply flawed, but where Garrosh falls Varian will rise. Apparently there are going to be a series of quests in-game (hopefully not Alliance only if Horde's storming Orgrimmar too) where he grows into a character of the quality of Uther and Lothar (character development that isn't in a book? OMG!). Meanwhile Garrosh has some bits of honor but he's going to lose those as the expansion goes on. The mentality the dev used was "Hit them so hard their grandchildren come out dizzy, burn a hole in their race's memory."

It seemed very cognizant that we don't love Varian right now and that their goal is to make us love him, not just tell us he's lovable now or that we can learn why by buying some books. Hopefully this doesn't mean that Orgrimmar's going to be Deathwing 2.0 where we watch him do all the big stuff.
#47 Mar 20 2012 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
I think the point here is not so much *how* the talents are gained but that there *is* a cookie-cutter demand to begin with.

Everybody who plays a certain class at a high level is doing the exact same thing. This is the key problem. There is zero room for creativity in speccing or playstyle if you actually want to be good. You absolutely must do x, y, z.

If they actually opened up the talents to more of a sandbox-type system, yes you would have failure, but you would also have, IMO, a far more entertaining and interesting way of approaching the game. And guess what? It would come down to player preference and responsibility to work things out.

But they've continued to move farther and farther away from this system as WoW continues. Remember when DK's could tank from all 3 trees? They all had different strengths and weaknesses but it made for interesting choices. Bodhi already mentioned pally healing, same idea there. But instead of working within that system to address whatever issues they seemed to have caused they just scrapped it and said "well now everybody will be playing X class exactly this way and that's final!"

And even with all that there is still, well over a year later, massive imbalance between classes - even with 1 spec they have to monitor and maintain they still can't seem to find a happy spot to keep potential damage and healing relatively even across classes.

I think the AoE looting sounds like the best thing they're doing here. Is that sad?
#48 Mar 20 2012 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
Pantherfern wrote:

I think the AoE looting sounds like the best thing they're doing here. Is that sad?
it's sad for you if it's the only thing you like, me I’m happy with all the changes.
#49 Mar 20 2012 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
selebrin wrote:
In one of the developer interviews they talked about how they want to contrast Varian and Garrosh. Both start out in similar places, deeply flawed, but where Garrosh falls Varian will rise. Apparently there are going to be a series of quests in-game (hopefully not Alliance only if Horde's storming Orgrimmar too) where he grows into a character of the quality of Uther and Lothar (character development that isn't in a book? OMG!). Meanwhile Garrosh has some bits of honor but he's going to lose those as the expansion goes on. The mentality the dev used was "Hit them so hard their grandchildren come out dizzy, burn a hole in their race's memory."

It seemed very cognizant that we don't love Varian right now and that their goal is to make us love him, not just tell us he's lovable now or that we can learn why by buying some books. Hopefully this doesn't mean that Orgrimmar's going to be Deathwing 2.0 where we watch him do all the big stuff.

One thing that I liked about WoW from the very beginning (back before BC) was that the Alliance wasn't good and the Horde wasn't evil. It seemed like a much more interesting way to go with the game when so many would just paint them as good and evil and leave it like that. It just kind of bugs me a bit when they start leaning towards the Alliance is the side of good and Horde is evil mentality which is what that explanation is kind of feeling like to me. They could have had either of those two leaders go 'bad' and yet they picked the Horde one to discard and the Alliance one to redeem. (I would have rather seen them both go down in flames to show how destructive hate and prejudice can be.) I don't really like Garrosh or Varian and I doubt they could do anything to make me 'love' either one of them but I really hope they can come up with something more interesting than the Horde guy goes evil and good Alliance guy has to lead the charge to fix things. >.>
#50 Mar 20 2012 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
I'm looking forward to seeing all the changes.

I'll definitely play a new monk, and race change my main (or would that be a species change?).
#51 Mar 20 2012 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
I like pandas. I like Kung Fu. Heck I even enjoyed the first Kung Fu panda movie. Haven't seen the second one yet. I was a bit to old when Pokemon hit but I still get it, and would have played it if it hit when I was younger. I played Magic the Gathering instead.

Reading all of this, it looks fun to me. Nothing wrong with fun in my book. I was pretty bored with death and skulls after WoTLK anyway. Not everything has to be death and skulls all the time. I'm sure I will come back a bit before release and for a couple months after. It's always sort of nostalgic when a new XP pack releases. All of my old WoW friends come back online to my server. Looking forward to it. :D
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