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#1 Mar 02 2012 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts

Our recent talent calculator changes led to some players asking questions about how character and item stats were changing, because some spell and talent tooltips suggest that changes are coming. We compiled this list to attempt to explain more of what’s coming in Mists of Pandaria. First of all, please note that we actually aren’t making many stat changes compared to the ones we made in Cataclysm (“armor penetration -- gone!”). Second, the stuff below can get a little technical. If you’re not into the subtle nuance of gear itemization, then don’t worry about it -- you don’t need to be to enjoy the expansion -- but we know there are plenty of you who enjoy some nuts and bolts talk, so here we go.

Spell Resistance

* Spell resistance is gone. There are no buffs that improve it and there shouldn’t be much, if any, spell resist gear left. We always thought the system was hard to understand and we weren’t getting much gameplay out of it. Now taking a step back, we can imagine how to develop a game where you’d want various forms of resist gear for certain situations and opponents. Resist gear could potentially be interesting, but it isn’t currently in World of Warcraft -- the game has just been moving away from that sort of thing for years.

* In the absence of spell resistance, there is no need for spell penetration on gear, so we’ll remove it as well.

Hit and Expertise

* We still think having stats that can be capped is a good game design. Rather than focusing solely on stacking your best stat, you have to decide how valuable it is to hit your target before you go back to stacking your best stat. However, we are making some changes.

* Hit and spell hit will no longer be separate stats. The hit stat negates melee miss and spell miss.

* Expertise will negate dodge and spell miss, then parry.

* Expertise will be listed as a percentage, just like hit, instead of having an intermediary stat.

* We are normalizing hit with expertise, so that 1% of each stat will require the same amount of rating.

* We are normalizing melee and spell hit, so that spell hit is equal to miss plus dodge.

o Against an equal level creature: 6% spell miss, 3% melee miss, 3% dodge, 3% parry (from the front only), 3% block (from the front only).

o Against a +1 level creature: 9% spell miss, 4.5% melee miss, 4.5% dodge, 4.5% parry (from the front only), 4.5% Block (from the front only).

o Against a +2 level creature: 12% spell miss, 6% melee miss, 6% dodge, 6% parry (from the front only), 6% Block (from the front only).

o Against a +3/boss level creature: 15% spell miss, 7.5% melee miss, 7.5% dodge, 7.5% parry (from the front only), 7.5% block (from the front only).

o Ranged attacks will be able to be dodged. Hunters will benefit from expertise and will have it on their gear, which will also allow hunters and Enhancement shaman to share gear more easily.


* The chance to block will be handled by a separate combat roll for each attack that is not avoided. In other words, we first determine if an attack misses, or is dodged or parried. If it is not, then the attack has a chance to be blocked.

* This gives block a consistent value, regardless of avoidance. Currently block becomes more valuable the more you have.

* Block will also have diminishing returns, much like dodge and parry. This doesn’t mean that the value of block will go down as you get more block. It means that it won’t go up by as much when you get more block.

* We don’t expect Protection warriors or paladins to get “block capped” other than during temporary effects, such as mastery procs on trinkets. Block tanks will be balanced around this change. Our intent is to make playing block tanks more fun, not to nerf them.

* Also notice how Shield Block and Shield of the Righteous have changed in Mists.


* All spells and abilities will crit for double damage, baseline. There are a few exceptions where crits can get larger, but the default is x 2.0 for everyone.

* This means that Enhancement shaman spells and rogue poisons will crit for double damage. Rogue poisons will also use the melee hit chance.


* We are renaming this stat to “Defense (PvP)” or possibly “PvP Defense.” All players will have 30% base Defense, the same way all characters have some base Stamina.

* PvP gear will have Defense on it, as well as a new stat, “Power (PvP).” Power increases the damage you do to other players as well as the healing you do to other players in PvP situations.

* If you have a lot of Power, you’ll do more damage to other players, but they likely have Defense as well. If you fight players in lots of PvE gear, they’ll take more damage. Likewise, a player in PvE gear won’t have enough Power to effectively penetrate your Defense.

* The names PvP Power and PvP Defense may not be final, but we’re leaning towards going with stat names that are obviously PvP-related, rather than “fluffier” names that might not be as easy to grasp. We want it to be clear to players that neither Power nor Defense have any relevance when fighting creatures, such as in dungeons or raids.

* PvP gear will be lower in item level than PvE gear of an equivalent tier, however the Power and Defense stats will make sure that PvP gear is more powerful in PvP (both offensively and defensively) than PvE gear. In our budgeting system, the PvP stats will be free rather than causing other stats, such as Strength or haste, to be smaller as a result of including Power or Defense.

* The goal of this change is to make it easier for a PvP player to participate in PvE, or for a PvE player to get started in PvP. Currently, we feel it is too large a barrier to go from one to the other, and the result has been that we see more and more players choosing to focus exclusively on only PvP or PvE. In earlier expansions, it was more feasible to use PvE gear in Arenas or Battlegrounds until you acquired the more useful PvP gear. The same was true of being able to use your PvP gear in a dungeon or raid until you acquired something better. In Cataclysm, stepping into PvP with no PvP gear would result in a player being so ineffective that it was difficult to even make progress towards acquiring PvP gear.

* For the higher-end of PvP or PvE (say Gladiators or heroic raiders), we believe those players will still gravitate towards the dedicated PvP or PvE gear. It is the players who are working towards those two end games that will benefit more from some cross over.

That’s a lot of information, and it probably sounds more set-in-stone than it really is. We’ll continue to iterate as players poke holes in our ideas, tell us what is working out and what isn’t, and finally get to experience it first hand in beta.

My thoughts?

Resilience change in some form will probably be nice. People cheating the ilvl system with PvP gear and people trying to PvP in questing blues are a couple of things that could use a little tweaking. I like the 'PvP Power' idea, as hopefully that helps keep certain PvE items from being too good at PvP.

I'll admittedly miss the different resistances. It was one of the more interesting stats in my mind, but they're right when they say there isn't much use for it in their current model. It's been a while since it was in anyway relevant.

Also lulz at combining hit and spell hit. Smiley: rolleyes


Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 8:32am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2 Mar 02 2012 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I will miss the resist gear a little - more for nostalgia reasons than because I actually use any. I'm hoping the change will make them put some better stats on the old classic resist gear that was meant for AQ and MC. Maybe some of the old crafting recipes will be worth making again for more than transmog reasons? LoL

As to the combining of Spell and Melee Hit, I am hoping that means that it will be easier for me, as an enhancement Shaman, to reach the hit cap. It's kind of annoying being a melee class that is required to reach the spell hit cap.

The PvP stat changes sound good, I think. I don't PvP so I'm just hoping it means that I won't see as many people trying to raid in mostly PvP gear (and failing).
#3 Mar 02 2012 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
436 posts
* Block will also have diminishing returns, much like dodge and parry. This doesn’t mean that the value of block will go down as you get more block. It means that it won’t go up by as much when you get more block.

If it goes up by less and less as you get more, doesn't that mean it's value goes down? I'm confused by this bit. Though admittedly, I haven't had a block tank since mid-wrath (my pally heals, my warrior dps's . .kinda).

I think I like the sound of the PVP changes if I'm understanding it correctly. I don't pvp at all; I have no gear and no room for a 3rd set of gear on most my toons. I thus get obliterated in any pvp attempts and just don't bother. I like the idea of gear that has both a full set of pve stats and pvp stats on it.

Not sure the point of changing Resil to Defense. We had defense. It was a tank stat. They took it away. Now they give it back as a PVP stat to make things more clear? Failed logic IMO.

Similarly, "Power" seems kind of . . .generic and does not scream pvp to me at all.
#4 Mar 02 2012 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Pantherfern wrote:
* Block will also have diminishing returns, much like dodge and parry. This doesn’t mean that the value of block will go down as you get more block. It means that it won’t go up by as much when you get more block.

If it goes up by less and less as you get more, doesn't that mean it's value goes down?

Yeah. I'm guessing whoever wrote this was having a brain fart day.

First of all, please note that we actually aren’t making many stat changes compared to the ones we made in Cataclysm (“armor penetration -- gone!”)
In the absence of spell resistance, there is no need for spell penetration on gear, so we’ll remove it as well.

... Smiley: dubious

I mean, I know it's spell penetration and who cares, but I couldn't help but notice the contradiction.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Mar 02 2012 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Mazra wrote:
Pantherfern wrote:
* Block will also have diminishing returns, much like dodge and parry. This doesn’t mean that the value of block will go down as you get more block. It means that it won’t go up by as much when you get more block.

If it goes up by less and less as you get more, doesn't that mean it's value goes down?

Yeah. I'm guessing whoever wrote this was having a brain fart day.

Negative acceleration, positive velocity! Smiley: nod

Mazra wrote:
First of all, please note that we actually aren’t making many stat changes compared to the ones we made in Cataclysm (“armor penetration -- gone!”)
In the absence of spell resistance, there is no need for spell penetration on gear, so we’ll remove it as well.

... Smiley: dubious

I mean, I know it's spell penetration and who cares, but I couldn't help but notice the contradiction.

That's ridiculous, spell penetration and armor penetration are totally totally different concepts. Smiley: um

But yeah, a stat that was pretty much ignored as people just grabbed the spell pen cloak and went on about their lives. I guess it's not as big of a deal, unlike with armor pen everyone wanted more of it after while, or something like that.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 9:26am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#6 Mar 02 2012 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Pantherfern wrote:
Not sure the point of changing Resil to Defense. We had defense. It was a tank stat. They took it away. Now they give it back as a PVP stat to make things more clear? Failed logic IMO.

Similarly, "Power" seems kind of . . .generic and does not scream pvp to me at all.

It actually DOES make sense to me if I understood the budgeting correctly. If PvP item level is going to be below that of PvP items, and those 2 PvP stats are "free", then it's those that would bring bring the 2 gear sets back on par (more or less).

Like you'd have level 384 PvP gear, and level 397 PvE gear, and Power & Defense from PvP items would add another say 5% to the base 30% damage reduction and 100% damage done, then the PvE gear might very well result in added 5% to damage done at the cost of the 5% damage reduction.

Likewise, 384 PvP gear would be exactly like PvE gear of the same level since the new stats would be free and not reducing Strenght or Agility or whatever at the cost of Resilience. So the 397 PvE-geared player would gain the same 5% damage increase as he would in PvP.
#7 Mar 02 2012 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
436 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Pantherfern wrote:
Not sure the point of changing Resil to Defense. We had defense. It was a tank stat. They took it away. Now they give it back as a PVP stat to make things more clear? Failed logic IMO.

Similarly, "Power" seems kind of . . .generic and does not scream pvp to me at all.

It actually DOES make sense to me if I understood the budgeting correctly. If PvP item level is going to be below that of PvP items, and those 2 PvP stats are "free", then it's those that would bring bring the 2 gear sets back on par (more or less).

Like you'd have level 384 PvP gear, and level 397 PvE gear, and Power & Defense from PvP items would add another say 5% to the base 30% damage reduction and 100% damage done, then the PvE gear might very well result in added 5% to damage done at the cost of the 5% damage reduction.

Likewise, 384 PvP gear would be exactly like PvE gear of the same level since the new stats would be free and not reducing Strenght or Agility or whatever at the cost of Resilience. So the 397 PvE-geared player would gain the same 5% damage increase as he would in PvP.

Right, my point was in the wording. Their primary argument here was in making the terms for PVP stats "clearly PVP oriented." So they rename the one stat that was always a purely PVP stat to a name that used to be a PVE tanking stat? Why not rename Spell Penetration to Armor Penetration while they're at it?

Seems to me that changing names of currently functioning stats just confuses the issue more than needed. Under the new plan as I understand it, why not just add Resil to all current PVE gear (instead of replacing a stat with Resil as it is currently) and call it a day?

Personally, I think an even better idea would be to simply have a talent in one tree of each class that says "Converts x% of [Primary Stat] to Resilience" much like how moonkins, shammies, and priests work with spirit. Then rather than having whole gear sets it would just be a matter of having a pvp spec and performance would increase with general gear increases.
#8 Mar 02 2012 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Negative acceleration, positive velocity! Smiley: nod

Isn't negative acceleration called deceleration? And doesn't deceleration lower the velocity?

Edit: Oh, I see now. You're using them fancy words again. This is where I get off the train (before it accelerates negatively away from me).

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 8:47pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Mar 02 2012 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Mazra wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:
Negative acceleration, positive velocity! Smiley: nod

Isn't negative acceleration called deceleration? And doesn't deceleration lower the velocity?

Exactly, you're slowing down but still moving forward. Smiley: nod
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#10 Mar 02 2012 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
"* Block will also have diminishing returns, much like dodge and parry. This doesn’t mean that the value of block will go down as you get more block. It means that it won’t go up by as much when you get more block."

If it goes up by less and less as you get more, doesn't that mean it's value goes down?


A simplified example@ Going from 98% dodge to 99% dodge will halve the damage you take. Thus, if it takes as much dodge rating to get that last 1% dodge as it does the 50% dodge, your dodge percentage is going up by much less per point, but the value of each point of rating is the same.
#11 Mar 02 2012 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
The PvP Defense/Power changes seem to reflect the model being used in SWTOR.

By increasing output & survivability you make for a much more fluid and dynamic PvP environment. At least when it comes to gearing up. As opposed to WoW which currently gives survivability. Though it tends to punish people who don't have gear, so we will see how far Blizzard actually takes it since they want to keep things open and easy for the general population.

Spell hit being merged with hit is solid for hybrids who had hit cap issues.

Hit and Expertise being merged seems like needless simplification.

Spell Resistance really doesn't matter.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 Mar 02 2012 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

Now many I'll stop seeing useless sh*t with ____ Protection on it.

I hate that so much, I'm hunting rares in Outland/Northrend for free blue crap for alts, and I finally see a rare up that drops something I could use, say a Plate Helmet.


.... nnnnnnnnnnnngh.

Cue much Rage and swearing.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2012 9:04pm by Lyrailis
#13 Mar 02 2012 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
The point for "hit needed = expertise needed" (not a full merge) is hybrid talents. The druid talent that makes caster druids gain expertise equal to half their hit thus means that in hit-only caster gear at cap their melee attacks will have all the expertise they need.
#14 Mar 03 2012 at 6:09 AM Rating: Default
My thoughts (as a casual who just killed the final boss of an expansion using is fishing rod), I really don't pay attention of the subtle nuance of gear itemization, I just go and kill stuff like a game of Whac-A-Mole and stay out of the fire. I leave my spreadsheets for work. Power,resilience,you say potato i say potato.
#15 Mar 03 2012 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
* With respect to dropping ilvl - I'm all for it. The new PVP Defense or Power should have zero item level because they have zero value in PVE. Good call.

* The names: PVP Power & PVP Defense are stupid. They should find better names.

* The further dumbing-down of the Stats worries me. The current state of things has everyone who uses Mana looking at INT as their prime stat. Everyone who's fighting style is "Quick" uses Agility. And strong guys use STR. Secondary stats are only important for people trying to do well in raids. They aren't even needed to do "OK" in raids. I've been Gem'd for INT or INT/Mastery as an Arcane mage... When I roll over to Fire spec (Just for fun) - My DPS isn't "Optimal" but it's not that bad. So long as Every gem is INT or INT/2ndary Stat - you're fine (Generally speaking). (This is also true with Reforging and Enchanting. For example - if you put haste or crit on an item... It's really not going to "make-or-break" your performance unless you're really pushing content)

* Part of dumbing-down is good. Things should be able to be understand, but there's a big difference between understood and stupid easy. I'm not sure I've seen anyone attempt to seriously use Resil for tanking since TBC. I don't think they should be catering to the lowest common denominator. If you're too stupid to realize that nearly everyone else is not using Resil to tank... well then your just too stupid.

* I don't see the changes to HIT as an issue. I didn't notice anything about using 2 1H weapons and the hit-cap for them...

* The changes to Block are big. I don't have any real issues with them (I play Tankadin), but they will be a change. My main worry is that when the mess with stuff like this - they tend to assume they are right, then they proceed from there. (Example is the Cata Healing) My only worry is that they are going to assume that you CAN have two roll systems. Something like this could F' up tanking. We've always seemed to have issues w/ Bear+DK and War+Paly.

* I didn't think that the Crit stuff was a change... Right? I mean what's the big deal.
#16 Mar 03 2012 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
RAWDEAL wrote:
My thoughts (as a casual who just killed the final boss of an expansion using is fishing rod), I really don't pay attention of the subtle nuance of gear itemization, I just go and kill stuff like a game of Whac-A-Mole and stay out of the fire. I leave my spreadsheets for work. Power,resilience,you say potato i say potato.

No game should be easy enough for RAWDEAL to succeed.
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