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Weekend GoalsFollow

#1 Feb 10 2012 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
TGIF!!! Never have I meant those words more than I do today. It has been a bear of a week and I'm hoping for a kitten of a weekend.

WoW Goals:
I don't know if I'll be able to log onto WoW as I have my son this weekend. If I do manage to get on, I'll either grind out some VP on my DK or maybe level a lowbie with a friend of mine.

Real Life Goals:
Getting the income taxes done. Spending time with my son and taking him to the park and chasing him around for some exercise.

What do you guys hope to get accomplished this weekend?
#2 Feb 10 2012 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
Darkmoon Faire - dailies on my main. I should hit exalted with them tonight giving me 55 exalted reputations in the game. Yay!

Love is in the Air - dailies on several characters.

Raid - ICC25 on Saturday evening - continuation, I think - blood and frost wings plus LK if we have time.

I probably won't be hitting my non-wow games this weekend because of the grinding for the holiday mount. I have been spending my non-daily time just questing on alts and collecting charms through that.
#3 Feb 10 2012 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
656 posts
WOW - forgot to "clear" the cataclysm elders on all who are capable of it so I'll be taking care of that today as soon as I get in game so I can let the rest of the event lie for the ones who have to level to have a hope of finishing the event next year. Then figure out who needs what for the Love fest, anyone who only needs an achievement or 2 from it will get the focus until they are done with it and then also those who have a hope of completing it will get more play time while it's on.

RL - not much, maybe sort out the freezer better, just got in a big order and put things wherever they would fit as I was in a rush yesterday. Oh yes big birthday party tomorrow, always fun when it's for the kids in the family.
#4 Feb 10 2012 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Wow: Do some heroics with the guild, my new 85 bear is fun.

RL: Visiting/buying some foreclosure homes for investment in my neighborhood. The bank is ready to unload and make deals.

Golfing on Sunday with my wife.
#5 Feb 10 2012 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
WOW: I'm finally back up and running after the computer rebuild and other interruptions like turning 52. I look forward to a quiet weekend of play, with no specific goals other than to have fun.

RL: Get the last few things in order for the next semester and try to keep the cute and fluffy ones from getting me into too much trouble.

May the RNG smile on all of you!
#6 Feb 10 2012 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
WoW - I received a guild invitation last Wednesday that was a bit more personal and creative than most I receive. It was for a new guild just getting started. The person who invited me was very personable, but then said something I found a bit odd - "You can quit if you want." I don't get this: my friend told me about bonuses or something that guilds get for new recruits. Does that still count if someone joins and quits almost immediately? I would think that a guild, especially one that is just beginning, would want people to stay to help grow the guild.

At any rate, due to the friendliness of the inviter and being part of a new guild seemed like it could be more fun than joining a guild where relationships are already forged, I bit the bullet and joined. That lasted 24 hours. Basically it was just a matter of the core members being very young and me really not having a common frame of reference with them. Conversations that are sprinkled with "wut" and "wanna" just aren't my cup of tea.

(I realize that has nothing to do with weekend goals, except to revert back to not accepting guild invitations, but since I'd mentioned guilds in another post thought I'd throw this in.)

With the Lunar Festival drawing to a close, I am very pleased to have collected 41 coins thus far including all the Elders of Kalimador and the Alliance. I'm one Elder shy of completing the Elders of the Eastern Kingdoms (Elder Dawnstrider in the Burning Steppes). I had a lot of fun getting the coins in Horde areas using my get as close to Elder as possible with Pally protection on/die/rez/get closer/die/rez/and usually manage to get the coin by the 3rd death/rez then usually die once on the way out. Also doing this without my armor on so I don't have repair costs. Smiley: grin

So, for the weekend I would dearly enjoy getting 9 more coins for the lantern pet, but I'm not sure I can pull it off considering I don't have Cata, thus no flying mount. That's what my main will be doing. My two alts got their 5 coins and purchased their "Festive Finery."

RL - Need to donate a lot of stuff to the Goodwill; begin seriously organizing my apartment (still have unpacked boxes since moving in almost 3 months ago Smiley: blush); the ever-present laundry - hmmmm...I really need to get out of the house and do something fun.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#7 Feb 10 2012 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Lady Azalysa wrote:
WoW - I received a guild invitation last Wednesday that was a bit more personal and creative than most I receive. It was for a new guild just getting started. The person who invited me was very personable, but then said something I found a bit odd - "You can quit if you want." I don't get this: my friend told me about bonuses or something that guilds get for new recruits. Does that still count if someone joins and quits almost immediately? I would think that a guild, especially one that is just beginning, would want people to stay to help grow the guild.

I think a lot of people try to create a 'no pressure' atmosphere in the smaller guilds. The whole "stay if you want, no hard feelings if you go" seems to be common in my experience. Also, the guild gets experience points for the stuff you do anyway, so you're helping them out just by being there.

Anyhoo, this weekend I'll probably farm some charms and PvP a little. Pretty tame weekend.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#8 Feb 10 2012 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
432 posts
Friday evening wine & snacks, haircuts tomorrow morning, hopefully get my car in for an auto body damage estimate on Saturday afternoon. Not sure what we're doing on Sunday. Weather supposed to be all rainy again this weekend, so don't think we'll be getting for any long hikes.

I still need to skin lots more skin Savage Leather and Dragonscales for my 80 human rogue to craft more i377 armor for 85 NE Druid and 85 dwarf hunter. I had gotten back to my lvl 27 goblin priest during the week, and leveled this ugly looking character to 30, so I should be able to quest another 2 levels before he needs some rest. Although I expect that I'll probably poke around on some other toons, and will be taking the following recommendation to put in a necessary addon.
Mazra wrote:
Spooky, you should really get Postal if you haven't.
Thanks Mazra.

#9 Feb 10 2012 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Lady Azalysa wrote:
WoW - I received a guild invitation last Wednesday that was a bit more personal and creative than most I receive. It was for a new guild just getting started. The person who invited me was very personable, but then said something I found a bit odd - "You can quit if you want." I don't get this: my friend told me about bonuses or something that guilds get for new recruits. Does that still count if someone joins and quits almost immediately? I would think that a guild, especially one that is just beginning, would want people to stay to help grow the guild.

I think a lot of people try to create a 'no pressure' atmosphere in the smaller guilds. The whole "stay if you want, no hard feelings if you go" seems to be common in my experience. Also, the guild gets experience points for the stuff you do anyway, so you're helping them out just by being there.

That must be it. Interestingly, when I joined, about 10 other people joined right after me. (The inviter was The next day when I looked at the guild log only 2 of the 10 had not left the guild almost immediately.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#10 Feb 10 2012 at 3:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Lady Azalysa wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:
Lady Azalysa wrote:
WoW - I received a guild invitation last Wednesday that was a bit more personal and creative than most I receive. It was for a new guild just getting started. The person who invited me was very personable, but then said something I found a bit odd - "You can quit if you want." I don't get this: my friend told me about bonuses or something that guilds get for new recruits. Does that still count if someone joins and quits almost immediately? I would think that a guild, especially one that is just beginning, would want people to stay to help grow the guild.

I think a lot of people try to create a 'no pressure' atmosphere in the smaller guilds. The whole "stay if you want, no hard feelings if you go" seems to be common in my experience. Also, the guild gets experience points for the stuff you do anyway, so you're helping them out just by being there.

That must be it. Interestingly, when I joined, about 10 other people joined right after me. (The inviter was The next day when I looked at the guild log only 2 of the 10 had not left the guild almost immediately.

Yup yup, sounds about right, a lot of people won't stay in a guild without decent perks these days. Even back last expansion though when I was running a guild, I'd say a good 90% of the people we invited when we were starting left without really much of a contribution.

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#11 Feb 10 2012 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
WoW:Cruise around getting elder coins for guild rep.

RL: Clean the back porch.

90 Orc shaman
90 Orc Hunter
90 Troll Hunter
90 Dwarf Hunter
90 Undead Warrior

Scrappy 92 Ratonga Bruiser
Mazum 91 Kerra Ranger
Daktari 65 Iksar Beastlord
DragonFists 71 Iksar Monk

#12 Feb 10 2012 at 8:06 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
Lady Azalysa wrote:
WoW - I received a guild invitation last Wednesday that was a bit more personal and creative than most I receive. It was for a new guild just getting started. The person who invited me was very personable, but then said something I found a bit odd - "You can quit if you want." I don't get this: my friend told me about bonuses or something that guilds get for new recruits. Does that still count if someone joins and quits almost immediately? I would think that a guild, especially one that is just beginning, would want people to stay to help grow the guild.

With the Lunar Festival drawing to a close, I am very pleased to have collected 41 coins thus far including all the Elders of Kalimador and the Alliance. I'm one Elder shy of completing the Elders of the Eastern Kingdoms (Elder Dawnstrider in the Burning Steppes). I had a lot of fun getting the coins in Horde areas using my get as close to Elder as possible with Pally protection on/die/rez/get closer/die/rez/and usually manage to get the coin by the 3rd death/rez then usually die once on the way out. Also doing this without my armor on so I don't have repair costs. Smiley: grin

Gee, I want to quest with you.....

I got all 84 coins with a single death (IronForge - I don't believe a Horde player can do it without dying). Bought stupid Richard Simmons pants suit for the achievement, loaded up on trail biscuits, still have about 30 coins that I have no idea how to use. Not doing Darkmoon or Lovefest. Finished my AT titles, now a Champion of the Horde and the AT, Exalted champion of Silvermoon and Orgrimmar. Running MF dailies at 20 or so a day.

For the weekend, besides the MF dailies on my main, I figure on running multiple dungeons with my L25 rogue, Bgs and dungeons with my L15 Prot warrior. Never played a tank before - should be interesting.....

One thing I love about my guild is that at level 25 or so, the perks are impressive. The 50GP/day repair line alone rocks. We're also big enough that we don't actually recruit. People ask us for invitations. The master just booted over a hundred people for inactivity - not contributing to the guild. We've still got anywhere from 12-50 members online most times. I know the automatic attaboys are no big deal, but its nice to get an achievement and have 5-6 congratulations messages pop up. One thing I'm going to try is to put together a group of guild lowbies for dungeon running - the guild pays bonuses for achievements like that.

Edited, Feb 10th 2012 9:14pm by Ollamnh
#13 Feb 10 2012 at 8:54 PM Rating: Excellent
WoW Goals:
Hoping to play some Saturday night, maybe Sunday if I'm lucky.

Real Life Goals:
Saturday: laundry, groceries, other errands.
Sunday: lots of student teacher stuff: lesson plans, worksheets, rubrics, portfolio . . . it's going to be a long day.
#14 Feb 11 2012 at 9:07 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Ollamnh wrote:
I got all 84 coins with a single death (IronForge - I don't believe a Horde player can do it without dying).

Gratz!!! That's quite an achievement! Trying to figure out a way around, in my case, Horde level 85 guards is the tricky part. I had not even considered trying for Org due to all the activity there but I think I will. Nothing to lose but continual ghost runs. Smiley: lol Currently at 45 coins here and trying to figure how to get the last 5.

Ollamnh wrote:
We're also big enough that we don't actually recruit. People ask us for invitations. The master just booted over a hundred people for inactivity - not contributing to the guild.

IMO, a guild worth joining should be one where people ask to join; even have to complete an application and perhaps an interview. I personally don't like guild-hopping, which is another reason I'm reluctant to join a guild out of the blue, recent experience aside. In my other MMORPG, during 10 years I've been in a total of 3 guilds. The first one for 6 years, the second for four years until everyone left to play two other new games that came out and the third is the current guild I'm in which I joined last summer. The whole guild set-up is so different in WoW, however (ie. achievements of members help the guild, etc.), so this whole "mass random invitation" thing was a bit strange. I'm used to it now and have my "No thank you" macro ready.

Eventually I would like to find a guild with whom I would "click" (not to be confused with "clique").
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#15 Feb 11 2012 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
Real Life:

Yesterday: wanted to hit 285 on the bench and did it. Tomorrow, it's a 345 try on squats. Studying for first actuary exam.


Yesterday: did a couple of randoms. Got a couple BC heroic dungeon achieves I had missed. Today: will do some randoms and farm Cenarian Expedition rep in Steamvaults to get to Exalted. Then I need just one more exalted rep to get to 25. On alts will do some farming for ores, gems, herbs, leathers.
#16 Feb 11 2012 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
WoW: Just got my holy priest to 85, so attempting to get her geared up - hopefully I can get into some raid-finder action by the end of the weekend :D
#17 Feb 11 2012 at 8:38 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
"The whole guild set-up is so different in WoW, however (ie. achievements of members help the guild, etc.)"

According to a discussion I had with our Guild master, WoW individual achievements and reputation contribute to the guild's ratings and coffers. I'd gotten into the habit of contributing 100G now and then to help defray member repair costs. I found out that not only was member contribution unnecessary but that the guild actually pays members for certain achievements such as BG and dungeon challenges in guild groups. As a level 25 raiding guild, they're flush.
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