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My Petition for Multi-SpecFollow

#27 Jan 25 2012 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Run along pup, aren't you scheduled to bless SWTOR with the dynamo of your talent?

Thanks for admitting that you pull this stuff to troll, but your efforts to be insulting are far too boring and predictable to be effective. You have no real issues to present, you have no real facts, you have barely the wit to type a sentence and it is unsurprising that you lack the wit to be able to read anything more complex than a Tweet.

#28 Jan 26 2012 at 1:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh A flame war! Do these still exist? Takes me back, nice work gentleman + 1 lulz before bed. Smiley: lol
#29 Jan 26 2012 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
Master Shojindo wrote:
Oh A flame war! Do these still exist? Takes me back, nice work gentleman + 1 lulz before bed lock. Smiley: lol

Now it's a flame war.
#30 Jan 26 2012 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I'm with bode when she talks about blizz going for the cash instead of **** people care about.

Activision (sic) wants our money and doesnt care about **** else.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#31 Jan 26 2012 at 3:22 AM Rating: Excellent
is a popular opinion to throw about, you've shown nothing that supports it being anything other than a personal opinion. Now, toddle back to SWTOR, where they care. Oh, right:

It's not as though we're comparing apples and oranges here. The people working on new pets and mounts to sell are artists and modellers. That they could, instead, work on character models is pretty obvious. They could remodel the main races, rather than another spectral jetpack dinosaur for the tcg.
#32 Jan 26 2012 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
The people working on new pets and mounts to sell are artists and modellers. That they could, instead, work on character models is pretty obvious. They could remodel the main races, rather than another spectral jetpack dinosaur for the tcg.

A reasonable enough assertion, on its face, but is it really that easy? What we don't know, and the reason that I say we would need to know what is actually going on at the management level, is how the resources really divide out.

Consider these points: How much of the TCG artwork is done by a sketch artist and then transferred onto the computer? What is the investment of time to knock out a pet or mount that doesn't have to interact with gear, compared to the time to remodel the main races?

Those are just some the time and money questions. Even if we ignore Titan, we don't know how modifications to current WoW content interact with MoP, Diablo III and Heart of the Swarm. We can, however, guess that each of those projects will have vocal supporters who are going to be equally quick to ask why their pet interest didn't get priority. There are other issues as well.

Are there any complications to change things from interacting with the current models to new models? How many players are going to have conniptions if the look of their toon changes but doesn't meet their unspecified dream of how that change should look? For that matter, how much of the view of your toon will be changed if they remodel what you see most -- the ***. Even if you look at a frontal view, you see the helm unless that is disabled; with transmogrification there is less reason to do that. How many months of delay on MoP is a better *** model worth? Can Blizzard really win this one, or if they remodel the main races will they just be blamed for having done something with existing content instead of devoting the resources to a new raid?

Similarly, tri-spec would have been great some time ago, but it may be moot soon. Who knows? As AstarintheDruid noted early in the thread, changes to the way they handle spec could change things and we don't really know how that will work. On the good side, tri-spec might reduce the mess that they seem determined to afflict Ferals with; however, it would make it cheap and easy for any idiot to game the LFD/LFR system by being able to queue as tank, healer and DPS for classes that have all three (and have a justification for needing on just about anything). PUGs are bad enough, I have reservations about anything that could let the cream of the idiots make them worse.

As for money, all businesses want money. Not specifically yours or mine, just money to keep the investors happy. That's simply the nature of a large business and successful small businesses don't stay small long. Some may make a better show of prettying it up, but businesses that don't pay attention to that rule tend to end up getting bought out. I don't know how much of the view of Blizzard as virtuous geeks is wishful retrospect and how much is the product of good PR, but Blizzard has been an investment for larger companies since they stopped being Silicon & Synapse.

I'm not particularly interested in pets and mounts, but I can live with the few that are sold. Sparkle ponies and annoying pets make me happier than a much easier and more obvious way to generate revenue; we still pay the same price for service that we always have and we don't have to buy the sparkle pony. If selling a few mounts and pets keeps my game cards the same price, I'm happy there are collectors who are underwriting my game time.

I don't particularly love Activision, Blizzard or Vivendi, nor do I consider WOW to be perfect in its current, past or future states. I just think that things tend to be over simplified and idealized. When that happens, it generates dissatisfaction that feeds itself through repetition. At the end of the day, I play to waste time and get some amusement. YMMV.
#33 Jan 26 2012 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
In the interest of slightly reducing the wall of text effect and separating debate, I note that MMO-Champion has a post that I find interesting in light of another observation I've made.

Slated to take place in Asia toward the end of 2012, the World Championship will host this year’s StarCraft II and World of Warcraft Arena World Championship tournaments.

... We’re excited to be showcasing Blizzard eSports on a truly global stage this year. We're also heavily focused on getting Diablo III, Mists of Pandaria, and Heart of the Swarm into players’ hands as soon as possible. In light of our jam-packed schedule, we’ve decided to hold the next BlizzCon in 2013.

Just as with my comments about tri-spec and art resources, there are many things that we don't know. For all of that, I have to wonder why Asia and why make a point of calling this "a truly global stage"? The good news is that maybe they really are going to try to push things towards an earlier release. Since they usually do something in the lead up to a new expansion, the content drought might be slightly less than expected.

I can't speak for the realm composition on NA/EU servers, but over here the majority of players are young guys. They tend to play through high school and college, then they go out and their lives start to get complicated by work and girls and they drift away, to be replaced by the next round. Very rarely do "ZOMG, WOW is dying" posts address things like reports of strong losses in Asia, but that is also part of the player base. ... For our market, making the game more accessible for new players and possibly adding some content that is able to compete more directly with the local MMOs is probably more important ...
#34 Jan 26 2012 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
Why in Asia? Because the SC2 competitive scene is dominated by South Korea, big time. This isn't some mystic secret.

As for money, all businesses want money. Not specifically yours or mine, just money to keep the investors happy. That's simply the nature of a large business and successful small businesses don't stay small long. Some may make a better show of prettying it up, but businesses that don't pay attention to that rule tend to end up getting bought out. I don't know how much of the view of Blizzard as virtuous geeks is wishful retrospect and how much is the product of good PR, but Blizzard has been an investment for larger companies since they stopped being Silicon & Synapse.

Fostering community good will has worked amazingly for Blizzard and Valve. WoW doesn't need subsidising, it's ludicrously profitable.

Edited, Jan 26th 2012 1:36pm by Kavekk
#35 Jan 26 2012 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Why in Asia? Because the SC2 competitive scene is dominated by South Korea, big time. This isn't some mystic secret.

An easy answer, but how complete is it? Why drop BlizzCon and hold the WOW stuff in an area where SC2 has such appeal? How do we know that Asia = South Korea? My point is simple enough, a great deal of talk about what players want tends to be framed as if half the player base is irrelevant. Perhaps it is, or perhaps as competition for NA/EU players continues to intensify, Blizzard is taking steps to firm up their position with the Asian players. I've presented some proof that the latter could be true.

Fostering community good will has worked amazingly for Blizzard and Valve. WoW doesn't need subsidising, it's ludicrously profitable.

And game development is expensive to such a degree that I've read speculation that for all of its apparent success SWOTR may not be bringing in enough to cover development costs.

Opinions stated as facts do not thus facts become. What proof do you have to support your positions?

Even citing various financial reports isn't going to give us an accurate picture of what's going on with money, business is full of examples where that has been proven true. What's our current example, Olympus? They all start to blend together and there is even precedent where Blizzard is concerned in the form of the CUC/Cendant problem.

For the sake of accuracy, also note that I said investors want money and that sale of mounts/pets is something I would prefer to seeing my cost of gaming increase -- not that WOW itself needs any subsidy.

I've pointed out that companies spin their reports shamelessly. That may render the Blue I've quoted about art commitments a less than definitive answer, but until something more solid is offered to counter it, it is more solid than pure speculation about whether sparkle ponies and the TCG are really relevant to revised character models.

To take a cue from Adam Smith, it also seems that if there were truly no demand for pets, mounts and TCG gimcracks they wouldn't be selling and those resources would be devoted to something else. If there is a demand, and that demand is sufficient to cause Blizzard to devote resources to meeting it, how do we reach the point that Blizzard doesn't care what customers want?
#36 Jan 26 2012 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
What the hell?

Where does my thread title say "go on a diatribe about gaming here"?

All these conspiracy theories and complaints about Blizzard, spouted from an intelligent person who doesn't realize that no one here cares about your views on the SYSTEM... We were not deprived of tri-spec because of some huge conspiracy at the international level.

Damn... I mean go start a blog somewhere and see how many people read it. This is not the right venue.

Edited, Jan 26th 2012 1:58pm by Jordster
#37 Jan 26 2012 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I won't be happy until there's 8 different specs so my Druid can PvP and PvE however it wants to. Smiley: nod
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#38 Jan 26 2012 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
An easy answer, but how complete is it? Why drop BlizzCon and hold the WOW stuff in an area where SC2 has such appeal?

I kind of thought this might have happened reading your last post. You've misread the announcement - the event is not Blizzcon. They're seperate. The next Blizzcon will be in 2013, this thing is in 2012.

I've pointed out that companies spin their reports shamelessly. That may render the Blue I've quoted about art commitments a less than definitive answer, but until something more solid is offered to counter it, it is more solid than pure speculation about whether sparkle ponies and the TCG are really relevant to revised character models.

As I said before, there's very strong reason to believe they are, because they're in exactly the same area. The blue explanation does not say that these resources aren't fungible, it just says that they're prioritising other things. There's no contradiction.

Keep appealing to uncertainty, though.

If there is a demand, and that demand is sufficient to cause Blizzard to devote resources to meeting it, how do we reach the point that Blizzard doesn't care what customers want?

That's not my conclusion.
#39 Jan 26 2012 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
I'm not surprised they're moving Blizzcon away from a yearly schedule. The need to have something big and exciting by then kinda directly conflicts with Blizzard's idea of putting out games "when they're ready." They'd much rather throw a big party when they have big news, not vice versa (also known as the E3/PAX effect).
#40 Jan 26 2012 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,996 posts

Guys, I don't mind a somewhat civil debate and it helps me work on +1s since I can't just drop Youtube links, but work with me here. Some of ya'll got to work on your reading, your writing, or both.

Why drop BlizzCon

In light of our jam-packed schedule, we’ve decided to hold the next BlizzCon in 2013.

The next Blizzcon will be in 2013, this thing is in 2012.

Kavekk, you just quoted me commenting on Blizzard not doing BlizzCon and wrote the same thing that I quoted in a previous post (and saw no need to repeat in detail since I'd done so).

When you picked up, saying "It's not as though we're comparing apples and oranges here." the point I was addressing was:

Development time is being focused on extra revenue sources such as pets & mounts for sale, while free content is being recycled to save a buck. emphasis added

Fungibility be hanged, I'm asking how the existence of that spectral jetpack dinosaur proves that Blizzard has been co-opted by Activision (which ignores Vivendi entirely) and is just raking in the buck$.

If something isn't your conclusion, then make your point. Picking up the debate where you did, it appears as if you've adopted that point. If your point is that the art department is a resource, we're in agreement. If your point is that artists working on mini-pets prove Activision is using Blizzard as a sock puppet to despoil our wallets while ignoring a burning need for better pixilated hindquarters, the point I was originally addressing, could I see some evidence of a connection?

Jord, I'm not looking for some big international conspiracy or even hinting one exists. I'm simply asking the folks spouting various theories about how Blizzard is ******** them over -- who had already hijacked the thread -- to put up some proof. My mention of markets outside the NA/EU servers addresses the point that the O-boards don't even begin to reflect conditions across WOW's player base because roughly half the players aren't on NA/EU servers.

Actually, I made a relatively civil observation that is hardly unique to me or to this thread that dead horse is dead but some folks seem determined to litter almost every thread with the same handful of generally unsupported complaints. I figure that I need something to do while drinking my coffee and continuing the debate in one thread works as a form of containment theory. At some point, someone may remember that I'm a retired lawyer and realize that I can keep this up until at least WOW 7.0, at which time the current crop of new players will be looking back with rose colored glasses, complaining about the state of the game, and going on about how things were better when they started, back in Cata.


Better pixilated backsides -- do we really need 'em? [Given the worgen Running Wild animation do we even want to tempt fate?]

Blizzard was cool and geeky, Activision wants our moneys, we don't know who those French guys (Vivendi) are or how they got in here, but pets and mounts that are optional prove we're getting the shaft. Huh?

#41 Jan 27 2012 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
Guys, I don't mind a somewhat civil debate and it helps me work on +1s since I can't just drop Youtube links, but work with me here. Some of ya'll got to work on your reading, your writing, or both.

Fair enough. I read 'drop' as 'put', probably because I was already suspicious you were labouring under that misapprehension; it would've made that argument seem less tangential. To answer your question, WoW arena is much less important as an esport than SC2, which was built to be one.

Picking up the debate where you did, it appears as if you've adopted that point.

What? No, it doesn't.

If something isn't your conclusion, then make your point. Picking up the debate where you did, it appears as if you've adopted that point. If your point is that the art department is a resource, we're in agreement. If your point is that artists working on mini-pets prove Activision is using Blizzard as a sock puppet to despoil our wallets while ignoring a burning need for better pixilated hindquarters, the point I was originally addressing, could I see some evidence of a connection?

I'm not sure where this narrative comes into it. The point is, simply, that Blizzard are prioritising sources of extra revenue over things that I see as more important. Jordster asserted that most people would feel this way, and I'd probably agree, but it's not vital to my point. Criticism isn't neccessarily a demand your point of view be accomodated.

Only yourself and Horsemouth have even mentioned Activision or Vivendi. I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.
#42 Jan 27 2012 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,996 posts
Fostering community good will has worked amazingly for Blizzard and Valve. WoW doesn't need subsidising, it's ludicrously profitable.

Blizzard are prioritising sources of extra revenue over things that I see as more important.

Only yourself and Horsemouth have even mentioned Activision or Vivendi.

Well, either you're just unable to decide if Blizzard is cool and geeky (or at least fostering community good will), or you're one of those who sees Blizzard as having been kept from being cool and geeky by Activision. Pick a side, state it clearly, I'm comfortable addressing either proposition.

Blizzard are prioritising sources of extra revenue over things that I see as more important.

And I'm still waiting for straight answers on several connected points. You seem to be allergic to supporting your assumptions.

Pets and mounts are selling, sales prove that demand exists. No dancing, True or False?

If false, produce proof. If true, go to next question.

I have proof that demand for improved character models exceeds demand for pets and mounts. True or False?

If true, produce your evidence. If false, go to next question.

Blizzard has specifically addressed allocation of art resources and revised character models. See following quote:

So, if we were to hire several new artists to get this project finished, you certainly wouldn't see the results of that "right this moment."

Right now it's just difficult to give any sort of estimate on when new models might be available. Whenever a new expansion is in development there are many, many requests for new art assets. We're elbow deep in designing new gear sets, fleshing out the environments, finishing up several new creature models, etc.

I can produce proof that the quoted language is incorrect and can support my assertion that Blizzard's production of pets/mounts has interfered with revised character models. True or False?

If true, please produce proof. If false, you have an interesting opinion, but no foundation. See, proof by assertion.

Jordster asserted that most people would feel this way, and I'd probably agree, but it's not vital to my point.

Quote please? As far as I can tell, Jordster made two posts (#3, #36) following his OP. In the latest, he actually complained about his thread being hijacked to complain about Blizzard. Since I'm not allergic to proof, reread this bit slowly and carefully:

Jordster wrote:
What the hell?

Where does my thread title say "go on a diatribe about gaming here"?

All these conspiracy theories and complaints about Blizzard, spouted from an intelligent person who doesn't realize that no one here cares about your views on the SYSTEM... We were not deprived of tri-spec because of some huge conspiracy at the international level.

Damn... I mean go start a blog somewhere and see how many people read it. This is not the right venue.

It seems that:

a) you're putting words in his mouth;

b) you still don't understand that you have no clue what most people want because you don't have any concept about what is going on with roughly half the total player base. Simple math shows that anything less than %50 is not "most". If you choose to take the stance that you are special and want characters with better pixilated asses regardless of how many others might want something different, please clarify if you're even playing WOW.

Edited, Jan 27th 2012 8:55am by Rhodekylle
#43 Jan 27 2012 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Could you please

a) start a real flame war
b) discuss something worthy of discussing
c) derail this threat even further and talk about bewbs and beer (and don't forget to include pictures)

The whole mess above is just boring.

Edited, Jan 27th 2012 10:14am by TherealLogros
#44 Jan 27 2012 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
discuss something worthy of discussing

Good lord man, FLEE! That's how I got pulled into this back in post #7.

By now people here have already heard it

derail this threat even further and talk about bewbs and beer (and don't forget to include pictures)

Hey, I'm doin' my part. I've already brought up an example of a nekked avatar, the potential of a beer, bacon and rites of Epona derail, and sheep jokes today. It isn't my fault the other camp posts dull stuff and dodges the pixilated *** discussion with all its potential!

#45 Jan 27 2012 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:

Jordster asserted that most people would feel this way, and I'd probably agree, but it's not vital to my point.

Quote please? As far as I can tell, Jordster made two posts (#3, #36) following his OP. In the latest, he actually complained about his thread being hijacked to complain about Blizzard. Since I'm not allergic to proof, reread this bit slowly and carefully:

Jordster wrote:
What the hell?

Where does my thread title say "go on a diatribe about gaming here"?

All these conspiracy theories and complaints about Blizzard, spouted from an intelligent person who doesn't realize that no one here cares about your views on the SYSTEM... We were not deprived of tri-spec because of some huge conspiracy at the international level.

Damn... I mean go start a blog somewhere and see how many people read it. This is not the right venue.

It seems that:

a) you're putting words in his mouth;

b) you still don't understand that you have no clue what most people want because you don't have any concept about what is going on with roughly half the total player base. Simple math shows that anything less than %50 is not "most". If you choose to take the stance that you are special and want characters with better pixilated asses regardless of how many others might want something different, please clarify if you're even playing WOW.

I started a thread about multi-spec and you turned it into some fundamental discussion of Blizzard and how they are dividing up their artistic resources. I only skimmed your posts because they are INCREDIBLY BORING and OFF-TOPIC, but that is the gist of it, as far as I can tell.

Allow me to point out how many deeply rooted quote-boxes you've spammed here. Let me further assert that you've spent HOURS in this thread. Get a life. If you want to talk about this junk, go start a new thread. I'm sure it will be super-popular as everyone wants to know hear about your opinions.

I have no idea what your point (b) even means... Are you comparing multi-spec with better drawn character models? I personally couldn't care less about the graphics engine - graphics have still to this very day never made a game fun. Are you mad that I think most people would like more specs? Is that what's getting you all upset at me? You're so lost in your OWN THREAD (this one, it's yours now, enjoy!) that you don't realize that NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION. AT ALL. YOUR ONLY COUNTED VOTE IS YOUR WALLET, SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE STUFF, INSTEAD OF TRYING TO SOUND ALL SMART IN A SUPER-BORING THREAD, JUST END YOUR SUBSCRIPTION.

Oops caps lock got stuck! Damn type-writer.

Edited, Jan 27th 2012 1:06pm by Jordster
#46 Jan 27 2012 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Pssst, Jord, how about you talk to the people actually complaining about Blizzard?

I'm the guy who, way back at post #7, noted that the "I don't like Blizzard" stuff was old news. I left it there until Bodhi decided he wanted to talk about my **** and I would have dropped it then except Kavekk keeps thrashing around with his attempts to connect things without proof.

Learn to read man. Bodhi did the derail, I'm the one who commented it was old news. Kavekk is the one who says you're the one who said:

Blizzard are prioritising sources of extra revenue over things that I see as more important. Jordster asserted that most people would feel this way, and I'd probably agree

Did you say that? No? Well go ***** at someone else.

What, exactly, did he say he cares about?

That they could, instead, work on character models is pretty obvious. They could remodel the main races, rather than another spectral jetpack dinosaur for the tcg.

Now, if "character model" is code for "tri-spec" send me the memo next time. If it isn't, shoot the right target. Why do I use quotes? Because I support my speculations with some degree of evidence.

I'm tired of anyone who gets tired of the constant rehash of "WOW is taking our money" being shouted down. So, how about you blow off at the folks who derailed your thread? Look about post #9 to see where that happened.

Character models? Let me see, I'm the guy who pointed out that I don't see the fuss, most of what you see is the toon's backside.


Similarly, tri-spec would have been great some time ago, but it may be moot soon. Who knows? As AstarintheDruid noted early in the thread, changes to the way they handle spec could change things and we don't really know how that will work.

That should have been simple and clear enough.

tl;dr Why don't you ***** to your buddies for the derail and for keeping it rolling?

Every time the same people bring up the same speculative complaints about Blizzard. They are treated as a sacred cow that is not allowed to be addressed. No, sorry, this time, I'm happy to keep asking for proof of the evil conspiracy and tired of being shouted down.

Thank you for the gift of the thread, now print it out, fold it up and cram it. Or shoot at the right target if you have the sack to address your buddies.
#47 Jan 27 2012 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
someproteinguy wrote:
I won't be happy until there's 8 different specs so my Druid can PvP and PvE however it wants to. Smiley: nod
I approve this message.
#48 Jan 27 2012 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
I think it's a little unreasonable to blame me for this derail, considering how late I started posting.

And I'm still waiting for straight answers on several connected points. You seem to be allergic to supporting your assumptions.

I'm not.

Well, either you're just unable to decide if Blizzard is cool and geeky (or at least fostering community good will), or you're one of those who sees Blizzard as having been kept from being cool and geeky by Activision. Pick a side, state it clearly, I'm comfortable addressing either proposition.

False dichotomy.

Quote please? As far as I can tell, Jordster made two posts (#3, #36) following his OP.

Woops, meant to say Bodhi.

And I'm still waiting for straight answers on several connected points. You seem to be allergic to supporting your assumptions.

If I don't address something it's because I agree with it or deem it irrelevant.

Pets and mounts are selling, sales prove that demand exists. No dancing, True or False?

There must be a degree of demand greater than zero. What does that imply?

I have proof that demand for improved character models exceeds demand for pets and mounts. True or False?

False, it's an assumption based on the fact that one is something everyone uses and the other is something a few do.

So, if we were to hire several new artists to get this project finished, you certainly wouldn't see the results of that "right this moment."

Right now it's just difficult to give any sort of estimate on when new models might be available. Whenever a new expansion is in development there are many, many requests for new art assets. We're elbow deep in designing new gear sets, fleshing out the environments, finishing up several new creature models, etc.

I can produce proof that the quoted language is incorrect and can support my assertion that Blizzard's production of pets/mounts has interfered with revised character models. True or False?

The 'quoted language' doesn't contradict anything I've said.

Like I said, your entire argument is based on some appeal to uncertainty. Reasonable assumptions - e.g. a modeller with a finite amount of time could do a type of modelling if not busy with another - are neccessary. Acting on them is neccessary. Shrugging and saying 'but who can know for sure?' is not convincing. It just makes you look like a fool.

I would have thought anyone in legal practice would have been confronted with that reality at some point in their no doubt illustrious career, but perhaps not.

Edited, Jan 27th 2012 7:35pm by Kavekk
#49 Jan 27 2012 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Kavekk wrote:
I think it's a little unreasonable to blame me for this derail, considering how late I started posting.

Wait, so we've gone from openly derailing threads to trying to dodge blame? What the hell, now I need to change my entire posting style!
#50 Jan 27 2012 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
Good lord will you two just take it to pm already? I'm with Jord, this derail is annoying and boring. It's not even a derail anymore, it's just you two bickering and posting huge *** quote boxes. That stuff belongs in the Asylum, not here. Even if it is about Blizzard. Smiley: tongue
#51 Jan 27 2012 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
That stuff belongs in the Asylum, not here.
Like hell it does.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
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