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Dragging Through SMFollow

#1 Jan 21 2012 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
I currently started wow. I'm a level 7 and my friend wants to know if he can drag me through SM. Is it possible?

Edited, Jan 21st 2012 9:52pm by Fyshie
#2 Jan 21 2012 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Some day? Yes, but not at level 7.

Here is a link to the dungeons for the first 60 levels.

Look at this link for an example. Deadmines is the earliest dungeon for Alliance players. If you look at the information under "quick facts" you will see that you need to be level 10 to enter.
#3 Jan 21 2012 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you :) do you have any suggested areas that I train to reach lvl 10? I think if I finish the Belf starter area I could.
#4 Jan 21 2012 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
#5 Jan 21 2012 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
Fyshie wrote:
Thank you :) do you have any suggested areas that I train to reach lvl 10? I think if I finish the Belf starter area I could.

Just keep questing wherever you are. Levels come very quickly at that stage of the game. For example, I got bogged down on my main last night and trotted out my L22 rogue - hit L24 in under an hour's play. What's your race and class?

Edited, Jan 21st 2012 10:59pm by Ollamnh
#6 Jan 21 2012 at 10:04 PM Rating: Excellent
You should finish Eversong Woods (I think that's what it's called) somewhere between level 10 and level 12. After that, you will get a quest to move along to The Ghostlands, which will take you into the low 20's. But when you hit 15 you can start doing dungeons via the Looking for Dungeon tool. You'll get a notification about it when you level.
#7 Jan 21 2012 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Ollamnh wrote:
Fyshie wrote:
Thank you :) do you have any suggested areas that I train to reach lvl 10? I think if I finish the Belf starter area I could.

Just keep questing wherever you are. Levels come very quickly at that stage of the game. For example, I got bogged down on my main last night and trotted out my L22 rogue - hit L24 in under an hour's play. What's your race and class?

Edited, Jan 21st 2012 10:59pm by Ollamnh

I'm a level 7 Belf Priest. Considering goin troll though for haste passive :/
#8 Jan 22 2012 at 1:03 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
The first 20 levels will go so quickly that your best option is to try different combinations and see what you like best. You won't even get to some of the more important options until you have some XP under your belt. You won't pick your first specialization until you turn level 10 and that makes a massive change to your play experience. At level 15 you will get access to things like "Looking for Dungeon" and at level 20 you can stop walking everywhere.

Try different races and classes. In particular, each race has a different starting story that unfolds in those first 20 levels or so. Since Cataclysm was released, the Belf and Space Goat areas are now a bit dated. I'm fond of the new Goblin area, but that one is very much a matter of taste.
#9 Jan 22 2012 at 7:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Fyshie wrote:
Ollamnh wrote:
Fyshie wrote:
Thank you :) do you have any suggested areas that I train to reach lvl 10? I think if I finish the Belf starter area I could.

Just keep questing wherever you are. Levels come very quickly at that stage of the game. For example, I got bogged down on my main last night and trotted out my L22 rogue - hit L24 in under an hour's play. What's your race and class?

Edited, Jan 21st 2012 10:59pm by Ollamnh

I'm a level 7 Belf Priest. Considering goin troll though for haste passive :/

Trolls don't have a haste passive, they have an on-use haste CD, Berserking (20% haste for 10 seconds, 3 min CD). Goblins have a 1% passive haste bonus, Time is Money.
#10 Jan 22 2012 at 7:32 AM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
I'm fond of the new Goblin area, but that one is very much a matter of taste.

I've always wondered about that - how goblins taste, I mean. They don't look like much, but then, neither does a truffle. And caviar looks downright revolting - just like little fish eggs.

I mean its not like the sneaky little Ferenghi are REAL Horde. Separate bank and AH and all that stuff.

What do you think? Batter-dipped like Fair food? Slow roasted in Basilisk Sauce, maybe? How about spit roasted in dragon flame? Yum!

#11 Jan 22 2012 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Many dungeons have a minimum level to enter, though that minimum level is pretty generous. It is usually something like 9 levels under the strongest mobs in the area. For example, if SM mobs range in the high 30s, the earliest you could go in there would be the high 20s. But, there's no real reason to do so for a couple of reasons:

1). Quests have a minimum level, usually the "orange level" of the instance. If an instance has Level 35 mobs in it, then you usually need to be at least 31 to get the quests.

2). Items dropped off of bosses have minimum level to equip, this is usually within the "yellow" levels, though sometimes the first level of orange (Level -4). Again if a boss were Level 35, its drops usually require 31 or 32 to equip.

3). The XP gained from having an 85 storm through the place isn't going to be that great until at least the 40s and that's only with rested. You don't really start getting good XP from being carried through dungeons until at least Level 60. I've leveled a few characters through Outland doing this; waiting until full rested is built up then run the character through Ramps, BF, etc. Between the rested and the quests, you can get 2-3 levels in a couple hours plus a bunch of blue boss drops, and blue quested equipment. But this doesn't usually work all that well until at least the 40s-50s. In the 30s and earlier, the XP gains are usually too small to really warrant doing this.

As others in the thread suggested, getting up to SM level yourself is pretty easy. If you're a class that can tank, read up on basic tanking, get some decent gear for your level (greens, pretty much anything with Strength/Stamina or Agility/Stamina if you're a bear), and you should be good to go. The RDF tries not to stick you into dungeons where you'd be fighting orange stuff if it can avoid it, and tanks usually get groups quick.

The only thing about low-level tanking is that you're missing a lot of abilities that later levels usually get to help do their jobs (Paladins don't get Shield of Righteousness until 41, nor do their get their Hammer of the Righteous until the 30s!), and it is usually a toss-up of whether or not you get a healer who can actually heal. But for the most part my low-level dungeon experience has been pretty OK, sometimes better than average Lv85 Heroics lol. The only thing is you must be at least Lv15 to even start doing random dungeons.
#12 Jan 22 2012 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Snurk Bucksquick wrote:
Hey there cutie, you looking for a ride to Grom'gol? I hear it gets might steamy down in those jungles, maybe I could join you for a short vacation, show you a real jungle cat!

With an attitude like that, you are not going to get a ride from Snurk, even if you are happy to see her and that is a roll of coins in your pocket!
#13 Jan 22 2012 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Welcome, Fyshie Smiley: smile

I just began WoW in mid-December. I began one character, got to level 20, decided to switch factions and am now level 43 which, for me, is extremely fast leveling. This includes time spent working a trade skill, time in the auction house to get a feel for the economy, and just hanging in game chatting with friends. Oh, and beginning a third character which is level 5 to be my auction house seller.

What I really like about WoW is that I have not done any "grinding" of levels ie. going to a zone and killing the same mobs for days on end; instead, I've just been following the quests and by doing those I level, get some nice gear, and learn the lore and geography of the game. Some of these quests are really interesting and downright funny! (My favorite so far is the troll that was assigned to come fight with me to learn his druid skills. His comments during that episode are priceless, but what had me literally lol RL was when a part of the quest where I had to click on him was over, the next time I clicked him he said, "Don't do that again, mon." That took me by surprise, so I kept clicking on him and the dialogue progressed to something like: "I mean it, mon," "The spirit isn't happy, mon," etc. Currently I have my own personal caravan that takes me from one questing area to another. Errr, anyway, I highly recommend the quests. Smiley: grin)

Thank you all for the great info on dungeons. Bookmarking this for future reference.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#14 Jan 22 2012 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Dragging through stockades works really well for low level characters, but it is in an Alliance city.

It might be that questing beats that though, I haven't leveled a new character in a while

Edited, Jan 22nd 2012 8:55am by Xsarus
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#15 Jan 22 2012 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
I'm thinking of starting another character. Either going as a troll priest or tauren paladin. Possibly a draenei pally. Are these decent race/class combos?
#16 Jan 22 2012 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
At the end of the day any race / class combo is good. It all comes down to personal taste and what you can stand to look at for long periods of time. Simple as that.
#17 Jan 22 2012 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
Yeah this isn't like FFXI where you'll get laughed out of a party for making a Galka WHM or a Taru Taru NIN.
#18 Jan 22 2012 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
So, um...

How do you pronounce your username?
#19 Jan 23 2012 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Yeah this isn't like FFXI where you'll get laughed out of a party for making a Galka WHM or a Taru Taru NIN.

Laughed at? I saw plenty of little shrink ninjas in that game.

But... the big huge white mages? eh yeah. But then FFXI was never a game that claimed to have race OR class balance/fairness/whatever.

Anywaaays, back on topic.

Yeah, pretty much any race/combo will work in WoW, there are perks, but they are more for flavor. Some perks are better than others for certain activities, but in the end, such racial perks tend to be so small, that you wouldn't likely notice them all that much. I've got a couple orcs and trolls, but at the end of the day, there's always times I forgot to kick in the racial while questing/fighting/doing dungeons. Half of the time I forget it is even there.

Well, my Tauren's War Stomp definitely has uses. That's about the only racial I can remember to actually use.
#20 Jan 23 2012 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
So, um...

How do you pronounce your username?

I'm thinking 'Fø-shee' but since you guys don't have as many letters as us (due to lack of awesomeness, I guess), you're on your own there.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#21 Jan 23 2012 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
IDrownFish wrote:
So, um...

How do you pronounce your username?

I'm thinking 'Fø-shee' but since you guys don't have as many letters as us (due to lack of awesomeness, I guess), you're on your own there.

It's been scientifically proven that awesome-itiy is inversely related to the amount of letters in the culture's alphabet.

Yup. Scientifically.
#22 Jan 23 2012 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
I played FFXI for about 9 months from August 2004 to... okay it must have been more than 9 months. It was sometime in the later half of 2005 that my bf and I at the time quit. Don't know when you played Lyr, but when I did tiny tanks were just as marginalized as huge mages. Smiley: smile
#23 Jan 23 2012 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
I played FFXI for about 9 months from August 2004 to... okay it must have been more than 9 months. It was sometime in the later half of 2005 that my bf and I at the time quit. Don't know when you played Lyr, but when I did tiny tanks were just as marginalized as huge mages. Smiley: smile

I played before Promathia was released, and I played up until after Wings of the Goddess was released, took a 8-9 month hiatus, and played for another couple months, during the first two Abyssea expansions, then quit again because mom and I really didn't see much point in slaving away when we'd likely never get anywhere, because we knew no one, had nothing to really offer a Linkshell, and we got tired of needing groups for everything, and plugging away at levelups at 6-10k per 2-3 hours when a character needed nearly 50k for a levelup.

I will admit that they made some awesome, awesome *** changes right before we left like making weapon skilling up easier, but they did so way too freaking late after we had lost the will to play the game. If they had done that (and other changes) sooner, the game would have been a lot more appealing and we might have stayed in the game longer than we did. It was the common "too little, too late".

That, and I had already successfully pulled mom into WoW. She saw how you could do almost anything (except Current Content Dungeons, Raids, and PvP) solo, and was all over that crap. She tried getting back into FFXI and it was just too dang slow. Combat, you spend 90% of the time just watching while your character auto-attacks, farming you walk walk walk walk kill kill kill, you might get 1 drop every 5 minutes if you're lucky in whatever you're farming for, trying to level a craft, you'd spend 10+ hours farming and crafting for maybe a 0.5 total once you got past Lv60 or so in a craft.

Anyways, sorry about the tangent, I just...nnngh.

FFXI at its core was a decent game with so many flaws. It could have been worlds better if they had just changed a few things. But, sadly, the Japanese own that game, and they are... quite stubborn about change. They do things their way and their way only. Oh well. I'll try and remember the things I liked about the game.

Meanwhile, we play WoW. It is actually a game you can Do Stuff in, with minimal group requirements.
#24 Jan 23 2012 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
How did you play before Promathia? I thought when the game was released in NA it came with Promathia already? Or was that just the PS2 version (that's what I played on)?

I feel your pain though. In that year or so that I played, I got a mithra blm up to the late teens, then decided I'd rather play a taru taru so I started over, and got blm to level 58 or so, with rdm (which was her sub job) to around 30 and whm to around 20 I think. I think at that point, the max level was 80 or 85. Or maybe 75. I don't remember. Point being I was still a long ways away from max level, and I too was annoyed with having to find groups.

FFXI at its core was a decent game with so many flaws. It could have been worlds better if they had just changed a few things.

I totally agree with you on that. It isn't a bad game, but at the time I played it, it was just far too grindy for my tastes and I never did figure out how to make money. Friends bought me the elemental staves a blm needed to do decent damage in the 50's, because I couldn't afford them. And the whole thing with class skills being from scrolls that dropped in the world that you had to buy on the AH was just stupid. I remember one of the 50 range spells (Quake I think) cost 400k, and there was no way in hell I could afford that.
#25 Jan 23 2012 at 8:55 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
It came bundled with Rise of the Zilart, CoP came out a good bit later. The elder magics for a BlM were pretty rediculous, at least the good ones. You're probably thinking of Freeze, which you can get at level 50. Quake is level 54, and was basically worthless at the time, since earth-based SCs were uncommon and most mobs you fight in that level range are strong against earth. On the other hand, crabs, crawlers, and most other things you fight are weak or neutral vs ice. For just one more perk (as if you needed one), the Ice staff that boosts the damage of your ice spells by 10% also boosts your elemental magic skill. Win/Win/Win.

Things I loved about FFXI:
the interaction between the casters and the melees for setting up skill-chains and magic bursts
pure support roles
some of the interesting job/sub-job combinations (Buttersheep can diaf, but things like /War, /Nin, or /Thf for melee, or /WhM, /BlM, /Nin, /DrK for RdM).

Things I hated:
camping rare spawns
the exp grind
ridiculously low drop chance on loot
critical failures while crafting
having to search outside the game for crafting recipes
lack of information on the actual impact of certain stats
#26 Jan 23 2012 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
No, I got Freeze. I specifically remember looking at Quake and having it be ridiculously expensive. It is entirely possible I am forgetting guildies telling me not to bother with the damn scroll if it was worthless.

I really loved the skill chains and magic bursts too. I thought that was a really neat feature and is something I still miss in WoW. And I remember being a black sheep of a BLM (har har) by using RDM as my subjob. I don't think I ever got kicked for not using WHM, but I definitely got flack for it on occasion. I'd tell them that as a BLM, it was my job to do damage. RDM gave a better intellect boost than WHM, so I would do more damage using it for my subjob. If they wanted a back up healer, they should get a RDM. Smiley: grin
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