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Nothing new till MoP? Follow

#1 Jan 20 2012 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Part of me is annoyed at this situation for obvious reasons. I've been clearing the LFR for a few weeks. My 10m group is currently in transition - so we don't have any progress there, but the content is already starting to feel 'well known' to me. Not "old" or "worn out" but there's nothing new about it. I'm not sure how multiple weeks of clearing LFR will translate into 10m guild runs - or if it will at all....

Part of me thinks this is OK. When they rush "filler" content in - it's almost never that interesting to me. Ruby just didn't fit. Why was it there? Progression wise - it just was something else to eat up time. It didn't feel like a real part of Wrath. Also - ToC - while not technically the same thing as Ruby.... It was a rushed raid that I believe most people feel was poorly done.

I guess the only thing I could say is that it's not going to be a hard decision to let my subscription lapse when the weather get's better and the Spring/Summer months start coming around.
#2 Jan 20 2012 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I've more or less figured I was raising a couple of more alts, then taking a bit of a break before coming back for the pre-panda goodies. Another long period of no-content and filler-content is ahead. Let's hope it's a little shorter or more eventful than in the past.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Jan 20 2012 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
701 posts
It could be least it isnt like what EQ was doing and releasing an expansion twice a year without addressing issues with current content....
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#4 Jan 20 2012 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
If only there were more than 10 character slots per realm...
#5 Jan 20 2012 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Borsuk wrote:
Also - ToC - while not technically the same thing as Ruby.... It was a rushed raid that I believe most people feel was poorly done.

God I hated that place. Nothing but pure, shameless filler content.

And as for your topic, yeah. We're looking at another long drought of content. I've decided I'm likely not waiting that one out, so it's just a question of when I'm jumping ship and where to. I'm only hanging around at the moment because my guildies are awesome.
#6 Jan 20 2012 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I remember that post.
#7 Jan 20 2012 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
I just wish Blizzard would not have such a long wait between content releases. It makes sense why the can't - there's only so many of them and there is a physical limit to how much can be done in a set amount of time - but you'd think with Blizzard's resources, it'd be possible to avoid a year-long wait between a patch and an expansion.
#8 Jan 20 2012 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
Something I would be interested in would be them increasing the drop rates for low level transmog armor. Then we could spend time gather full sets of whatever we wanted and it would be fun.
#9 Jan 20 2012 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
Hmm, the comment I want to make would either be taken as observant snark or start a flamewar. Hell, there's no 'or' about it, I better hold off.
#10 Jan 20 2012 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
#11 Jan 20 2012 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Personal mileage may vary, but ingame holidays may be time consuming, although I think most already got tweaked last year.... so I wouldnt expect many changes this year.

Edited, Jan 20th 2012 7:13pm by Azaza
#12 Jan 20 2012 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Iv actually started to equip alts since i have been running out of things to do. My my priest, mage, hunter and warrior are basically all in 378 gear or better and my shammy and DK are slowly getting there. I have done all but a couple of the "easy" achieves on my main toon and the only ones i have left are pvp(which i dont pvp) and dungeon achieves which very few people want to do anymore. IV run the three new instances to death and iv done raid finder a couple of times and 10 man up to ultraxion.

So long story short hopefuly Mop ether comes out in the next few months or blizz adds something to tide us over until Mop does come out since i see alot of people taking a break from the game if nothing is gonna happen for the next 6 months.
#13 Jan 20 2012 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Sign up the for the Annual Pass -- that way you can get into the MoP beta which might help keep you occupied.
#14 Jan 20 2012 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Lyrailis wrote:
Sign up the for the Annual Pass -- that way you can get into the MoP beta which might help keep you occupied.

But then what do you do when MoP is released, but you're bored out of your mind because you've already played the majority of it?

And if you're considering letting your subscription expire, signing up for a year-long agreement to stay subscribed probably isn't the best solution.
#15 Jan 20 2012 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Sign up the for the Annual Pass -- that way you can get into the MoP beta which might help keep you occupied.

But then what do you do when MoP is released, but you're bored out of your mind because you've already played the majority of it?

And if you're considering letting your subscription expire, signing up for a year-long agreement to stay subscribed probably isn't the best solution.


As for what to do during the Beta and then the release?


Do something you wouldn't normally do with your real characters: If you only do one side, play the other side during the Beta for something different.

Or maybe play a class you wouldn't normally play during the Beta for something different (since it is a throw-away character anyways).

When the Beta ends and the release happens, you still have your main characters to enjoy and do (you'd have some knowledge about the new zones and such)

And besides, nobody is telling you to do the new zones front-and-back, so that you have them memorized like the back of your hand either.


Was just throwing out an idea.
#16 Jan 20 2012 at 11:16 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Rukkuss wrote:
It could be least it isnt like what EQ was doing and releasing an expansion twice a year without addressing issues with current content....

Hey now - I like EQ...and WoW. Smiley: grin
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#17 Jan 21 2012 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
ill start heading to 500.000 honor kills in case they add a new milestone there!!
#18 Jan 21 2012 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
Lady Azalysa wrote:
Rukkuss wrote:
It could be least it isnt like what EQ was doing and releasing an expansion twice a year without addressing issues with current content....

Hey now - I like EQ...and WoW. Smiley: grin

i loved EQ as well just couldnt stand the 2 expansions every year....havent really played since wow came out.
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#19 Jan 21 2012 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Rukkuss wrote:
Lady Azalysa wrote:
Rukkuss wrote:
It could be least it isnt like what EQ was doing and releasing an expansion twice a year without addressing issues with current content....

Hey now - I like EQ...and WoW. Smiley: grin

i loved EQ as well just couldnt stand the 2 expansions every year....havent really played since wow came out.

I'm a very casual gamer, not in the number of hours I play but re: leveling, raiding, etc. I began EQ in 1999 about the same time as Kunark was released, but as a 95% soloer, I leveled *very* slowly but that honestly never bothered me due to my approach to the game. When I left a bit over 3 years ago my main was level 61 and the level cap was 70. I returned last summer when the 45 free days were offered (due to the hacking incident) and felt like I'd entered a new game. Level 90 (now 95 with Veil of Alaris), mercenaries, etc. I felt like a noobie all over

I can see where the rapid expansions could be annoying to people who are more hard core than I am. I did notice leveling has become MUCH easier. I transferred my toons to the FV server and between the experience bonus on that server, plus the addition of the mercenaries I went from level 61 to 80 since last June and took my Paladin from level 36 to 60.

I met someone in EQ who approaches the game much as I do and he suggested I try the free trial of WoW. All I'd ever heard about WoW were negative things in EQ. I don't like to hear knocking of any game; if it's not someone's cup of tea...don't play it. Smiley: grin I just mention that to say it was the only "knowledge" I had of WoW, thus when I did try the trial, I wasn't expecting much, but WOW! (No pun intended.) I've just been playing since December and thus far LOVE it!!!! Especially for my preferred play style, I can spend an hour or two in WoW and feel like I've accomplished something.

I just logged into EQ a few minutes ago, then logged out and am heading for WoW. Again, each game has its merits and I'm sure I'll play EQ here and there, but at least for now, I am enjoying WoW immensely.

Bottom line...I hear where you're coming from and we're pretty much on the same page. *smiles*
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#20 Jan 21 2012 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
6-9 months of DS, hope you have fun with that and leveling alts.

I am sure that won't negatively impact subscriptions.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#21 Jan 22 2012 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
6-9 months of DS, hope you have fun with that and leveling alts.

I am sure that won't negatively impact subscriptions.

If that was re: my post, errr...I don't get it? Smiley: confused

Edited, Jan 22nd 2012 9:21am by Azalysa
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#22 Jan 22 2012 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
No need to MoPe about it.

God, I'm funny.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2012 4:32pm by Kavekk
#23 Jan 22 2012 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Lady Azalysa wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
6-9 months of DS, hope you have fun with that and leveling alts.

I am sure that won't negatively impact subscriptions.

If that was re: my post, errr...I don't get it? Smiley: confused

Edited, Jan 22nd 2012 9:21am by Azalysa

Bohdi likes to occasionally remind everyone how much he dislikes the direction Blizzard has gone with WoW in the last couple expansions. See his post here.
#24 Jan 22 2012 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
There's a lifecycle to games, and it's silly to think that the lull before a new expansion is possible to avoid. If they pushed something out it'd wind up another Vanilla Naxx or Ruby Dragonshine; clipped short and quickly made obsolete.
#25 Jan 22 2012 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
They want me to grind two raids and three heroics for half a year?

Yeah... no. No thanks.

Edit: I like the LFR thing, it's just that the only two raids in it can be done in one hour each, much like some of the heroics. And the new heroics, lets face it, are a pain in the ***. Well of Eternity was cute the first few times, but now it's just boring. Too much waiting around. Same with Hour of Twilight. You talk to Thrall, mobs spawn. You talk to him again, more mobs spawn. You talk to him again-again, he runs to the boss. You talk to him again, he runs and then stops. You talk to him again, he runs and mobs spawn.

Seriously, it's worse than The Culling of Stratholme. At least Arthas, once you talked to him, would run and not stop until you won or wiped.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2012 6:54pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#26 Jan 22 2012 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Lady Azalysa wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
6-9 months of DS, hope you have fun with that and leveling alts.

I am sure that won't negatively impact subscriptions.

If that was re: my post, errr...I don't get it? Smiley: confused

Edited, Jan 22nd 2012 9:21am by Azalysa

Bohdi likes to occasionally remind everyone how much he dislikes the direction Blizzard has gone with WoW in the last couple expansions. See his post here.

Ahhh, ok! Thanks for cluing me in. *grins*
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
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