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New to WoW, and need some advice.Follow

#1 Jan 11 2012 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
Hi Everyone,

My name is Shane and I like to play MMORPG's on my free time. I have been playing Maple Story for the past five or six years, and after that long time someone finally hacked my account (they did a disconnection hack, but it has pissed me off none-the-less). I have been looking into World or Warcraft because I also love the Diablo series. But after my experience with Maple Story's company Nexon, and their lack of hacking prevention, I have decided to switch over to a more well balanced and taken care of MMORPG.

So, naturally, I have a few questions about World of Warcraft:

How good is customer service with Blizzard?
How well does Blizzard handle hackers and hacking situations?
This game has been out for a very long time; do you see it going strong for awhile?
Finally, based on my gaming style for MMORPG's what class do you think would fit me best? (In Maple Story I liked playing as a Thief because they were great at aiding parties, and on Final Fantasy XI I like playing as a Bard because I never had problems getting into a party/guild, and they helped buff.)

If you would like please leave your opinion of Blizzard and WoW please do so, all the possible information I have would help out greatly. Thank you all who answer and help me out :)

Edited, Jan 11th 2012 1:05pm by ovshanevo
#2 Jan 11 2012 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Hello Smiley: smile

How good is customer service with Blizzard?

Generally fairly decent, but I haven't dealt with them much over the years honestly...

How well does Blizzard handle hackers and hacking situations?

You can usually get resolution of your problem within a couple of days. They'll often restore you're character and items. They also sell an authenticator which acts as an extra layer of security (you're unlikely to ever get your account hacked with one).

This game has been out for a very long time; do you see it going strong for awhile?

The years of massive expansion and increasing subscription numbers are likely behind us, but it's sure to keep going fairly steady for a long time to come.

Finally, based on my gaming style for MMORPG's what class do you think would fit me best?

Try a Rogue or a Druid. Smiley: smile
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Jan 11 2012 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
@someproteinguy Thanks for the advice :)
#4 Jan 11 2012 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
You're welcome. Smiley: grin

And as an additional point for choosing a class, definitely try several. WoW doesn't have a true support/buff class, so there really isn't a great match for what you may have been used to. Still it shouldn't be much to get a few classes to level 20ish to see how they play.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#5 Jan 11 2012 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
677 posts
Fellow Ex-FFXI player here!

Someproteinguy has the major points covered. Allows to to explain some to.

How good is customer service with Blizzard?

Having recent experiences I would say good. Issue regarding in game such as abuse, bugs etc I have found always dealt fairly. They also always get back to you, by ingame post if your logged out. But off course expect a delay near prime play times.

How well does Blizzard handle hackers and hacking situations?

Hacking is more and more common. What can happen if you get hacked is Blizzard offer a quick repair of a welfare pack containing various blue quality gear and gold. Now you CAN refuse this and aim for getting everything. Guess it depends on you'r gear level and how fussed you are. They will also refund trade skills if lost. Not uncommon for hackers to unlearn them for you. This can take a few days as they chase everything down.

If your worried get an authenticator. If you use a phone with Android or an iPhone you can download one for free. Also it wont be awkward and ask all the time. If you only log in from your own PC it will ask at random log ins. Soon as you go to log in somewhere else will ask every time. (You can set it to ask every time regardless if you wish)

Finally, based on my gaming style for MMORPG's what class do you think would fit me best? (In Maple Story I liked playing as a Thief because they were great at aiding parties, and on Final Fantasy XI I like playing as a Bard because I never had problems getting into a party/guild, and they helped buff.)

Unlike FFXI all classes are useful and can bring buffs to the table. You will not be waiting for days for a party. Wonderful little tool called Looking for Group which will match make you into a group of 5 depending on your role. As all classes bring a buff and many overlap the Bard and Red Mage style of play isnt in WoW.

Figure what role you want to play. If you like Thief alot then yes Rogue is the closest to that. Position based attacks and medium armour. These are a pure Damage class.

Personally as you first character I would suggest a hybrid. Now these hybrids are not gimped because they can do many different roles. As they can only do one role at a time depending how you build your character. However with duel spec offered at higher levels you can switch between two builds outside of combat.
#6 Jan 11 2012 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
ovshanevo wrote:
How good is customer service with Blizzard?

I have only been playing the trial version of WoW for the past month and a half and just purchased the game recently. I have submitted two tickets, mostly for information, and both were answered expeditiously; one the same day.

ovshanevo wrote:
This game has been out for a very long time; do you see it going strong for awhile?

I can only speak from another MMORPG point of view. I have played EQ since 1999. Its demise has been predicted for years but last month its 18th (I think) expac was released. There is definitely a lower player base which was somewhat balanced by server merges, but there are still a lot of people playing EQ and many more returning who played in the past. My personal opinion is that if you like a particular game - play it and have fun and don't worry about it going away.

I don't have enough experience yet in WoW to answer your other questions. I did create a hybrid as one of the posters suggested - a Paladin. I created one on each side (Horde & Alliance). Currently I am enjoying the Alliance Human Paladin more, primarily because the quests are much more fun.

Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#7 Jan 11 2012 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
As to class choice, If I could add one thing, there's no need to come in with a goal-oriented, race to succeed attitude. Most of us have at least two toons, some more. I went through, and discarded, at least seven before I found the class I really prefer playing over all others. If you come in looking to match what you've already played elsewhere, you may succeed in merely blinding yourself to the many other possibilities that are offered.

I'd never played MMOs before this y7ear, although my war game and RPG chops go back many years. One thing I love about WoW is that there are so many branching alternatives that no two characters need ever follow the same path and career. I'm on my eighth toon and first Level 85, and there are still thing I find in just about every session that none of them ever saw before.There's almost always other ways to get to where you're going. Half the time in game, I feel more like a tourist than my true calling - itinerant free-lance murderer.
#8 Jan 11 2012 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
Oh, Maple Story... I tried playing that game a few years back because my dorm friends played it. After playing MMO's that are subscription based, it's hard to play a game that is F2P. The quality difference is just astronomical.

I'd suggest a druid as well, mostly because they're extremely versatile. You can be a healer, a caster dps, a melee dps (which is very thief/rogue in style) or a tank. So you can get a feel for each role in the game, and then be able to narrow down which other classes you may enjoy.

Personally, I'm a big fan of casters. I have a shadow priest, a mage and a druid at level 85, and a shaman and warlock both in the low 70's. I also have a death knight at 85, and she's fun but not to the extent that the casters are for me. Probably doesn't help that I have little experience as a melee toon and the whole "get behind the mob so you do more damage and take less damage" thing is still kind of lost on me lol.
#10 Jan 11 2012 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
656 posts
Leveling in WoW is so easy and streamlined with the whole world revamp... you only risk your account and credibility by using any services. Play the game, learn to play your class while you're leveling.
#12 Jan 11 2012 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
sarah19891028 wrote:
I want to play this game,but i haven't much time to level it.Who knows some good power leveling company for me? By the way, which character is better for a fresh?

The game is 90% leveling and 10% end-game content. You might as well just take your time leveling because once you hit 85 you'll hit a wall called 'farming the same five dungeons over and over again to get gear'.

As for the best class to start with, look at the info boxes for each class and start with the one that sounds most interesting. A short overview:

Stealth classes:
- Rogue
- Feral Druid (Cat)

Tanking classes:
- Warrior (Protection)
- Paladin (Protection)
- Death Knight (Blood)
- Feral Druid (Bear)

Magic classes:
- Mage (Fire, Frost, Arcane)
- Warlock (Fire, Shadow)
- Shaman (Fire, Frost, Nature)
- Death Knight (Frost, Shadow)
- Druid (Nature, Arcane)
- Paladin (Holy)
- Priest (Holy, Shadow)

Pet classes:
- Hunter (any)
- Death Knight (Unholy)
- Mage (Frost)

Healing classes:
- Druid (Restoration)
- Paladin (Holy)
- Priest (Holy, Discipline)
- Shaman (Restoration)

Note that this list isn't necessarily complete. It's just what I remember off the top of my head.

Pick the class that sounds the most fun. Remember, you aren't limited to just one class. If you get bored with the class you selected after a couple of levels, try a new one.

Edited, Jan 12th 2012 3:06am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Jan 11 2012 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I've played since the game was in Open Beta back in 2004.

My favorite class is the Druid. I love shapeshifting and the Druid can perform all roles in the game:

Melee damage: Cat
Tanking: Bear
Healing: Restoration
Ranged damage: Moonkin (Balance)

A pet class is an easy class to play since the pet works as your personal tank, which means you can take on stronger enemies without the risk of dying.

I should probably mention that the Death Knight isn't available until you level a character to 58, I believe. If you really want a Death Knight, you'll have to level up another class first. The Hunter class is arguably the easiest class to level with.

Edited, Jan 12th 2012 3:22am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Jan 11 2012 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Sarah, we see a lot of people who work for companies that sell things like power leveling.

Are you:
A real poster who accidentally brought up power leveling in his first post?:0 (0.0%)
Yet another employee of a gold selling or power leveling business trying to start a discussion?:2 (16.7%)
An English major somewhere in China who really just wants to be polite and practice her English?:2 (16.7%)
A law enforcement agent trying to lure Mazra and Someprotienguy into indiscreet discussions of perversions they've indulged in while under the influence of a low blood alcohol content because that would flag them for Homeland Security?:8 (66.7%)

#18 Jan 11 2012 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Is this a 'how u doin?' moment yet? Smiley: sly
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#19 Jan 11 2012 at 8:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
<url removed> is awesome, we see it advertised here all the time.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#22 Jan 11 2012 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
sarah19891028 wrote:
advertised what?

<url removed>
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#23 Jan 11 2012 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
Maz, you forgot warlocks in your pet class list. And DK's are available at 55, not 58. Smiley: tongue
#24 Jan 11 2012 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Hey, it's 5 AM here and I'm not drunk.

Also, I chose the last option in Rhode's poll because.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 Jan 11 2012 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
Wow, thank you all so much for posting :) That is a lot of information that I have here :D

@CmdrHorris I am kind of disappointed to hear there are no designated classes in this game, but I just recently did a dungeon with my level 20 Discipline-Priest and I think that is what I am really looking for. As for the hacking, I am happy to hear they at least get back to about it. Most of these F2P games don't do anything.

@Lady Azalysa Well thank you for answering my post :) Change MMORPG's can be a bit daunting especially to one where I have to buy and pay a monthly fee (which since it is a great product I have no problem with).

@Ollamnh Yeah, this game really feels like it has so much going on, and not just silly holiday events either. But about the "If you come in looking to match what you've already played elsewhere, you may succeed in merely blinding yourself to the many other possibilities that are offered" I will keep that in mind. Its just that with some MMO's if you choose a class that is over populated it is difficult to get into a party, but it seems this game does not have that issue.

@PigtailsOfDoom Yeah, I like the old school style graphic and the BIG numbers :P wasted so much time on such a crappy game though. Besides my Priest I am going to try a Rouge, Hunter and Druid class before I buy the game.

@Mazra Thanks for the End-game advice. The "90% leveling and 10% end-game content" is just what i am looking for in an MMO. As I mentioned I am a big fan of the Diablo series (max leveling then just lotting) and it seem WoW uses the same concept. Also, thank you so much for posting that information; I will keep that in mind when I am creating my classes.

@Mazra So do you get all of those shape-shifting abilities before Dungeon Raids?

@Rhodekylle English Major, but I live in America. And yeah, this is my first post, but this is not my first MMO. Being a long time player of Diablo 2 I am use to seeing those leveling/gearing add's.

@therest I don't even know what happened back then (RvB quote :D)

I have decided that I am going to buy this game and give it a go; at least until Diablo 3 comes out. Would it be better for me to buy the digital copy of the Battle Chest off of ($20), the full (BC+WotLK+Cata) digital copy off-line for $80 (not sure if it comes with the 14 day free trial), Battle chest from Amazon ($20+14 day free trial), or all three (BC+WotLK+Cata) from Amazon ($75)?

Edited, Jan 12th 2012 12:16am by ovshanevo
#26 Jan 11 2012 at 11:53 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
You get all your forms before you hit level 85, yes.

Cat Form - Level 8
This is your primary damage dealing form if you're a Feral Druid. It exchanges your mana bar for an energy bar (like a Rogue) and you essentially mimic the Rogue's playstyle.

Bear Form - Level 15
It's your tanking form as it increases your health, armor and dodge (with talent points). It also replaces your mana with a rage bar (like Warriors).

Aquatic Form - Level 16
This is a quality of life form as it has no real use. It allows you to move much faster in water than anyone else and it enables you to breathe underwater, giving you free access to all the watery areas on Azeroth.

Travel Form - Level 18
Also a vanity form, this one allows you to travel faster on land. It's a bit slower than a mount, but has an instant cast time, like the other forms, and can be used in combat, unlike a mount.

Moonkin Form - Requires 10 points in Balance (earliest level: 20)
This is your primary damage dealing form if you go Balance as it increases your damage, increases your armor and gives you and everyone in your group a crit or haste buff, whatever they've changed it to these days.

Tree of Life - Requires 30 points in Restoration (earliest level: 40)
This is a cooldown ability for Druid healers. It turns you into a giant tree for a short period of time, increasing your healing output and buffing certain healing spells (making some instant, others more powerful, etc.).

Flight Form - Requires Expert Riding (earliest level: 60)
This form is like Travel Form, except it allows you to fly (and you move much faster than Travel Form). Like all the other forms, it's an instant cast, which allows you to switch to this form while falling in mid-air, allowing for some nice acrobatics. Cannot be used in combat, so beware.

Swift Flight Form - Requires Artisan Riding (earliest level: 70)
Similar to Flight Form, but moves faster and has a unique model depending on your race.

Except for Tree of Life, all forms are "stances" you switch to, meaning you stay in that form until you switch back out or into another form. Each form unlocks certain abilities while locking others.

Pretty unique class.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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