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Darkmoon Faire ConclusionsFollow

#1 Dec 11 2011 at 2:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Finishing up my Darkmoon stuff, the place was eerily like all carnivals as they wind down; just a few people left where there was once a throng. I saw a post this week that someone was unhappy it was still once a month. I'm glad it's that way. When it comes back around on Jan 1st it'll be full up with people again and fun to see all the stuff that people came up short with their Prizes.

Any comments on improvements, additions or content that needs retired?
#2 Dec 11 2011 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
799 posts
I thoroughly enjoyed how accessible it was, to all level players.
And it had a VERY authentic carnival feel to it.
I loved the humor in the quests and games, as well as in some of the "off hand" NPC dialogs.

One thing I can easily see: the AH being flooded with Oily Blackmouth for the next few days!

I also appreciate that it is once a month. I think I would overdose if I had to do the dailies literally every day. Flying over the whole carnival grounds held up by nothing more than gossamer wings of fairy dust, with death or serious injury nothing more than an accidental press of [1] away... It's fun, but I wouldn't be able to do it absolutely every day. No matter HOW badly I really want those pets and mounts.

Edited, Dec 11th 2011 8:17am by capcanuk
#3 Dec 11 2011 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,882 posts
Overall I was pleased with it. I would have liked to see more challenging games than just a few time sinks. Actually having to aim for the shooting or tonka quest would have been nice. I'm glad flying wasn't allowed. Flying would remove the spooky eerie feel of it. Being stuck down in the dark forest was a great touch. I'm also glad it is only one week of every month. It would quickly lose its charm if we were always given access to it.

In all honesty, I wish they did more dailies like this. Rotating quest hubs depending on what time of the month it was or whether a certain objective was met. TB and WG kind of had this, but on a more major and impacting scale.
#4 Dec 11 2011 at 8:46 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
So far, I've only have a few minor gripes with the Faire.

The games were fun and all, but there were a few things that just didn't feel "right" about them:

The Gun Game: When there's a bunch of people there, they like to stand up on the counter to get in front of each other and when you have a tauren or three up on the counter, it starts getting nearly impossible to see the targets and more importantly, the green arrows. What they SHOULD have done, is put the targets in the area like the Turtle/Gnoll/Tonk games, teleport people out who step in it, and put the targets further back in this area, and remove the overhead canopy so that you can tilt the camera down a little and zoom out.

Tonk: They need to either let us aim the tonk's cannon (make it shoot directly in front of it) OR make it so that the tonk stops shooting at the ground randomly. It doesn't even make sense why the tonk shoots at the ground when there's nothing there. I can be sitting there, a target 5 feet in front of me, hit "1" and the tonk shoots 90 degrees to the side.... at the ground.

Turtle Game: Don't know why, but sometimes your character refuses to throw the ring where the targeting circle is. I'll have the targeting circle one place, hit "1" and the ring goes waaaay off to the side. Why bother giving us a targeting circle if our character isn't going to throw there?

Cannon: They need to get the bugs out of the hit detection. There was a time I landed in the exact same spot as someone else. They got the achievement, I didn't. I only had a measly 3 points. Other times I landed noticeably "off" and I got the full 5 points.

Gnolls: Mostly happy with the game, though they could remove that Stun they put on you when they teleport you. I finish the quest, walk clear out of the gaming area, turn the quest in, and WHOOSH. "STAY OUT OF GAMING AREA LOL LOL" and I'm standing there going "come on lemme go already". Also, 5 or so seconds added onto the timer would be nice, it is frustrating when I consistently come up 1-2 short of being able to turn the quest in, and have to use another token, get stunned AGAIN, blah blah.


Slightly higher drop rate on the artifacts would be nice too. I did like 6 northrend dungeons, 2x stratholme, 1x brd, 2x H-Seth, 1x N-SFK (except last boss, stupid fail group), 1x WC.

Artifacts gained: 1.
#5 Dec 12 2011 at 5:09 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
I finished every quest on the isle once. Then I decided I did not like most of the minigames too much.
But it's okay, I like the fact that they tried some new form of daily quest. If it doesn't appeal to me I find other stuff to do. Since it obviously is enjoyed by many other people they did a good job.

Now I just have to figure out if I skip the mounts/pets obtainable through the Darkmoon Faire or if I take it like a boss and to them dailies anyway. Many many times... :(
#6 Dec 12 2011 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Oh, and another minor gripe:

They could have at least offered half XP/Money from a normal level-appropriate daily gives.

But these dailies give zero money or XP.

Otherwise, I might have been tempted to do them on my alts for extra snippets of XP between times of waiting for Rested to build up, or days I didn't feel like non-daily questing at all.

They are also a "waste" in terms of Money/Guild XP, since they give none, but yet you kinda have to do them if you want Pets or Mounts.

Even the Argent Tournament still gives some money (12-15g per quest!) and 20k personal XP (5k guild XP) per quest.

Again, DMF gives zip on both. Except for, of course, the monthly profession quests. Even the "gather 250 trophies!" quest gives zip.
#7 Dec 12 2011 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
when you have a tauren or three up on the counter, it starts getting nearly impossible to see the targets and more importantly, the green arrows

That was my one gripe, Lyrailis. One guy (probably the one that beat me up in elementary school) laid down a string of white smoke flares then stood on the table atop his wooly mammoth. Funny for about five seconds.

I did notice that a few of the tents were still off-limits, so let's hope the Faire gets bigger and the hiccups get addressed.
#8 Dec 12 2011 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
It was all right. Definitely better than the previous incarnation. I do have a couple of issues though, my main one being the limits on ticket wins. It bites that you can only win, what, 150 tickets per month at most? I'd prefer to have the mini-games be repeatable as much as you'd like, but make the first time give like 5x the reward, and guild/regular exp and maybe a money reward (or more thematically, a random bonus item, like additional tickets or tokens or a prize). Would be fine to raise the prize prices to compensate, but right now it felt like a waste of 5 dailies without almost any reward. Blah.
#9 Dec 12 2011 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
For the shooting game, the reason my Tauren *** humps the table is because if I take a step back it says "cannot be used here". Other folks don't have that issue?
#10 Dec 12 2011 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
Lyrailis wrote:
Oh, and another minor gripe:

They could have at least offered half XP/Money from a normal level-appropriate daily gives.

But these dailies give zero money or XP.

Otherwise, I might have been tempted to do them on my alts for extra snippets of XP between times of waiting for Rested to build up, or days I didn't feel like non-daily questing at all.

They are also a "waste" in terms of Money/Guild XP, since they give none, but yet you kinda have to do them if you want Pets or Mounts.

Even the Argent Tournament still gives some money (12-15g per quest!) and 20k personal XP (5k guild XP) per quest.

Again, DMF gives zip on both. Except for, of course, the monthly profession quests. Even the "gather 250 trophies!" quest gives zip.

Because in real carnivals, you expect to walk away making a profit, right?
#11 Dec 12 2011 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
I do have a couple of issues though, my main one being the limits on ticket wins. It bites that you can only win, what, 150 tickets per month at most? I'd prefer to have the mini-games be repeatable as much as you'd like, but make the first time give like 5x the reward, and guild/regular exp and maybe a money reward (or more thematically, a random bonus item, like additional tickets or tokens or a prize). Would be fine to raise the prize prices to compensate, but right now it felt like a waste of 5 dailies without almost any reward. Blah.

i agree just to get all the pets and mounts will take 6-8 months depending on your luck. that's just way too long to wait to get 6 pets and 2 mounts. they ether need the games to pay out more tickets and or make the profession "monthlies" and the artifacts doable more then just once during the fair. considering doing dungeons i came up with a couple of the same artifacts during that one week period and could only turn in one sucked.
#12 Dec 12 2011 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Oh, and another minor gripe:

They could have at least offered half XP/Money from a normal level-appropriate daily gives.

But these dailies give zero money or XP.

Otherwise, I might have been tempted to do them on my alts for extra snippets of XP between times of waiting for Rested to build up, or days I didn't feel like non-daily questing at all.

They are also a "waste" in terms of Money/Guild XP, since they give none, but yet you kinda have to do them if you want Pets or Mounts.

Even the Argent Tournament still gives some money (12-15g per quest!) and 20k personal XP (5k guild XP) per quest.

Again, DMF gives zip on both. Except for, of course, the monthly profession quests. Even the "gather 250 trophies!" quest gives zip.

Because in real carnivals, you expect to walk away making a profit, right?

Last I checked, WoW isn't a real carnival and WoW gives you XP and money for doing something mundane as walking up to a candy bucket and dipping your hand in it or talking to a ghost who gives you a coin.
#13 Dec 12 2011 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Jallil wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
I do have a couple of issues though, my main one being the limits on ticket wins. It bites that you can only win, what, 150 tickets per month at most? I'd prefer to have the mini-games be repeatable as much as you'd like, but make the first time give like 5x the reward, and guild/regular exp and maybe a money reward (or more thematically, a random bonus item, like additional tickets or tokens or a prize). Would be fine to raise the prize prices to compensate, but right now it felt like a waste of 5 dailies without almost any reward. Blah.

i agree just to get all the pets and mounts will take 6-8 months depending on your luck. that's just way too long to wait to get 6 pets and 2 mounts. they ether need the games to pay out more tickets and or make the profession "monthlies" and the artifacts doable more then just once during the fair. considering doing dungeons i came up with a couple of the same artifacts during that one week period and could only turn in one sucked.

Hey, you've got better luck than I. Between mom and I, we've killed at least 50 bosses by now and we've gotten one artifact.


All the way to one.

Why, if we do 10+ dungeons a day, we maybe, might get enough for a full set by the time next DMF comes up.
#14 Dec 12 2011 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
I ran over to the DMF on one of my alts and got his dungeoneering guide. In his low level dungeons the artifacts drop about every other dungeon and I havn't had to roll against anyone for them yet. I have about 12 of them so far and plan on mailing them to my main to help his pet collection. Could be a really lucky RNG streak though.

If it keeps up it might be worth it to try next month unless Blizzard makes the artifacts BoP.
#15 Dec 12 2011 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
xinaskin wrote:
I ran over to the DMF on one of my alts and got his dungeoneering guide. In his low level dungeons the artifacts drop about every other dungeon and I havn't had to roll against anyone for them yet. I have about 12 of them so far and plan on mailing them to my main to help his pet collection. Could be a really lucky RNG streak though.

If it keeps up it might be worth it to try next month unless Blizzard makes the artifacts BoP.


I just don't get why in the hell the damn things refuse to drop for me whatsoever.

I used 85s in low level dungeons, I used 85s in Northrend Heroics (that are still green to me), and I've used low-levels in RDF and mom's tried a bunch of dungeons herself with her 85.

I just cannot understand why these stupid things refuse to drop, at all.

And yes, the characters DO have the Guide on them.
#16 Dec 12 2011 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Lyrailis wrote:
IDrownFish wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Oh, and another minor gripe:

They could have at least offered half XP/Money from a normal level-appropriate daily gives.

But these dailies give zero money or XP.

Otherwise, I might have been tempted to do them on my alts for extra snippets of XP between times of waiting for Rested to build up, or days I didn't feel like non-daily questing at all.

They are also a "waste" in terms of Money/Guild XP, since they give none, but yet you kinda have to do them if you want Pets or Mounts.

Even the Argent Tournament still gives some money (12-15g per quest!) and 20k personal XP (5k guild XP) per quest.

Again, DMF gives zip on both. Except for, of course, the monthly profession quests. Even the "gather 250 trophies!" quest gives zip.

Because in real carnivals, you expect to walk away making a profit, right?

Last I checked, WoW isn't a real carnival and WoW gives you XP and money for doing something mundane as walking up to a candy bucket and dipping your hand in it or talking to a ghost who gives you a coin.

Yeah, but the Darkmoon Faire has always been based off of a shady, kinda creepy carnival. They didn't make it to be a daily hub, they made it to be something you could sink time and gold into so you can get some cool rewards.

WoW gives you gold and experience for doing the holiday things because it's a nice bonus around the holidays. It's something besides the usual questing, dungeons, etc. that you can do to advance a character. It's meant as a fun little thing to do for certain times of year.

The Darkmoon Faire is a grind, not a holiday. They've tried to make it as fun a grind as possible, and it's a grind that can only happen once a month, but it's still a grind.

You're making the claim that the Darkmoon Faire and a holiday are the same thing - they're not, and they won't reward you the same. So don't go in there expecting to be treated like it's just another holiday.
#17 Dec 12 2011 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
If it helps you feel any better I have gotten about 5,000 HKs combined on my chars and have yet to see any of the pvp artifacts.

Edited, Dec 12th 2011 5:30pm by xinaskin
#18 Dec 12 2011 at 6:18 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

I just don't get why in the hell the damn things refuse to drop for me whatsoever.

I used 85s in low level dungeons, I used 85s in Northrend Heroics (that are still green to me), and I've used low-levels in RDF and mom's tried a bunch of dungeons herself with her 85.

I just cannot understand why these stupid things refuse to drop, at all.

And yes, the characters DO have the Guide on them.

Which dungeons are you running? They don't drop in all of them. Wowhead has an excellent guide here. As with all RNG-based things in the game, you may just have bad luck.

I got the Ornate Weapon from Stockades first try, the Monstrous Egg on my 3rd Nerub'enkan kill in Stratholme, Mysterious Grimoire from 3rd Gandling kill in Scholo, Imbued Crystal I killed Ras Frostwhisper 5 times before going into the Nexus and getting it off my 5th kill of Ormorok, and I never saw a Treatise on Strategy drop, despite doing heroics all week on 2 toons. I farmed all the low level stuff with an 85 btw. So yeah, random drops are random.

And I despise pvp, so I purchased all 3 battleground artifacts from the AH.

Edited, Dec 12th 2011 7:18pm by Tellaria
#19 Dec 12 2011 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
That's kind of dumb.

I saw that list once before, but I thought "surely they gave them to more bosses than just those" but it seems like that list is still the same, even weeks later.

They should have given _all_ bosses a chance to drop one of the items. No, I suppose they think that everyone should farm SM and Strat over and over and over again.
#20 Dec 12 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Random side note:

I just picked up the archeology quest from the fortune teller you summon with the lower-level darkmoon decks. Obviously I can't do it now, but yeah, threw me for a loop... Smiley: lol
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#21 Dec 13 2011 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I couldn't find the fair(e). Was expecting that some of the commoners would guide me to the new island, but nooooo. Smiley: disappointed Apparently you're supposed to go where it's normally at and there's a portal there, but psh.

On an unrelated note, the English being used in this game is confusing as hell. The company is American, but the English used in it is British? Faire, axe, etc.

It's kind of silly when a Goblin, in that thick Brooklyn/New Jersey accent, tells you about a 'faire'. They might as well have given him a top hat and added a 'cheerio' at the end there. What gives?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#22 Dec 13 2011 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Mazra wrote:
I couldn't find the fair(e). Was expecting that some of the commoners would guide me to the new island, but nooooo. Smiley: disappointed Apparently you're supposed to go where it's normally at and there's a portal there, but psh.

Isn't there a NPC in SW/OG who gives you a quest with directions as to where the portal is?
#23 Dec 13 2011 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
There was no exclamation mark on my minimap anywhere in Trade District.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Dec 13 2011 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
1,606 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Mazra wrote:
I couldn't find the fair(e). Was expecting that some of the commoners would guide me to the new island, but nooooo. Smiley: disappointed Apparently you're supposed to go where it's normally at and there's a portal there, but psh.

Isn't there a NPC in SW/OG who gives you a quest with directions as to where the portal is?

I think that's only if you hadn't already done the intro quest before. Only a couple of my characters were able to get a quest from them but they teleported you to the portal regardless.

Mazra wrote:
There was no exclamation mark on my minimap anywhere in Trade District.

The person was just to the right of the steps into the AH in the trade district.

Edited, Dec 13th 2011 8:12am by MrTalos
#25 Dec 13 2011 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Mazra wrote:
I couldn't find the fair(e). Was expecting that some of the commoners would guide me to the new island, but nooooo. Smiley: disappointed Apparently you're supposed to go where it's normally at and there's a portal there, but psh.

Isn't there a NPC in SW/OG who gives you a quest with directions as to where the portal is?

I know there was an NPC in Stormwind who would teleport you to Goldshire, where the portal to the island was.

Mazra, when were you looking? I think the faire already ended this month, right? So if you were looking yesterday, it was likely too late.
#26 Dec 13 2011 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Nah, it was earlier. I checked the in-game calendar because I thought I'd already missed it. Noticed there was still a couple of days left, so I started looking for one of the NPC guys that give the intro quest.

There was a noteworthy lack of such NPC guys, though.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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