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#1 Nov 07 2011 at 8:58 AM Rating: Excellent
2,826 posts
Happy Monday everyone!!!

So how did everybody do on their goals for the weekend? I xferred 4 characters to Pigtails' server and started working on gearing my paladin. I only got 2 heroic runs and half a ZA in, but I can see the potential in the character.

On the real life side, I made a massive batch of ginormous chocolate chip cookies and they came out amazing. Looking forward to next weekend when I should get a ton of playtime in.

#2 Nov 07 2011 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Got the shammy to 70 and a level or two on the rogue. All in all a pretty good weekend WoW-wise. Smiley: smile
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Nov 07 2011 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
3,166 posts
Well I managed to level my priest through Outland. Mostly thanks to Pigtails very timely Shadow Priest guide

It took some time to figure it out but Glyph of Spirit Tap was an absolute godsend, reducing downtime to virtually nothing.

I did as someone higher up the goals thread had suggested and ran some BC heroics. I didn't even know that they now allowed sub-70 characters into them. It was interesting and better exp than the normals but whereas I normally get some nice gear drops for the BC character of course everything was L70. And by the time he can wear them those nice purple items will probably be looking sad next to the level 69 quest rewards from Wrath.

Also discovered that an 85 Paladin can die in normal Ramparts - when your internet disconnects just as you pull the whole upstairs. Smiley: smile

Wherever I go - there I am.
#4 Nov 07 2011 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Glad I could help! ^_^ I wasn't aware you could run BC heroics sub-70, thanks for the tip! I'll have to look into that.

Finally got my 4 piece on my priest this weekend! I would have preferred getting the helm token since I already had 378 shoulders, but oh well. Also got the shoulders that drop off Baleroc on my mage, so now she matches! Smiley: grin So now on both my raiding toons, I only have two slots that are below 378. For my mage, it's both her trinkets and for my priest, it's her helm and one of her trinkets.
#5 Nov 07 2011 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
432 posts
Monthly anniversary tonight, but we will likely stick with our usual Friday night wine & snacks. Saturday morning haircuts for both of us, and then I have no idea what's happening for the rest of the weekend.

Pizza & wine on Friday, Saturday morning haircuts then grown-up Raclette dinner with friends, and did some yard-work on Sunday morning then vegged for the rest of the day

I may continue with my level 52 tauren feral druid, and with archaeology on 85 human warrior. A few more toons are getting close to 84 and my hunter is close to 85, so might work on one of them as well.

Spent a few hours on my 84 hunter and got him a half-level to 85, just 2 bars to go.

That was good.

#6 Nov 07 2011 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Didn't do much of anything WoW related. Spent most of my gaming time playing Arkham City.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#7 Nov 07 2011 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Well done Spooky, you've managed to trigger another round of my cheese envy. Smiley: laugh

WOW: Servers in China are divided by region and that is easy to sort out because the regions are divided by tabs and each tab is sorted by type (Normal and PVP for the most part). What is less transparent is that some are run by China Mobile and others by China Unicom and the two phone companies don't play well with each other. My current toons are on a server maintained by one, but my ISP uses the other.

Saturday was OK and I got a level on the Druid (now 72). Sunday, lag was so bad that I didn't get much done. Even skinning was difficult, but I managed to get enough rugged leather out of DM North to break 300 LW and burn off my stock of Knothide.

RL: Bun-Bun made a quick visit and tried to get me set up for the next couple of months. Her younger brother is coming to Beijing and the various family problems will keep her from being able to interact with me. Smiley: frown

I must have looked glum because the new person at the tui na place decided that I would make a good guinea pig for her cooking. Round One, Hong Shao Rou. Unlike the traditional version, she made a slightly leaner dish and garnished it with a generous amount of chopped peppers. Round Two has been announced and will be Beer Braised Duck.
#8 Nov 07 2011 at 11:43 PM Rating: Excellent
527 posts
Well I didnt get to play much WoW this weekend. Most of my time was taken up working on homework. I did nail my 3D animation project.
#9 Nov 08 2011 at 1:07 AM Rating: Excellent
RL: Heading down to a friend's college for this a capella group that is singing a bunch of video game music. A capella's not really my cup of tea, but hey, they're singing stuff like Star Wars, Portal, Pokemon, etc, so how bad can it be?

Was surprisingly good. Hung out with my friends until late, then had to head home since I was donating plasma in the morning.

Which I ended up rescheduling anyways. But I got that knocked out today, actually.

I was going to donate platelets, but I have a rare blood type that actually makes my plasma a universal donor (AB+), so plasma like that is in pretty high demand. I ended up donating that and setting up another appointment donation for next month.

WoW: Mage finally hit 85, probably do some heroics with him. Maybe level my rogue who is currently rotting in Outland.

Accidentally left my authenticator in my dorm all weekend while I was at home, so that didn't really happen.
#10 Nov 08 2011 at 4:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Just as with last weekend, I did almost nothing beside play Mount and Blade: Warband. I only gained about half a level on my warrior.
#11 Nov 08 2011 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
Got my new main to 71, first time actually questing in Northrend. Tried running random dungeons, doesn't anybody ever run anything but Utgarde Keep - must've run it five times in two days.
#12 Nov 08 2011 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
527 posts
Ollamnh wrote:
Got my new main to 71, first time actually questing in Northrend. Tried running random dungeons, doesn't anybody ever run anything but Utgarde Keep - must've run it five times in two days.

For the first two maybe three levels all thats availble for randoms are Utgarde Keep and the Nexus so you will be seeing a lot of those two for a little while.
#13 Nov 08 2011 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
I can only do seven randoms a week Can I still specify others?
#14 Nov 08 2011 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
3,166 posts
Unless its changed you can do as many randoms as you like. One after the other. You just don't get the big goodie bag more than once
Wherever I go - there I am.
#15 Nov 08 2011 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
I've been doing some work on my Alliance characters and getting frustrated at my lack of stuff and funds on that side. I am planning on gathering a bunch of stuff together and hitting up the neutral AH to transfer some stuff and money to my Alliance alts. It's kind of a hassle to do it but every so often it just feels necessary.

I moved some enchanting mats and some money over and got my Hunter's enchanting up to LK level. I also decided to drop the Rogue's skinning and level up inscription on her and got that up to LK level. I think I worked a little on some of the others' professions as well. I put a level on my Draenei Hunter too and ran her through UK and the Nexus for the quest rewards.

I'm also working on farming BC gear still on some alts and also grinding some rep on my Hunter so he can buy some missing enchants from rep vendors. The Hunter is great at soloing the heroics so I just drag the alt that wants the gear along with him.

I did a little bit on my BC gear and rep runs.

I've got an invite to an Ulduar mount run on Saturday night so I might grab an alt for that.

My Troll Hunter now has a Rusted Proto - yay!

(oh - almost forgot - I would like to get my Draenei Shaman to 85 this weekend too)

I hit 85 on her and opened up the Firelands dailies and did the Thrall quests for the nice cloak.

I also put a couple of levels on my Goblin Warlock (now 54) and a level on my Troll Druid. I also leveled the Druid's engineering up quite a bit so as soon as he hits 72, he has some nice epic goggles to replace his BC ones.
#16 Nov 08 2011 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
I can only do seven randoms a week Can I still specify others?

You get enhanced benefits for seven random runs each week. If you click on the options, you can queue for a specific dungeon if you meet the requirements. You can queue for more than seven random runs, but you won't get "extra" rewards for it.

If I recall, you like to finish all the quests in a zone before moving on. Your gear may be holding you back. If you're still in quest greens from the first zone, you are probably going to get queued for Utgarde Keep because your gear level will be low. If you're trying to progress through Northrend quickly, you'll need to skip some things. Head over to Wowhead and look at the quests for each zone. Identify quest chains you're interested in for lore or quest rewards and focus on them. Try to get to Storm Peaks and Icecrown quickly so that you can grind some of the rep (head and shoulder enchants) that you might want before heading into Cata. If you're doing randoms, remember to grab the tabard you want to build faction rep with as soon as you can.

#17 Nov 09 2011 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
Identify quest chains you're interested in for lore or quest rewards and focus on them. Try to get to Storm Peaks and Icecrown quickly so that you can grind some of the rep (head and shoulder enchants) that you might want before heading into Cata.

To be honest I've completely skipped the Wrath rep grinds. The same enchants are there in Cata but better and the idea of grinding Kirin Tor or Wyrmrest rep for rewards that will be discarded for the first quests done in Cata seems a bit silly. In the time it takes to grind Sons of Hodir to the Exalted enchant you could have made 84 and got the Cata equivalent. Although it has to be said the quests are quite fun until you get to the daily part and even that is accelerated now.

It would be nice if they dropped the levels on some of the Wrath items, then it might be worth it. But much of the rep reward stuff is 76 upwards which means that you are virtually into Cata items that will make it look stupid. I have the same problem with crafted stuff. Most of the nice things my tailor or LW can make for my 70s characters are again 76 upwards.

That said if you want to run instances then it would be daft not to wear the tabards. Even if you just want the "Ambassador" or whatever title.

As far as Wrath instances go there is only UK and Nexus at 71. AN is 72 and OK is 73. At least for the quests. LFG might stick you in there a bit earlier.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#18 Nov 09 2011 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
The same enchants are there in Cata but better and the idea of grinding Kirin Tor or Wyrmrest rep for rewards that will be discarded for the first quests done in Cata seems a bit silly.

I was thinking in terms of the Lesser Inscriptions (honored) and the Arcanum of Torment (revered). The former should be fairly easy to hit with a tabard and relics. The grind for the latter is minimal if one uses a tabard and does the dailies in the run up to 80. Actually, quests should take care of most of the grind for those and the Cataclysm inscriptions/arcana don't become available until 85.

Most of the nice things my tailor or LW can make for my 70s characters are again 76 upwards.

Agreed! I'm in the same boat.

#19 Nov 09 2011 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Looking in game this evening it appears I was wrong about the levels for dungeon finder putting you into those instances.

According to the list on my 73 priest it is
UK - 68-78
Nexus - 69-79
AN - 70-80
OK - 71-80
DTK - 72-80
VH - 73-80

BUt as I said you won't be able to get their quests at the lower end of those.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#20 Nov 09 2011 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Cobra101 wrote:
Looking in game this evening it appears I was wrong about the levels for dungeon finder putting you into those instances.

According to the list on my 73 priest it is
UK - 68-78
Nexus - 69-79
AN - 70-80
OK - 71-80
DTK - 72-80
VH - 73-80

BUt as I said you won't be able to get their quests at the lower end of those.

I'm fairly certain that if the RDF puts you into an instance, you can pick up the quests for it.
#21 Nov 09 2011 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
Not currently for BC and Wrath dungeons. That's supposed to be changing with 4.3 though.
#22 Nov 09 2011 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Not currently for BC and Wrath dungeons. That's supposed to be changing with 4.3 though.

Well, technically if the RDF puts you into the dungeon, you can get the quests. There may just be some pre-reqs you need to do, kind of like the pre-reqs needed before you can get The Wayward Child quest for Stonecore or the only quest I know of for Halls of Origination.
#23 Nov 09 2011 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Not currently for BC and Wrath dungeons. That's supposed to be changing with 4.3 though.

Well, technically if the RDF puts you into the dungeon, you can get the quests. There may just be some pre-reqs you need to do, kind of like the pre-reqs needed before you can get The Wayward Child quest for Stonecore or the only quest I know of for Halls of Origination.

I don't think it works that way. The AN quests by the Nerubian outside the entrance are not available at 70. You can get in the dungeon at 69 or 70 but the quests require 72. There are no pre-reqs for those.

Similarly with OK the entry is at 70 but the quest is 73. Violet Hold lets you in at 73 but the quest requires 75.

The big change with Cata (I suppose it started with ICC) is the quest givers migrating into the dungeons. This is kind of necessary with the RDF as I'm sure a lot of people couldn't find the entrance if they had to go there for a quest. One of the dungeons like this is the revamped BRD which you can definitely enter and find all the NPCs with grey ! over their heads Smiley: frown
Wherever I go - there I am.
#24 Nov 09 2011 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Nevermind. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Edited, Nov 9th 2011 5:07pm by Bigdaddyjug
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