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MoP and ICC: Repeating MistakesFollow

#1 Oct 23 2011 at 9:06 PM Rating: Excellent
I just read a very interesting blog post over at MMO Melting Pot, and decided to share some of my concerns with you guys.

I had already kind of mentioned this in the thread about it, but the blog post talks about the release date of MoP and the Annual Pass subscription plan as a sign of things to come.

Essentially, it goes like this: We don't know how long until Mists of Pandaria is out. We don't know how far in development it is, or if an Alpha test has even started yet. However, if we went by Cataclysm's release date and point in development at this time... things don't look good. And if we go by what we've seen on MoP at Blizzcon, it's falling right in step with Cata.

MMO Melting Pot put it well when they said
Blizzard have never managed to release an expansion in less than two years. Sure, they might have beaten their record, but their list of new content is … ambitious.

Not all of the art looks even close to finished. The Mists of Pandaria B-Roll looks pretty, but I’ve spent a lot of time staring at Blizzard art whilst making Machinima, and I’d be surprised if even all the scenes we’re seeing there – notably the Summit scenes – are release candidate art. If that’s what they’re showing off, it’s a good bet that the other art is even less finalised.

There are rumours floating around on the ‘con floor that Mists of Pandaria isn’t even in Alpha yet. The sources are off the record, the commenters are Random Guys On The Internet. And yet…
There are a lot of features that we haven’t seen anything of yet. Only one raid has even been named, and three new dungeons. That’s exactly the same number as were named at Blizzcon 2009, talking about Cata… which was 12 months away. Even by February of 2010, we knew a lot more about Cata’s dungeons and raids than we do about MoP’s now.

On that note – in general, MoP seems to be at about the same stage as Cataclysm was a year before release. At Blizzcon ’09, the only playable areas were the starting areas. Blizzcon ’11, the same. The same number of new raids and dungeons have been mentioned. Although many people are saying the art looks more advanced, to my eye – comparing with the archived coverage of Blizzcon ’09 – the art might well be at a similar stage.

This is all calling up déjà vu, as this is pretty much falling in step with the 3.3 -> Cata release schedule. Which, let me restate, is not a good thing. Remember the massive content drought? Remember raiding ICC for twelve freaking months? And ICC had 12 bosses. Dragon Soul has only 8!

The point I'm getting at is that we're currently set up to face a huge slump in subscriptions once again as people do all the content and are left with nothing for six months leading up to the release of Mists of Pandaria. We're going to be facing the stagnation of WoW, once again.

Let's look at the data. Cataclysm was announced at Blizzcon 2009, on August 21. F&F Alpha began on May 3, 2010. Release wasn't until December 7, 2010. That's roughly 15 months between announcement and release. Going by the same number for Mists of Pandaira... we're looking at a release date of January 2013. Obviously they would try to hit the holiday season, so let's say 4th Quarter 2012. Do you want to be raiding Magma-jellyfish Iron Chin (Deathwing) for a year?

But maybe Blizzard's learned their mistake. Maybe MoP is actually much further along in development than Cataclysm was at this point in time. Hell, maybe Mists of Pandaria is already in Alpha (though I suspect something would have leaked out, NDA or no at this point). Maybe they'll announce a release date next month for summer 2012.

But then that's where the Annual Pass comes in, and this is what worries me. Why would Blizzard offer such lucrative benefits to signing up, including giving out a free game that is planned to make them a lot of money (Diablo 3) and guaranteed beta, something they know many WoW players would completely froth at the mouth for?

Two answers present themselves immediately. They either
  • Know that they are about to lose a lot of money and want to recoup that loss elsewhere (From either Diablo 3 or Heart of the Swarm bombing), OR
  • They foresee a major drop in subscribers within the 12 months of the program, and want to keep them (unsubs caused by competition or stagnation, or a combination of)

Maybe this is all paranoia. Maybe they are offering the Annual Pass because they just want to fight off competition. God I hope I'm wrong.

But everything I've seen is pointing towards bad, bad things. The repeating of mistakes, and doing nothing but Dragon Soul for twelve months, which is something I'm probably not going to stay subscribed for. If this is the case, and I really hope its not, I'll probably be off checking out the competition, maybe come back when MoP is out. Maybe.

So what do you think? I'm trying not to be a naysayer here, foretelling portents of doom and boredom. I just see these as the signs, and I don't like them.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2011 11:25pm by IDrownFish
#2 Oct 23 2011 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
Yeah. Assume 4.3 drops end of November (Blizz ALWAYS drops things at the end of November, I know because my parents come out for Thanksgiving and I always have that itch to get them out so I can play new stuff, even though I know better). MoP has a bunch of ideas, but things only seem slightly more concrete than "path of the titans".

I think Blizzcon has the same detrimental effect on WoW that E3 has on... everyone else. They feel the need to have something big, regardless of the state of the product itself. The Argent Tournament was a disaster, but I think if they could figure out some similar kind of padding and make it work it would have been good to slip between Firelands and Dragon Soul. Something to eat a few more months, but somehow not throw everything else off-kilter.
#3 Oct 23 2011 at 10:17 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
If they are at the same stage now that they were with Cata, then one can only hope they'll wait an additional 4 months this time around. :P

But yeah, that's one of Blizz's biggest problem. They release expansions that are all about the endgame, which means that their inability to promptly release the next expansion (or hell, the next patch) is always irritating any players who are clearing content within any kind of reasonable time span.

I dunno if they really have any other option. Expansions that don't focus on endgame for other games are always for games where endgame either doesn't exist (like EVE) or it's a small portion of the overall game (FFXI).

The fact that there's almost no reason to take a second toon through the content hurts them too. Since everything you do this expac will be almost irrelevant in the next one, you don't need to care if the druid you are going to level next expac has beaten Deathwing or not. That's slowly getting better, as there are at least aesthetic reasons to want it now (tier set of gear for their transmog system, or the achievements). But it's not any sort of replay value a gamer would care about. Especially not when it costs them $15 a month.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#4 Oct 23 2011 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I actually got to experience Cata in alpha stage, it was a neat experience. The alpha experience was much too "alpha" to make a call about where the expansion was heading. It was only once we were in closed beta and especially once the release date was announced that the beta community was like "ummm Blizzard unless you plan on dropping a major content patch for pve balance the week before release there is no way this is going to be a remotely balanced launch".

It is obvious the DIII for 12 month sub is mainly to shore up slumping subscriptions. I think anyone who is willing to argue that fact is disconnected from the reality of the situation. It is smart move and meshes well with the "return to firelands" and free play to lvl 20 model that they have been busting out as a means to hook people who have canceled their subscriptions and bring in new players as well.

I think the biggest concern is that Catacylsm was a dud. Once again, anyone that wishes to argue that is not closely connected to reality of the situation since Blizzard has tacitly admitted to it anyways at this point. Instead of releasing a product with a wide base of appeal they have released something which has already polarized an on the fence user base. Those who would stay with wow regardless of what they put out will, those thinking of coming back or thinking or leaving will probably not stick around for a sub par expac.

Edited, Oct 24th 2011 12:19am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#5 Oct 23 2011 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
So what do you think?

To be honest, at this point I think the game isn't losing players fast enough. There are too many people who play from habit but they're unwilling to make the break. No problem, except as Blizzard tries to address their complaints the game may be changing to suit a market segment that cannot realistically be pleased. In a world where studies show marriages now run into trouble after three years, it is probably to be expected that games lose their enchantment at least as quickly.

Probably the biggest mistake Blizzard made with Cataclysm is that they've tried to give people some of the things various vocal minorities demanded. Graphics were upgraded, flying was added to the old world, old quest lines were updated and those things took up development resources. Now, after constant replays of "gives us Monks" it looks like the same process is starting up. Face it, the old map was running out of blank spots, Cataclysm's underwater zone didn't click for many players and apparently various books have tied their hands on other points. More troll content? That will just set off the "oh, noes, another troll dungeon" complaints (although there does seem to be more troll content in store). Pandaria may not be optimal for some players, but it may be the most neutral option the devs can access for now.

At this point, subscription rates have become a snare for Blizzard. Perhaps they should just focus on designing a good game, instead of forgetting that one cannot please all of the people all of the time.

Was MoP announced too soon? Well, would it really have gone over any better if there had been no announcement?
#6 Oct 23 2011 at 10:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
One thing that bothers me was ICC you could level an alt to max lvl and get it into ICC rather easily. LFD dungeons were short everyone in decent gear was OP to the dungeons there was a quick turn around to getting to ICC. The buff helped too. I think i had 3 or 4 toons 11/12 with Kingslayer on my main.

Cata not so much I have a lot of toons at 85, but no raiders. I would like to raid but you almost have to do the previous tier to gear enough to get into FL. Dungeons take forever even when over geared for them, So the pull to have multiple raiders is lost because of the timesink. The all dungeons give 140 VP will help this a bit but dungeons still take way to long.

From the amount of people signing up for the Annual pass, once beta hits A LOT of people are going to be in it, hopefully this will give Blizz a ton of data to balance it before it drops.

The way i see it is:
4.3 for 3/4 months > Diablo 3 for 1/3 months > Beta for 2/3 months

Guessing that 4.3 drops end of Novemeber I would guesstimate the MoP being out by August/Septemeber.

Im just guessing here so take it at face value. Hopefully Bliz doesnt make the 1 yr of 4.3.
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#7 Oct 23 2011 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think the question was really was it announced too soon. I think the question is really, "was it started too late"? That's the mistake I alluded to in the title.

I don't know what goes on at Blizzard HQ. I don't know how they go about starting to plan for an expansion. I know it's a huge undertaking, and that they have to juggle that and working on new content for the live game at the same time.

But when we're running into a situation where they have to give away a major game for free to keep subscribers, it makes you think they should start working on these expansions earlier and be able to get them out sooner.

I think my point is that we shouldn't be running into these dry spells where account subscriptions slump in the home stretch of an expansion like they do. It's not fun for anyone involved. I don't know what Blizzard can do to prevent this, but they need to do something.
#8 Oct 24 2011 at 12:18 AM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
I don't exactly understand why people are all surprised about this. They're sticking to their 2 year schedule like before, and everyone more or less following the news about WoW has known this since MoP had been trademarked this summer.

There will be several months of doing nothing, just like it was between ICC and Cataclysm, and even more so than it was this year, subsciption numbers are going to take a hit next summer.

Right there is where this huge 12 month commitment is fitting in. In March or April, when you're done killing Deathwing, you'll be playing Diablo until you get to make use of your guaranteed WoW beta access in August or so.

Next Blizzcon will then have the Diablo xpack announcement along with the huge MoP promotion, and since you'll conveniently be hooked to both by then, you'll be more excited than ever.

MoP WILL come next Winter, and the only question that remains is whether or not they'll manage to include everything the now announced right from the start. I have a feeling that things like the pet games will have to wait until 5.1, as well as half of the new battlegrounds.

They know damn well that they have to deliver, and the quality of MoP will most likely depend on how soon they get to release 4.3 so those development resources can be reassigned. Those resources are the reason why Abyssal Maw was canceled, not the BS about things not fitting in with the story.

I'm looking forward to 4.3, and I am quite excited about MoP. But just as much as Blizzard is sticking to their predictable release pattern, I will stick to my pattern of taking a break from the game the moment a patch gets stale.

It's gonna take a little longer than usual this time around, with random raids and all, but I just know that I'll get there again.

What concerns me, though, is the time after the expansion. I won't have any more alts to level other than 2 monks for Alliance and Horde each, and frankly, even if there was a race/class combination I'd be interested in, I don't think I could actually handle leveling with only getting talents and thus new stuff every 15 levels.

So... MoP is probably going to be MY last WoW expansion, regardless of whether or not Blizzard decides to keep going.

Oh, and just because I kinda know that it'll be coming soon enough: I won't be buying or subscribing to some remote service that'll allow me to play the pet games via browser or phone app from outside the main game. This whole idea has "Premium" and "Blizzard Store" written all over it already.

#9 Oct 24 2011 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
I rather like the slower pace, IMO.

I always felt that this expansion was flying by way too fast; I end up being behind on all the stuff I want to do because I work and such. When Patch 4.3 comes out, I want to have the time to actually get geared, but yet not have to devote every non-working, non-sleeping moment to WoW to ever have a chance at Dragon Soul (even the LFR version).

Also, they're putting in a new, revamped Darkmoon Faire which promises extra little games, and solo content to grind up.

ICC didn't have ANY solo content at all. Absolutely None. We got Frozen Halls heroics, ICC, and that was about it. Argent Tournament was there, but that came out in the patch before. With a little extra solo content, and the fact that some people still don't have Molten Front done, and the fact we ALSO have Transmog (which might make some people want to re-do older raids to get Transmog gear), a year of Dragon Soul doesn't sound as bad as a Year of ICC was.

And don't forget, they gave us Ruby Sanctum before Cataclysm. So it "technically" wasn't a full year of ICC; there was RS before 4.0 came out. Now, to be honest, I never got a chance to go to ICC, much less RS because I just didn't have enough Time to gear up and my guild... meh. The guild I was in at the time couldn't handle Ulduar or ToGC, let alone ICC.
#10 Oct 24 2011 at 7:11 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
The whole thing feels unfinished - or at least poorly defined as of yet.

For example: What exactly does the Monk Class look like, play like, and do (dps? heals?)....?

I started a thread on this and frankly no one has provided any concrete answers. The best answer was a link to IDrownFish's original post - but his post was really just bullet points. Think about this.... This is the new class. It's 100% certain to be the flavor of the moment. Think about DK. This isn't a new race (which is essentially just a new model with some very minor racial bonuses) - this is an entirely new class. This will change everything from raiding to PVP and the most we know about it is about half a dozen bullet points and what somebody remembers from FFXI or EQ - Info that's both dated and from a completely difference source.

With respect to instances/raids... They really need to build content based on expected time to down it. Cata had far too few regular instances and heroics were brutally long. There were also far to many optional bosses. They need to stop calling bosses "Optional" and start to call them "Rarely done". These bosses are also exceptionally rarely done when their instances are exceptionally long. (Halls of O-my-God-this takes forever). They need to have about 6+ regular instances and 6-8+ heroics. This will take most average people a few weeks to farm. It will also provide a 'new' feel to heroics when you get a few new instances, but also provide more flex to your repetitive farming. There needs to be about 10-12 bosses PER TIER. I don't care if that's 1 big raid or 3 smaller raids... Anything more than that and you start to get people who won't remember the fights...

I'm not especially worried about the "art". The note from the OP had someone who was very focused on the Art of it. I'm not really worried about that.

The new "Talent Tree" worries me. I know it's still very prelim, but here's how I'm seeing it. The current system mostly offers buffs to your current abilities - Occasionally it will give you a new ability. There are a few abilities that you can only get if you choose one tree (Slow vs Blast Wave), but by in large, that generalization holds: You get buffs - Not abilities. The new system looks a lot like a list of the quasi-useful spells that don't make a spec. For example - Mage:
Tier 60 - Mana Shield - Blazing Speed - Ice Barrier (Shield)
Tier 75 - 3 different versions of Polymorph
Tier 90 - Blast Wave - Dragon's Breath - Slow

So tier 60 is kind of useless. While those things are helpful, they really aren't things I care about 90% of the time.
Tier 75 is effectively a "Glyph" for Sheep. There's really nothing more you can say about it.
Tier 90... Yeah, while Slow is a very ability and Blast Wave is great... DB isn't that helpful. So after 90 levels... I get to choose between 3 abilities I already had in TBC at 70. Awesome.

I don't know... It's just so.... Meh... This is it? This is all you've got?

I've also looked at Paly and I'm really not too thrilled there either.

Finally - 5 levels. There just isn't enough. Sure, they could dump more Stamina into things to make it appear that 90>85, but in reality - 5 levels just isn't enough. There is only so many times they can add another digit to your health... There is very little difference between a 30 and a 35. There is very little difference between an 80 and an 85. The only thing they changed is the gear. There was a HUGE difference between a 70 and an 80. Think about it... Blizz allows people to enter BGs together. When you see a level x1 you know that guy is worthless. However anyone who's x5 or greater is useful. That's because +/- about 5 levels isn't that big of a deal. You're at a disadvantage, but it's not stoopid. Think - Raid bosses in TBC were +4 right? Even if they weren't (I honestly don't recall - i'm just thinking of the old Def-Cap stuff)... Current bosses are +3. That's really not a big difference. They need 10 levels.

Edited, Oct 24th 2011 9:14am by Borsuk
#11 Oct 24 2011 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Think - Raid bosses in TBC were +4 right? Even if they weren't (I honestly don't recall - i'm just thinking of the old Def-Cap stuff)... Current bosses are +3. That's really not a big difference. They need 10 levels.
Actually, I think that they were always +3 for hit cap purposes. The difference was +3 used to be enough for Crushing Blows, but they changed that.

Borsuk wrote:
The new "Talent Tree" worries me. I know it's still very prelim, but here's how I'm seeing it. The current system mostly offers buffs to your current abilities - Occasionally it will give you a new ability. There are a few abilities that you can only get if you choose one tree (Slow vs Blast Wave), but by in large, that generalization holds: You get buffs - Not abilities. The new system looks a lot like a list of the quasi-useful spells that don't make a spec.
#12 Oct 24 2011 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Yeah - I wasn't sure about the boss numbers - but 3 or 4... Either way it's not much.

With respect to the new talent system. Let me put it a different way.

It's boring. So at 75, I get to choose between one of three helpful and interesting options for sheep. Every class now has a CC. Granted - Sheep is still arguably the best, but I've never had a need for any of the benefits. As it currently stands 99% of players will take the 'Double' sheep. There's no need to ever care about the health regen or the stun.

So... Wow... After spending all that time leveling. I get to choose one option that I really don't need anyway. (Like I said - Neither the Regen or the stun is that helpful and the Double, while nice, is entirely unneeded because CC is now on every class.)

I don't know. It's just not inspired. The choices or the options are all... Meh. From looking at my other toons' trees I'm seeing about 2-3 (MAX) choices that are interesting.

Mage -
15 = CoC or Lockjaw - Neither is especially needed.
30 = Probably take Cauterize (Inta-Invis really is only needed to save wipes and Snap appears to only help frost)
45 = Either Scorch or Flows (Based on Spec). PoM is a fun gimick, but not core. (Forget to make a Mana Gem?)
60 = None of these are core to my raiding
75 = Glyph of Sheep
90 = 3 things I had at 85 are now available at 90. This feels worse than getting Timewarp.

I want to ask - "This is what you've been working on? This is what you've got all those Devs doing?"

I need to spend some more time, but I'm not excited about the prospects of Paly either.
#13 Oct 24 2011 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I assumed that when they offered the 1-year thingy that they were hoping to release the new expansion in about a years time. Which would fit nicely into that pre-holiday time slot we've become accustomed too. I expect some sort of 1-2 boss filler raid to keep everyone a little more entertained, and then some nerfs to help people progress after that's stopped happening. Finally some pre-MoP events and stuff in the last month or two, but largely for the content to remain static for a year-ish.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#14 Oct 24 2011 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
171 posts
My assumption is that the new expansion will be released in November or October 2012. The 1 year subscription with a free mount and free game will be enough to attract a lot of players who would likely otherwise quit until the next expansion is released and Blizz is likely getting concerned about SWTOR which has well over 600k preorders and is still 2 months to launch.

1 year subscription commitment is a good way to lock in some revenue and I think it's likely that they will attract quite a few people with that option.
#15 Oct 24 2011 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Kazryv wrote:
My assumption is that the new expansion will be released in November or October 2012. The 1 year subscription with a free mount and free game will be enough to attract a lot of players who would likely otherwise quit until the next expansion is released and Blizz is likely getting concerned about SWTOR which has well over 600k preorders and is still 2 months to launch.

1 year subscription commitment is a good way to lock in some revenue and I think it's likely that they will attract quite a few people with that option.

I bolded the part that's problematic. People are thinking of this as "free stuff." But the reality is that it's not really the case. They introduced this system deliberately to keep people playing until the next expansion is released. Meaning that their target demographic are those who would have dropped their subscriptions for 3-6+ months (and possibly forever).

3 months is 45 dollars. That's money you would have saved. 6 months is $90. That's well above the cost of a mount and DIII.

And remember, just because you paid for the time doesn't mean you'll actually pay. I don't know how it is for other people, but I generally cancel my subscription a month or two after I get to the point where I'm barely logging in. It doesn't matter to me that I've "paid" for the time--if I'm not having fun in the game, I'm not going to play it, regardless of how much time I have left in it.

Really, I imagine most of these players are going to buy the yearly subscription and really not save much at all. The casual players are the only ones who will stick around between expansions--only they might benefit from this.

In any case, it would take a much sweeter deal than this to make me pledge 1 year of game time, unless I was SURE I would use it.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Oct 24 2011 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:

Really, I imagine most of these players are going to buy the yearly subscription and really not save much at all. The casual players are the only ones who will stick around between expansions--only they might benefit from this.

Which is where I fell TBH.

I was figuring I'd want to play something else in about 5-6 months time. Playing about 10hrs a week means I still have a lot I'd like to do and see in WoW at this point, and I doubt even if I play through the year commitment that'll I'll get anywhere near exhausting the content.

Both SW:TOR and D3 were on my radar somewhere for things to do afterward. The thing is that starting up any additional game costs money. I'd be out at least $40 to buy any sort of recent game out there, then you have the subscription fee for any MMO. D3 is going to cost something like $60? If so the $77/6mo that'd I'd be missing out on if I went into D3 full time and stopped playing WoW after it's release would be about the price of a mount and 6 month subscription to WoW anyway, and it's a break-even.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#17 Oct 24 2011 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,264 posts
I kind of see the new talent system as Blizzard waving a white flag. They are giving up trying to balance talent trees. I see the new talent system as very underwhelming. Leveling a toon, getting a talent point every other level is something to look forward to and think about. Every 15 levels? Not so much.

I think their point about cookie cutter is pretty moot, too. Any tree with options will end up having the optimum path. Hence the cookie cutter. It doesn't matter if the tree has multiple tiers and multiple possibilities, or four tiers with three options...number crunchers will figure out the optimum. If the new talents are not going to have an effect on performance, then what's the point? Isn't that what talents are for?
#18 Oct 24 2011 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
1,450 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
In a world where studies show marriages now run into trouble after three years, it is probably to be expected that games lose their enchantment at least as quickly.

That has to be one of the truest things I have ever read, which says a lot about how warped our society has become. I also feel the need to include this in my signature.
#19 Oct 24 2011 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Kazryv wrote:
My assumption is that the new expansion will be released in November or October 2012. The 1 year subscription with a free mount and free game will be enough to attract a lot of players who would likely otherwise quit until the next expansion is released and Blizz is likely getting concerned about SWTOR which has well over 600k preorders and is still 2 months to launch.

1 year subscription commitment is a good way to lock in some revenue and I think it's likely that they will attract quite a few people with that option.

I bolded the part that's problematic. People are thinking of this as "free stuff." But the reality is that it's not really the case. They introduced this system deliberately to keep people playing until the next expansion is released. Meaning that their target demographic are those who would have dropped their subscriptions for 3-6+ months (and possibly forever).

This is free stuff if you are going to be playing WoW anyway. If you are unsure you want to play or unsure if you will have the cash to play... then don't sign up for it.

If you add in getting the D3 CE (if you were getting it anyway) and not really caring about the D3 digital download... then four months of the twelve month contract will be free too.

And regarding how far along the expansion is... I wasn't looking forward to it til next Holiday season anyway. If it comes earlier than great, but it isn't a deal breaker. And looking at how much work went into Cataclysm and how Blizzard had to revamp the whole area of Azeroth (almost from the ground up... zones, quests, etc...) you would think that a whole new area/zone would be a lot easier to deal with than redoing two whole continents. Remember... the Panderian island isn't that huge. (What did they say about it being the size of Twilight Highlands? WTF... TH isn't THAT big... then they went on saying how it was HUGE...)(If I heard that part wrong then please tell me what they actualy said so I can quit thinking that the whole island is as "small" as TH)
#20 Oct 24 2011 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
PentUpAnger wrote:
(What did they say about it being the size of Twilight Highlands? WTF... TH isn't THAT big... then they went on saying how it was HUGE...)(If I heard that part wrong then please tell me what they actualy said so I can quit thinking that the whole island is as "small" as TH)

I think this is what you heard about. Idrownfish had a link to it in the other thread as well.

They said that while there are only 5 zones they're pretty big ones; but over all I got the impression that the scale of the land they are adding is pretty comparable to other expansions.

Edited, Oct 24th 2011 11:52am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#21 Oct 24 2011 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
PentUpAnger wrote:
Remember... the Panderian island isn't that huge. (What did they say about it being the size of Twilight Highlands? WTF... TH isn't THAT big... then they went on saying how it was HUGE...)(If I heard that part wrong then please tell me what they actualy said so I can quit thinking that the whole island is as "small" as TH)

#22 Oct 24 2011 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
IDrownFish wrote:
PentUpAnger wrote:
Remember... the Panderian island isn't that huge. (What did they say about it being the size of Twilight Highlands? WTF... TH isn't THAT big... then they went on saying how it was HUGE...)(If I heard that part wrong then please tell me what they actualy said so I can quit thinking that the whole island is as "small" as TH)


Thanks for the link, guys. I knew I had seen or heard about that during Blizzcon.

Comparing it to TH is fine and everything. So it is about 3-5 times larger than TH which isn't bad at all.

I am curious how big it is compared to Northrend. Comparable? Or is NR a lot larger? It really doesn't bother me if it is smaller than NR since the 10 levels spent in NR could be as long (or a lot shorter) as the journey from 85 to 90. It's all about anything new for me, and not wondering if the expansion is going to be worth it or not.

What is worth anyway? It is never black and white. It's all about what the interest is per person if you are only talking about yourself. We all know how Blizzard asks everyone's opinion before they actually do anything (and then fix it later... or at least tries to). =P
#23 Oct 24 2011 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
BeanX wrote:
From the amount of people signing up for the Annual pass, once beta hits A LOT of people are going to be in it, hopefully this will give Blizz a ton of data to balance it before it drops.

I apologize for coming back to this point, because I have covered it to death. However I think if time has taught us anything is that access to large volumes of data in no way guarantees that they will be able to pull meaningful information from the data.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#24 Oct 24 2011 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
this is how i look at it:

vanilla: nov 2004
tbc: dec 2006 jan 2007
wotlk: nov 2008
cata: dec 2010

mop: nov/dec 2012

book it, dano.
#25 Oct 25 2011 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
BeanX wrote:
From the amount of people signing up for the Annual pass, once beta hits A LOT of people are going to be in it, hopefully this will give Blizz a ton of data to balance it before it drops.

I apologize for coming back to this point, because I have covered it to death. However I think if time has taught us anything is that access to large volumes of data in no way guarantees that they will be able to pull meaningful information from the data.

Worse an awful lot of those people are going to be in a totally un-beta frame of mind. They will be thinking they are getting to play the game early.

I predict a lot of QQing about resets, bugs, etc. Not to mention a totally unenforceable NDA if they even try.

I've signed up for the Pass and I'm not even sure I want to be in the beta. I might just wait till release and experience the finished polished product Smiley: laugh
Wherever I go - there I am.
#26 Oct 25 2011 at 2:21 AM Rating: Excellent
I don't think the NDA will really be an issue. I was in one of the first rounds of people for the beta of Cataclysm, and they lifted the NDA before the beta even started. The NDA was exclusive to the alpha. I don't see why they'd change it.

The rest of what you said, you're absolutely correct. There were people in the Cata beta, who got in based purely on luck or however it is that they pick people, and they still complained about bugs, eating up their allotted bandwidth due to the frequency of patches, zones not having quest rewards, etc. If Cata's beta had it, you can bet your *** that a lot of these people getting into the beta of MoP "for free" are going to have the same reaction.
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