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new player looking for answersFollow

#1 Oct 03 2011 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
452 posts
Alright I'm coming to WOW after 5 years of FFXI. I did pretty much everything I wanted to do in FFXI. 9 jobs to level 80+ Completed all but 1 story line. etc. etc.

So anyway, I have seen several different forums and such. Which is the most reliable, up to date on the current state of WOW? I mean mainly for looking up Quests or items. I started up a Human Paladin just for fun and thats my main goal is exploring this new world, doing quests/missions. My wife has started a human mage and is having a blast nuking stuff. ( She spent nearly her FFXI career being a White or Red mage and main healing/crowd control so is enjoying just nuking stuff for a change)

Are there any major things to look for ine the first 30-40 levels? Any major pitfalls? Like don't level this craft or you should consider getting X craft?

Also is there a WOW accronyms for Dummies list? Just trying to dig through the lingo so I can understand the forums better.

#2 Oct 03 2011 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Some generic stuff:

Wowhead has a good database for finding stuff.
Mmo-champion tends to be more news-related.
The official website should have some decent starter information.
We answer questions too. Smiley: grin
Gathering professions insure a stable income if you're just starting, Inscription can also be good money.
Professions like Blacksmithing, leatherworking, engineering tend to be more expensive.
Random dungeon finder can be a caustic environment.
Low-level PvP is a tough place if you're just starting out, save it until you get a bit higher in levels.

and other stuff I'll think of later...

Welcome! Smiley: smile
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Oct 03 2011 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
Just roll horde, you can't go wrong there. :D

Welcome all the same.
#4 Oct 03 2011 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Also is there a WOW accronyms for Dummies list? Just trying to dig through the lingo so I can understand the forums better.

Not really. People abbreviate EVERYTHING in this game so it's often a matter of context.

(i.e. Is "DC" Deathcoil or Disconnect? Depends on whether you're talking about warlocks/death knights or your internet connection.)
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#5 Oct 03 2011 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
You've probably already figured this out, but don't buy any gear off the Auction House. This was always true, but especially so since the leveling experience was completely revamped in the most recent expansion:

- quest rewards were renormalized, so now there won't be huge gaps where you get nothing for a particular slot for fifteen levels
- fewer elite mobs that require grouping, fewer "better than the average" mobs that complicate quest areas
- especially for an MMO vet, every pull is soloable if you're careful, and most are soloable even if you aren't
- talent trees were revamped so that every class has at least some powerful tools from the beginning (unlike, say, the old feral druid "punctuated equilibrium" experience)

The downside of this is that (solo) difficulty used to vary over the whole range from trivial to excessive. Now it doesn't, so the quests that were memorable for the challenge they presented are either gone or massively changed (nerfed), e.g. Hogger.
#6 Oct 03 2011 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
452 posts
Thank you for all the replies. Couple of quick questions

Once I get this starter status removed. I'll be partying up with my wife's character just so we don't have to redo all fights twice. I just hit level 11 and have the first 2 talent points and was asked to choose a path. I went with the ?protection? Pld just thinking a tank who can heal seemed best if it's mainly just me and my wifes Mage duoing stuff to begin with.

AH - havnt' found that yet and I think I was banned from it for getting the free starter. Currently converting to paid account, but I feel like a newb for having bare slots. Are accessories just rare/not worth having in the beginning? (rings, necklace, etc.)

I've been NPCing everything since I assume it has no value and I only have limited inventory space. Is there anything that sells on the AH that low level people come across?

All I have bought is the basic game, which includes Burning Crusade. Is there a reason to buy Wrath of the Lich King or Catalysm sooner rather than later.

EG in FFXI the Treasures of Aht Urgan expansion didn't have content for people lower than level 53-55 so was never recommnded for poeple just starting out.

We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder,
We danced among the lighting bolts,
And tore the world asunder.
#7 Oct 03 2011 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
- Pally and mage is a good combo.

- There are no rings before lvl 10, and those slots are often empty for a while. Also helm (30-ish), shoulders (20-ish), relic (pally) (late 50s), trinkets (30s or 40s) will all be empty for a time as well.

- Anything that has a white name is needed by someone somewhere, but some things sell better than others. Meat from the various animals you kill is among the things that will sell well for new players (needed for leveling the cooking skill); also cloth from the humanoids.

-You're likely fine with the basic game until you finish the BC expansion pack. At that point you can decide if you want to purchase the rest. There is some stuff for players below the level cutoffs (new professions, worgen, goblins...) but it isn't critical or anything.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2011 11:10am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#8 Oct 03 2011 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
410 posts
Compared to FFXI, Wow is very forgiving. Don't stress the little stuff too much, especially at the lower levels. Just have fun playing the game.
#9 Oct 03 2011 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
Basic/Burning Crusade: level to 70 (Outlands starts at 58-60 and old world xp plummets at 60 even for at-level leftover quests), access to almost all races classes and professions.

Wrath of the Lich King: allows access to Northrend (68-80), and the Death Knight class (I think you still need an 70 of another class to make one of these? They start at level 55.)

Cataclysm: allows levelling from 80-85 (I believe you can fly to 3/5 of the "cata" areas even without the expansion but stuff will kill you dead), the Archaeology profession (can anyone confirm?), and the Goblin (Horde) and Worgen (Alliance) races.

party/raid instances are spread through the zones so there's no pack you need to get if you don't want to play solo or anything, though if you stop at 70 or 80 it may be difficult to find people for those raids willing to do them at-level and not as a *****-and-giggles stomp.
#10 Oct 03 2011 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
-Protection is nice, especially since you can pull a big group of enemies and your wife can AoE them down.

-If you feel the absolute need to have a ring and necklace pick up jewelcrafting (and mining). Honestly though it isn't needed, you will be given the items you need later on. I would avoid glyphs for now unless you can find some for cheap. They tend to be overpriced, especially for a lower level character.

-I would keep an eye on how much various cloths go for on the AH. Pre-cataclysm wool was a hot ticket item. Also I would pick up mining at least. Sell all the ore you get on the AH and you should make some easy gold as you level. Greens tend to sell decently depending on the server you are on. Blues and the very rare purples tend to sell real good. Maybe it is the cheep skate in me but I try to sell any blues/purples I happen to run across on the AH simply because upgrades tend to happen fast. But yes, vendor any greys you happen to pick up. They are called vendor trash for a reason (heck there is even a fish you can fish up called Goldenscale VendorfishSmiley: grin).

-Wrath of the Lich King allows you to play as Death Knights once you get a character to level 55ish, allows you to pick up Inscription as a profession (pretty valuable profession), and access to Northrend (70-80 zone). Cataclysm will unlock Worgen and Goblins, level 80-85 content, and Archeology (very boring secondary profession).

My tip would be to start thinking about professions. This list may not be 100% complete, it has been a couple months since the last time I was in the game.

Blacksmithing - Weak to start out with but starts to become helpful the higher you get. Primarily just plate gear.
Engineering - Quirky profession. Can make things like mini-pets and goggles. Nice stuff from it but I wouldn't recommend it for your first character (especially if they are a prot paladin).
Alchemy - Flasks are a must have for raiding at max level, less useful at lower levels.
Enchanting - Enchants are nice at any level, a must have at max level. Expensive to level but nice to have on at least one character.
Inscription - Need Wrath of the Lich King. A very lucrative profession on most servers. Nice to have but can wait for an alt to pick up due to the expansion requirement.
Jewel crafting - A relatively 'meh' profession at lower levels it becomes very nice at higher levels due to the constant demand for various cut gems. It will be either an expensive or time consuming profession to level though.
Leather working - A nice profession to level with, not so nice to level later on. Creates leather and mail gear and leg enchants.
Tailoring - Obviously a profession that creates items for cloth wearers. Also makes bags and leg enchants.
Herbalism - Flower picking. Provides the materials for Alchemy and Inscription. Can be profitable depending on the market.
Skinning - Leather workers need their mats from somewhere. Not very profitable and would only pick it up if you have a leather worker.
Mining - Very profitable. Needed for Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewel crafting.

Cooking - Pick it up. Level up with it. The food is easy to get and the buffs are very nice to have.
Fishing - Pick it up with cooking. A bit boring to level but it helps level cooking not to mention you can fish up a turtle mount in Northrend.
First Aid - Used to be a must have profession now not so much. I would level it if you find you have a lot of extra cloth and they don't sell well on the AH.
Archeology - Need Cataclysm. Very slow leveling profession. Can get various mini-pets, iLevel 359 weapons, various trinkets, and mounts. Going to stress again it is a very slow leveling profession.

Oh and here is a link to the list of the professions and it goes into more detail than I can/dare go into.
#11 Oct 03 2011 at 2:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
If you're interested, there's a huge exp bonus for the "Recruit-a-friend" program. Once you have a full account, you can "recruit" your wife, and the two of you will get 300% exp gains when you're partied together all the way to level 80. There's also a special two-seat mount, being able to summon each other, and... something else, I think. Oh yeah, you can grant each-other freebie levels on lower-level alts.

You will miss out on a lot of the questing experience doing this, however. Or, at least, you will level past the quests being anything resembling challenging.
#12 Oct 03 2011 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Tepogue wrote:
Once I get this starter status removed. I'll be partying up with my wife's character just so we don't have to redo all fights twice. I just hit level 11 and have the first 2 talent points and was asked to choose a path. I went with the ?protection? Pld just thinking a tank who can heal seemed best if it's mainly just me and my wifes Mage duoing stuff to begin with.

That's an excellent combo. Paladins traditionally excel at collecting and holding large groups of mobs (at first Protadins were strictly AoE tanks, and still have a lot of that flavor), and mages are good at AoE damage and can handle themselves if they happen to pull one or two off of you. They're both fine for soloing, but since they complement each other's relative weaknesses they'll be more than twice as effective together.

Tepogue wrote:
AH - havnt' found that yet and I think I was banned from it for getting the free starter. Currently converting to paid account, but I feel like a newb for having bare slots. Are accessories just rare/not worth having in the beginning? (rings, necklace, etc.)

As others have said, some slots get filled later than others. I suspect that the original intent was that you should be able to see from just looking at a person's toon roughly what level they are (no armor, some armor, full armor, matched full armor, epic full armor). Don't worry, it's balanced with that in mind. One reason coming back to level an alt is relatively unsatisfying (beyond the fact that you've seen it all before) is that hand-me-down gear (especially heirlooms - available at max level, can be passed freely between all characters on the same account, and their stats scale to match the toon, so they're always as powerful as anything they could find on their own) diminishes the challenge even further.

Tepogue wrote:
I've been NPCing everything since I assume it has no value and I only have limited inventory space. Is there anything that sells on the AH that low level people come across?

Anything with grey text is useless and can be safely vendored (or dropped when something useful is found since they vendor for a handful of copper). Anything with white text is useful to someone, although not necessarily to you - crafting mats fall in this category, so do some non-bespoke quest items. Some white items sell very well, some not at all - check the prices for auctions already posted before listing.

Just remembered - one exception to my "no-AH" rule is BAGS. If you're running out of bag space and find yourself dropping non-grey items, a bag that doesn't bind to you is a fine investment (since you can sell it on when you "outgrow" it, often for as much or more than you paid).

Regarding professions:
- You can get Cooking, Fishing, First Aid, and (with the right expansion) Archaeology regardless of your other professions, and level them up as you go. No reason not to - even the tedium of leveling Fishing is maybe 1/4 of what it originally was. Food reduces downtime and gives buffs, even low-level food is useful.
- It's traditional to recommend two gathering (Mining, Skinning, Herbalism) professions to people starting out. They're good for income, provide a little extra XP as you go, and the crafting professions (Tailoring, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Inscription) can be frustrating gold sinks if you're not careful. If you're going to be leveling together, you might be able to bring off each having a paired set of professions (Mining/BS for you, Herbalism/Tailoring for her, maybe?). It will be tougher, though.
- Enchanting is a little different than the others since it's both a crafting and gathering profession. Disenchanting breaks down weapons and armor into the materials used to create enchants and enchanting scrolls. So it isn't necessarily a money sink to level (it's quite possible to even make a profit if you do your research, and should certainly be within a stone's throw of breaking even). And it's a great way to handle quest rewards you can't use.

#13 Oct 03 2011 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
ElMuneco wrote:
You've probably already figured this out, but don't buy any gear off the Auction House.

For a newbie, this likely won't be an issue. Quest rewards will provide the upgrades.

For veteran players, or players intending to do most of the leveling through dungeons, please go buy sh*t off the AH before your gear is 20 levels outdated. I'm tired of running dungeons with undergeared tanks who think they can pull entire rooms and live despite having half the health and avoidance of anyone else in the group.

Yes, gear costs a lot of gold, but as someone who just started a new character with just 20 gold to my name, I can confirm that running dungeons non-stop will cover your expenses. If you're running a gathering profession on the side, you'll make even more money and blowing 300g every 10 levels on a new set of gear won't matter much. Not as much as me twisting the head off a puppy because my tank/healer/whatever showed up to the party in crap gear and we died a million times over.

Once you hit high-level Cataclysm content (80-85), do as many quests as possible before, and even after, you hit level 85. This will net you at least 3-4k gold when you're done (assuming you don't go AH shop amok every other level). Then you can go buy your epic flying stuff or whatever.

Also, protip for newbies: Join a leveling guild. A lot of guild advertise in the starting areas, some going as far as to invite people with a short sales pitch attached to it. Join a level 20+ guild and you'll benefit a lot from increased reputation and experience gains, as well as you'll receive more stuff from your gathering professions and can level up your crafting professions faster. You also gain discounts at vendors and your gear loses durability slower.

You can always quit the guild once you hit level 85 or find a more "serious" guild you'd like to be in. There's no reason NOT to join a guild, though.

Welcome to the game.

Edited, Oct 4th 2011 12:43am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Oct 03 2011 at 4:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Mazra wrote:

For veteran players, or players intending to do most of the leveling through dungeons, please go buy sh*t off the AH before your gear is 20 levels outdated. I'm tired of running dungeons with undergeared tanks who think they can pull entire rooms and live despite having half the health and avoidance of anyone else in the group.


I jumped in as a healer at lvl50 on my pally in nothing but quest rewards and didn't have a lick of trouble.

Smiley: waycool

PvP on the other hand...

I spent about 300g and a good amount of honor (for a lowbie) getting my shammy ready to compete with people with heirlooms. All those enchants, all that blue gear, just to be competitive with the heirloom crowd for like 5 levels.

Smiley: frown
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#15 Oct 03 2011 at 5:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Mazra wrote:
Stuff about buying BoE (Binds On Equip) gear

As a DPS, tank, and healer, I didn't have any issues just picking up gear that drops while running instances. To be fair, I did have a mostly-full set of heirloom gear (head, shoulders, chest, cloak, and weapon). The other 10-12 slots ranged from a couple levels to 20 levels behind.
#16 Oct 03 2011 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Well, yeah, a full set of heirlooms kinda helps. Smiley: tongue

Just tired of seeing players in Vanilla gear running dungeons in Northrend. I'm not saying people should buy new gear every level, just once in a while to avoid having less health than the Hunter's pet.

Edit: Also, you might not have noticed any issues because you got lucky with the healer/tank in the group. An undergeared tank and an undergeared healer in the same dungeon is a recipe for plenty o' tears.

Edited, Oct 4th 2011 1:48am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Oct 03 2011 at 10:58 PM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
Just pound randomly on your keyboard and you'll be an above average player.
#18 Oct 04 2011 at 2:32 AM Rating: Excellent
If you'd like some more detailed information on the professions, I have a Tradeskill FAQ posted as a stickie in the tradeskill forum. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think it's pretty useful. I haven't quite gotten to the secondary professions yet (like first aid, fishing, cooking and archaeology), but all the important ones are taken care of.
#19 Oct 04 2011 at 2:42 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Criminy wrote:
Skinning - Leather workers need their mats from somewhere. Not very profitable and would only pick it up if you have a leather worker.
This is server dependent. I'm making crap tons off of leather on my Worgen(who is on a server I had no other characters on with no high level support). The mining is making more, but the skinning is still making a lot.

Mazra wrote:
Just tired of seeing players in Vanilla gear running dungeons in Northrend. I'm not saying people should buy new gear every level, just once in a while to avoid having less health than the Hunter's pet.
At the least, it would be wise to hit the new continents at 58 and 68 and start questing for said full set before hitting dungeons at 60 and 70.

Personally, I'm buying replacement pieces once they reach about 10-15 levels out of date if there's a cheaply priced option on the AH. Then again, considering I've had at least 2k gold more than I need for all of my flight lessons since the mid 40s, shelling out 10g here and there really isn't an issue.
#20 Oct 04 2011 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'll second Poldy's comment on skinning. My Shaman gets loads of gold from selling leather. Savage Leather sells for 70-100g a stack on my server. My Shaman can farm 20+ stacks in an hour.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#21 Oct 04 2011 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
Criminy wrote:
-Inscription - Need Wrath of the Lich King. A very lucrative profession on most servers. Nice to have but can wait for an alt to pick up due to the expansion requirement.
Little correction, you need only BC for Inscription
#22 Oct 04 2011 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Why would you need BC for Inscription when it was Wrath that brought it? I'm almost 99% positive that you need Wrath, not BC, for inscription.
#23 Oct 04 2011 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Mazra wrote:
Just tired of seeing players in Vanilla gear running dungeons in Northrend. I'm not saying people should buy new gear every level, just once in a while to avoid having less health than the Hunter's pet.

Well, yeah, but he was asking about the first 30-40 levels. By the time he hits Northrend, he won't be a newbie anymore, so the rules relax as he outgrows them. Also, since he's questing with no rested XP and likely few dungeons, he'll get more gear from OL than typical alts do these days (I skipped my Worgen straight to Netherstorm as soon as I got the breadcrumb quest since otherwise I'd only see the usual first three zones).

I don't think he'd be nearly the headache as the guy who rolls a DK as his sixth alt and levels through LFD in a combination of his starter gear and ninja'd INT plate for as long as facerolling and other people's heirlooms can carry him...
#24 Oct 04 2011 at 11:52 AM Rating: Default
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Why would you need BC for Inscription when it was Wrath that brought it? I'm almost 99% positive that you need Wrath, not BC, for inscription.
I have a BC only Account with inscription, thats 100% positive that you don't need Wrath...What's wrong with you peoples?

I hate the "almost positive" comments, you know or you don't.

Edited, Oct 4th 2011 1:56pm by RAWDEAL
#25 Oct 04 2011 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
They must have changed it then, because you used to need Wrath. You don't need to be a **** about it.
#26 Oct 04 2011 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
139 posts
I have to ask... Why would anyone pay monthly for an account that does not support all current content. Your comment makes it sound as if you have more than one account why keep it if it is only basic WoW or if the toons mean anything to you would you not upgrade?
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