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Firelands Nerf Incoming.Follow

#1 Sep 12 2011 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good

With the final showdown against Deathwing approaching, we’ve been keeping a close eye on players' progress through the current Firelands raid content. Before patch 4.3 is released, we want groups who are working on Heroic-difficulty content to be able to get as close to Ragnaros as possible, and we want players who are tackling normal progression to be able to experience as many of the encounters as they can. To achieve these goals, we’ll be toning down the difficulty of both normal and Heroic raids through hotfixes in the coming weeks. In general, we plan to reduce health and damage of all raid bosses in both normal and Heroic Firelands by around the same percentage we brought difficulty down for the original Cataclysm raids when Rage of the Firelands (patch 4.2) was released.

We're looking forward to seeing more groups of players face off against the Fire Lord in the weeks ahead. However, before we make these changes, we want to give everyone a final shot at the bosses at their current difficulty level -- so this is a heads up that we’re planning to apply the difficulty hotfixes beginning the week of September 19.

I can imagine the QQ already.
#2 Sep 12 2011 at 11:38 PM Rating: Excellent
I really don't see it as a big deal. From my viewpoint if you have been hammering away at normals or hardmodes all this time and haven't cleared, likely by the time you do your raiders are either going to be burnt out or already fed up.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw someone actually post on the WoW forums " Don't touch Heroic Rag unless you want hundreds of subs cancled, be warned." Somehow, this one person speaks for hundreds of people that are somehow working on Heroic Rag, when NOT EVERYONE is going to get to him in the near future if ever. I swear raiders need a reality call.

Hardmodes, are for tougher more serious guilds. It isn't the 'real raid' as I've heard some people say, it's just a new challenge within available content to keep you around. Think about it 'hardcore raiders', in how difficult BC dungeons were past Kara. A LOT of people just weren't either good enough, or didn't have the time to devote to raid much past that. This was changed in Wrath starting in Ulduar to allow 'hardcore raiders' to be able to compete for hardmodes while everyday Joe could slog their way through easier content on Normal mode, and still get 90% of the game. Somehow there is a huge push today to get to and clear the 'real raid' or you aren't a 'real raider'. Wake up, all it is ( oversimplifying here ), is blizzard bumping up the damage and health of the bosses in a raid, maybe adding a new mechanic to watch out for and POOF; we have content for people to continually renew their subs for the 'real raid '.

It's a great compromise don't get me wrong, but it's not the 'real raid' it's a choice of how one enjoys themselves. No wonder I bloody quit WoW.
#3 Sep 13 2011 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
Yeah. My guild can get maybe 7 or 8 competent people on raid night (small group of a RL social network, not fond of mass invites), that's counting both guildies and friends from outside the guild who don't do their own raiding. The other slots are made up of either pugs or guildies we know and love but who just can't seem to get their head around things. I won't call those guildies idiots, but their strengths lie in areas other than the skills used by raiding, whatever those may be. You know, the people who need to focus so much on doing a "proper" dps rotation that they can't watch their feet, or in avoiding Shannox traps their dps falters and then Riplimb jumps them and they panic.

We got Shannox down, figured out the kinks and it was pretty straightforward. Beth'ilac felt complex at first, but once we distilled it down and gave the "complicated" parts to the more skilled people the others could be told "stay on drones unless the hunter tells you he needs help on spiderlings, in phase 2 stand here and click lightwells". Rhyolith was annoying mainly because he's so big we have trouble seeing the map (there's still a fight over who has to figure out where volcanos are and call steering), but when we were about to get our **** together anyway he was nerfed a bit and we could suddenly spin him like a ballerina when we wanted to, so no biggie there.

Baelroc's a matter of figuring out what's going on, and teaching people that if you're taking over the crystal you can stand RIGHT NEXT to the other guy, they can swap it with a single step and there's no risk of bouncing things onto a healer. We also figured out that the online strats suggesting 2 tanks are BS, and that a feral starting things by taking 18 stacks and living is better than trying to take all 25 and dying (I got close soooo many times). We plan to get him next week if attendance works (the guild's college kids grown up, so if our MT needs to do overtime at work or others are handling the baby for the night we gotta adjust).

Phoenix is where I think a nerf will help us. We die before we can figure out what's going on, but we also haven't spent much time with her. It's so easy to wind up in cascade failure as somebody screws up.

So overall I don't mind and even welcome a nerf. It doesn't change what we've done, and will make what we do in the future easier. Maybe I can get my firekitty staff while it's still useful.
#4 Sep 13 2011 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
My main raid group has had it's ups and downs as well. The roster has changed quite a bit since Firelands started, but we now have a definite core group that is committed to raiding every week on Saturday. I've gotten Alys down once because of the scatterdness of things, with people going and coming and going. But on the plus side, now that we don't have a mage I get to learn to fly! Which is good because I need to learn how to do that for my own mage as well. It's pretty damn tricky, but I think I've finally gotten a handle on it well enough that I can get the 25 stacks. I managed to get the 25 stacks twice this last Saturday, but once I died after I got on the ground, and the other time I didn't get in any of the circles during the tornados and the buff fell off. =/

But, at least I can take some small measure of pride that I managed to get 5/7 before any nerfs hit. I don't really care if they nerf stuff at this point, as long as they don't make things too easy. Which is definitely a concern because Rhyo is a freaking push over since they nerfed him.
#5 Sep 13 2011 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
If they need to tweak heroic content to make it balanced then sure.

Nerfing Heroic content is bunk, it is there to be hard and a challenge. If you can't do it, then you can't do it. Live with it.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 Sep 13 2011 at 4:11 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
If they need to tweak heroic content to make it balanced then sure.

Nerfing Heroic content is bunk, it is there to be hard and a challenge. If you can't do it, then you can't do it. Live with it.

If heroic content isn't 'impossible' they should never nerf it in my opinion. I've never done such content but having the challenge there makes me happy.

Herald of the Titans, even if I got it tomorrow, would still be more respectable than if I got any ToC or ICC achieve tomorrow.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Sep 13 2011 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
An issue that Blizzard needs to address, but is unlikely to in the next year, is the differing level of skill.

We have a raid difficulty that is very binary, easy or normal, with one or two world class trophy bosses thrown in per tier (Algalon, FireFighter, Lich King HM etc). Easy mode is for pugging or for casual guilds which have rotating line ups due to real life priorities. Then you have normal mode (HM) content which is basically raids as you would have seen them in Vanilla or TBC, your top 5-10 guilds per server are going to push through it and the rest stand no real chance of seeing the end.

There are a lot guilds that fall inbetween those two levels of play, where players burn out because they are left with content that is either too easy or content they stand no real chance of completing. We need an actual easy/normal/hard spectrum/. Easy with the equivalent of blue or za/zg level entry epics which allow pugging and gear/point reward which also focuses on teaching core mechanics like Karazhan. A normal level which is not pug friendly but not top end either that pushes the average guild but which they can hope to clear by end of the tier and finally a top end hard mode which is there to push the elite raiders on the server.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Sep 13 2011 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
Well, Proudmoore is still ranked pretty well on progression at 8th among US servers and first among US PvE servers. People still aren't successfully pugging Firelands here. Trash runs yes, and they might be able to get Shannox down if they're lucky. At least not on Horde side, which does have a significantly smaller population than the Alliance side does. Maybe they're pugging Firelands, but Horde sure isn't.
#9 Sep 13 2011 at 5:40 AM Rating: Default
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I've gone 6/7 in a pug. Avg on server is 4/7.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Sep 13 2011 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
bodhisattva wrote:
An issue that Blizzard needs to address, but is unlikely to in the next year, is the differing level of skill.

We have a raid difficulty that is very binary, easy or normal, with one or two world class trophy bosses thrown in per tier (Algalon, FireFighter, Lich King HM etc). Easy mode is for pugging or for casual guilds which have rotating line ups due to real life priorities. Then you have normal mode (HM) content which is basically raids as you would have seen them in Vanilla or TBC, your top 5-10 guilds per server are going to push through it and the rest stand no real chance of seeing the end.

There are a lot guilds that fall inbetween those two levels of play, where players burn out because they are left with content that is either too easy or content they stand no real chance of completing. We need an actual easy/normal/hard spectrum/. Easy with the equivalent of blue or za/zg level entry epics which allow pugging and gear/point reward which also focuses on teaching core mechanics like Karazhan. A normal level which is not pug friendly but not top end either that pushes the average guild but which they can hope to clear by end of the tier and finally a top end hard mode which is there to push the elite raiders on the server.

Even though my "casual guild that raids" roster has had holes this summer due to RL stuff, we've still been able to keep 2 10m groups running. However, with the "rate of change" hoopla, Blizz pushing patches and whatnot, I feel my guild (at least) is sliding further behind the "current" tier curve than we should/used to be (ICC as my basis for tier cycle comparison).

Frankly, Bod's idea would be a joyous change.
#11 Sep 13 2011 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
Well, it's entirely possible I don't have an accurate viewpoint of Firelands pugs since I don't pug it. However, I do keep an eye out in trade chat when I'm sitting around Org, and the vast majority of people using trade are either a singular person wanting in on a Firelands raid, or people asking for more for a trash run or a T11 raid. But like I said, Horde is vastly outnumbered by Alliance on my server, maybe they have better luck for pugs.

I find it very hard to believe that you managed to get into a pug that was organized enough for Alys. I'm not saying you're lying, just that I find it hard to believe from my own experience with her. In my group of relatively skilled players, we spent over 2 hours working on her last week, but still didn't get her to a second down phase. This was the first night of our new roster, although all the people are folks I've raided with before except one. I think me and the guy organizing it are the only people playing mains, everyone else is on alts, three of which might be slightly undergeared for Firelands so that probably didn't help.

Are you still on Lightbringer? Your character's battlenet isn't showing up.
#12 Sep 13 2011 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
395 posts
I'm kind of happy about this. I've been in the same 25man guild since a few months before Wrath. We've never been an amazing guild, but we didn't struggle too much in past content. Unfortunately, just after 4.2 hit, we lost quite a few good players due to RL issues. We have not been able to replace them with the same quality of players. We keep getting 16 year old kids that tell everyone else how to play but can't even keep the tank alive, dps that come to one raid and quit because they didn't get loot, etc. We've managed to clear 5/7 so far, but we really struggled with Alysrazor and are having issues with Staghelm now because people just refuse to do what they're supposed to. So I'm hoping the nerfs will at least let us down Staghelm and see Ragnaros (if not kill him), since my server doesn't really have any talent left to recruit from.
#13 Sep 13 2011 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Aye, still on LB, which has always had a strong pug community. I have also been playing since Vanilla WoW, so I know how to avoid a stinker (though yesterday my alt shaman got into a BWD that couldn't kill the first boss!).

The need for varying levels of difficulty was obvious in Ulduar and the content shined on bosses like Iron Council, Freya and Yogg-saron where you could make those decisions. Removing bosses with multiple levels of difficulty makes sense in terms of development time I suppose. However it has been clear since T9 that WoW needs more options for difficulty at end game. The sad thing is that it will take until the next expac or even well beyond that to see something that was obvious in 2009.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#14 Sep 13 2011 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
People [on Proudmoore] still aren't successfully pugging Firelands ...

I do keep an eye out in trade chat

Very few successful pugs are organized via trade chat. I've gone 4 bosses into Firelands in a pug without nary a mention in /trade. And I very rarely look for pugs. Our server is more about friends lists and tells than it is about trade chat. =P

I honestly don't understand the nerf but, to be fair, I haven't understood raid nerfs ever since the t6.5 one. (The tier where I swapped gear for 5dps more on trash, because we had to). No tier since then has been as wholly soul-crushing in sufficient amounts to warrant the massive nerfs they've received in my opinion, but I'm not a game developer. So.. grain of salt.

And I have to agree with Bodhi on this one. The vast difference between difficulty levels seems odd to me. I still have to say that the difficulty scaling of TBC was, in my humble opinion, the most fluid. Each tier naturally became easier via gear and experience. Kara was pugable on alts by the time we were working on BT, for example, without too many re-adjustments to the instance (aside from that first round).
#15 Sep 13 2011 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
Was that the trash in TK you were telling me about a couple weeks ago? =x

I suppose this goes back to the whole "LFD ruined the social aspect of the game" debate. I've been on Proudmoore for over a year now, and in SM for 10 months and I've only really made 2 or 3 friends outside of the guild. All three of those were via pugs, and it wasn't really due to their skill. I thought they were fun people. Although the pally healer did seem to be pretty good, in addition to having a voice so cute it makes me want to nom her face. >.>
#16 Sep 13 2011 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Looking for Raid tool raids will be easier than normal raids using a new level of difficulty (Looking For Raid).

Well hey, they might just be getting it right. /link off MMO CHAMP
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Sep 13 2011 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
50,767 posts
I've seen this thread title show up more than a dozen times on Live View, and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I have read it as "Friendship Nerf Incoming."
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#18 Sep 13 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
lolgaxe wrote:
I've seen this thread title show up more than a dozen times on Live View, and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I have read it as "Friendship Nerf Incoming."

You know you've been obsessing over My Little Pony too much when...
#19 Sep 13 2011 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
Well 90% of WoW players are stupid kids who aren't capable of understanding the tacts of a single boss, Blizzard wants their clients satisfied, so they nerf everything.

In the old times they would've never done that.

It is pathetic.
#20 Sep 13 2011 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
Heyheyhey wrote:
Well 90% of WoW players are stupid kids who aren't capable of understanding the tacts of a single boss, Blizzard wants their clients satisfied, so they nerf everything.

In the old times they would've never done that.

It is pathetic.

Source your numbers please.
#22 Sep 14 2011 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
selebrin wrote:
Heyheyhey wrote:
Well 90% of WoW players are stupid kids who aren't capable of understanding the tacts of a single boss, Blizzard wants their clients satisfied, so they nerf everything.

In the old times they would've never done that.

It is pathetic.

Source your numbers please.

There's no reason to see his numbers. His argument failed as soon as he said this, "In the old times they would've never done that." Blizzard has been nerfing content from the start, it's part of their M.O..

90% of WoW players aren't stupid kids, they just don't know what it means to raid. Why? Raiding is about team work, something a lot of players are too selfish to understand, or even act on. It also takes commitment, not just time and research but to other players. It's not about getting that uber tanking shield, it's about your team getting that uber tanking shield, and the mage's funky staff of lawldeeps, and the cleric's Aegis of Superior Divinity. Any and all slack is pulled by other players, or content is nerfed down to your level.

It's not a bad thing, players will always be at varying levels. Blizzard is just trying to cater to all of them. It's a big order to fill.

#23 Sep 14 2011 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
And in response to doofus's earlier comment about how kids didn't used to play WoW, that's entirely not true. In Vanilla I remember several times being helpful to someone in the starter zones, and having that person think I was their "friend" as a result and following me around asking me questions.
#24 Sep 14 2011 at 3:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
And in response to doofus's earlier comment about how kids didn't used to play WoW, that's entirely not true. In Vanilla I remember several times being helpful to someone in the starter zones, and having that person think I was their "friend" as a result and following me around asking me questions.

You mean you weren't really my friend :(

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Sep 14 2011 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
I forgot to mention the part where the kid said he was 10. >.<
#26 Sep 14 2011 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
I forgot to mention the part where the kid said he was 10. >.<

And you did those things anyway? Shame on you.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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