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So i decided to do some Zandalari dungeons.Follow

#1 Aug 29 2011 at 5:49 AM Rating: Excellent
27 posts
WARNING: Wall of text follows

(The text that follows is just a brief explanation of some of the stuff that happened to me this weekend, not trying to be informant or anything, so if it does not appeal to you, read no further)

I have 3 characters i try to play. Dk, priest and a mage. Because of RL stuff, i have not been reaching the weekly VP cap lately, something i was planning to do this weekend. Started out on my DK tank, instant pop ;)

First run > ZG. Even before the respective players had gotten time to buff the others, the rogue goes: "Gogogogogo".... I mean.. Common.. "Gogogogogo" is about the worst thing you can say to me when im tanking tbh. It is really annoying. Anyways, after politely telling the rogue to hold his horses, we carry on. Rogue is sitting at 7k dps. Awesome. After first boss, one of the others initiates a votekick of him, and i dont even get to vote before he is gone. Ah well. First boss only went down because of a pro healer btw, all the dps died, due to people standing in the poison etc. We get a warrior in for the rogue, and guess what? He starts out with: "Hey".. 5 seconds... "Gogogogo".. Geeeez... Second boss: Healer goes OOM because he keeps trying to top people off when he is doing his "Bloodletting" ability, if thats what its called. Really? People still dont understand how that works? If by any chance you dont understand, i will explain it: The "dot" takes away 50% of the players hp, every second or so, for about 7-8 seconds. It cant kill that person, when it wears off the person afflicted with it should have about 5k hp left. So just chill out while the dot is ticking, and heal that person up when the dot is gone. No reason to panic;)

Healer did fine the next try, after the explanation..;) The warrior had a hard time moving out of that cone aoe he does tho. Its not easy to see... /sigh Then healer leaves, and we get a paladin in. With 70k mana. That kind of mana pool scares me a little bit tbh. I mean, the healer can be as pro as he wants, but if you dont have the gear for it, sometimes skills just does not cut it. Inspected him, and he had several pieces of pvp gear, leather pants, and ungemmed gear. /yay.. Figured he deserved a chance tho.

After a few ninja pulls and people dying to the "frogger" flame casters, we arrive at third boss. The mage goes: Warrior and hunter on boss, i will handle adds.. Uhm.. I`ve always taken all the adds first, then the boss, to avoid there beeing any adds alive when he reaches phase 2. I suggest that we do it that way, but they strongly disagree. Even the mage decided that he was going to ignore adds. (This is High Priestess Kilnara btw, with the panter adds). So, needless to say, with me all alone on adds, there was quite alot of adds up when he went into phase 2, and we wiped. Tried again to convince them that this was not the way to do it, but they would not listen. Said that i should "pop a few cooldowns" and we would be okay. (.....) Which i of course did..

We try again, and same thing happens. Healer starts swearing at me for losing hp so fast. He is OOM before we reach phase 2, with 8 ish panthers still alive. Awesome. Next thing that happens, i get kicked out of the group. I swore to myself that i would never play my tank again, and after a good 30 minutes of moaning, i log on my priest..;)

Queue as a healer and get into ZA. The pally tank has 136k hp, with the "luck of the draw" buff. Awesome. I inspect him, and he was wearing atleast 3 pieces of Icc gear. The corroded skeleton key (?), the tanking mace(sword perhaps) and the 251 gloves. He says that he has tanked this place before and that its not a big deal. The dps`ers starts "Gogogo"-ing, and also demands that we do timed run. The tank says that he can handle it so lets go. All the dps is from the same guild and seems semi-good geared. Ilvl 355-360 ish. Im sitting at about 365 myself.

First boss and they all hug up together. /facepalm. After a really healing intensive fight, we finally down him, i had to use mana pot, my shadow fiend and even hymn of hope. Average dps is at about 10k. /smack I politely tell them that we are not going to make timed run with this kind of dps, and the fact that the tank needed ALOT of healing, but they sprint on towards the next boss. After a few earlier tries on timed run, ive learned that if you have about 16 minutes left after first boss is down, you are doing pretty good. We had 13 minutes..:(

Hunter pulls the 2 adds that circle around the starting area, mage runs to help, and they both die. The rest of us didnt even have time to get to them. Feign death? Nah, it was not on his hotbar anymore, because of the threat buff they made to tanks. Awesome.. (Not sure if FD works on those adds anyways, but still..)

U know those 4 adds before the bear boss? They really hurt if there isnt used any form of CC. Which of course wasnt used, even if i tried to convince them that it was needed. The tank went down like a sack of potatoes, and after running back in, the mage says that he will sheep one. Awesome. He tries to sheep,but fails. Because u have to wait until they have moved abit from the start. Tank goes down again, even if i put out 17-18k hps, thats nowhere close to keep him alive. And guess what? I get kicked from this group as well.. !)#()¤/!)/¤)!"(!=#(=¤)!¤U

I take the rest of that day off from playing, feeling abit down about it tbh. Even if i knew that there wasnt much i could have done different. (i think..;)

Next day goes alot better, good groups with both tank and healer, except from the casual failer here and there, which isnt a big deal. Funny thing tho, i always queue as healer/dps when im on my priest, but usually end up as a healer. With geared tanks, i spend most of my time smiting/holy fire, and this does wonders..;) I love it! Have to use the occasional shield, and prayer of mending, but the healing done by smite works incredibly good. Get into a ZA group with good geared people after 2 minutes queue. We down a few bosses, i smite my heart out, im abit surprised that the tank hardly needs any healing at all tho. Figures he has alot of avoidance and doesnt pay any more attention to it. Run goes smooth, but before the last boss one of the dps says directed at me: "You really should be doing more dps than what your doing, we have been carrying you this run".
Turns out that i was queued as dps, and that the shammy was actually healing... /facepalm..

They all laughed at it when i explained it to them, and it was all good tho;) Still cant believe i didnt notice.. Thats why im not so harsh on other people if they do something wrong, even the best can mess up at times..:)

Thanx for reading, and i apologise for any grammar mistakes, english isnt my first language..O.o

P.S I even got one of those "Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) from the "Call to arms satchel"..;) Since i got the whoopin` amount of 7 pets i think, im going to sell it. How much are people paying for it these days by the way? There was one up at AH for 17.5k, but that seems abit high imo.



Edited, Aug 29th 2011 7:52am by Azena

Edited, Aug 29th 2011 8:52am by Azena
#2 Aug 29 2011 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
Thank you for reminding me why I stopped playing WoW

EDIT: I think there's nothing you could have done. You can't heal stupid, and it seems the groups you had the misfortune to be placed in had it in spades.

EDIT 2: this doesn't go for the 'oops I'm a DPS?' incident. It took you (or them) that long to notice? Lol. But at least they were cool about it.

Edited, Aug 29th 2011 8:52am by Wortschmied

Edited, Aug 29th 2011 8:54am by Wortschmied
#3 Aug 29 2011 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Smite healing is awesome.

I leveled my Priest by Smiting my way through dungeons and quite often some random DPS would start to ***** about it. Probably because I was doing more damage than them.

It's a bit harder now that I've hit Cataclysm content, but I still do it on boss fights. I just tell people to move close(r) to the boss and then I keep everyone healed through it. It's a bit harder on trash fights where someone might pull aggro and die unless I focus on them.
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#4 Aug 29 2011 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
988 posts
In some aspects the Zuls are exactly what Halls of Reflection used to be in Wrath. Half the time when HoR came up as your random, tanks would immediately leave the group. If not there was a 50% chance that groups would fall apart right after the first wipe on the waves. Used to call that place Halls of Drama...

Wasn't a big deal though, because it was only ONE out of like a dozen dungeons, so it wasn't too likely that you'd end up in that place.

Now those damn 2 troll instances essentially make out an extra tier, and they've become mandatory if you want to cap your Valor Points for the week. Nobody wants to take the blame for the constant wipes in there, so they're trying to bribe tanks and occasionally healers with some crappy rewards rather than tuning those places down significantly. Reduce the risk of failure and having to take the blame, and all of a sudden people won't mind to tank or heal, reducing the queue times for everyone.

Is this so hard to see, really? While those dungeons aren't overly hard per se for a well-geared group that knows what to do, the difficulty level is just far beyond LFG standards.

This really has me worried about the new places in 4.3. Adding a third tier of heroic dungeons that's gonna be just as frustrating to the more casual players as the Zuls are right now might very well cost Blizzard another million subscribers.

I mean they know that they're losing the casual ones, which is why they're all about things like Darkmoon and Transmogrification now, hoping that those things will keep people interested. It's all worthless though, if they don't let people properly improve and advance their characters like they did in Wrath.

They used to make everyone feel epic in WotLK. Now in Cata the first thing happening when you reach 85 is hitting a massive brick wall, with everyone and everything very much screaming "YOU SUCK!" at you. Can't PvP without getting totally obliterated. Can't keep up with people in heroics. Can't get into a tier 11 raid because you're lacking both the achievement as well as the 365 gear people are expecting...

Dunno. I think if Blizz doesn't manage to change their course and remove the frustration from our daily business - heroics and dailies - it's really not looking to bright.
#5 Aug 29 2011 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
LOL that actually made me laugh..

My main is a prot pally and my newest 85 is a Blood DK. With that being said BOTH OF THEM are all fully 353+ geared out running these random ZG/ZA to get valor points maxed my one day a week I play. I've noticed a RASH of PVP geared healers appearing and complaining " I'm squishy" or " Your HP is TOO LOW" when my pally sits at about 200k with next to no fully stam gems and my DK has NO full stam gems either mastery/dodge/parry sitting at roughly 170k. Yet a healer in PVE Blues and greens with 75k manna with the buff comes in after the 2 pvp healers complaing and has a CAKE time healing me... never went below 20% even with that small manna pool.

Lesson being... if your FULLY PVP geared don't complain about people who are fully PVE geared.. skill is skill when it comes down to it and if a tank who is in FULL tanking gear the best they can get without raiding firelands raids is too "SQUISHY" for you then maybe your too incompetent to heal..
#6 Aug 29 2011 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Kanngarnix, I couldn't disagree with you more.

As the expansion goes on it will become easier and easier to gear up. When the next patch hit, there will be 378 and 359 iLevel gear on the JP vendor. Heroics are already laughable and with the extra gear available for JP, Zuls will be laughable as well (not that I'm certain they aren't right now).

Where's your proof that WoW lost subs because of the ZA/ZG patch?

4.3 is going to bring a lot of casual love and I wouldn't be surprised if subs increase as a result of it.
#7 Aug 29 2011 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
And I will note.. my DK was only 80 a week ago... so this whole " can't keep up" is a bunch of BS.. quest give u enough 333 gear and above along with random dungons to fill in the gaps in gear to do heroics.... also from the gold you SHOULD of saved up between questing you should be able to get a 353+ item or 3 from the AH..... I mean within 24 hours of hitting 85 to be nearly max geared outside raiding is EASY..... then again thats being a tank.. I can see DPS struggling a little bit but once your hit raiting is up the stats alone do it....
#8 Aug 29 2011 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Heroics are already laughable and with the extra gear available for JP, Zuls will be laughable as well (not that I'm certain they aren't right now).

To be fair, there are still enough wipe mechanics in those dungeons to make life hell for inexperienced or freshly dinged players.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Aug 29 2011 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Mazra wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Heroics are already laughable and with the extra gear available for JP, Zuls will be laughable as well (not that I'm certain they aren't right now).

To be fair, there are still enough wipe mechanics in those dungeons to make life hell for inexperienced or freshly dinged players.

I dinged 85 on my priest a few weeks ago and religiously ran normals and heroics. Finally, last weekend I got up the nerve to try a ZA or ZG, never having run either before on any character. In 4 attempts I've complete ZG once, ZA twice, and had 1 failed ZG attempt. To be fair, in the failed ZG the tank was so poorly geared we couldn't have finished even if he had known what he was doing.

While they are definitely a step up from heroics, they are not nearly as hard as Kanngarnix made them out to be. I wasn't around for the HoR era of Wrath, so I can't comment on the comparison, but the only difference between ZA/ZG and a regular heroic seems to be the amount of time it takes to complete one. I would imagine things get a little tighter if trying a bear run, but as far as just completing the instance, it doesn't really seem to be that difficult.
#10 Aug 29 2011 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I don't know if HoR was easier than ZA/ZG, but it was far more frustrating for certain tanks (cough, Druids, cough). Wave event that required solid AOE from the tank followed by a gauntlet that required a certain amount of DPS to complete. All while everything did more damage (comparable to the step up seen in ZA/ZG).

One thing I noticed in ZA/ZG is that stuff hits harder and has a tendency to CC the tank so he loses mitigation. My Druid can heal regular heroics just fine, but had to leave a ZG run because I couldn't keep up with the damage taken. Running ZA/ZG with a Death Knight in PvP gear or a Druid with barely any dodge is like trying to break down a concrete wall by running face-first into it repeatedly.

Also, Flame Casters and the ******** that throw out irremovable sigil debuffs should go die in a fire. The DPS they can put out is ridiculous. Some of the trash in ZA is harder than the bosses.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Aug 29 2011 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
1st run- Yeah, bad healer turned it into his word versus yours. You lost. Happens :(

2nd run- You pugged into a guild group. Sadly, you got a bad guild group. Personal note, since you inspected the tank (right away i think) I'd have seriously considered leaving at that point.

3rd run- Lesson learned, "Know your role" lol.

Weekends tend to have more casual heavy populated dungeon runs, so gotta expect some lower performance issues.
#12 Aug 29 2011 at 5:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Kanngarnix wrote:

I mean they know that they're losing the casual ones, which is why they're all about things like Darkmoon and Transmogrification now, hoping that those things will keep people interested. It's all worthless though, if they don't let people properly improve and advance their characters like they did in Wrath.

They used to make everyone feel epic in WotLK. Now in Cata the first thing happening when you reach 85 is hitting a massive brick wall, with everyone and everything very much screaming "YOU SUCK!" at you. Can't PvP without getting totally obliterated. Can't keep up with people in heroics. Can't get into a tier 11 raid because you're lacking both the achievement as well as the 365 gear people are expecting...

Dunno. I think if Blizz doesn't manage to change their course and remove the frustration from our daily business - heroics and dailies - it's really not looking to bright.

Um, what? People have just as much opportunity to improve and advance their characters now than they did in Wrath. The system hasn't changed. You get a new tier, you get better gear available from just running heroics. You get a new tier, you get access to more Puggable raids. Yeah, you're going to come across some people who only want people who have already done the raids before, and no competition for gear. Not everyone is like that though. I run pug raids every week for one or two of my toons, and I never even ask if people have done the fights. I don't look at their gear either, or ask for ilvl. I take them along, and if they suck and hold the group back, THEN they get kicked. Granted I usually manage to get about 3 or 4 guildies in the group, so there's less issues that way. Maybe your server is just full of jerks? That isn't Blizzard's fault and it isn't something they can control.
#13 Aug 30 2011 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Mostly agree with what others have said.

They need to make all tier gear available via heroics. (Meaning LAST Tier's gear - Not current Tier)

It's frustrating that I can not get a 4p bonus on most of my alts because you can only buy some items (Head slot) with a token from a raid that is either no longer run -OR- requires me to have the achievement in order to enter a PUG raid.

Other than that - it's not so bad.
#14 Aug 30 2011 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts

Reminds of something... oh yeah, every other raid they launched after the silly idea of adding achievements on raids and dungeons. Same deal every single time, except this time around I didn't get a chance to get the achievement when everyone else got it because...


Smiley: facepalm

Edited, Aug 30th 2011 4:49pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Aug 30 2011 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Still beats needing to get a piece of gear to prove you'd done the fight.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#16 Aug 30 2011 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
The first warrior I ever made just after Burning Crusade launched. I went full Protection of course. Hell, I even leveled as prot. When I hit 70 and started doing heroics, the game literally turned into a nightmare for me. I would try to tank Kara with my 490+ def and get told to go tank heroics first. So I go back to heroics and they say go tank raids first. Kara/Gruuls etc. I am like wtf! Not enough HP? Too bad I am gone. I die, my fault. Everything was my fault.

The point I am trying to make is that for every tank trying to make it in the world (of warcraft) there are three other idiots trying to push us down into the dirt. Just keep pushing past it man and keep upgrading your gear. Slowly but surely you will get there and then you will be running the show!
#17 Aug 30 2011 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
I stay away from the Troll dungeons. Honestly I hate instancing now. Healing isn't fun its a test of patience, I miss Wrath dungeons back when then LFG was made for a reason! The LFG was made because new 80s couldn't get dungeon groups so Blizz added the LFG so the more geared would help the lesser geared.

If you were extremely over geared you could carry the lesser geared no problem which doesnt feel that way anymore. Your character might be in epics but you dont feel that way, Im at 359 on my druid and I just cant stand how i seem to play Keep up with most tanks/groups.

Also requirements for raids have always been stupid since back in wrath, stuff like having a GS that outgears the content. Overall the game seems to have lost its 'spark' for me and I already took a break. Wrath raids while not to hard were accessible where now raids feel to involved, where its harder to get PUGs for your alts. I recently just finished BWD on my druid for the first time I was lucky that the guild running it didnt check my achieve that only had 2 bosses down.

Also Dungeons nowa days take way to long, Im fine with 20-40 mins but hour or longer thanks but its not worth my time. I honestly miss the Wrath zerg 15 min when you dont feel like the grind.

Maybe I just need to find a guild active in my time period and get off these Oceanic servers now that my schedule is back to NA time. Any takers?

Edited, Aug 30th 2011 11:47pm by BeanX
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#18 Sep 01 2011 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
On my pally when I heal ZG it's funny when Bloodletting comes up, yeah it's not gonna kill them but I treat every encounter as if "Oh god the DPS has a dot on them...gotta flex the healing muscles." and heal them through it. I actually make it through that fight without going OOM. (I've literally somehow had a fight where I didn't die until end when he decides to charge someone before death.)

But as a healer when I see a pally tank, druid tank, or warrior tank I'm like "Ok just don't take a butt load of damage." which none of them do. Then come the DK tanks...Sorry but every DK tank I ran with in ZA and ZG lately have been uber squishy. Like I know they need to use Death Strike and invest heavily into Dodge and Parry, but these tanks seemed to take every hit to the face like they had a glass jaw.

But lately I've been working on my mage and it's funny I had a Rogue claiming it takes no skill to play an Arcane Mage or Frost, he says if I was fire he'd respect me. (Honestly he is somewhat right there with 3 buttons, but honestly the gear and theory behind an arcane mage is something to consider + managing your mana because of your mastery etc.) So we go into another boss encounter in Heroic SFK. (4th boss I believe) and he links DPS showing me at 8k and him at 10k. Now it sucks to be a caster in this fight when you rely so much on your big spells to cause damage. Arcane Barrage and Explosion are ok to keep me doing damage, but still nothing compared to Arcane Blast and Arcane Missles. In any case we get to last boss, he literally doesn't step out of Pistol Barrage and eats it in the face and blames the healer for not keeping him up. (Even on my pally I can barely keep someone alive through that if at all.) But before I left I said "Oh another thing that affects DPS and Damage Done, staying alive." honestly I don't care whether or not the guy thinks he's better, I just know I did my job. I was just farming for JP so I could get my tier pieces.

I honestly think that the more people grow bored with something they want to rush through it, and they get this ego about them that they are so much better than you or others because they encounter the same things you do, fail players one after the other. Honestly Blizzard does need to step in and maybe introduce a mechanic into the game that will teach them to learn their class or role. Maybe an intuitive tutorial video before they make their character.
#19 Sep 01 2011 at 2:20 AM Rating: Default
I've noticed that on my DK tank.. I've invested EVERY gem I could without loosing a bonus into dodge and parry, I refuse to wear stam trinkets and I'm only wearing dodge, parry, and mastery trinkets and when it comes to 1 on 1 boss fights I tend to do really well in keeping myself up.. even soloing Eagle boss.. but I get these healers that scream " YOUR GEAR SUCKS" I'm in 3 T-11, 3 Item 353's and the rest are 365+... I don't know what I can do any more to my gear to IMPROVE IT when its all tanking Gear that either my main is wearing as well or has worn before his upgrades.. I even got the valor Neck and wrist on.. I'm carrying the jewlcrafted trinkets for dodge and mastery along with soul casket " Yes I know its a spell caster item but until i get earthquake or scales I really don't see the big deal. I had the tanking trinket you get via points but it just doesn't seem useful UNLESS I'm about to die. So I'll take my 300 constant mastery.. I'm sitting at 22% parry 16% dodge and 21 mastery.... yes I know thats no where near the "Tank Cap" but with the gear outside of raiding its the best that can be done.

When my main Pally tank ran though with the same gear no one complained. So is there something I'm missing about DK's?

I will note like I did before most of the complaints come from PVP geared healers, fully Firelands raid DPSers ( who aren't pulling aggro but look at my HP and cringe cause I'm only 20k higher then them) and total douche bags who can't do their job. I've had many blue/green mixed druids and priest have no problem with me in either ZG or ZA so I think it all depends on the player. Now I will note that the pull before bear boss if not CC'd or DPS'd correctly ends up with me blowing ALL my cool downs and dying... but thats a 50% chance.......

Edited, Sep 1st 2011 4:23am by darkpoetinc
#20 Sep 01 2011 at 3:16 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
darkpoetinc wrote:
I had the tanking trinket you get via points but it just doesn't seem useful UNLESS I'm about to die.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. The best usage of things like that just might be when things look darkest.

darkpoetinc wrote:
When my main Pally tank ran though with the same gear no one complained. So is there something I'm missing about DK's?
I know that timing your death strikes makes a fairly substantial difference in the mitigation you get. But assuming you knew that already and are properly compensating for relatively optimal DS rotations, everything else is mostly straightforward to understand, so I doubt you'd be missing something else.
#21 Sep 01 2011 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
ya i often when i know a fight is going to get hot and heavy ( bow chica wow wow) blow my blood tap and get that extra death rune which will give me about 3 death strikes in a row, then hit "god now I can't remember due to being up 72 hours from work" the one that cools down all runes so I get 3 more RIGHT in a row if needed. Like I said on bosses NO PROBLEM. I often look at them with my middle finger in the air laughing. Its just on certian trash pulls if the DPS isn't on the same page as me then I'm screwed. I often think about getting that glyph that uses my chains of ice as a viable TEMP CC just to buy other CC's more time since those guys LOVE to aggro as soon as u step up the stairs.

Also.. the first tiger pulls I've noticed they walk through my D&D like its not even there....... now the other ones ya they immediately get grabbed by it. The same thing has been happening to my pally's concencrate but I use holy wrath RIGHT after and it grabs them...... I've been spamming blood boil to try and simulate the same thing but its like I'm invisible on that FIRST GROUP only. Any one else having simular problems? Maybe cause I'm still in russia... thank god I'm heading back to FL in a few hours and maybe its just the crappy connection here
#22 Sep 01 2011 at 7:42 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
In Russia, the tiger pulls you?
#23 Sep 01 2011 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
If D&D is down before the lynxes spawn, they could theoretically run through it between ticks. I think D&D does an initial tick of damage when you lay it down. If that's the case, try dropping it when you see the lynxes spawn, rather than before.

The other option is just to tell your group to stay really close on that first pull.
#24 Sep 05 2011 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
God, I've had the worst luck with ZA/ZG today. I spent close to two hours in ZG because people kept wiping us on stupid crap. So much stupidity in there, I can't take it anymore.

A Warlock actually told me to not tank because I was wearing DPS gear (agility gemmed, ilvl 363). I said that the agility made up for my lack of health through avoidance, but then the Shaman chimed in and told me I sucked. Luckily the healer said I wasn't hard to heal, I came so close to just leaving the sh*t right there.

Finished the last boss with me at 16k DPS and the Shaman at 10k.

GOOD GAME! Smiley: mad

Edit: I was in my DPS gear because I had been running as Kitty until our tank left and I decided to cut the queue and get a fast group for the last boss. I was in my Bear spec, so the only difference was a lack of dodge rating and stamina, but I still had 180k health and 35-40% dodge, so I don't know.

Edit2: I need to revive the Official Rant Thread soon, I think. Dungeon runs have gotten increasingly worse lately.

Edited, Sep 5th 2011 5:14pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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