Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
The only issues with DM I have are when there's no one who knows how to run the reavers. I fully admit I'm as much to blame as anyone else, but for whatever reason I have a hard time with it. It really doesn't help when the elementals spawn on top though... SFK goes by fine for me. The other dungeon I have issues with is Stonecore. I've had nothing but bad experiences in there. It sucks.
I don't have any problem with DM. Heroic DM and SFK are 2 of my favorite instances. It's just that they definitely take longer. Actually, the "level 85" dungeons and the 2 revamped heroics are longer than anything you do while levelling. GB, HoO, and Lost City are all longer than anything you do from 80-85. And it may be just me, but heroic DM and SFK seem even longer than that, especially DM.
Edit: I've gotten lucky in that with 4 85s, I've never had Stonecore come up as my random heroic. I've done it plenty of times on normal, but on normal it's a cakewalk.
The one that seems to give me trouble is heroic BRC. I had a group wipe 8 times in there the other night. I only stayed in for 8 wipes because I was with a couple of guidlmates, but still. 8 wipes!!!
Edited, Aug 11th 2011 5:31pm by Bigdaddyjug