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Ah, youthFollow

#1 Jul 22 2011 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Since the thread on young players got necro'd, I've been wondering who our older players are. Who's 40 or older? Do you think it changes anything about your gaming experience?

Rhode: 51 (or 52 if Bun-Bun counts).
#2 Jul 22 2011 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
I have to take special pills to be able to keep gaming like I used to when I was a teenager. Ahh, I remember those days. I could play two or three games for hours and hours at a time. Heh, once I had both Final Fantasy 3 (Actually 6, but it was having a little identity problem at the time. Lucky for me I still got a shot at it) and Chrono Trigger going at the same time, and I did not sleep that night, if you know what I mean. I was just so engrossed in their stories that I kept going and going and felt like I'd never finished, and was happy about it. Now I have a difficult enough time just playing Angry Birds for a few minutes. Only problem with the pills is if I game for more than four hours it could cause severe problems.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2011 5:22pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#3 Jul 22 2011 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I'm clearly too young for this thread. Smiley: rolleyes

30, so I see myself as old enough to say 'been there, done that' and young enough to believe that still I remember doing it. Sometimes very glad leveling my mage requires little more effort than spamming frostbolt. My sleep-deprived brain wishes it had the reaction time it did 10 years ago. Thankfully after years of playing video games I can say 'ooo here comes that fire thing again' and usually toddle out of the way in time. I find the competitive posturing of the younger males humorous, remember that that was me not so long ago, and that I clearly haven't completely grown out of it yet. Smiley: lol
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#4 Jul 22 2011 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
Nothing to hide. I'm 64, retired, and never played WoW until this past (May?). Otoh, I've played many, many, many board. paper, RP, miniatures and single-computer games. I played at GenCon when GG was still DM'ing tournament games.

I suspect I'm cursed by a bit more courtesy and consideration of others than some i run into online, but in all honesty, I haven't been doing it long enough to have a true sample. I mostly solo, unless I run a random dungeon or agree to help someone else I encounter in the game with a quest or two. Moat of my gaming friends grew up (or worse) years ago.

#5 Jul 22 2011 at 9:12 PM Rating: Excellent
My first console game was the original Pong. I'm 58.
#6 Jul 22 2011 at 11:08 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
I mostly solo, unless I run a random dungeon or agree to help someone else I encounter in the game with a quest or two. Moat of my gaming friends grew up (or worse) years ago.

Same here. I started at an obnoxiously early age because of my father; some kids played battleship, we played Bismark and the other AH games. I went through the other gaming stages (TSR's miniatures rules, RPGs and CCGs) as they came out and my first computer game would have been an air combat simulation on PLATO. Most of the guys I started with are roughly your age Ollamnh.

My sleep-deprived brain wishes it had the reaction time it did 10 years ago.

You, get offa the whadyacallem, that green stuff out there! Just wait until you have another 20 years on you and make that complaint.Smiley: laugh I feel like my toons escaped from Pratchett's Silver Horde.

#7 Jul 22 2011 at 11:08 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
I started on the Original Nintendo when it was fairly new.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 Jul 23 2011 at 12:07 AM Rating: Good
29 here. I didn't have a game system of my own until college, though the parents let us rent a SNES for birthdays. Of course we'd maximize playtime and spend the three day rental playing nonstop, which was then used against us as evidence why we couldn't have a system of our own. I'm still in the same guild I started WoW in (well, after a few months with a hardcore raid group until I got fed up), a bunch of my brother's college friends, and associated acquaintances. These days we're all over the country and raid nights are often hard to organize around jobs and kids but it's nice to keep in touch with everyone.

I figure if I lived in the same state as these people we'd keep in touch with board game nights (something I do with my RL friends when at least 75% the swing shifters line up nicely). Instead we get stepped on by a giant while swapping jokes and catching up.
#9 Jul 23 2011 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
30 in less than 6 weeks. I vaguely remember playing pong on my neighbor's Atari with the wheel control that had one or two buttons on it. The first game I really remember playing was the original Final Fantasy for the NES. That, and Contra. Up Up, Down Down, Left Right Left Right, B A (Select) Start.

My grandparents spoiled me and my sister, they got me a NES for my birthday the first year they came out. I think they felt bad they couldn't see us more since we lived in Texas, and they were in West Virginia.
#10 Jul 23 2011 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Selebrin wrote:
(something I do with my RL friends when at least 75% the swing shifters line up nicely).

Boy I read that as "75% of swinging shifters...". I really need to wake up fully before hopping online. Smiley: tongue

I am a young one at 26. I vaguely remember playing an Atari when I was a kid but the first system I had was a Nintendo. Playing games like Captain Planet and thinking I sucked but in reality was a horribly difficult game. Had that system until my parents bought me a Super Nintendo, which was right in the middle of the life cycle of the Playstation 1. I slowly caught up to now I have a 360 and Wii.
#11 Jul 23 2011 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
I'm 46.

I don't feel like my age adversely affects my ability to play though I might have trouble if I were trying to play at the top 1% level. I get asked for advice on enhancement by guildies and a few people I have been in other guilds with in the past so I seem to have a reputation for knowing how to play my class/spec well. I know I am one of the fastest interupters in most of the groups I have run with and on a good night, Maloriak doesn't damage anyone with his aoe. I tend to be 1st or 2nd on dps for most boss fights (though that could say more about some of the people I run with - heh).

I'm a little stubborn when it comes to making changes to the way I play (though I do keep up with changes to my class and spec as far as stats and rotations/priorities). I tend to resist macros and stuff though that's partly due to the fact that I haven't put the effort into really learning how to make them. It's not that I learn slow (because I tend to pick up on boss fight mechanics pretty quickly) but more that I'm just a bit more resistant to change than I was 20 years ago.

One sort of good thing about my age is when a guy realizes I'm a girl (because of vent mainly) and asks how old I am, just being honest is usually enough to discourage most of them. *grins*
#12 Jul 23 2011 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
25. Man, you guys are old.
#13 Jul 23 2011 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
399 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
25. Man, you guys are old.

True - but then we get to smile and think of all that we've endured and that you still have to go through.....

Edited, Jul 23rd 2011 1:22pm by Ollamnh
#14 Jul 23 2011 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Ollamnh wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
25. Man, you guys are old.

True - but then we get to smile and think of all that we've endured and that you still have to go through.....

Edited, Jul 23rd 2011 1:22pm by Ollamnh

Smiley: bah

I miss ohmikeghod. He was in his 60s and was kind of the resident curmudgeon for a while. Hope he's doing ok.
#15 Jul 23 2011 at 5:27 PM Rating: Excellent
LockeColeMA wrote:
25. Man, you guys are old.

18. Man, you're old.
#16 Jul 23 2011 at 5:38 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
25. Man, you guys are old.

18. Man, you're old.

I'm going out to the bar tonight. Have fun drinking your kool-aide or whatever you youngsters drink these days. Smiley: lol

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#17 Jul 23 2011 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
A. Kool-Aid is delicious.

B. I can drink legally in many places. Just... not here. Smiley: bah

Drinking's no fun if you have nobody to drink with, though, and since all my friends are about my age, it doesn't really matter that much.
#18 Jul 24 2011 at 11:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,313 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Chrono Trigger

Edited, Jul 22nd 2011 5:22pm by lolgaxe

Best RPG ever. I love that game. The sound of the music in the beginning just makes me feel like a kid again. I wish Square would drop the enix and make a good game. I'm only 27 though.

Edited, Jul 25th 2011 1:35am by Transmigration
#19 Jul 25 2011 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
499 posts
Just turned 36 on Friday. The only thing age has changed is that I switch from speakers to headphones when the kids go to bed :)
#20 Jul 25 2011 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
30 here tomorrow (26 July). I feel old does that count?
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#21 Jul 25 2011 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
432 posts
Alas, I will be turning 53 in a few months and my spouse will be turning 60. She doesn't play WoW as she has enough real-world responsibilities (including a part-time job after retiring 12 years ago) to fill up her time. But I enjoy the escape from reality in WoW, although I play fewer hours now than the 20+ hours a week I was averaging just a year ago.
#22 Jul 25 2011 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
I'm 24. We've had an NES since I can remember. My parents bought a N64 when I was hmm, maybe 10 or so. I didn't start getting really into tcg/mmo/rpgs until I was in high school.
#23 Jul 25 2011 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Hmmm, let's see... (21)

The first game system I can remember using (besides the oldschool gameboy) was a Sega Genesis. My uncle gave that to us before he died.

I know we had a NES, but it must have broken before I could have any real memories of it.

Next system we got was the N64. I remember Zelda (OoT and MM), and GoldenEye. Dunno if we had anything else.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Jul 25 2011 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
I'm 27, will be 28 in a couple weeks or so. I didn't have any video game systems growing up, because my parents thought that it would distract me from homework. Although looking back on it, I'm not entirely sure they would have been able to afford one either. I'm guessing they probably ran about the same as they do now, at least a couple hundred bucks right?

In any case, I got to play video games at my babysitter's house. Mostly NES games. I remember playing Mario Bros., some McDonald's game with two kids (can't remember the name), the Disney Adventures game, Kirby, etc.

I also played games over at friends' houses, so I got a little exposure to some of the later systems and games. I didn't get into RPG's until I was 18, and a friend of mine showed me FFIX. I fell in love, and when my godmother asked me what I wanted for graduation, I told her I wanted a PS2. She grudgingly got me one, and I've since devoured as many of the FF/Square games I can get my hands on. My love for final fantasy games led me to play FFXI, which got me into MMO's and eventually led me to WoW.
#25 Jul 25 2011 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
30 in a few weeks.

I started with NES from console systems and the old BBS games like LORD and Usurper... Found FF back when I was a kid. Played the series through FFXI. Then went back to the Console for FFXII and FF13. Never did 14. They killed that franchise (SE did...)

I started with WC 1 back in the... what? Mid-90s... WC2 was a bit of a slump in the series IMO, but then WC3 came roaring back and was wildly successful.

Picked up WoW back in TBC and played through this spring. The game started with such a background of excellent lore. It was a story which I had already participated in (WC 1, 2, 3) and the game really brought to life a story that was, before, only shown in snippets of cinimatics between levels. I'm not a lore person by nature, but it helped to bring me into the world that was WoW prior to Cata. The content then kept me there. Sadly, I left because running the hampster-wheel that is WoW progression just got old. Wrath was the last bit of content I felt connected to. Who is Nef? Why are we fighting the guy from Molten Core again? Deathwing... He did what - again??? Combine that with some design changes, a general lack of focus on the classes/content, and as I said - that hampster wheel feel....

I've been playing SC2 for a few months now (also a Blizz product) and it has been fun. There seems to be just as much depth and involvement as WoW (from a casual perspective), but there is less requirement for manditory raid times and much more customization to my schedule. It does lack some of the community feel, but, IMO, WoW is losing a lot of that too. The PVP side of the game is really the challenge. You can complete the entire PVE game in roughly 8 hours (there's an achievement for it). However, learning the 3 races and the many ways to combat each other is really fun. It is definately not as dynamic as WoW PVP, but it's a lot like playing chess.... Unlike Chess there are about 40 different pieces and 1,000s of squares and ways of moving...
#26 Jul 25 2011 at 1:44 PM Rating: Excellent
799 posts
This thread seems to have devolved into a simple "how old are you" thread...

Well, I'm over 40. I turn 50 in too few months.

I played on the 1st Nintendo console. I remember playing Final Fantasy ("1" here in North America) many many times over.

As to how it changes things, or my view of the game, regarding playing WoW, well I know that I tend to get overly emotional when I get really involved in a quest line. Only today, I found the very sad grave in northern Un'goro Crater (at the old Marshall's Refuge site) and got all teary and weepy. Yup, the older I get the more overly emotional I get. Probably comes from having so many close friends pass away. Mortality just strikes a nerve with me.
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